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Python SDK for RCS MaaP chatbot

Project description


A Python SDK for RCS MaaP chatbots.


pip install rcs_chatbot


See more examples in the example folder.

import flask
import logging
import rcs_chatbot

chatbot = rcs_chatbot.Chatbot(

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def event():
    return "ok", 200
  except maap.RequestFailed as ex:
    print("Request failed: " + str(ex))
    return "ok", 200

def messageHandler(event):
  userContact = None
  chatId = None

  if "userContact" in event["messageContact"]:
    userContact = event["messageContact"]["userContact"]
  if "chatId" in event["messageContact"]:
    chatId = event["messageContact"]["chatId"]

  contact = rcs_chatbot.MessageContact(userContact, chatId)

  suggestions = rcs_chatbot.Suggestions()
  suggestions.addReply("reply", "reply")
  suggestions.addUrlAction("url", "url", "")

    "You wrote: " + event["RCSMessage"]["textMessage"],

def isTypingHandler(event):

def messageStatusHandler(event):

def fileStatusHandler(event):

def responseHandler(event):

def aliasHandler(event):

def newUserHandler(event):

if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=False)

Instead of a simple message, you can also use sendMessage to send an AudioMessage, etc. Show below is how to send a RichcardCarousel message.

def messageHandler(event):
  userContact = None
  chatId = None

  if "userContact" in event["messageContact"]:
    userContact = event["messageContact"]["userContact"]
  if "chatId" in event["messageContact"]:
    chatId = event["messageContact"]["chatId"]

  contact = maap.MessageContact(userContact, chatId)

  card1 = maap.Richcard()

  card2 = maap.Richcard()

  carousel = maap.RichcardCarousel()



Chatbot Functions


sendMessage(recipient, content, suggestions = None)

Sends a message with content and optional suggestions to the target recipient.

  • recipient - Object: A MessageContact object.
  • content - Object: The message payload. Either a string, an AudioMessage object, a FileMessage object, a GeolocationPushMessage object, a Richcard object, or a RichcardCarousel object.
  • suggestions - (Optional) Object: A Suggestions object.


Gets the status of a message with messageId.

  • messageId - String: The message identifier.

updateMessageStatus(messageId, status)

Updates the status of a message with messageId to status.

  • messageId - String: The message identifier.
  • status - String: The requested status. Needs to be either rcs_chatbot.MessageStatus.CANCELLED or rcs_chatbot.MessageStatus.DISPLAYED.

getContactCapabilities(userContact, chatId)

Gets the capabilities for a subscriber. Either userContact or chatId needs to be specified.

  • userContact - String: The subscriber's MSISDN.
  • chatId - String: The user's anonymous token.

uploadFile(path, url, fileType, until)

Uploads a file of type fileType to the MaaP content storage until it expires at date untilEither path or url needs to be specified.

  • path - String: The path to the file.
  • url - String: The URL to the file.
  • fileType - String: The file's content type.
  • until - Date: The date at which time the content should be expired.


Deletes a file with identifier fileId from the MaaP content storage.

  • fileId - String: The file identifier.


Gets info for a file with identifier fileId from the MaaP content storage.

  • fileId - String: The file identifier.


Starts the 'is typing' indicator for the target recipient.

  • recipient - Object: A MessageContact object.


Stops the 'is typing' indicator for the target recipient.

  • recipient - Object: A MessageContact object.


The main middleware for your bot's webhook. It parses the message payload, and fire the appropriate event.

FileMessage Functions

An FileMessage object representes a file and has the following properties:

Property Type Mandatory Description
fileUrl String Yes The URL of the file.
fileName String No The file name.
fileMIMEType String No The MIME type of the file.
fileSize Number No The size of the file.
thumbnailUrl String No The URL of the thumbnail.
thumbnailFileName String No The file name of the thumbnail.
thumbnailMIMEType String No The MIME type of the thumbnail.
thumbnailFileSize Number No The size of the thumbnail.


Returns a new FileMessage instance.

  • fileUrl - String: The URL of the file.


Set the fileName property.

  • fileName - String: The file name.


Set the fileMIMEType property.

  • fileMIMEType - String: The MIME type of the file.


Set the fileSize property.

  • fileSize - Number: The size of the file.


Set the thumbnailUrl property.

  • thumbnailUrl - String: The URL of the thumbnail.


et the thumbnailFileName property.

  • thumbnailFileName - String: The file name of the thumbnail.


Set the thumbnailMIMEType property.

  • thumbnailMIMEType - String: The MIME type of the thumbnail.


Set the thumbnailFileSize property.

  • thumbnailFileSize - Number: The size of the thumbnail.

AudioMessage Functions

An AudioMessage object representes an audio file and has the following properties:

Property Type Mandatory Description
fileUrl String Yes The URL of the file.
fileName String No The file name.
fileMIMEType String No The MIME type of the file.
fileSize Number No The size of the file.
playingLength Number No The playing length of the audio.


Returns a new AudioMessage instance.

  • fileUrl - String: The URL of the file.


Set the fileName property.

  • fileName - String: The file name.


Set the fileMIMEType property.

  • fileMIMEType - String: The MIME type of the file.


Set the fileSize property.

  • fileSize - Number: The size of the file.


Set the playingLength property.

  • playingLength - Number: The playing length of the audio.


Property Type Mandatory Description
pos String Yes This are the coordinates in WGS 84 (latitude, longitude) decimal notation. Example "26.118 1289 - 80.1283921"
label String No This can be used to tag the nature of the location.
timestamp String No This is the time when the location information was pushed.
expiry String No This is an absolute date at which time the recipient is no longer permitted to possess the location information.
timeOffset Number No This is the time zone where the location information was pushed, expressed as the number of minutes away from UTC.
radius Number No The radius of the circle will be represented in meters.


Returns a new GeolocationPushMessage instance. This is a geolocation push to be sent via RCS Geolocation Push.

  • pos - String: This are the coordinates in WGS 84 (latitude, longitude) decimal notation.


Set the label property.

  • label - String: This can be used to tag the nature of the location.


Set the timestamp property.

  • timestamp - String: This is the time when the location information was pushed.


Set the expiry property.

  • expiry - String: This is an absolute date at which time the recipient is no longer permitted to possess the location information.


Set the timeOffset property.

  • timeOffset - Number: This is the time zone where the location information was pushed, expressed as the number of minutes away from UTC.


Set the radius property.

  • radius - Number: The radius of the circle will be represented in meters.

Richcard Functions


Returns a new Richcard instance.

Returns a new Richcard instance.


Set the orientation of the card.

  • cardOrientation - String: Either rcs_chatbot.CardOrientation.HORIZONTAL or rcs_chatbot.CardOrientation.VERTICAL.


Set the alignment of the image on the card.

  • imageAlignment - String: Either rcs_chatbot.ImageAlignment.LEFT or rcs_chatbot.ImageAlignment.RIGHT.

setMedia(mediaUrl, mediaContentType, mediaFileSize, height, [thumbnailUrl], [thumbnailContentType], [thumbnailFileSize], [contentDescription])

Set the media (image) to be displayed on the richcard.

  • mediaUrl - String: The URL to the image.
  • mediaContentType - String: The content type of the image.
  • mediaFileSize - Number: The size of the image.
  • height - String: Either rcs_chatbot.MediaHeight.SHORT or rcs_chatbot.MediaHeight.MEDIUM or rcs_chatbot.MediaHeight.TALL.
  • thumbnailUrl - (Optional) String: The URL to the thumbnail for the image.
  • thumbnailContentType - (Optional) String: The content type of the thumbnail.
  • thumbnailFileSize - (Optional) Number: The size of the thumbnail.
  • contentDescription - (Optional) String: Textual description of media content.

The thumbnailUrl property is optional, but if used, thumbnailContentType and thumbnailFileSize must be provided as well.


Set the title of the card.

  • title - String: The title.


Set the description of the card.

  • description - String: The description.


Add suggestions to the card.

  • suggestions - Suggestions: The suggestions.

RichcardCarousel Functions


Returns a new RichcardCarousel instance.


Set the width of the cards in the carousel.

  • cardWidth - String: Either rcs_chatbot.CardWidth.SMALL or rcs_chatbot.CardWidth.MEDIUM.


Add a card to the carousel.

  • richcard - Richcard: The Richcard object.

Suggestions Functions

Suggested Replies consist of a display text and a set of postback data.

Suggested Actions are grouped into seven different categories supporting a total of twelve different suggested actions:

  • urlAction:
    • openUrl - Opens a web site or app via deep linking.
  • dialerAction:
    • dialPhoneNumber - Calls a phone number via the user's dialer app.
    • dialEnrichedCall - Start an Enriched Call via the user’s dialer app.
    • dialVideoCall - Start a video call via the user’s dialer app.
  • mapAction:
    • showLocation - Show location(s) on a map for given coordinates or search query.
    • requestLocationPush - Request for a one-time geo location push.
  • calendarAction:
    • createCalendarEvent - Creates a new event on the user's calendar.
  • composeAction:
    • composeTextMessage - Compose a draft text message.
    • composeRecordingMessage - Compose a draft message and start recording audio or video.
  • deviceAction:
    • requestDeviceSpecifics - Request for a one-time share of device specifics (device model, operating system version, messaging client identifier and version, and remaining battery charge in minutes).
  • settingsAction:
    • disableAnonymization - Ask the user to disable the anonymization setting.
    • enableDisplayedNotifications - Ask the user to enable sending displayed notifications.

Most actions allow fallback URLs in case a user does not have any app of the required type installed. Chatbot platforms can use the fallback URL to suggest an appropriate app to the user.


Returns a new Suggestions instance.

addReply(displayText, postbackData)

On-the-wire example:

  "reply": {
    "displayText": "Yes",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_reply_yes"

addUrlAction(displayText, postbackData, url)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "urlAction": {
      "openUrl": {
        "url": ""
    "displayText": "Open website or deep link",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_open_url"

addDialerAction(displayText, postbackData, dialType, phoneNumber, fallbackUrl, subject = None)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "dialerAction": {
      "dialPhoneNumber": {
        "phoneNumber": "+1650253000"
    "displayText": "Call a phone number",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_dial_phone_number"
  "action": {
    "dialerAction": {
      "dialEnrichedCall": {
        "phoneNumber": "+1650253000",
        "subject": "The optional subject for the enriched call"
    "displayText": "Start enriched call",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_dial_enriched_call"
  "action": {
    "dialerAction": {
      "dialVideoCall": {
        "phoneNumber": "+1650253000"
    "displayText": "Start video call",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_dial_video_call"

addRequestLocationPushMapAction(displayText, postbackData)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "mapAction": {
      "requestLocationPush": {}
    "displayText": "Request a geo location",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_request_location_push"

addShowLocationMapAction(displayText, postbackData, latitude, longitude, label, query, fallbackUrl)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "mapAction": {
      "showLocation": {
        "location": {
          "latitude": 37.4220041,
          "longitude": -122.0862515,
          "label": "Googleplex"
        "fallbackUrl": ",-122.078063,15z"
    "displayText": "Show location on a map",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_show_location"
  "action": {
    "mapAction": {
      "showLocation": {
        "location": {
          "query": "restaurants"
        "fallbackUrl": ""
    "displayText": "Search location(s) on map",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_search_locations"

addCalendarAction(displayText, postbackData, startTime, endTime, title, description, fallbackUrl)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "calendarAction": {
      "createCalendarEvent": {
        "startTime": "2017-03-14T00:00:00Z",
        "endTime": "2017-03-14T23:59:59Z",
        "title": "Meeting",
        "description": "GSG review meeting"
    "displayText": "Schedule Meeting",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_create_calendar_event"

addTextComposeAction(displayText, postbackData, phoneNumber, text)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "composeAction": {
      "composeTextMessage": {
        "phoneNumber": "+1650253000",
        "text": "Draft to go into the send message text field."
    "displayText": "Draft a text message",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_compose_text_message"

addRecordingComposeAction(displayText, postbackData, phoneNumber, type)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "composeAction": {
      "composeRecordingMessage": {
        "phoneNumber": "+1650253000",
        "type": "VIDEO"
    "displayText": "Record audio or video",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_compose_recording_message"

addDeviceAction(displayText, postbackData)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "deviceAction": {
      "requestDeviceSpecifics": {}
    "displayText": "Request device specifics",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_request_device_specifics"

addSettingsAction(displayText, postbackData, settingsType)

On-the-wire example:

  "action": {
    "settingsAction": {
      "disableAnonymization": {}
    "displayText": "Share your phone number",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_disable_anonymization"
  "action": {
    "settingsAction": {
      "enableDisplayedNotifications": {}
    "displayText": "Send read receipts",
    "postback": {
      "data": "set_by_chatbot_enable_displayed_notifications"


A different event is triggered for each type of event an RCS chatbot can receive. Below are all the possible events with an example of the payload they provide.


Triggered when a 'message' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'message' event payload.

Example usage:

def messageHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "RCSMessage": {
    "msgId": "Xs8CI3tdf",
    "textMessage": "hello world",
    "timestamp": "2017-09-26T01:33:20.315Z"
  "messageContact": {
    "userContact": "+14251234567"
  "event": "message"


Triggered when an 'isTyping' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'isTyping' event payload.

Example usage:

def isTypingHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "RCSMessage": {
    "msgId": "Xs8CI3tdf",
    "isTyping": "active",
    "timestamp": "2017-09-26T01:33:20.315Z"
  "messageContact": {
    "userContact": "+14251234567"
  "event": "isTyping"


Triggered when a 'messageStatus' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'messageStatus' event payload.

Example usage:

def messageStatusHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "RCSMessage": {
    "msgId": "MzJmajlmamVzZGZ8bmk5MHNlbmRmZTAz",
    "status": "displayed",
    "timestamp": "2017-09-26T01:33:20.315Z"
  "messageContact": {
    "userContact": "+14251234567"
  "event": "messageStatus"


Triggered when a 'fileStatus' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'fileStatus' event payload.

Example usage:

def fileStatusHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "file": {
    "fileId": "MzJmajlmamVzZGZ8bmk5MHNlbmRmZTAz",
    "fileUrl": "",
    "fileSize": 123456,
    "status": "ready",
    "validity": "2017-10-03T22:31:00.597Z"
  "event": "fileStatus"


Triggered when a 'response' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'response' event payload.

Example usage:

def responseHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "RCSMessage": {
    "msgId": "MzJmajlmamVzZGZ8bmk5MHNlbmRmZTAz",
    "suggestedResponse": {
      "response": {
        "action": {
          "displayText": "Visit Website",
          "postback": {
            "data": "set_by_chatbot_reply_yes"
    "timestamp": "2017-09-26T01:33:20.315Z"
  "messageContact": {
    "userContact": "+14251234567"
  "event": "response"


Triggered when a 'alias' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'alias' event payload.

Example usage:

def aliasHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "RCSMessage": {
    "msgId": "MzJmajlmamVzZGZ8bmk5MHNlbmRmZTAz",
    "timestamp": "2017-09-26T01:33:20.315Z"
  "messageContact": {
    "userContact": "+14251234567",
    "chatId": "93JF93SEIJFE"
  "event": "alias"


Triggered when a 'newUser' event is sent to the bot.

  • event - Object: An object containing the 'newUser' event payload.

Example usage:

def newUserHandler(event):

Sample payload:

  "RCSMessage": {
    "msgId": "MzJmajlmamVzZGZ8bmk5MHNlbmRmZTAz",
    "suggestedResponse": {
      "response": {
        "reply": {
          "displayText": "Start Chat",
          "postback": {
            "data": "new_bot_user_initiation"
    "timestamp": "2017-09-26T01:33:20.315Z"
  "messageContact": {
    "userContact": "+14251234567"
  "event": "newUser"

To Do

  • Verify constraints before sending
  • Look for missing fields like trafficType (there may be more)

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

rcs_chatbot-0.0.6.tar.gz (16.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

rcs_chatbot-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl (10.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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