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Q-Cloud setup utility for cluster administrators

Project description

Q-Cloud Administrator Documentation


Q-Cloud is a framework that allows users to easily launch elastic compute clusters on AWS and submit Q-Chem calculations to them. The clusters will automatically expand with demand, up to the maximum size determined by the type of Q-Cloud license purchased, and idle nodes will shut down to minimize running costs.

Q-Cloud clusters are built around three separate AWS service stacks with the following names and purposes:

  1. qcloud-users: This stack controls user access to the cluster. It launches a Cognito service which manages users, passwords and access tokens.
  2. qcloud-api-gateway: This stack provides the REST endpoints for submitting jobs to the cluster and for accessing the results from calculations.
  3. qcloud-cluster: This is the actual compute cluster and consists of a head node (which can be just a t2.micro instance) running a SLURM workload manager. The head node is responsible for launching the compute instances which run the Q-Chem calculations. The head node runs for the lifetime of the cluster, but the compute nodes run on-demand and automatically terminate when there are no jobs in the queue.

Note: Charges apply to many AWS services. See the Costs section for further details and information on how to minimise the running costs of the cluster.


The cluster administrator will need to have a valid AWS account and be able to log into their account via the console. However, users of the cluster do not require AWS accounts as their access to the cluster is configured separately, (see the Adding users section below for further details on setting up user accounts).

The Q-Cloud infrastructure requires you to have python (v3.7 or later) installed. You can install the package, along with its dependencies, using the following:

python3 -m pip install qcloud_setup

It is possible that some of the python package dependencies are incompatible with versions already installed on your system. If this occurs you can install the Q-Cloud package into its own virtual envronment:

cd directory/to/install/virtual/environment
python3 -m venv env 
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install qcloud_setup

To exit the virtual environment after setting up your cluster simply type


Ensure pcluster is on your path by typing the following:

which pcluster

If it is not, you will need to find the pcluster script within your python environment and add its location to your path.

Additionally, Node.js is required and can be installed via:

curl -o- | bash
. ~/.nvm/
nvm install --lts

The following steps are required to set up a Q-Cloud cluster.

1) Create Q-Cloud administrator account

It is recommended that you create a separate qcloud user to manage the cluster:

  1. Open your web browser and log into the AWS console.
  2. Ensure you are in the correct region (this is displayed in the the top right of the console).
  3. In the search box type IAM and select the first hit.
  4. Select 'Users' in the left hand panel under Access Management and click the 'Add users' button.
  5. Enter the name of the Q-Cloud administrator (e.g. qcloud) and click 'Next'.
  6. An IAM policy to manage permissions will be created later, so in the 'Set Permissions' panel, just click 'Next'.
  7. Click 'Create user'.

2) Generate access key

The newly created qcloud account user will require an access key for authentication:

  1. In the IAM panel click on the qcloud user name in the list of users.
  2. Select the 'Security credentials' tab and scroll down to the 'Access keys' section and click the 'Create access key' button.
  3. Select the 'Local code' option in the 'Access key best practices & alternatives' panel and click 'Next'.
  4. Enter a description for the key and click 'Create access key'.
  5. Make a note of both the access key and the secret access key. You will not have another opportunity to see the secret key, so if you misplace it you will need to deactivate the key and generate a new one.

To install the access key, run the following command and enter both the access key and the secret key:

qcloud_setup  --configure-aws

The AWS region you enter will determine where the cluster resources are located. Note that some compute instances may not be available in some regions.

The access keys are stored on the local machine (in ~/.qcloud_admin.cfg), which shoud have user read access only. If you wish to administer the cluster from another machine you will need to repeat the --configure-aws step on that machine and re-enter the keys.

3) Create IAM policy

We will now add IAM permissions to the qcloud user via a custom policy. The policy is most easily created via a CloudFormation template that can be generated with:

qcloud_setup --gen-policy

This will create the file iam-policy.yaml in the working directory.

  1. In the AWS console, search for CloudFormation and click the first hit. Select 'Stacks' in the left hand panel.
  2. Click the 'Create stack' and select 'With new resources' from the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose the 'Upload a template file' option and the click the 'Choose file' button.
  4. Navigate to your working directory and select the just created iam-policy.yaml file. Click 'Next'
  5. Enter a stack name (e.g. Q-CloudIamPolicy) and click 'Next'.
  6. For the 'Configure stack options' page, click 'Next'.
  7. For the 'Review Q-CloudIamPolicy' tick the acknowledge box and click 'Submit'.

The policy should be ready within a minute at which point you will see CREATE_COMPLETE under the stack names. We must now attach the newly created policy to the qcloud user.

  1. Return to the IAM console and navigate to Users → qcloud.
  2. In the 'Permissions policies' section, click the 'Add permissions' button.
  3. Select the 'Attach policies directly' option at the top and search for Q-CloudIamPolicy. Select the Q-CloudIamPolicy just created and click 'Next'.
  4. Click 'Add permissions' on the Review page.

4) Configure cluster

Cluster configuration files are generated with the command:

qcloud_setup --configure

This takes the user through an interactive setup process which produces a configuration file with the name qcloud-cluster.config which can be viewed before launching the cluster. Do not modify the contents of the configuration file as it may cause subsequent steps in the setup to fail.

By default the name of the cluster is 'qcloud', but this can be changed using the --name <cluster_name> option. This allows for multiple clusters to run at the same time, if required. Note that if a non-default name is specified then this name must be passed using the --name option to subsequent commands (e.g. --launch) in order that they operate on the correct cluster.

The options specified in the configuration process are discussed in detail below.

4.1) AWS Credentials

These should have been configured previously and, if so, are automatically detected. Make sure you are using a profile with the Q-CloudIamPolicy attached, such as the qcloud user created above. If you have more than one profile, you can select between them using the --profile <profile_name> option. The selected profile will determine the region in which the cluster is launched.

A new SSH key pair will be created and the private key will be saved in the qcloud_<region>_keypair.pem file. You can copy this key file to the location of your other key files (e.g. the ~/.ssh directory), if desired. Do not lose this private key as you will be unable to connect to the head node without it.

4.2) VPC setup

The Q-Cloud cluster runs inside a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and it is recommended that a new VPC be created for running the Q-Cloud cluster. However, because there is a limit on the number of VPCs per AWS account, this may not be possible for some users. Please select whichever of the following options is best for your case:

  • Default: This option will use your default VPC and both the head node and compute clusters will be in a public subnet (not recommended).
  • Use existing: If available. The setup script will look for a previously configured Q-Cloud VPC. This will have both public (for the head node) and private (compute nodes) subnets configured.
  • Create new: This will create a new VPC with public and private subnets.
    The availability zone of the subnets does not matter.

4.3) Compute instance types

The costs shown are indicative only and are for running each instance. They do not include storage or network costs.

4.4) Maximum compute nodes

This determines the maximum number of compute instances that can run concurrently. If more jobs are submitted than this value, they will be queued until the resources become available.

This value should be set to the same number as the number of seats purchased as part of your license.

4.5) Job files

This is the space allocated for the jobs volume which is attached to the head node and shared between compute instances. This volume is used for output files only and can be quite small. Output files are automatically deleted after they have been copied to the S3 bucket.

4.6) Scratch files

This determines the scratch volume size per instance. As an indicative cost, 100Gb costs around $10/month.

5) Launching the cluster

Once a configuration file has been generated, the service stacks can be launched with the following:

qcloud_setup  --launch 

The configuration file is automatically updated with values for the place holders as the various resources are created.


  1. Some steps in the launch process can take several minutes to complete, in particular building the cluster stack. Migrating the Q-Cloud software to your region can take a variable amount of time depending on network load.
  2. If you terminate the the qcloud_setup script during the creation process the stack will continue to be created. Use the --delete option to actually delete or stop the stack creation.
  3. Interrupting the launch process may leave a temporary snapshot lying around. To delete this, log into the AWS console and navigate to EC2 → Snapshots. Any Q-Cloud snapshots can be safely deleted as long as you are not currently launching a cluster.

Once launched, you will need to send the following information to to obtain your license activation key:

  • Order number
  • Name
  • University / Institution
  • Elastic IP address (provided as output from the launch command)

Once you have your activation key, you can install it as follows:

qcloud_setup  --activation-key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

This command requires access to the SSH key generated during the configuration step, which should be either in the current directory or in your home directory under ~/.ssh.

Adding users

Before submitting jobs, a user will need to be added to the Cognito user pool:

qcloud_setup --adduser <user_name> --email <email_address>

Alternatively, you can add multiple users from a file:

qcloud_setup --addusers <file_name>

where the file_name consists of a list of user names and email addresses with the format:


A message will be sent to the user's email address with their user name and a temporary password, which will need to be changed when first attempting to submit a job.

Note that the number of users able to be added each day is limited to 50 due to email limits in the Cognito service. If you need to add more than this you will need to configure Cognito with the Simple Email Service' (SES) and add a validated administrator email.

The cluster administrator will need to provide the server details to each user which can be obtained by running the command:

qcloud_setup --userinfo
AwsRegion                        us-east-1
CognitoUserPoolId                us-east-1_KbkdtpKpW
CognitoAppClientId               2mgcn0o8fkakboq7jnqs6bd6ee
ApiGatewayId                     fkkxolpuo4

Cluster users will need to install and configure the command line interface (CLI):

python3 -m pip install qcloud_user

this will install the qcloud command into their python environment and this can be configured by running the following command and entering the appropriate values:

qcloud --configure

The first time a user interacts with the cluster they will need to enter the temporary password emailed to them before resetting their password.

See the file distributed with the qcloud_user module for further details on interacting with the server.

Suspending a Cluster

It is possible to shut down the cluster head node and restart it at a later time in order to minimise the running costs. If you plan to restart the cluster, make sure to keep copies of the configuration file, ssh key (.pem file) and activation key.

Use the --suspend option to delete only the cluster stack. You will be prompted if you want to delete the stack, type 'y' to confirm.

qcloud_setup --suspend
Delete stack qcloud-cluster? [y/N] y

This terminates the head node, but leaves the API gateway and Cognito stacks running, using minimal resources. Once the cluster has been deleted, the results of previous jobs can still be accessed via the API gateway as these are archived in an S3 bucket. You will, of course, be unable to submit further jobs until the cluster has been restarted.

To re-launch the cluster, issue the following command in the same directory as the configuration and license files:

qcloud_setup  --launch 
qcloud_setup  --activation-key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

Note: In order to restart a cluster, you must have configured the cluster to use an elastic IP (EIP) address allocated to your AWS account. This EIP must be available for reuse when re-launching the cluster, otherwise the Q-Chem license will no longer be valid.

If you need to update the EIP of your host, please contact our support team at for assistance.

Teminating a cluster

Before terminating a cluster, ensure there are no jobs running in the queue and that you have downloaded the results of any calculations you wish to keep. The following command will delete the cluster:

qcloud_setup --delete

You will be asked whether you want to delete each of the 3 stacks, and you should type 'y' for each.

To clean up all the resources allocated to the cluster, be sure to release the elastic IP address and clean out any files created in the S3 bucket.

Other options

Additional options for the setup script can be printed via:

qcloud_setup  --help
qcloud_setup  --info
qcloud_setup  --list

You can also open an ssh connection to the head node using the following:

qcloud_setup  --shell


The costs associated with running the cluster hardware will be dominated by the compute nodes used to run calculations. These costs depend on the type of node and the region configured during setup and can be estimated using the AWS Cost Estimator.

In addition to the compute-node costs, there are overhead costs associated with running the head-node used for job submissions which will be incured even if there are no running jobs. A low-cost T2 instance is used for this purpose and will attract a monthly cost of around $10, depending on the ammount of job storage selected at setup time.

The costs associated with the head-node can be minimized by suspending the cluster when not in use. If this is done, there will still be a residual charge for maintining the elastic IP which is required for licensing. This cost is approximately $3.65 per month.

Note: These costs are managed by AWS and will be charged to the account used to launch the Q-Cloud cluster, they are separate from the Q-Cloud subscription fee which is charged by Q-Chem Inc.


  • When launching the cluster, if you receive permission problems associated with lambda functions, check to ensure that the IAM policy (QCloudIamPolicy) has been created in the same region as the cluster.

  • When submitting jobs, a job ID should be returned. This is a random sequence of 12 alphanumeric characters associated with your job. If you do not see a job ID, it is possible the submit function has not been updated with the instance ID of the head node. Re-run the launch command to trigger this update:

qcloud_setup --launch
  • If you encounter any problems not covered here, please contact our support team at for assistance.

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Source Distribution

qcloud_setup-1.0.8.tar.gz (31.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

qcloud_setup-1.0.8-py3-none-any.whl (47.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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