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OpenCV Helper Tools

Project description

Rakali (Version 0.0.11)

Rakali is a imaging library and video camera tool-set. It provides a number of camera primitives to help with calibrating mono and stereo camera rigs, image processing and object detection. It also includes a number of pre-built tools to help with that.

Rakali makes use of many other imaging libraries and frameworks and is also intended to be used as a pedagogical resource for those.

Rakali by Pia Ravenari

Pia Ravenari

Named after Hydromys chrysogaster, the Australian Otter

Provided tools

Rakali ships with a number of tools that assists working with mono and stereo video cameras.

Tool Purpose
rakali-find-ipcameras Discover IP cameras on the local LAN
rakali-view View live video stream
rakali-view-stereo View live stereo video stream
rakali-find-chessboards Find calibration images in live video feed
rakali-find-chessboards-stereo Find calibration images in live stereo video feed
rakali-calibrate-pinhole Calibrate a standard lens camera
rakali-calibrate-fisheye Calibrate a fish-eyed lens camera
rakali-calibrate-fisheye-stereo Calibrate a fish-eyed stereo rig
rakali-undistort-pinhole Correct standard lens camera live video feed
rakali-undistort-fisheye Correct fish-eye camera live video feed
rakali-undistort-fisheye-image Correct image provided by calibrated fish-eye camera
rakali-split-stereo-feed Split recorded stereo view feeds into left and right eye views
rakali Image processing library examplar


Scan local LAN for IP cameras by vendor and service.

$ rakali-find-ipcameras cams

Usage: rakali-find-ipcameras [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Discover IP cameras on local LAN

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  cams     Discover local IP cameras using vendor name
  service  Scanning for video feed services

To scan for cameras, do: $ rakali-find-ipcameras cams, the default is to search for axis models.

Which provides a list of discovered NVR's or cameras like so:

Scanning for axis cameras or NVRs
['', '']


View live video feed from IP and USB cameras. IP cameras and NVR's that broadcast their services over mDNS can be discovered using rakali-find-ipcameras.

$ rakali-view --help

Usage: rakali-view [OPTIONS]

  --version          Show the version and exit.
  -s, --source TEXT  Video source, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default: http://axis-
  --help             Show this message and exit.

A simple single stream video player.




Find checkerboard images in video feed for calibration purposes.

rakali-find-chessboards will look for a chessboard patterns in the frame flow and save each frame containing a chessboard for batch processing during camera calibration.

$ rakali-find-chessboards --help

Usage: rakali-find-chessboards [OPTIONS]

  Test each frame in the stream for the presence of a chess-board pattern. If found, save to the output folder

  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  -s, --source TEXT             Video source, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default:
  -o, --output-folder TEXT      Output folder for images containing a chessboard  [default: ~/rakali/chessboards/]
  --chessboard-rows INTEGER     Chessboard rows  [default: 9]
  --chessboard-columns INTEGER  Chessboard columns  [default: 6]
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

The process will drop calibration frames in the target folder like these:

$ tree ~/rakali/chessboards
├── 00000.jpg
├── 00001.jpg
├── 00002.jpg
├── 00003.jpg


Find checkerboard images in stereo video feed for calibration purposes. It operates in the same way as rakali-find-chessboards but produces pairs of frames.

rakali-find-chessboards-stereo --help

Usage: rakali-find-chessboards-stereo [OPTIONS]

  Find chessboard calibration images in both frames of the stereo pair

  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  -l, --left-eye TEXT           Left eye, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default:
  -r, --right-eye TEXT          Right eye, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default:
  -o, --output-folder TEXT      Fetch image from URL  [default: ~/rakali/stereo/chessboards/]
  --chessboard-rows INTEGER     Chessboard rows  [default: 9]
  --chessboard-columns INTEGER  Chessboard columns  [default: 6]
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


$ tree ~/rakali/stereo/chessboards
├── left_00000.jpg
├── left_00001.jpg
├── left_00002.jpg
├── right_00000.jpg
├── right_00001.jpg
├── right_00002.jpg


Calibrate a video camera with a pinhole lens

$ rakali-calibrate-pinhole --help

Usage: rakali-calibrate-pinhole [OPTIONS]

  Calibrate pinhole camera using chessboard frames captured earlier.

  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  -i, --input-folder TEXT       Folder where chessboard images are stored  [default: ~/rakali/chessboards/]
  --image-points-file TEXT      Corner points data  [default: image_points.npz]
  --calibration-file TEXT       Camera calibration data  [default: pinhole_calibration.npz]
  --chessboard-rows INTEGER     Chessboard rows  [default: 9]
  --chessboard-columns INTEGER  Chessboard columns  [default: 6]
  --square-size FLOAT           Chessboard square size in m  [default: 0.023]
  --salt INTEGER                Seed value for random picking of calibration images from a large set  [default: 888]
  --pick-size INTEGER           Size of image set to use for calibration, picked from available set  [default: 50]
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


Calibrate a video camera with a fish-eye lens using chessboard calibration images captured using rakali-find-chessboards.

$ rakali-calibrate-fisheye --help

Usage: rakali-calibrate-fisheye [OPTIONS]

  Calibrate fish-eye camera using chessboard frames captured earlier.

  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  -i, --input-folder TEXT       Folder where chessboard images are stored  [default: ~/rakali/chessboards/]
  --image-points-file TEXT      Corner points data  [default: image_points.npz]
  --calibration-file TEXT       Camera calibration data  [default: fisheye_calibration.npz]
  --chessboard-rows INTEGER     Chessboard rows  [default: 9]
  --chessboard-columns INTEGER  Chessboard columns  [default: 6]
  --square-size FLOAT           Chessboard square size in m  [default: 0.023]
  --salt INTEGER                Seed value for random picking of calibration images from a large set  [default: 888]
  --pick-size INTEGER           Size of image set to use for calibration, picked from available set  [default: 50]
  --cid TEXT                    Calibration ID to associate a calibration file with a device  [default: fisheye]
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Executing $ rakali-calibrate-fisheye results:

$ rakali-calibrate-fisheye
Loading previously computed image points from image_points.npz
Calibrating on 50 objects... fisheye calibration data to fisheye_calibration.npz
DIM=(1920, 1080)
K=np.array([[558.6421513930135, 0.0, 977.0871045041308], [0.0, 559.5579191046008, 493.7827965652395], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
D=np.array([[-0.018316232894576033], [0.002931049514785237], [-0.0022823146847841804], [0.00014813140230995043]])
Calibration error: 0.8771782112164381

The resulting calibration file contains the K and D matrixes and some metadata

    "D": [
    "K": [
    "cid": "fisheye",
    "error": 0.8771782112164381,
    "image_size": [
    "pick_size": 50,
    "salt": 888,
    "time": 1553647761.7596939


rakali-calibrate-fisheye-stereo uses a fixed set of previously captured chessboard images to calibrate a fisheye stereo camera rig. The calculated parameters are saved in a calibration file for use in image rectification.

$ rakali-calibrate-fisheye-stereo --help

Usage: rakali-calibrate-fisheye-stereo [OPTIONS]

  Calibrate fish-eye stereo camera rig using chessboard frames captured earlier.

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -i, --input-folder TEXT         Folder where chessboard images are stored  [default: ~/rakali/stereo/chessboards/]
  --left-image-points-file TEXT   Left Corner points data  [default: left_image_points.json]
  --right-image-points-file TEXT  Right Corner points data  [default: right_image_points.json]
  --calibration-file TEXT         Stereo Camera calibration data  [default: fisheye_stereo_calibration.json]
  --chessboard-rows INTEGER       Chessboard rows  [default: 9]
  --chessboard-columns INTEGER    Chessboard columns  [default: 6]
  --square-size FLOAT             Chessboard square size in m  [default: 0.023]
  --salt INTEGER                  Seed value for random picking of calibration images from a large set  [default: 888]
  --pick-size INTEGER             Size of image set to use for calibration, picked from available set  [default: 50]
  --cid TEXT                      Calibration ID to associate a calibration file with a device  [default: fisheye]
  --prefilter / --no-prefilter    Prefilter images  [default: True]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Image /home/thys/rakali/stereo/chessboards/left_00088.jpg OK
Image /home/thys/rakali/stereo/chessboards/left_00058.jpg OK
Image /home/thys/rakali/stereo/chessboards/right_00238.jpg OK
Image /home/thys/rakali/stereo/chessboards/left_00122.jpg OK
Loading previously computed image points from left_image_points.json
Calibrating on 50 objects...
Loading previously computed image points from right_image_points.json
Calibrating on 50 objects...
Calibrate Fisheye Stereo camera using pre-calibrated values
DIM=(1920, 1080)
left calibration
K=np.array([[552.7233750094179, 0.0, 948.2959591699556], [0.0, 554.6925141069631, 548.3575557665413], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
D=np.array([[-0.05136306776237411], [0.0959513318929465], [-0.09081590588179426], [0.028414418435600244]])
Calibration error: 0.5128009096414867
right calibration
K=np.array([[552.7233750094177, 0.0, 948.2959591699567], [0.0, 554.6925141069636, 548.3575557665405], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
D=np.array([[-0.051363067762376646], [0.09595133189294996], [-0.09081590588179408], [0.028414418435599085]])
Calibration error: 0.46991635076102695


Correct video feed from calibrated standard pinhole camera

$ rakali-undistort-pinhole --help

Usage: rakali-undistort-pinhole [OPTIONS]

  Undistort live feed from pinhole model type camera

  --version                Show the version and exit.
  -s, --source TEXT        Video source, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default:
  --calibration-file TEXT  Camera calibration data  [default: pinhole_calibration.npz]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


Correct video feed from calibrated fisheye-lens camera

$ rakali-undistort-fisheye --help

Usage: rakali-undistort-fisheye [OPTIONS]

  Undistort live video feed from fish-eye lens camera

  --version                Show the version and exit.
  -s, --source TEXT        Video source, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default:
  --calibration-file PATH  Camera calibration data  [default: fisheye_calibration.npz]
  -b, --balance FLOAT      Balance value 0.0 ~30% pixel loss, 1.0 no loss  [default: 1.0]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

$ rakali-undistort-fisheye


$ rakali-undistort-fisheye -b 0.5


$ rakali-undistort-fisheye -b 0



$ rakali-undistort-fisheye-image --help

Usage: rakali-undistort-fisheye-image [OPTIONS] IMAGE_PATH

  Rectify a image taken with a fish-eye lens camera using calibration parameters

  --version                Show the version and exit.
  --calibration-file PATH  Camera calibration data  [default: fisheye_calibration.json; required]
  -b, --balance FLOAT      Balance value 0.0 ~30% pixel loss, 1.0 no loss  [default: 1.0]
  -s, --scale FLOAT        Scale image  [default: 0.5]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

$ rakali-undistort-fisheye-image ~/rakali/chessboards/00000.jpg



View live feed from stereo camera rig

$ rakali-view-stereo --help

Usage: rakali-view-stereo [OPTIONS]

  --version             Show the version and exit.
  -l, --left-eye TEXT   Left eye, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default: http://axis-
  -r, --right-eye TEXT  Right eye, can be local USB cam (0|1|2..) or IP cam rtsp URL or file  [default: http://axis-
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Stereo View


Split source stereo recording into left and right camera views

$ rakali-split-stereo-feed --help

Usage: rakali-split-stereo-feed [OPTIONS]

  Split source stereo recording into left and right camera views

  --version              Show the version and exit.
  -s, --source TEXT      Stereo video source file to split  [default: in.avi]
  -l, --left-name TEXT   Left camera video name  [default: left_eye_out.avi]
  -r, --right-name TEXT  Right camera video name  [default: right_eye_out.avi]
  --fps FLOAT            Frames per second rate for output file  [default: 12.5]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


Rakali ships with a small demo app that exercises the library image processing functionality.

$ rakali --help
Usage: rakali [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Rakali image tools

  Provide either a input file or a input URL for image source

  --version               Show the version and exit.
  -i, --input-file PATH   Use file
  -u, --input-url TEXT    Fetch image from URL
  -o, --output-file PATH  Output file  [default: out.jpg]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

  resize          Resize the input image preserving aspect ratio, favoring width
  rotate          Rotate the input image
  rotate-bounded  Rotate the input image, keeping bound in place
  skeletonize     Skeletonize the input image

Library usage

Library documentation generation is a work in progress...

Load and show image from file

from rakali import Image

Load, annotate, and show image

#! /usr/bin/env python

from rakali import Image
img: Image = Image.from_file('rakali.jpg')
img.add_text(labels=['Rakali', 'Hydromys chrysogaster'])



#! /usr/bin/env python
Cannyfy Live USB video stream

from rakali import VideoPlayer, VideoStream, VideoWriter
from import cost
from import go
from rakali.annotate import add_frame_labels, colors
import imutils
import logging


def canny(mat):
    img = imutils.auto_canny(image=mat, sigma=0.3)
    img = add_frame_labels(
        labels=[f'canny cost: {canny.cost:6.3f}ms'],
    return img

stream = VideoStream(src=0)
player = VideoPlayer()
writer = VideoWriter(size=stream.get_wh_size(), file_name='canny.avi')

with stream, player, writer:
    while go():
        frame = canny(



Rakali is essentially a OpenCV shim. Because some parts of Rakali depends on OpenCV CUDA being available. The 'python-opencv' lib on PyPi is not marked as a dependency. You need to install either that yourself, or use your own pre-compiled OpenCV CUDA. Arch Linux has opencv-cuda in AUR, so install that:

$ yay -S opencv-cuda

While you are at it also install tensorflow-opt-cuda:

# pacman -S tensorflow-opt-cuda


Rakali is in pypi:

$ pip install rakali

Manual install

Clone or download this repo and in your virtualenv do:

$ pip install .

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

rakali-0.0.11-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page