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Sync dbt sources and models from cloud warehouses to duckdb

Project description


Quacker is a streamlined command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to replicate dbt sources as tables from a Cloud Data Warehouse into a local DuckDB database. This allows for faster and more cost-effective local development with dbt.

Quacker currently support syncing from either

  • Snowflake
  • BigQuery


  • Replicates dbt sources to local DuckDB files.
  • Simplifies local dbt development and testing.
  • Supports flexible project and manifest directory paths.
  • Supports flexible dbt targets.
  • Supports multiple databases from the same warehouse.
  • (Optional) syncs table copies of selected dbt models to a DuckDB file as well.

Quick terminology

  • warehouse - A Cloud Data Warehouse e.g. Snowflake, BigQuery
  • database - The highest level of data organisation in a warehouse. In BigQuery a database is called a project.
  • schema - A logical grouping of tables within a database. In BigQuery a schema is called a dataset.

Getting Started


Before using Quacker, you need to have the following set up:

  • Python installed
  • [Recommended] A venv virtual environment
  • A valid dbt project with a warehouse target profile
  • A valid target for your warehouse in your dbt profiles.yml file
  • The following adapters installed:
    • dbt-duckdb
    • dbt-<warehouse> e.g. dbt-bigquery
  • (Optional) environment variables loaded if you are using them in your dbt project.

DuckDB Profile

An example duckdb target profile in a profiles.yml is seen below.

In this example, my dbt sources exist in two snowflake databases

  • fivetran_database
  • snowflake

Arbitrarily I have chosenfivetran_database as the name of the database all dbt output will materialize in, but any of the warehouse database names could have been used here. All others need to be attached to the main database (here: the database of the name snowflake).

      type: duckdb
      path: data_duckdb/fivetran_database.duckdb
        - path: data_duckdb/snowflake.duckdb
      schema: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA') }}"

Note: The path in the duckdb target profile needs to match the duckdb_folder_name in the quacker_config.yml file if you are overwriting the default value. See Optional Configuration for more details.

Environment Variables

If your dbt project uses environment variables, you will need to load them before running quack sync. This is because

  • quack sync reads your profile to find the connection details of your warehouse.
  • some dbt setups use environment variables to store these connection details.

Here is an example of a target which uses environment variables to store the connection details to the warehouse database.

      account: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT') }}"
      database: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE') }}"
      password: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD') }}"
      role: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_ROLE') }}"
      schema: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA') }}"
      threads: 24
      type: snowflake
      user: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME') }}"
      warehouse: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE') }}"

[Optional] Conditionally persist docs based on context

If you have the below in your dbt_project.yml, you will receive the following error when running against duckdb ERROR: alter_column_comment macro not implemented for adapter duckdb:

      relation: true
      columns: true

Therefore, you need to have it set to only persist when running against your non-duckdb target. E.g.:

    relation: "{{ == 'dev_snowflake' }}"
    columns: "{{ == 'dev_snowflake' }}"

[Optional] Make your dbt models agnostic

Some sql syntax is not compatible with duckdb. For example, offset() is not supported in duckdb. Therefore, if you have a model that uses offset(), you will need to make it agnostic to the target type. This can be done using jinja and if statements. For example, the below code will work for both duckdb and bigquery targets:

{% if target.type == 'bigquery' -%}
    split(hubspot_contact_email_address, '@')[
    ] as hubspot_contact_email_domain_extracted,
{%- elif target.type == 'duckdb' -%}
    split_part(hubspot_contact_email_address, '@', 2) as hubspot_contact_email_domain_extracted
{%- endif %}

Note If you cannot make your model agnostic to the target type, you can add it to the models_to_ignore list in the quacker_config.yml file. See Optional Configuration for more details.

Installation for use

pip3 install quacker

[Optional] Configuration; quacker_config.yml

Quacker can be configured using a quacker_config.yml file. This file should be placed in the same location as your dbt_project.yml file. However, you don't need to create this file if you are happy with the default configuration. Below are the things you can configure in the quacker_config.yml file.


The maximum number of rows to query from the warehouse database for each table to be created during quack sync. It is recommended to set this to a small number, but not at the expense of missing important data. The default value is 1,000.

Example quacker_config.yml:

row_limit: 100


The name of the folder where the duckdb files will be stored. The default value is data_duckdb.

If you change this value, you will also need to update the path in your duckdb target profile in your profiles.yml file. See DuckDB Profile for more details.

Example quacker_config.yml:

duckdb_folder_name: my_duckdb_folder


A list of dbt models to "ignore". This is useful for models that are not compatible with DuckDB. For example, models that use UNNEST (BigQuery) or Python dbt models.

While we are "ignoring" these dbt models during we still need to be able to run dbt against DuckDB after the sync. To do this, the ignored dbt models are replicated as tables in the main DuckDB file during the sync.

Example quacker_config.yml:

  - stg_shopify__customers # dbt model 1
  - int_core__customers # dbt model 2 

Note: When subsequently running dbt against DuckDB, you will need to pass the --exclude argument during your dbt runs to avoid materialising these models in your duckdb database (you need to "ignore" them). For example, to "ignore" the two models during dbt operations: dbt run --exclude stg_shopify__customers int_core__customers.

If you are configuring models_to_ignore, you will also need this setting in quacker_config.yml so Quacker knows where to sync ignored models to. There are plans to remove this requirement in the future.

main_duckdb_database_name: fivetran_database

Note: If you are using models_to_ignore, make sure that your duckdb target has the same schema name as the warehouse target. Otherwise your subsequent dbt runs might fail because some of the tables that your models reference with ref() are in a differently named schema than expected.


To start using Quacker, run the quack sync command with the appropriate optional flags:

quack sync \
--project-dir <relative-path-to-your-dbt-project-directory> \
--profiles-dir <full-path-to-your-profiles-directory> \
--manifest-dir <relative-path-to-your-manifest-directory> \
--compile-target <dbt-target-profile-name>

Optional Argument Flags

  • --project-dir: Relative path to the directory containing your dbt_project.yml file. If not specified evaluates to the current working directory.
  • --profiles-dir: Full path to the directory containing your profiles.yml file. If not specified, path is resolved using dbt's method.
  • --manifest-dir: Relative path to the directory containing your manifest.json file. If not specified, assumed to be in target/ relative to the project-dir.
  • --compile-target: The dbt target name to sync the data from. It's also the target Quacker uses when running dbt compile before extracting identifiers. If not specified, Quacker uses the default profile.

Example Usage

quack sync \
--project-dir . \
--profiles-dir /Users/username/path/to/profiles \
--manifest-dir ../poc_duckdb_for_local_dev/target \
--compile-target dev_snowflake

dbt run after quack sync

In order to run dbt locally against your DuckDB database, ensure you switch to using your DuckDB target which should be configured like this. Otherwise your dbt run will send queries to your warehouse instead of your DuckDB database.


To see the full list of available commands and arguments, run quack <subcommand> --help e.g.

quack sync --help

How It Works

any quack command performs the following steps:

  1. Reads and parses the quacker_config.yml file if it exists.

quack sync performs the following extra steps:

  1. Checks for the existence of a folder named data_duckdb/ or the value of duckdb_folder_name in quacker_config.yml. If it does not exist, it creates it. This is where the duckdb files will be stored.
  2. Compiles the dbt project.
  3. Parses the manifest.json file to find identifiers of all dbt sources and, optionally, dbt models specified quacker_config.yml.
  4. Queries the warehouse database for all sources and models_to_ignore with a cap of 1,000 rows or the value specified in row_limit in quacker_config.yml. If any of the sources or models_to_ignore have more than this number of rows, Quacker will randomly sample the data it syncs.
  5. Saves the queried data into DuckDB files. For sources, one duckdb file is generated with the same name as the database in the warehouse instance. Formodels_to_ignore, the main DuckDB file (matching one of the source databases) is updated with the model's data. See how the main file is specified in section DuckDB profile.
  6. After quack sync, the duckdb files will be stored in this general folder structure, with one database file per warehouse database:
    ├── fivetran_database.duckdb
    ├── snowflake.duckdb
    └── ...


Concurrent access to DuckDB files

You should not attempt to query the DuckDB database files while Quacker is running a sync operation. Two processes cannot connect to the same duckdb file at the same time.

The error raised will be something like

duckdb.duckdb.IOException: IO Error: Could not set lock on file "/Users/amir/Projects/poc_duckdb_for_local_dev/data_duckdb/fivetran_database.duckdb": Resource temporarily unavailable

Possible future enhancements

Unsorted QA feedback to be refined (i.e., not necessarily made into a TODO)

Rittman delivery team's qa

  • run dbt deps before compile
  • add note to README: - you need to have done a full dbt run before running quacker sync if you are using the models_to_ignore configuration
  • for bigquery sync: use sample function instead of random

Amir's own qa

  • don’t fail when quacker_config.yml exists but has no keys (e.g. everything is commented out)

Bugs to fix

  • BigQuery: when a source is a table connected to a google sheet, this error occurs even if 1. the service account has access to the sheet and 2. the same credentials work in the dbt project google.api_core.exceptions.Forbidden: 403 Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials.

Incrementality and full refresh

If a table already exists in the duckdb database, the query should no be run against the warehouse and data should not be overwritten in the duckdb database. Instead, a message should be displayed to the user to inform them that the table already exists.

If the user wants to overwrite the data in the duckdb database, they should be able to pass a full-refresh flag to the quack sync command to do so.

Selective sync

If the user only wants to overwrite select tables in the duckdb database, they should further be able to pass a --tables flag to the quack sync command to do so.

DuckDB profile check and creation

If no suitable duckdb target profile exists, we could create one. This would involve:

  • finding all duckdb targets for the project's profile
  • checking if any of the existing targets have all the source databases and use attach if sources are split across multiple databases
  • if none of the targets are suitable, creating a new duckdb target in the project's profile
  • returning a message to the user to inform them of the new duckdb target profile

Gifs for README

Add gifs to the README to show how to use Quacker and what it does.

  • Emphasise side-by-side comparison of running dbt against warehouse vs duckdb after Quacker sync

Error messages

Target issues

  • When the --compile-target is not of a supported warehouse type

Profiles.yml issues

  • When the profiles.yml file is not found in the expected location

TODO write up more relevant error messages to implement as they are discovered

Extract the main DuckDB database name from the duckdb dbt profile

  • This would remove the need for the main_duckdb_database_name setting in quacker_config.yml.

Dealing with non-compatible dbt models

  • phase 1 solution (done Jan 2024)

    • Allow users to specify dbt models to ignore in a config file.
    • During quack sync, replicate the ignored dbt models as tables in the main DuckDB file.
  • phase 2 solution

    • Temporary until phase 4 solution is implemented
    • add subcommand quack recommend, which from the config generates the --exclude argument so they can manually use it when running dbt against duckdb
  • phase 3 solution

    • Add to quack recommend: suggest models to ignore based on incompatible syntax, such as UNNEST (BigQuery) or Python dbt models.
  • phase 4 solution

    • 3- add a quack dbt command with args (for ignore functionality)
      • Run dbt command passed in argument e.g. run, build
        • To make this seamless use positional arguments if possible. E.g., command is quack dbt run --full-refresh. In this example, both run and --full-refresh are positional arguments.
        • Might need to use some sort of (*args, **kwargs) solution here?
      • Pass as an --exclude(?) on all the models which are ignored in the config
        • example dbt command generated and executed by Quacker: dbt run --full-refresh --exclude model1,model5
      • Stop and inform user if they try to
        • Pass --exclude themselves down to dbt
        • Run a dbt command which doesn't accept --exclude arg
        • dbt command fails
  • phase 5 solution

    • 0- quack debug
      • TODO should this functionality be added to quack recommend or quack sync instead of a new command?
      • Among others, warn if any of the ignored models are not tables in duckdb and suggest re-run of 'quack sync'
  • Long-term solution

    • quack recommend could generate DuckDB syntax equivalents wrapped in Jinja based on the target. For syntax not yet translated, it would fall back on the ignore recommendation.

Debugging tools

  • Develop quack debug to warn users of any ignored models that are not tables in DuckDB and suggest re-running quack sync.

Support for other databases

As needed, we could add support for other databases in addition to the ones we currently support:

  • Snowflake added Dec 2023
  • BigQuery added Jan 2024

Completed enhancements

Support for table names with reserved SQL keywords

Before this enhancement, if a source or model name contained a reserved SQL keyword, the quack sync command would fail:

  • if the database_type was snowflake, on querying the warehouse
  • if the database_type was bigquery, on creating the table in the duckdb database

More quacker_config.yml settings (done Jan 2024)

Ability to customise row limit with row_limit setting in quacker_config.yml

Ability to customise the name of the folder where duckdb files are stored with duckdb_folder_name setting in quacker_config.yml

Retrieve connection details from target profile (done Jan 2024)

  • Extract the Snowflake credentials directly from the dbt profile, avoiding the need for separate environment variables.
  • Investigate dbt's source code or dbt power users' methods for retrieving these credentials. failed
  • Instead, manually code to replicate the order in which dbt searches for the profiles.yml file (exact name). relevant dbt profile documentation:
  1. Specified using the --profiles-dir runtime argument
  2. Environment Variable DBT_PROFILES_DIR: If you have set the DBT_PROFILES_DIR environment variable, dbt will use the directory specified in this variable to look for the profiles.yml file
  3. Current Working Directory: The current working directory is the directory from which you are running the dbt command (where dbt_project.yml is)
  4. Default Directory ~/.dbt/

Simplifying sync (done Jan 2024)

Specify compile sync target, such as snowflake-prod or dev_snwflk with --sync_target argument.

  • this would

Development and Contribution

We welcome contributions and feedback on our tool! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to contribute:


Quacker is published to PyPI

Installation for development

Clone the Quacker repository and install it using pip (ideally in a venv virtual environment):

git clone<your_username>/quacker.git
cd quacker
pip3 install -e .

The dot . represents the current directory. It can be replaced with a path to the Quacker repository if you cloned it elsewhere. No matter where Quacker is stored, you can run installed versions of it from anywhere on your machine as long as you are in the same virtual environment that you installed it in.

The -e flag is optional and is used to install Quacker in editable mode, which is useful during development of Quacker itself as it allows changes to be immediately effective without reinstallation. You don't need to use this flag if you are just using Quacker.



If you encounter any issues or have questions, please open an issue in the project's GitHub repository.


Quacker is released under the MIT License.

Project details

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Source Distribution

quacker-0.7.2.tar.gz (24.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

quacker-0.7.2-py3-none-any.whl (22.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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