Radarr API wrapper
Project description
Radarr API docs
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- Package version: 0.2.0
API version: 3.0.0
Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonNextgenClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/devopsarr/radarr-py.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/devopsarr/radarr-py.git
Then import the package:
import radarr
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import radarr
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import radarr
from radarr.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost:7878
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = radarr.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost:7878"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: apikey
configuration.api_key['apikey'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['apikey'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: X-Api-Key
configuration.api_key['X-Api-Key'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-Api-Key'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with radarr.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = radarr.AlternativeTitleApi(api_client)
id = 56 # int |
api_response = api_instance.get_alttitle_by_id(id)
print("The response of AlternativeTitleApi->get_alttitle_by_id:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AlternativeTitleApi->get_alttitle_by_id: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:7878
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlternativeTitleApi | get_alttitle_by_id | GET /api/v3/alttitle/{id} | |
AlternativeTitleApi | list_alttitle | GET /api/v3/alttitle | |
ApiInfoApi | get_api | GET /api | |
AuthenticationApi | create_login | POST /login | |
AuthenticationApi | get_logout | GET /logout | |
BackupApi | create_system_backup_restore_by_id | POST /api/v3/system/backup/restore/{id} | |
BackupApi | create_system_backup_restore_upload | POST /api/v3/system/backup/restore/upload | |
BackupApi | delete_system_backup | DELETE /api/v3/system/backup/{id} | |
BackupApi | list_system_backup | GET /api/v3/system/backup | |
BlocklistApi | delete_blocklist | DELETE /api/v3/blocklist/{id} | |
BlocklistApi | delete_blocklist_bulk | DELETE /api/v3/blocklist/bulk | |
BlocklistApi | get_blocklist | GET /api/v3/blocklist | |
BlocklistApi | list_blocklist_movie | GET /api/v3/blocklist/movie | |
CalendarApi | get_calendar_by_id | GET /api/v3/calendar/{id} | |
CalendarApi | list_calendar | GET /api/v3/calendar | |
CalendarFeedApi | get_feed_v3_calendar_radarr_ics | GET /feed/v3/calendar/radarr.ics | |
CollectionApi | get_collection_by_id | GET /api/v3/collection/{id} | |
CollectionApi | list_collection | GET /api/v3/collection | |
CollectionApi | put_collection | PUT /api/v3/collection | |
CollectionApi | update_collection | PUT /api/v3/collection/{id} | |
CommandApi | create_command | POST /api/v3/command | |
CommandApi | delete_command | DELETE /api/v3/command/{id} | |
CommandApi | get_command_by_id | GET /api/v3/command/{id} | |
CommandApi | list_command | GET /api/v3/command | |
CreditApi | get_credit_by_id | GET /api/v3/credit/{id} | |
CreditApi | list_credit | GET /api/v3/credit | |
CustomFilterApi | create_custom_filter | POST /api/v3/customfilter | |
CustomFilterApi | delete_custom_filter | DELETE /api/v3/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFilterApi | get_custom_filter_by_id | GET /api/v3/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFilterApi | list_custom_filter | GET /api/v3/customfilter | |
CustomFilterApi | update_custom_filter | PUT /api/v3/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFormatApi | create_custom_format | POST /api/v3/customformat | |
CustomFormatApi | delete_custom_format | DELETE /api/v3/customformat/{id} | |
CustomFormatApi | get_custom_format_by_id | GET /api/v3/customformat/{id} | |
CustomFormatApi | get_custom_format_schema | GET /api/v3/customformat/schema | |
CustomFormatApi | list_custom_format | GET /api/v3/customformat | |
CustomFormatApi | update_custom_format | PUT /api/v3/customformat/{id} | |
DelayProfileApi | create_delay_profile | POST /api/v3/delayprofile | |
DelayProfileApi | delete_delay_profile | DELETE /api/v3/delayprofile/{id} | |
DelayProfileApi | get_delay_profile_by_id | GET /api/v3/delayprofile/{id} | |
DelayProfileApi | list_delay_profile | GET /api/v3/delayprofile | |
DelayProfileApi | update_delay_profile | PUT /api/v3/delayprofile/{id} | |
DiskSpaceApi | list_disk_space | GET /api/v3/diskspace | |
DownloadClientApi | create_download_client | POST /api/v3/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientApi | create_download_client_action_by_name | POST /api/v3/downloadclient/action/{name} | |
DownloadClientApi | delete_download_client | DELETE /api/v3/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientApi | get_download_client_by_id | GET /api/v3/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientApi | list_download_client | GET /api/v3/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientApi | list_download_client_schema | GET /api/v3/downloadclient/schema | |
DownloadClientApi | test_download_client | POST /api/v3/downloadclient/test | |
DownloadClientApi | testall_download_client | POST /api/v3/downloadclient/testall | |
DownloadClientApi | update_download_client | PUT /api/v3/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientConfigApi | get_download_client_config | GET /api/v3/config/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientConfigApi | get_download_client_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientConfigApi | update_download_client_config | PUT /api/v3/config/downloadclient/{id} | |
ExtraFileApi | list_extra_file | GET /api/v3/extrafile | |
FileSystemApi | get_file_system | GET /api/v3/filesystem | |
FileSystemApi | get_file_system_mediafiles | GET /api/v3/filesystem/mediafiles | |
FileSystemApi | get_file_system_type | GET /api/v3/filesystem/type | |
HealthApi | get_health_by_id | GET /api/v3/health/{id} | |
HealthApi | list_health | GET /api/v3/health | |
HistoryApi | create_history_failed_by_id | POST /api/v3/history/failed/{id} | |
HistoryApi | get_history | GET /api/v3/history | |
HistoryApi | list_history_movie | GET /api/v3/history/movie | |
HistoryApi | list_history_since | GET /api/v3/history/since | |
HostConfigApi | get_host_config | GET /api/v3/config/host | |
HostConfigApi | get_host_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/host/{id} | |
HostConfigApi | update_host_config | PUT /api/v3/config/host/{id} | |
ImportExclusionsApi | create_exclusions | POST /api/v3/exclusions | |
ImportExclusionsApi | create_exclusions_bulk | POST /api/v3/exclusions/bulk | |
ImportExclusionsApi | delete_exclusions | DELETE /api/v3/exclusions/{id} | |
ImportExclusionsApi | get_exclusions_by_id | GET /api/v3/exclusions/{id} | |
ImportExclusionsApi | list_exclusions | GET /api/v3/exclusions | |
ImportExclusionsApi | update_exclusions | PUT /api/v3/exclusions/{id} | |
ImportListApi | create_import_list | POST /api/v3/importlist | |
ImportListApi | create_import_list_action_by_name | POST /api/v3/importlist/action/{name} | |
ImportListApi | delete_import_list | DELETE /api/v3/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListApi | get_import_list_by_id | GET /api/v3/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListApi | list_import_list | GET /api/v3/importlist | |
ImportListApi | list_import_list_schema | GET /api/v3/importlist/schema | |
ImportListApi | test_import_list | POST /api/v3/importlist/test | |
ImportListApi | testall_import_list | POST /api/v3/importlist/testall | |
ImportListApi | update_import_list | PUT /api/v3/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListConfigApi | get_import_list_config | GET /api/v3/config/importlist | |
ImportListConfigApi | get_import_list_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListConfigApi | update_import_list_config | PUT /api/v3/config/importlist/{id} | |
ImportListMoviesApi | create_importlist_movie | POST /api/v3/importlist/movie | |
ImportListMoviesApi | get_importlist_movie | GET /api/v3/importlist/movie | |
IndexerApi | create_indexer | POST /api/v3/indexer | |
IndexerApi | create_indexer_action_by_name | POST /api/v3/indexer/action/{name} | |
IndexerApi | delete_indexer | DELETE /api/v3/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerApi | get_indexer_by_id | GET /api/v3/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerApi | list_indexer | GET /api/v3/indexer | |
IndexerApi | list_indexer_schema | GET /api/v3/indexer/schema | |
IndexerApi | test_indexer | POST /api/v3/indexer/test | |
IndexerApi | testall_indexer | POST /api/v3/indexer/testall | |
IndexerApi | update_indexer | PUT /api/v3/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerConfigApi | get_indexer_config | GET /api/v3/config/indexer | |
IndexerConfigApi | get_indexer_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerConfigApi | update_indexer_config | PUT /api/v3/config/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerFlagApi | list_indexer_flag | GET /api/v3/indexerflag | |
InitializeJsApi | get_initialize_js | GET /initialize.js | |
LanguageApi | get_language_by_id | GET /api/v3/language/{id} | |
LanguageApi | list_language | GET /api/v3/language | |
LocalizationApi | get_localization | GET /api/v3/localization | |
LogApi | get_log | GET /api/v3/log | |
LogFileApi | get_log_file_by_filename | GET /api/v3/log/file/{filename} | |
LogFileApi | list_log_file | GET /api/v3/log/file | |
ManualImportApi | create_manual_import | POST /api/v3/manualimport | |
ManualImportApi | list_manual_import | GET /api/v3/manualimport | |
MediaCoverApi | get_media_covermovie_id_by_filename | GET /api/v3/mediacover/{movieId}/{filename} | |
MediaManagementConfigApi | get_media_management_config | GET /api/v3/config/mediamanagement | |
MediaManagementConfigApi | get_media_management_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/mediamanagement/{id} | |
MediaManagementConfigApi | update_media_management_config | PUT /api/v3/config/mediamanagement/{id} | |
MetadataApi | create_metadata | POST /api/v3/metadata | |
MetadataApi | create_metadata_action_by_name | POST /api/v3/metadata/action/{name} | |
MetadataApi | delete_metadata | DELETE /api/v3/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataApi | get_metadata_by_id | GET /api/v3/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataApi | list_metadata | GET /api/v3/metadata | |
MetadataApi | list_metadata_schema | GET /api/v3/metadata/schema | |
MetadataApi | test_metadata | POST /api/v3/metadata/test | |
MetadataApi | testall_metadata | POST /api/v3/metadata/testall | |
MetadataApi | update_metadata | PUT /api/v3/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataConfigApi | get_metadata_config | GET /api/v3/config/metadata | |
MetadataConfigApi | get_metadata_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/metadata/{id} | |
MetadataConfigApi | update_metadata_config | PUT /api/v3/config/metadata/{id} | |
MovieApi | create_movie | POST /api/v3/movie | |
MovieApi | delete_movie | DELETE /api/v3/movie/{id} | |
MovieApi | get_movie_by_id | GET /api/v3/movie/{id} | |
MovieApi | list_movie | GET /api/v3/movie | |
MovieApi | update_movie | PUT /api/v3/movie/{id} | |
MovieEditorApi | delete_movie_editor | DELETE /api/v3/movie/editor | |
MovieEditorApi | put_movie_editor | PUT /api/v3/movie/editor | |
MovieFileApi | delete_movie_file | DELETE /api/v3/moviefile/{id} | |
MovieFileApi | delete_movie_file_bulk | DELETE /api/v3/moviefile/bulk | |
MovieFileApi | get_movie_file_by_id | GET /api/v3/moviefile/{id} | |
MovieFileApi | list_movie_file | GET /api/v3/moviefile | |
MovieFileApi | put_movie_file_editor | PUT /api/v3/moviefile/editor | |
MovieFileApi | update_movie_file | PUT /api/v3/moviefile/{id} | |
MovieImportApi | create_movie_import | POST /api/v3/movie/import | |
MovieImportApi | get_movie_import_by_id | GET /api/v3/movie/import/{id} | |
MovieLookupApi | get_movie_lookup | GET /api/v3/movie/lookup | |
MovieLookupApi | get_movie_lookup_by_id | GET /api/v3/movie/lookup/{id} | |
MovieLookupApi | get_movie_lookup_imdb | GET /api/v3/movie/lookup/imdb | |
MovieLookupApi | get_movie_lookup_tmdb | GET /api/v3/movie/lookup/tmdb | |
NamingConfigApi | get_naming_config | GET /api/v3/config/naming | |
NamingConfigApi | get_naming_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/naming/{id} | |
NamingConfigApi | get_naming_config_examples | GET /api/v3/config/naming/examples | |
NamingConfigApi | update_naming_config | PUT /api/v3/config/naming/{id} | |
NotificationApi | create_notification | POST /api/v3/notification | |
NotificationApi | create_notification_action_by_name | POST /api/v3/notification/action/{name} | |
NotificationApi | delete_notification | DELETE /api/v3/notification/{id} | |
NotificationApi | get_notification_by_id | GET /api/v3/notification/{id} | |
NotificationApi | list_notification | GET /api/v3/notification | |
NotificationApi | list_notification_schema | GET /api/v3/notification/schema | |
NotificationApi | test_notification | POST /api/v3/notification/test | |
NotificationApi | testall_notification | POST /api/v3/notification/testall | |
NotificationApi | update_notification | PUT /api/v3/notification/{id} | |
ParseApi | get_parse | GET /api/v3/parse | |
PingApi | get_ping | GET /ping | |
QualityDefinitionApi | get_quality_definition_by_id | GET /api/v3/qualitydefinition/{id} | |
QualityDefinitionApi | list_quality_definition | GET /api/v3/qualitydefinition | |
QualityDefinitionApi | put_quality_definition_update | PUT /api/v3/qualitydefinition/update | |
QualityDefinitionApi | update_quality_definition | PUT /api/v3/qualitydefinition/{id} | |
QualityProfileApi | create_quality_profile | POST /api/v3/qualityprofile | |
QualityProfileApi | delete_quality_profile | DELETE /api/v3/qualityprofile/{id} | |
QualityProfileApi | get_quality_profile_by_id | GET /api/v3/qualityprofile/{id} | |
QualityProfileApi | list_quality_profile | GET /api/v3/qualityprofile | |
QualityProfileApi | update_quality_profile | PUT /api/v3/qualityprofile/{id} | |
QualityProfileSchemaApi | get_qualityprofile_schema | GET /api/v3/qualityprofile/schema | |
QueueApi | delete_queue | DELETE /api/v3/queue/{id} | |
QueueApi | delete_queue_bulk | DELETE /api/v3/queue/bulk | |
QueueApi | get_queue | GET /api/v3/queue | |
QueueApi | get_queue_by_id | GET /api/v3/queue/{id} | |
QueueActionApi | create_queue_grab_bulk | POST /api/v3/queue/grab/bulk | |
QueueActionApi | create_queue_grab_by_id | POST /api/v3/queue/grab/{id} | |
QueueDetailsApi | get_queue_details_by_id | GET /api/v3/queue/details/{id} | |
QueueDetailsApi | list_queue_details | GET /api/v3/queue/details | |
QueueStatusApi | get_queue_status | GET /api/v3/queue/status | |
QueueStatusApi | get_queue_status_by_id | GET /api/v3/queue/status/{id} | |
ReleaseApi | create_release | POST /api/v3/release | |
ReleaseApi | get_release_by_id | GET /api/v3/release/{id} | |
ReleaseApi | list_release | GET /api/v3/release | |
ReleasePushApi | create_release_push | POST /api/v3/release/push | |
ReleasePushApi | get_release_push_by_id | GET /api/v3/release/push/{id} | |
RemotePathMappingApi | create_remote_path_mapping | POST /api/v3/remotepathmapping | |
RemotePathMappingApi | delete_remote_path_mapping | DELETE /api/v3/remotepathmapping/{id} | |
RemotePathMappingApi | get_remote_path_mapping_by_id | GET /api/v3/remotepathmapping/{id} | |
RemotePathMappingApi | list_remote_path_mapping | GET /api/v3/remotepathmapping | |
RemotePathMappingApi | update_remote_path_mapping | PUT /api/v3/remotepathmapping/{id} | |
RenameMovieApi | list_rename | GET /api/v3/rename | |
RestrictionApi | create_restriction | POST /api/v3/restriction | |
RestrictionApi | delete_restriction | DELETE /api/v3/restriction/{id} | |
RestrictionApi | get_restriction_by_id | GET /api/v3/restriction/{id} | |
RestrictionApi | list_restriction | GET /api/v3/restriction | |
RestrictionApi | update_restriction | PUT /api/v3/restriction/{id} | |
RootFolderApi | create_root_folder | POST /api/v3/rootfolder | |
RootFolderApi | delete_root_folder | DELETE /api/v3/rootfolder/{id} | |
RootFolderApi | get_root_folder_by_id | GET /api/v3/rootfolder/{id} | |
RootFolderApi | list_root_folder | GET /api/v3/rootfolder | |
StaticResourceApi | get | GET / | |
StaticResourceApi | get_by_path | GET /{path} | |
StaticResourceApi | get_content_by_path | GET /content/{path} | |
StaticResourceApi | get_login | GET /login | |
SystemApi | create_system_restart | POST /api/v3/system/restart | |
SystemApi | create_system_shutdown | POST /api/v3/system/shutdown | |
SystemApi | get_system_routes | GET /api/v3/system/routes | |
SystemApi | get_system_routes_duplicate | GET /api/v3/system/routes/duplicate | |
SystemApi | get_system_status | GET /api/v3/system/status | |
TagApi | create_tag | POST /api/v3/tag | |
TagApi | delete_tag | DELETE /api/v3/tag/{id} | |
TagApi | get_tag_by_id | GET /api/v3/tag/{id} | |
TagApi | list_tag | GET /api/v3/tag | |
TagApi | update_tag | PUT /api/v3/tag/{id} | |
TagDetailsApi | get_tag_detail_by_id | GET /api/v3/tag/detail/{id} | |
TagDetailsApi | list_tag_detail | GET /api/v3/tag/detail | |
TaskApi | get_system_task_by_id | GET /api/v3/system/task/{id} | |
TaskApi | list_system_task | GET /api/v3/system/task | |
UiConfigApi | get_ui_config | GET /api/v3/config/ui | |
UiConfigApi | get_ui_config_by_id | GET /api/v3/config/ui/{id} | |
UiConfigApi | update_ui_config | PUT /api/v3/config/ui/{id} | |
UpdateApi | list_update | GET /api/v3/update | |
UpdateLogFileApi | get_log_file_update_by_filename | GET /api/v3/log/file/update/{filename} | |
UpdateLogFileApi | list_log_file_update | GET /api/v3/log/file/update |
Documentation For Models
- AddMovieMethod
- AddMovieOptions
- AlternativeTitle
- AlternativeTitleResource
- ApiInfoResource
- ApplyTags
- AuthenticationType
- BackupResource
- BackupType
- BlocklistBulkResource
- BlocklistResource
- BlocklistResourcePagingResource
- CertificateValidationType
- CollectionMovieResource
- CollectionResource
- CollectionUpdateResource
- ColonReplacementFormat
- Command
- CommandPriority
- CommandResource
- CommandStatus
- CommandTrigger
- CreditResource
- CreditType
- CustomFilterResource
- CustomFormatResource
- CustomFormatSpecificationSchema
- DatabaseType
- DelayProfileResource
- DiskSpaceResource
- DownloadClientConfigResource
- DownloadClientResource
- DownloadProtocol
- ExtraFileResource
- ExtraFileType
- Field
- FileDateType
- HealthCheckResult
- HealthResource
- HistoryResource
- HistoryResourcePagingResource
- HostConfigResource
- ImportExclusionsResource
- ImportListConfigResource
- ImportListResource
- ImportListType
- IndexerConfigResource
- IndexerFlagResource
- IndexerResource
- Language
- LanguageResource
- LogFileResource
- LogResource
- LogResourcePagingResource
- ManualImportReprocessResource
- ManualImportResource
- MediaCover
- MediaCoverTypes
- MediaInfoResource
- MediaManagementConfigResource
- MetadataConfigResource
- MetadataResource
- Modifier
- MonitorTypes
- MovieCollection
- MovieEditorResource
- MovieFileListResource
- MovieFileResource
- MovieHistoryEventType
- MovieMetadata
- MovieResource
- MovieRuntimeFormatType
- MovieStatusType
- MovieTranslation
- NamingConfigResource
- NotificationResource
- PagingResourceFilter
- ParseResource
- ParsedMovieInfo
- PingResource
- ProfileFormatItemResource
- ProperDownloadTypes
- ProviderMessage
- ProviderMessageType
- ProxyType
- Quality
- QualityDefinitionResource
- QualityModel
- QualityProfileQualityItemResource
- QualityProfileResource
- QueueBulkResource
- QueueResource
- QueueResourcePagingResource
- QueueStatusResource
- RatingChild
- RatingType
- Ratings
- Rejection
- RejectionType
- ReleaseResource
- RemotePathMappingResource
- RenameMovieResource
- RescanAfterRefreshType
- RestrictionResource
- Revision
- RootFolderResource
- RuntimeMode
- SelectOption
- SortDirection
- Source
- SourceType
- SystemResource
- TMDbCountryCode
- TagDetailsResource
- TagResource
- TaskResource
- TrackedDownloadState
- TrackedDownloadStatus
- TrackedDownloadStatusMessage
- UiConfigResource
- UnmappedFolder
- UpdateChanges
- UpdateMechanism
- UpdateResource
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Api-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: apikey
- Location: URL query string
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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Source Distribution
Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file radarr-py-0.2.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: radarr-py-0.2.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 121.3 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.11.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | ffd571877b0d8f8b4578ea43ddca2837b1718202ac4338286b169fa01841e426 |
MD5 | f6981a2f7183d208e444bd1c94f25286 |
BLAKE2b-256 | b6051083b0072509649231d11ea241fff44d8956784fccd2689386db8a6d1239 |
File details
Details for the file radarr_py-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: radarr_py-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 332.1 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.11.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 4d1ff55a4aaca98d2548b2c077c0571673166f0a20286a6df104280e1a63c271 |
MD5 | e94475fcd312d24016e958bfd2f2bc88 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 3817953cc45ad6bcbd15c844aba458f3c03a85dcfeee2da9673df3e505cfc5de |