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Yet Another Chain Interface.

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Yet Another Chain Interface.


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Quent is an enhanced, chain interface implementation for Python. As opposed to other simple chain implementations, Quent seamlessly handles coroutines.

Quent is written in C (using Cython) to minimize it's overhead as much as possible.

As an example, take this function:

async def handle_request(id):
  data = await fetch_data(id)
  data = validate_data(data)
  data = normalize_data(data)
  return await send_data(data)

It uses intermediate variables that only serve to make to code more readable, as opposed to:

async def handle_request(id):
  return await send_data(normalize_data(validate_data(await fetch_data(id))))

With Quent, we can chain these operations:

from quent import Chain

async def handle_request(id):
  return await Chain(fetch_data, id).then(validate_data).then(normalize_data).then(send_data).run()

Once there is at least one coroutine in the chain, .run() will return a coroutine. This opens up a lot of new ways to write elegant and readable code.

Besides Chain, Quent provides the Cascade class which implements the fluent interface.

Quent aims to provide you with all the necessary tools that you may need to write better code. Visit API to see the full power of Quent.

Real World Example

This snippet is taken from a thin Redis wrapper I wrote, which supports both the sync and async versions of redis without having a separate implementation for the async version.

def flush(self) -> Any | Coroutine:
  """ Execute the current pipeline and return the results, excluding
      the results of inline 'expire' commands.
  pipe = self.r.pipeline(transaction=self.transaction)
  # this applies a bunch of Redis operations onto the `pipe` object.
  return (
    Chain(pipe.execute, raise_on_error=True)
    .finally_(pipe.reset, ...)

Once the chain runs, it will execute the pipeline commands, remove the unwanted results, and return the rest of them. Finally, it will reset the pipe object. Any function passed to .finally_() will always be invoked, even if an exception has been raised during the execution of the chain. The purpose of the ... here is explained in the Ellipsis section.

Notice that I return without an explicit await - if the user of this wrapper has initialized the class with an async Redis instance, they will know that they need to await it. This allows me to focus on the actual logic, without caring about sync vs async.

Some would say that this pattern can cause unexpected behavior, since it isn't clear when it will return a coroutine or not. I see it no differently than any undocumented code - with a proper and clear documentation (be it an external documentation or just a simple docstring), there shouldn't be any unexpected behavior.

Details & Examples

Literal Values

You don't have to pass a callable as a chain item - literal values works just as well.

Chain(fetch_data, id).then(True).run()

will execute fetch_data(id), and then return True.

Custom Arguments

You may provide args or kwargs to a chain item - doing so will assume that the item is a callable and will evaluate it with the provided arguments, instead of evaluating it with the current chain value.

Chain(fetch_data, id).then(fetch_data, another_id, password=password).run()

will execute fetch_data(id), and then fetch_data(another_id, password=password).


The Ellipsis / ... is a special case - if the first argument for anything is ..., the item will be evaluated without any arguments.

Chain(fetch_data, id).then(do_something, ...).run()

will execute fetch_data(id), and then do_something().

Flow Modifiers

While the default operation of a chain is to, well, chain operations (using .then()), there are cases where you may want to break out of this flow. For this, Chain provides the functions .root() and .ignore(). They both behave like .then(), but with a small difference:

  • .root() evaluates the item using the root value, instead of the current chain value.
  • .ignore() evaluates the item with the current chain value but will not propagate its result forwards.

There is also a .root_ignore() which is the combination of .root() and .ignore().

Reusing A Chain

You may reuse a chain as many times as you wish.

chain = Chain(fetch_data, id).then(validate_data).then(normalize_data).then(send_data)

There are many cases where you may need to apply the same sequence of operations but with different inputs. Take our previous example:

Chain(fetch_data, id).then(validate_data).then(normalize_data).then(send_data).run()

Instead, we can create a template chain and reuse it, passing different values to .run():

handle_data = Chain().then(validate_data).then(normalize_data).then(send_data)

for id in list_of_ids:, id)

Re-using a Chain object will significantly reduce its overhead, as most of the performance hit is due to the creation of a new Chain instance. Nonetheless, the performance hit is negligible and not worth to sacrifice readability for. So unless it makes sense (or you need to really squeeze out performance), it's better to create a new Chain instance.

Nesting A Chain

You can nest a Chain object within another Chain object:

Chain(fetch_data, id)

A nested chain must always be a template chain.

A nested chain will be evaluated with the current [outer] chain value passed to its .run() method.

Pipe Syntax

Pipe syntax is supported:

from quent import Chain, run

(Chain(fetch_data) | process_data | normalize_data | send_data).run()
Chain(fetch_data) | process_data | normalize_data | send_data | run()

You can also use Pipe with Quent:

from pipe import map

Chain(get_items).then(map(lambda item: item.is_valid()))
Chain(get_items) | map(lambda item: item.is_valid())


Value Evaluation

Most of the methods in the following section receives value, args, and kwargs. Unless explicitly told otherwise, the evaluation of value in all of those methods is roughly equivalent to:

if args[0] is Ellipsis:
  return value()

elif args or kwargs:
  return value(*args, **kwargs)

elif callable(value):
  return value(current_chain_value)

  return value

The evaluate_value function contains the full evaluation logic.


__init__(value: Any = None, *args, **kwargs)

Creates a new chain with value as the chain's root item. value can be anything - a literal value, a function, a class, etc. If args or kwargs are provided, value is assumed to be a callable and will be evaluated with those arguments. Otherwise, a check is performed to determine whether value is a callable. If it is, it is called without any arguments.

Not passing a value will create a template chain (see: Reusing A Chain). You can still normally use it, but then you must call .run() with a value (see the next section).

A few examples:

Chain(fn, True)
Chain(cls, name='foo')
Chain(lambda v: v*10, 4.2)

run(value: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Any | Coroutine

Evaluates the chain and returns the result, or a coroutine if there are any coroutines in the chain.

If the chain is a template chain (initialized without a value), you must call .run() with a value, which will act as the root item of the chain.

Conversely, if .run() is called with a value and the chain is a non-template chain, then an exception will be raised. The only case where you can both create a template chain and run it without a value is for the Cascade class, which is documented below in Cascade - Void Mode.

Similarly to the examples above,

Chain().run(fn, True)
Chain().run(cls, name='foo')
Chain().run(lambda v: v*10, 2)

then(value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Adds value to the chain as a chain item. value can be anything - a literal value, a function, a class, etc.

Sets the evaluation of value as the current chain value.

This is the main and default way of adding items to the chain.

(see: Ellipsis if you need to invoke value without arguments)


root(value: Any = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Like .then(), but it first sets the root value as the current chain value. Then it evaluates value by the default evaluation procedure.

Calling .root() without a value simply sets the root value as the current chain value.

Read more in Flow Modifiers.

Chain(42).then(lambda v: v/10).root(lambda v: v == 42)

ignore(value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Like .then(), but keeps the current chain value unchanged. Read more in Flow Modifiers.

Chain(fetch_data, id).ignore(print).then(validate_data)

root_ignore(value: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

The combination of .root() and .ignore().

Chain(fetch_data, id).then(validate_data).root_ignore(print).then(normalize_data)

attr(name: str) -> Chain

Like .then(), but evaluates to getattr(current_chain_item, name).

class A:
  def a1(self):
    # I return something important


attr_fn(name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Like .attr(), but evaluates to getattr(current_chain_item, name)(*args, **kwargs).

class A:
  def a1(self, foo=None):
    # I do something important

Chain(A()).attr_fn('a1', foo=1)

foreach(fn: Callable) -> Chain

Iterates over the current chain value and invokes fn(element) for each element. Similarly to .ignore(), this function does not change the current chain value.


will iterate over list_of_ids, invoke the nested chain with each different id, and then return list_of_ids.

with_(...) -> Chain

Chain.from_(*args) -> Chain

Creates a Chain template, and registers args as chain items.

Chain.from_(validate_data, normalize_data, send_data).run(fetch_data, id)
# is the same as doing
Chain().then(validate_data).then(normalize_data).then(send_data).run(fetch_data, id)


except_(fn: Callable | str, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Register a callback that will be called if an exception is raised anytime during the chain's evaluation. The callback is evaluated with the root value, or with args and kwargs.

If fn is a string, then it is assumed to be an attribute method of the root value.


finally_(fn: Callable | str, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Register a callback that will always be called after the chain's evaluation. The callback is evaluated with the root value, or with args and kwargs.

If fn is a string, then it is assumed to be an attribute method of the root value.



if_(fn: Callable | Ellipsis = ..., on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

Registers a function fn which will be called with the current chain value. If on_true is provided and the result of fn is truthy, evaluates on_true and sets the result as the current chain value. If on_true is not provided, sets the result of fn as the current chain value.

If fn is an Ellipsis, evaluates the truthiness of the current chain value (bool(current_chain_value)).

on_true may be anything and follows the default evaluation procedure as described above.

Chain(get_random_number).if_(lambda num: num > 5, you_win, prize=1)

else_(on_false: Any | Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

If a previous conditional result is falsy, evaluates on_false and sets the result as the current chain value.

on_false may be anything and follows the default evaluation procedure as described above.

Can only be called immediately following a conditional.

Chain(get_random_number).if_(lambda num: num > 5, you_win, prize=1).else_(you_lose, cost=10)

not_() -> Chain

  • not current_chain_value

This method currently does not support the on_true argument since it looks confusing. I might add it in the future.

Chain(is_valid, 'something').not_()

eq(value: Any, on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

  • current_chain_value == value
Chain(420).then(lambda v: v/10).eq(42)
Chain(420).then(lambda v: v/10).eq(40).else_(on_fail)

neq(value: Any, on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

  • current_chain_value != value
Chain(420).then(lambda v: v/10).neq(40)

is_(value: Any, on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

  • current_chain_value is value

is_not(value: Any, on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

  • current_chain_value is not value

in_(value: Any, on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

  • current_chain_value in value

not_in(value: Any, on_true: Any | Callable = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Chain

  • current_chain_value not in value
Chain('bus').then(lambda s: s[::-1]).not_in('subway')


Although considered unpythonic, in some cases the cascade design can be very helpful. The Cascade class is identical to Chain, except that during the chain's evaluation, each chain item is evaluated using the root value as an argument (or in other words, the current chain value is always the chain's root value). The return value of is always its root value.

from quent import Cascade

fetched_data = (
  Cascade(fetch_data, id)
  .then(lambda data: send_data(data, to_id=1))

will execute fetch_data(id), then send_data_to_backup(data), then send_data(data, to_id=1), and then print(data).

You can also use Cascade to make existing classes behave the same way:

from quent import CascadeAttr

class Foo:
  def foo(self):
  async def bar(self):
  def baz(self):

async def get_foo():
  f = Foo()
  return f

def better_get_foo():
  return CascadeAttr(Foo()).foo().bar().baz().run()

Cascade - Void Mode

In some cases it may be desired to run a bunch of independent operations. Using Cascade, you can achieve this by simply not passing a root value to the constructor nor to .run(). All the chain items will not receive any arguments (excluding explicitly provided args / kwargs).

await (
  .then(foo, False)

will execute foo(False), then bar(), then baz().

A void Cascade will always return None.

Direct Attribute Access

Both Chain and Cascade can support "direct" attribute access via the ChainAttr and CascadeAttr classes. See the Cascade section above to see an example of CascadeAttr usage. The same principle holds for ChainAttr.

The reason I decided to separate this functionality from the main classes is due to the fact that it requires overriding __getattr__, which drastically increases the overhead of both creating an instance and accessing any properties / methods. And since I don't think this kind of usage will be common, I decided to keep this functionality opt-in.


An important note about except and finally callbacks

If an except/finally callback is a coroutine function, and an exception is raised before the first coroutine of the chain has been evaluated, or if there aren't any coroutines in the chain - the callbacks will not be awaited.

This limitation is due to the fact that we cannot (nor want to) return the result of the callbacks so that they will be awaited downstream. So in order to await the callbacks, the execution must be inside a coroutine. And the only case where we evaluate the chain inside a coroutine is when we detect a coroutine during the chain's evaluation.

This shouldn't be an issue in most use cases, but something to be aware of.

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