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Framework to process primate fMRI and electrophysiological data

Project description

pymates doing neuro science

pyMate: process (primate) fMRI and e-phys data

What is it?

pyMate is a Python package that provides basic functionalities to process functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electro-physiological (e-phys) data. The tooling has a focus on the analysis of simultaneous fMRI and e-phys recordings in non-human primates (NHPs) as acquired in the AGLO lab at the MPI for Biological Cybernetics.

Disclaimer: Parts of the code and documentation were created with the help of ChatGPT 3.5, an AI language model. Images were generated with Midjourney, an AI image generator.

Table of Contents

Main Features

  • Gordo: Toolkit to process fMRI data. Named after Gordo, a squirrel monkey, who traveled to space in 1958.
  • Clyde: Toolkit to process e-phys data. Named after Clyde, a character in Clint Eastwood movies, played by an Orangutan named Manis.
  • Zaius Various tools to convert fringe data formats into more common data structures. Named after Dr. Zaius, the minister of science in the Planet of the Apes movies.


The pyMate package was developed to facilitate the analysis of fMRI and e-phys data recorded from non-human primates. The package consists of three main modules: Gordo, Clyde, and Zaius. Each module provides tools to process and analyze different aspects of the simultaneously recorded fMRI and e-phys data. While this is the original purpose of the package, the tools can also be used separately to only process fMRI or e-phys data.

The Zaius module however is not designed for data analysis but is a collection of tools to convert between data formats. Due to the heterogeneity of data formats not all the code in the Zaius module is written in Python. Re-write it in Python if you feel like it and push it here ;)

Data Formats

The pyMate package relies on various data formats for fMRI and e-phys data. The main data formats are:

  • fMRI Data: Nifti format
  • E-Phys Data: HDF5 format
  • Session Files: CSV format In the following the data formats and how to structure them is explained in more detail.

Data Structures

Data Structures Handling the various data formats for the fMRI and e-phys data is challenging. The pyMate package relies on a structure that may not be optimal... but it works. Ideas for different concepts are appreciated.

fMRI Data

The fMRI data is the easiest data to handle as it adheres to the Nifti format. The main challenge might be to convert the data from the Bruker format to Nifti. The Zaius module provides tools to do this.

While it is not important where or how the Nifti files are stored it is recommended to keep a folder structure where each scan is located in its owb sub-folder of the subject folder.

E-Phys Data

Electro-physiological (e-phys) data and other time series signals are stored in HDF5 format. The .h5 files contain two parts 1) the raw data and 2) the metadata. The raw data is stored in a dataset called 'data' and the metadata is stored as attributes of the HDF5 file. Most importantly for the Clyde framework to function seamlessly the metadata must contain the parameter sampling_rate which specifies the sampling rate of the data in Hz. There is no limit or other restrictions on metadata that can be stored in the HDF5 files.

If the e-phys data was recorded together with fMRI data the .h5 files should be stored in the same folder as the Nifti fMRI files.

Meta Data

Critical metadata about the experiment is stored in a CSV file. These files contain information about the fMRI and e-phys data and link both worlds together. The most important information, which cannot be found in any of the other files, is the inter volume time (-InterVolumeTime (ms)). This parameter is crucial for the correct interpretation of the fMRI data.

The existence of this file is due to the origin of the data. In the original raw data this information was stored in the dgz files. The Zaius module provides tools to convert these files into CSV files.

Event Data

To get any kind of meaningful analysis of fMRI data it is imperative to know when relevant events happened. This is where the event data comes into play. The event data is stored in a CSV file and contains information about the event timings. In the simplest case of a block design experiment the event file contains the onset and duration of each trial type (active or rest). The concept of these files is adopted from the Nilearn package. The idea is described in more detail here.

For a typical block design experiment where trhe timings are known these files can be generated manually or by code. In case of a neural event triggered fMRI (net-fMRI) experiment the event data file is generated by the Clyde module.

The event data file is stored in the same folder as the fMRI and e-phys data.

Session Files

The session files are also CSV files. However, they are not located together with the fMRI and e-phys data. They are the glue that ties different scans and subjects together and provides additional information about the experiment. The core paramters (columns) in the CSV file are as follows:

Parameter Description
func_file Filename and path relative to the subject folder that contains the functional imaging file (nifti file wirth EPI sequence)
event_file Filename and path relative to the subject folder that contains the event file
signal_file Filename and path relative to the subject folder that contains the electrophysiological data (.h5 file)
info_file Filename and path relative to the subject folder that contains the metadata file (csv file)
stimulation For information only: Describes the stimulation paradigm e.g. (4x2)x64, (blank x stim) x repeat
configuration For information only: Describes additional experimental configurations. e.g. stimulus intensity
stim_site For information only: Describes the site of stimulation e.g. left anterior insular in case of direct electrical simulation
stimulus For information only: Describes additional stimulus parameters e.g. current used for direct electrical stimulation


Gordo in space


Gordo mainly provides wrapper functions for the Nilearn package to facilitate the analysis of fMRI data. The module offers a simple, configurable interface to run statistical fMRI analysis and visualizations in a flexible yet structured manner.

In its simplest form the only input necessary is the link to a session file(s) and the subject folder with the raw fMRI data. The example below outlines this process:

from pyMate.Gordo import MriProcessing

subject_folder = r'c:\your\folder\structure\clyde_in_the_scanner'

session_files = [

fmri = MriProcessing(session_files, subject_folder)

After running the above code an HTML page will open in the systems default browser which gives an interactive view of the statistical map on-top the mean EPI image.

To customize the analysis the following attributes can be set:

Attribute Description Default Value Valid Values
hrf_model 'spm'
drift_model 'cosine'
high_pass 0.01
noise_model 'ar1'
smoothing_fwhm 3
threshold None
mask_img False

Extending the example above with some of the attributes:

fmri = MriProcessing()

fmri.smoothing_fwhm = 6
fmri.mask_img = None

fmri.session_files = session_files
fmri.subject_folder = subject_folder


This will run the analysis with a smoothing kernel of 6mm and with a mask image, so that a statistical map is restricted to the brain.

Concepts & Visualizations

The analysis of the fMRI data that is followed by the Gordo code is based on the General Linear Model (GLM). A typical approach to analyzing fMRI data. In the following the most important terms are explained and commands to visualize key aspects with the Gordo framework are shown.

The General Linear Model (GLM)

The General Linear Model (GLM) is a statistical framework widely used in fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) analysis to study the relationship between experimental stimuli or tasks and brain activity. It provides a flexible and powerful approach for analyzing fMRI data by modeling the observed BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent) signal as a linear combination of explanatory variables.

Here's an explanation of the components and principles of the GLM in the context of fMRI analysis:

  1. Design Matrix: At the core of the GLM is the design matrix, also known as the design matrix or model matrix. The design matrix encodes the experimental design and represents the relationship between the experimental conditions or stimuli and the observed fMRI data. Each column of the design matrix corresponds to a different explanatory variable, typically representing experimental conditions, and each row corresponds to a different time point or sample in the fMRI data. The values in the design matrix indicate the expected response of each voxel (3D pixel) in the brain for each condition at each time point.
  2. Parameter Estimation: The GLM estimates parameters that quantify the relationship between the explanatory variables in the design matrix and the observed fMRI data. This is typically done using methods such as ordinary least squares (OLS) regression or its variants. The goal is to find the set of parameter estimates that best explains the variability in the fMRI data given the design matrix.
  3. Contrast Specification: Once the parameters are estimated, researchers can specify contrasts of interest within the GLM framework. Contrasts are linear combinations of the parameter estimates that test specific hypotheses about the effects of experimental conditions on brain activity. For example, a contrast might compare brain activity during one experimental condition to another or isolate the effects of interest relative to a baseline or control condition.
  4. Statistical Inference: After specifying contrasts, statistical inference is performed to determine whether the observed patterns of brain activity are statistically significant. This typically involves testing the contrast estimates against a null hypothesis of no effect using methods such as t-tests or F-tests. Correcting for multiple comparisons is essential to control for false positives in fMRI data analysis.
  5. Model Assumptions: The GLM makes several assumptions, including linearity, independence, homoscedasticity (constant variance), and normality of errors. Violations of these assumptions can lead to biased parameter estimates and incorrect statistical inferences.

Overall, the GLM provides a flexible and widely used framework for analyzing fMRI data, allowing researchers to model complex experimental designs, test specific hypotheses, and draw conclusions about the neural correlates of cognition, perception, behavior, and various mental processes.

A simple from scratch implementation in Python is described in this Medium article.

The Design Matrix

In fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) analysis, the design matrix is a fundamental component used in statistical modeling to represent the experimental design and its relationship to the observed fMRI data. It is a crucial part of the general linear model (GLM) framework, which is commonly used for analyzing fMRI data. The design matrix essentially encodes the experimental paradigm or task design in a matrix format. Each column of the design matrix represents a specific condition or regressor in the experiment, while each row represents a time point or sample in the fMRI data. The values in the matrix indicate the expected activity or response of each voxel (3D pixel) in the brain for each condition at each time point.

Here's a breakdown of the components of a typical design matrix:

  1. Columns: Each column corresponds to a different experimental condition or regressor. For example, if an experiment involves presenting visual stimuli of faces and houses, there would be two columns in the design matrix, one for faces and one for houses.
  2. Rows: Each row corresponds to a time point or sample in the fMRI data. Typically, the fMRI data is divided into small time intervals called time bins or volumes. Each row in the design matrix represents the expected neural activity for each condition at each time bin.
  3. Values: The values in the matrix represent the expected response of each voxel in the brain for each condition at each time point. These values are typically derived from a hypothesized model of the hemodynamic response function (HRF), which describes the relationship between neural activity and the observed fMRI signal.

The design matrix is used in conjunction with the observed fMRI data to perform statistical inference, typically through methods such as ordinary least squares (OLS) regression or its variants. By fitting the design matrix to the fMRI data, researchers can estimate the contribution of each experimental condition to the observed brain activity and infer which brain regions are involved in processing different cognitive tasks or stimuli.

With the following command from Gordo you can visualize the design matrix:


Design Matrix

The Contrast Matrix

In fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) analysis, the contrast matrix is a crucial tool used to test specific hypotheses about the effects of experimental conditions on brain activity. It is closely related to the design matrix and is used within the framework of the general linear model (GLM). While the design matrix represents the experimental design and the relationship between experimental conditions and observed fMRI data, the contrast matrix specifies the specific comparisons or contrasts of interest within the context of the design matrix.

Here's how the contrast matrix is typically structured and used:

  1. Structure: The contrast matrix is a mathematical matrix where each row represents a different contrast or comparison of interest. The number of rows in the contrast matrix corresponds to the number of contrasts being tested. Each contrast is specified by a set of weights assigned to the columns of the design matrix.
  2. Weights: The values in each row of the contrast matrix specify the weights assigned to each column of the design matrix. These weights determine how much each condition contributes to the contrast being tested. Positive weights indicate conditions that are expected to increase brain activity, while negative weights indicate conditions that are expected to decrease brain activity.
  3. Interpretation: Once the contrast matrix is defined, it is used to compute contrast images or contrast estimates by multiplying it with the parameter estimates obtained from fitting the design matrix to the observed fMRI data. These contrast images represent the specific patterns of brain activity associated with each contrast of interest.
  4. Hypothesis Testing: The contrast images obtained from the contrast matrix are then used for statistical inference to determine whether the observed patterns of brain activity are statistically significant. This is typically done using methods such as t-tests or F-tests, which compare the contrast images to a null hypothesis of no effect.

In summary, the contrast matrix in fMRI analysis allows researchers to specify and test specific hypotheses about the effects of experimental conditions on brain activity by defining contrasts of interest within the framework of the design matrix and the GLM. It provides a flexible and powerful tool for examining the neural correlates of different cognitive tasks, stimuli, or experimental manipulations.

With the following command from Gordo you can visualize the contrast matrix:


Contrast Matrix

The Expected BOLD Response for a single voxel

The expected fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) response refers to the anticipated pattern of brain activity observed in fMRI data in response to experimental stimuli or cognitive tasks. It's essential to understand that fMRI measures changes in blood flow and oxygenation in the brain, known as the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal. These changes are associated with neural activity, primarily reflecting synaptic activity and the metabolic demands of neurons.

Several factors contribute to the expected fMRI response:

  1. Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF): The HRF describes the relationship between neural activity and the observed BOLD signal. It represents the time course of the hemodynamic changes that occur following neural activation, including initial increases in blood flow and oxygenation followed by a gradual return to baseline. The shape and timing of the HRF vary across brain regions and individuals but typically peak a few seconds after the onset of neural activity.
  2. Experimental Design: The design of the fMRI experiment, including the timing and nature of the experimental stimuli or tasks, influences the expected fMRI response. Different experimental paradigms elicit different patterns of neural activity and corresponding changes in the BOLD signal. For example, visual stimulation may evoke activity in visual cortex regions, while auditory tasks may activate auditory cortex regions.
  3. Modeling Cognitive Processes: Researchers often develop hypotheses about the cognitive processes underlying specific experimental manipulations. These hypotheses guide the interpretation of the expected fMRI response. For instance, if a task involves working memory, researchers might expect increased activity in prefrontal cortex regions associated with executive control and maintenance of information.
  4. Contrast Effects: The expected fMRI response may also depend on the specific contrasts or comparisons of interest within the experimental design. Contrasts compare brain activity between different experimental conditions or groups and are often used to test specific hypotheses. For example, a contrast might compare brain activity during a task condition to a baseline or control condition to isolate the effects of interest.

Overall, the expected fMRI response reflects the complex interplay between neural activity, hemodynamic changes, experimental design, and cognitive processes. By understanding and modeling these factors, researchers can interpret fMRI data to draw conclusions about the neural correlates of cognition, perception, behavior, and various mental processes.

With the following command from Gordo you can visualize the expected BOLD response for a single voxel:


Expected BOLD response


Clyde in a bar



Plot LFP time course and power spectrum

from pyMate.Clyde import PrepareData

signal = r'c:\your\folder\structure\ephys_data.h5'

ephys_data = PrepareData(signal_filename=signal)

Plot LFP Time Course and Mark Detected Peaks

from pyMate.Clyde import SignalProcessing

channel = 1
event_data = SignalProcessing(ephys_data)


Plot mean Time-Frequency Power Spectrum


Plot Power Spectra of Detected Events

event_data.plot_event_spectra(channel, xlim=[0, 200])

Plot Cluster Time-Frequency Power Spectrum and LFP traces



Zaius thinking

Bruker Data to Nifti format

DGZ files to csv

ADFX files to HDF5

Matlab files to HDF5

Project details

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real_pymate-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (17.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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