A small task runner inspired from npm
Project description
A small task runner inspired from npm.
Interface like setuptools.
Chain tasks with _pre, _err, _post suffix.
A builtin Bump task which can bump version with semver.
pip install pyxcute
Create a cute.py file
from xcute import cute, Bump cute( test = 'setup check -r', bump_pre = 'test', bump = Bump('xcute/__init__.py'), bump_post = ['dist', 'release', 'publish', 'install'], dist = 'python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel', release = [ 'git add .', 'git commit -m "Release v{version}"', 'git tag v{version}' ], publish = [ 'twine upload dist/*{version}*', 'git push --follow-tags' ], install = 'pip install -e .', install_err = 'elevate -c -w pip install -e .', readme = 'python setup.py --long-description > %temp%/ld && rst2html %temp%/ld %temp%/ld.html && start %temp%/ld.html' )
Run it
cute <your_command> <options>...
Version 0.1.0 (Apr 20, 2016)
First release.