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Run on your computer your own Telegram LLM chatbot using Ollama backed by models with Langchain or Llama-Index

Project description



Package name:



Run on your computer your own Telegram LLM chatbot using Ollama backed by models with Langchain or Llama-Index

Main page:

PyPI package:

Docker Image:

Build Status:

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Quackamollie-Core Build Status:

Quackamollie-core Master pipeline status Quackamollie-core Master coverage status


Quackamollie-core Dev pipeline status Quackamollie-core Dev coverage status

Project description

Quackamollie is a Telegram chat bot in Python using the library aiogram to serve LLM models running locally using Ollama.

This package is the main repository of the Quackamollie project. It is a bundle of the quackamollie-core package with extra-dependencies to install application addons. It also contains a docker-compose.yml file to easily deploy the application using docker.

About Quackamollie

This project aims to provide a Telegram chat bot for personal use and running on local desktop. The goal of this project is to leverage LLM capabilities to help you in your daily life while ensuring you have full control over your personal data (modulo the Telegram part which we have no control over). That is why this project aims to run locally.

What this project is:

  • a Telegram chat bot that you have to run on your own, possibly using docker

  • a project aiming for personal use and/or use with friends or family

  • a project developed by currently one author and offered as an open source project by a non-profit association named the Forge of Absurd Ducks

  • a project for informed users with basic knowledge about Python and Docker

What this project is NOT:

  • it is NOT a platform with servers aiming to provide service to a large number of users

  • it is NOT a commercial project

Project Structure

The Quackamollie project is composed of several Python packages released and versioned independently. This helps modularity and installing only the parts you need of the whole project. Also, it should enable users to easily implement new models by inheriting dedicated metaclass automatically discovered at runtime. The supported models are currently models directly served by the Ollama API (doesn’t require metaclass) or models implemented using Langchain or Llama-Index.

If needed, the project also enables more advanced users to implement their own model managers supporting other technologies than Langchain or Llama-Index.

The current list of all Quackamollie’s projects is:


We have a lot of features in mind for Quackamollie.

We are currently finalizing the release of the first stable versions (0.1) of all projects listed above.

Then, we will work on new functionalities such as (not ordered):

  • new models (including RAG, multimodal support of pictures, etc.)

  • new tools for the models (including calendars, todolist, item lists for groceries, etc.)

  • new boilerplates to simplify creation of models, model tools, model managers and CLI commands

  • improving the /settings or other in-chat functionalities

  • testing the support of Python 3.12

  • support of images and documents

  • in-chat admin ability to hide models

  • in-chat admin ability to define custom models with custom parameters through model_config

  • in-chat user ability to override chat type to private for chats where the user is alone with the bot

  • in-chat user ability to manage resource namespaces which manages uploaded files visibility across chats

  • in-chat admin ability to manage globally available model-tools

The documentation also needs a lot of improvements, sorry for the inconvenience.

We may also release additional tutorials on other platforms.


If you want to automatically deploy your own version of Quackamollie using your own gitlab-runner on your own computer, we kindly invite you to look at the quackamollie_ops repository and possibly fork it.

Otherwise, you are in the right place to start running your own chat bot. This section covers all you need to do to deploy your own Quackamollie chat bot.

The following tutorial has been tested on an Ubuntu 22.04 architecture using Python 3.10 but, since the deployment is based on docker images, it should be easy to adapt commands to other distributions or OS.


First, you should ensure you went through all requirements:

  • Install Docker (instructions depend on your platform)

  • Install Ollama

  • Pull an Ollama model, for example llama3

ollama pull llama3

# Alternatively, you can use a better model but also bigger (~8Go)
ollama pull llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0
  • Create a new Telegram bot using the BotFather and get your bot API token

  • Clone the repository or acquire the docker-compose.yml file one of the following way:

    • Clone the git repository (recommended way):

    git clone
    cd quackamollie/
    • Or download the docker-compose.yml file from the repository:

    • Or copy (and adapt if needed) this code:

        image: postgres:14
        container_name: quackamollie_postgres
        network_mode: host
        restart: unless-stopped
          - ./data/quackamollie/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        # pull_policy: always
        container_name: quackamollie_db_migration
        command: "-vvvv -c /config/config.yml db alembic upgrade head"
        network_mode: host
        restart: no
          - quackamollie_postgres
          - ${QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE}:/config/config.yml
        # pull_policy: always
        container_name: quackamollie
        command: "-vvvv -c /config/config.yml serve"
        network_mode: host
        restart: unless-stopped
          - quackamollie_postgres
          - quackamollie_db_migration
          - ${QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE}:/config/config.yml
    • Or if you want to run Ollama in Docker instead of installing it locally, you should check out the quackamollie_ops repository


Configuration file

  • Create a configuration file one of the following way:

    • If you cloned the git repository (recommended way), configuration file examples are located at config/examples. Copy and adapt one of the example:

    cp config/examples/config.yml config/config.yml
    # If needed, another configuration file example is given to set more advanced logging
    cp config/examples/config_with_logging.yml config/config.yml
    • Or download the config.yml file from the repository:

    • Or copy and adapt this code:

        bot_token: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN__REQUIRED
        # default_model_manager: MODEL_MANAGER_TO_USER_BY_DEFAULT__CAN_BE_EMPTY_OR_FOR_EXAMPLE_ollama
        # default_model: MODEL_MANAGER_TO_USER_BY_DEFAULT__CAN_BE_EMPTY_OR_FOR_EXAMPLE_llama3:latest
        db_protocol: YOUR_DATABASE_HOST__postgresql+asyncpg_BY_DEFAULT
        db_host: YOUR_DATABASE_HOST__0.0.0.0_BY_DEFAULT
        db_name: YOUR_DATABASE_NAME__quackamollie_BY_DEFAULT
        db_username: YOUR_DATABASE_USER
        db_password: YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD
        db_port: YOUR_DATABASE_PORT
        db_protocol: YOUR_DATABASE_HOST__postgresql+asyncpg_BY_DEFAULT
        db_host: YOUR_DATABASE_HOST__0.0.0.0_BY_DEFAULT
        db_name: YOUR_DATABASE_NAME__quackamollie_BY_DEFAULT
        db_username: YOUR_DATABASE_USER
        db_password: YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD
        db_port: YOUR_DATABASE_PORT
  • Don’t forget to change your configuration file with your own values, including the bot API token that you can get from the Telegram BotFather. You may obtain a configuration file like this one:

  bot_token: **********:***********************************
  admin_ids: 0123456789,9876543210
  moderator_ids: 9999999999
  user_ids: 0000000000,1111111111,2222222222,3333333333,4444444444
  default_model_manager: ollama
  default_model: llama3:latest
  db_port: 5432
  db_username: quackamollie
  db_password: **************************************************
  db_name: quackamollie
  db_port: 5432
  db_username: quackamollie
  db_password: **************************************************
  db_name: quackamollie
  • N.B: If you don’t know your own user ID or others IDs, no worries. For now, just comment the concerned lines with ‘#’. This quickstart contains a dedicated section to help you retrieve your own ID once your bot is running.

(Optional) Environment variables file

  • To ease deployment, you can create a .env, .envrc or envrc file with the following content:

export QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE="config/config.yml"
  • Don’t forget to change your environment file with your own values which should match what is declared in you configuration file. For example, let’s suppose the previous configuration given in example is saved in the config/config.yml file, then your .env file should look like this:

export QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE="config/config.yml"
export QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_USERNAME="quackamollie"
export QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_PASSWORD="**************************************************"
export QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_NAME="quackamollie"
  • Then load your created environment file

source .env  # or .envrc or envrc

Running the bot

  • Run the downloaded docker-compose. The first time you should run:

docker compose up

# if you need to run using sudo, don't forget to add the '-E' option to pass environment variables
sudo -E docker compose up
  • After finalizing the tests and if everything works correctly, you may want to use ‘-d/–detach’ option to run quackamollie in background

docker compose up -d

# if you need to run using sudo, don't forget to add the '-E' option to pass environment variables
sudo -E docker compose up -d

Test your bot

  • Start a chat with your bot on Telegram and send /start to register.

  • If you receive an error message like the following, jump to the next sub-section and then retry the /start command

Error message in Telegram chat showing the text "Access denied. This is a private bot for private use. Try contacting the administrator if you know them, else please do NOT write to me again."
  • If you receive an answer like this one, this means your bot is running and you registered successfully

Answer expected when using the `/start` command for the first time
  • Additionally, you can check the user was created in the database by using pgcli

pip install pgcli
source .env  # if you followed this tutorial
SELECT * FROM users;
  • If you didn’t set a default model and model manager and you sent a message to the bot, you should expect an answer like this one:

Error message in Telegram chat showing the text "No valid model manager is set for this chat. Please use /settings to set a model."
  • Navigate to Chat Settings (use /settings if needed)

Answer expected when navigating to the `Chat Settings` section
  • Choose a model in the Chat Settings/Model Management section. The image below shows the expected output when quackamollie is installed with the extra-dependencies common and the model llama3:latest have been pulled.

Answer expected when navigating to the `Chat Settings/Model Management` section, for `quackamollie[common]` install
  • After choosing a model, you should expect an output like this one. Here, we chose the model 🦙☝️ llama-index | 🦙☝️ simple-llama-index for demonstration.

Answer expected when choosing the model `llama-index | simple-llama-index` in the `Chat Settings/Model Management` section
  • If you hit the Go Back button, you should see your choice listed

Answer expected when navigating to the `Chat Settings/Model Management` section after choosing the `llama-index | simple-llama-index` model
  • Send the bot a message and you should obtain an answer like this one (this run was on a personal laptop without GPU, so it is to be expected that executions take more than 10 seconds)

Answer expected when saying "Hello!" to the `llama-index | simple-llama-index` model

Add a user ID

  • If you didn’t know your Telegram user ID and the /start command gave you an answer like this one:

Error message in Telegram chat showing the text "Access denied. This is a private bot for private use. Try contacting the administrator if you know them, else please do NOT write to me again."
  • then your ID should be listed in the data directory typically under data/quackamollie/user_filter/unauthorized_activity.json

  • Alternatively, it should appear in the logs

  • Once you retrieved your ID, change your configuration and restart your bot

  • Try testing the bot again

If you’ve been banned

  • If you encounter this error, it means you’ve been added to list of banned users by quackamollie for your bot instance.

Error message in Telegram chat showing the text "Access denied for too many requests. You are now officially banned from this bot and all your next messages will be totally ignored."
  • There is only one way to unban a user, it is by manually editing the file data/quackamollie/user_filter/banned_users.json and removing the concerned user ID from it. Then you should change your configuration and restart your application for changes to take effects.

  • Users are banned after less than 10 messages sent. It is a strict rule to improve security. We chose such a rule because this bot aims for private use, eventually with friends or family. Therefore, adding new users shouldn’t be something you do much often and this helps a bit reducing attacks possibilities.

  • Message of ban users are ignored by a dedicated outer middleware filtering input messages.

Adding models

By default, the image used by the docker-compose.yml file is but you can override it to use the image of your choice or build your own image to add your own models or to remove some model managers.

You can achieve this many ways. We recommend you to consider the option of forking the quackamollie_ops repository for your own install. It implies more setup the first time but it allows you for auto-deployment of new versions.

We present here one of many alternatives that doesn’t require a Gitlab repository. It consists in creating your own Dockerfile for your image and set it for use in your docker-compose.yml. The goal in this example is to create an image which installs quackamollie[llama-index-common] only and deploy it using docker compose.

  • A very simple Dockerfile to achieve this could be:

FROM python:3.10-alpine

RUN pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
RUN pip install quackamollie[llama-index-common]

ENTRYPOINT ["quackamollie"]
CMD ["-vv", "serve"]
  • A more advanced Dockerfile to achieve this could be:

FROM ${PROXY_REGISTRY}python:3.10-alpine as base

### Builder ###
FROM base as builder

RUN mkdir /install
WORKDIR /install

RUN pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
RUN pip install --no-warn-script-location --prefix=/install quackamollie[llama-index-common]

### Release ###

COPY --chown=root:root --from=builder /install /usr/local

ENTRYPOINT ["quackamollie"]
CMD ["-vv", "serve"]
  • This more advanced image allows for:

  • Edit your docker-compose.yml to reference the docker file, in this example we suppose your custom Dockerfile is located under ./custom_config/Dockerfile

      context: ./custom_config
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    container_name: quackamollie
    command: "-vvvv -c /config/config.yml serve"
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
      - quackamollie_postgres
      - quackamollie_db_migration
      - ${QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE}:/config/config.yml
  • Redeploy

docker compose up
# or
docker compose up -d

# if you use sudo, don't forget the -E option
sudo -E docker compose up -d

Management in the application

For now, in-app management is very limited, sorry for the inconvenience.

What we’re currently aiming for is (ordered list):

  • admin ability to hide models

  • admin ability to define custom models with custom parameters through model_config

  • user ability to override chat type to private for chats where the user is alone with the bot

  • user ability to manage resource namespaces which manages uploaded files visibility across chats

  • admin ability to manage globally available model-tools

Local development

The sections above are at destination of developers or maintainers of this Python package.

Project Requirements

Virtual environment

  • Setup a virtual environment in python 3.10

make venv
# or
python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the environment

source venv/bin/activate
  • If you want to deactivate the environment



Tests requirements

  • Install test requirements

make devtools
# or
pip install tox

Run pytest

  • Run the tests


Run lint

  • Run the lintage

tox -e lint



  • Install the application from sources

make install
# or
pip install .
  • Or install it from distribution

pip install dist/quackamollie-0.1b0.tar.gz
  • Or install it from wheel

pip install dist/quackamollie-0.1b0.whl
  • Or install it from PyPi repository

pip install quackamollie  # latest
# or
pip install "quackamollie==0.1b0"


  • To build the application docker

docker build --network=host -t quackamollie:0.1b0 .
  • The official Docker image of this project is available at:

  • You can pull the image of the current release:

docker pull  # or dev
# or
docker pull


  • To run database using docker-compose, you must first set environment variables:

    • QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE: typically config/config.yml

    • QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_HOST: typically

    • QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_PORT: typically 5432

    • QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_NAME: typically quackamollie

    • QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_USERNAME: typically quackamollie

    • QUACKAMOLLIE_DB_PASSWORD: choose a strong admin password

  • Then you can run:

docker compose up
# or to detach
docker compose up -d

# if you need to run it with sudo don't forget to add the -E option to pass the environment variables you've set
sudo -E docker compose up

Database migration

  • Quackamollie provides a wrapper for the alembic command which initializes the database info the same way they are initialized at runtime. You can call alembic by using instead quackamollie db alembic. For example:

quackamollie db alembic --help
  • However, for this to work you need to have in your current directory the file alembic.ini and the directory migrations/ from the quackamollie-core repository

  • Instead of downloading the files locally, we recommend you to run the dedicated docker image or to use docker compose

    • You can migrate using the docker image from our official docker registry.

    docker run --rm --name quackamollie-migration \
    --network host \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config/config.yml,target=/config/config.yml,readonly \ \
    -vvvv -c /config/config.yml db alembic upgrade head
    # if you need to run it with sudo don't forget to add the -E option to pass the environment variables you've set
    sudo -E docker run --rm --name quackamollie-migration \
    --network host \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config/config.yml,target=/config/config.yml,readonly \ \
    -vvvv -c /config/config.yml db alembic upgrade head
    • Or you can achieve the same in a docker-compose.yml file as demonstrated in this repository

        container_name: quackamollie_db_migration
        command: "-vvvv -c /config/config.yml db alembic upgrade head"
        network_mode: host
        restart: no
          - quackamollie_postgres
          - ${QUACKAMOLLIE_CONFIG_FILE}:/config/config.yml

Running the project

Quackamollie provides a command tool line named quackamollie. You can find examples of configuration files in the folder config/examples.

quackamollie -vvvv -c config/config.yml serve

Pictures and demonstration videos will be included in the documentation in future releases.



Currently, contributions are frozen because the project is still in very early stages and I have yet to push the whole architecture.

For more details on the general contributing mindset of this project, please refer to


Section in writing, sorry for the inconvenience.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

quackamollie-0.1b0.tar.gz (37.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

quackamollie-0.1b0-py3-none-any.whl (11.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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