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Project description
### Table of Contents
- **[Redundans](#redundans)**
- **[Prerequisites](#prerequisites)**
- **[UNIX installer](#unix-installer)**
- **[Docker image](#docker-image)**
- **[Running the pipeline](#running-the-pipeline)**
- **[Parameters](#parameters)**
- **[Test run](#test-run)**
- **[Support](#support)**
- **[Citation](#citation)**
# Redundans
Redundans pipeline assists **an assembly of heterozygous genomes**.
Program takes [as input](#parameters) **assembled contigs**, **sequencing libraries** and/or **reference sequence** and returns **scaffolded homozygous genome assembly**. Final assembly should be **less fragmented** and with total **size smaller** than the input contigs. In addition, Redundans will automatically **close the gaps** resulting from genome assembly or scaffolding.
<img align="right" src="/docs/redundans_flowchart.png">
The pipeline consists of three steps/modules:
1. **redundancy reduction**: detection and selective removal of redundant contigs from an initial *de novo* assembly
2. **scaffolding**: joining of genome fragments using paired-end reads, mate-pairs, long reads and/or reference chromosomes
3. **gap closing**: filling the gaps after scaffolding using paired-end and/or mate-pair reads
Redundans is:
- **fast** & **lightweight**, multi-core support and memory-optimised,
so it can be run even on the laptop for small-to-medium size genomes
- **flexible** toward many sequencing technologies (Illumina, 454, Sanger, PacBio & Nanopore) and library types (paired-end, mate pairs, fosmids, long reads)
- **modular**: every step can be ommited or replaced by other tools
- **reliable**: it has been already used to improve genome assemblies varying in size (several Mb to several Gb) and complexity (fungal, animal & plants)
For more information have a look at the [documentation](/docs), [poster](/docs/poster.pdf), [publication]( and [test dataset](/test).
## Prerequisites
Redundans uses several programs (all provided within this repository):
- [LAST]( v700+
- [BWA]( v0.7.12+
- [SNAP aligner](
- [SSPACE3](
- [GapCloser](
- [pyScaf](
- [FastaIndex](
On most Linux distros, the installation should be as easy as:
git clone --recursive
cd redundans
(cd bin/bwa && make clean && make)
(cd bin/last && make clean && make)
(cd bin/snap && make clean && make)
If it fails, make sure you have below dependencies installed:
- Python 2.7 or 2.6
- Perl [SSPACE3]
- make, gcc & g++ [BWA & LAST] ie. `sudo apt-get install make gcc g++`
- [zlib including zlib.h headers]( [BWA] ie. `sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev`
- optionally for plotting `numpy` and `matplotlib` ie. `sudo -H pip install -U matplotlib numpy`
For user convenience, we provide [UNIX installer](#unix-installer) and [Docker image](#docker-image), that can be used instead of manually installation.
### UNIX installer
UNIX installer will automatically fetch, compile and configure Redundans together with all dependencies.
It should work on all modern Linux systems, given Python 2.7, commonly used programmes (ie. wget, curl, git, perl, gcc, g++, ldconfig) and libraries (zlib including zlib.h) are installed.
source <(curl -Ls
### Docker image
First, you need to install [docker]( `wget -qO- | sh`
Then, you can run the test example by executing:
# process the data inside the image - all data will be lost at the end
docker run -it -w /root/src/redundans lpryszcz/redundans ./ -v -i test/{600,5000}_{1,2}.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1
# if you wish to process local files, you need to mount the volume with -v
## make sure you are in redundans repo directory (containing test/ directory)
docker run -v `pwd`/test:/test:rw -it lpryszcz/redundans /root/src/redundans/ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1
Docker images are very handy, but they have certain limitation.
The most annoying for me is the **lack of autocompletion**, unless you specify the path in host and container in the exactly same manner as in the example above.
In addition, the volume needs to be mounted every time, leading to a bit complex commands.
## Running the pipeline
Redundans input consists of **assembled contigs** (FastA) and any combination of::
- **paired-end and/or mate pairs reads** (FastQ/FastA*)
- **long reads** (FastQ/FastA*) - both PacBio and Nanopore are supported
- and/or **reference chromosomes/contigs** (FastA)
* gzipped FastQ/FastA files are also accepted.
Redundans will return **homozygous genome assembly** in `scaffolds.filled.fa` (FastA).
In addition, the program reports [statistics for every pipeline step](/test#summary-statistics), including number of contigs that were removed, GC content, N50, N90 and size of gap regions.
### Parameters
For the user convinience, Redundans is equipped with a wrapper that **automatically estimates run parameters** and executes all steps/modules.
The only mandatory parameter required at the runtime is **assembled contigs** (FastA), although you should also specify some sequencing libraries (FastA/FastQ) or reference sequence (FastA) in order to perform scaffolding.
Most of the pipeline parameters can be adjusted manually (default values are given in square brackets []):
**HINT**: If you run fails, you may try to resume it, by adding `--resume` parameter.
- Genral options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose verbose
--version show program's version number and exit
-f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
assembly FASTA file
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
output directory [redundans]
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
no. of threads to run [4]
--resume resume previous run
--log LOG output log to [stderr]
- Reduction options:
--identity IDENTITY min. identity [0.51]
--overlap OVERLAP min. overlap [0.66]
--minLength MINLENGTH
min. contig length [200]
- Scaffolding options:
-i FASTQ [FASTQ ...], --fastq FASTQ [FASTQ ...]
-j JOINS, --joins JOINS
min k pairs to join contigs [5]
max link ratio between two best contig pairs [0.7]
--limit LIMIT align subset of reads [0.2]
align subset of reads [0.2]; this means 0.2*genome size reads will be aligned; so for 100Mb genome, redundans will process 20M reads per library
-q MAPQ, --mapq MAPQ min mapping quality [10]
-iters ITERS scaffolding iterations per library [2]
FastQ/FastA files with long reads
reference FastA file
--norearrangements high identity mode (rearrangements not allowed)
Redundans is **extremely flexible**. All steps of the pipeline can be ommited using: `--noreduction`, `--noscaffolding` and/or `--nogapclosing` parameters.
### Test run
To run the test example, execute:
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1
# if your run failed for any reason, you can try to resume it
rm test/run1/_sspace.2.1.filled.fa
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1 --resume
Note, the **order of libraries (`-i/--input`) is not important**, as long as `read1` and `read2` from each library are given one after another
i.e. `-i 600_1.fq.gz 600_2.fq.gz 5000_1.fq.gz 5000_2.fq.gz` would be interpreted the same as `-i 5000_1.fq.gz 5000_2.fq.gz 600_1.fq.gz 600_2.fq.gz`.
You can play with **any combination of inputs** ie. paired-end, mate pairs, long reads and / or reference-based scaffolding, for example:
# reduction, scaffolding with paired-end, mate pairs and long reads, and gap closing with paired-end and mate pairs
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -l test/pacbio.fq.gz test/nanopore.fa.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run_short_long
# scaffolding and gap closing with paired-end and mate pairs (no reduction)
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run_short-scaffolding-closing --noreduction
# reduction, reference-based scaffolding and gap closing with paired-end reads
./ -v -i test/600_?.fq.gz -r test/ref.fa -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run_ref_pe-closing --noscaffolding
For more details have a look in [test directory](/test).
## Support
If you have any issues or doubts check [documentation](/docs) and [FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](/docs#faq).
You may want also to sign to [our forum](
## Citation
Leszek P. Pryszcz and Toni Gabaldón (2016) Redundans: an assembly pipeline for highly heterozygous genomes. NAR. [doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw294](
- **[Redundans](#redundans)**
- **[Prerequisites](#prerequisites)**
- **[UNIX installer](#unix-installer)**
- **[Docker image](#docker-image)**
- **[Running the pipeline](#running-the-pipeline)**
- **[Parameters](#parameters)**
- **[Test run](#test-run)**
- **[Support](#support)**
- **[Citation](#citation)**
# Redundans
Redundans pipeline assists **an assembly of heterozygous genomes**.
Program takes [as input](#parameters) **assembled contigs**, **sequencing libraries** and/or **reference sequence** and returns **scaffolded homozygous genome assembly**. Final assembly should be **less fragmented** and with total **size smaller** than the input contigs. In addition, Redundans will automatically **close the gaps** resulting from genome assembly or scaffolding.
<img align="right" src="/docs/redundans_flowchart.png">
The pipeline consists of three steps/modules:
1. **redundancy reduction**: detection and selective removal of redundant contigs from an initial *de novo* assembly
2. **scaffolding**: joining of genome fragments using paired-end reads, mate-pairs, long reads and/or reference chromosomes
3. **gap closing**: filling the gaps after scaffolding using paired-end and/or mate-pair reads
Redundans is:
- **fast** & **lightweight**, multi-core support and memory-optimised,
so it can be run even on the laptop for small-to-medium size genomes
- **flexible** toward many sequencing technologies (Illumina, 454, Sanger, PacBio & Nanopore) and library types (paired-end, mate pairs, fosmids, long reads)
- **modular**: every step can be ommited or replaced by other tools
- **reliable**: it has been already used to improve genome assemblies varying in size (several Mb to several Gb) and complexity (fungal, animal & plants)
For more information have a look at the [documentation](/docs), [poster](/docs/poster.pdf), [publication]( and [test dataset](/test).
## Prerequisites
Redundans uses several programs (all provided within this repository):
- [LAST]( v700+
- [BWA]( v0.7.12+
- [SNAP aligner](
- [SSPACE3](
- [GapCloser](
- [pyScaf](
- [FastaIndex](
On most Linux distros, the installation should be as easy as:
git clone --recursive
cd redundans
(cd bin/bwa && make clean && make)
(cd bin/last && make clean && make)
(cd bin/snap && make clean && make)
If it fails, make sure you have below dependencies installed:
- Python 2.7 or 2.6
- Perl [SSPACE3]
- make, gcc & g++ [BWA & LAST] ie. `sudo apt-get install make gcc g++`
- [zlib including zlib.h headers]( [BWA] ie. `sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev`
- optionally for plotting `numpy` and `matplotlib` ie. `sudo -H pip install -U matplotlib numpy`
For user convenience, we provide [UNIX installer](#unix-installer) and [Docker image](#docker-image), that can be used instead of manually installation.
### UNIX installer
UNIX installer will automatically fetch, compile and configure Redundans together with all dependencies.
It should work on all modern Linux systems, given Python 2.7, commonly used programmes (ie. wget, curl, git, perl, gcc, g++, ldconfig) and libraries (zlib including zlib.h) are installed.
source <(curl -Ls
### Docker image
First, you need to install [docker]( `wget -qO- | sh`
Then, you can run the test example by executing:
# process the data inside the image - all data will be lost at the end
docker run -it -w /root/src/redundans lpryszcz/redundans ./ -v -i test/{600,5000}_{1,2}.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1
# if you wish to process local files, you need to mount the volume with -v
## make sure you are in redundans repo directory (containing test/ directory)
docker run -v `pwd`/test:/test:rw -it lpryszcz/redundans /root/src/redundans/ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1
Docker images are very handy, but they have certain limitation.
The most annoying for me is the **lack of autocompletion**, unless you specify the path in host and container in the exactly same manner as in the example above.
In addition, the volume needs to be mounted every time, leading to a bit complex commands.
## Running the pipeline
Redundans input consists of **assembled contigs** (FastA) and any combination of::
- **paired-end and/or mate pairs reads** (FastQ/FastA*)
- **long reads** (FastQ/FastA*) - both PacBio and Nanopore are supported
- and/or **reference chromosomes/contigs** (FastA)
* gzipped FastQ/FastA files are also accepted.
Redundans will return **homozygous genome assembly** in `scaffolds.filled.fa` (FastA).
In addition, the program reports [statistics for every pipeline step](/test#summary-statistics), including number of contigs that were removed, GC content, N50, N90 and size of gap regions.
### Parameters
For the user convinience, Redundans is equipped with a wrapper that **automatically estimates run parameters** and executes all steps/modules.
The only mandatory parameter required at the runtime is **assembled contigs** (FastA), although you should also specify some sequencing libraries (FastA/FastQ) or reference sequence (FastA) in order to perform scaffolding.
Most of the pipeline parameters can be adjusted manually (default values are given in square brackets []):
**HINT**: If you run fails, you may try to resume it, by adding `--resume` parameter.
- Genral options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose verbose
--version show program's version number and exit
-f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
assembly FASTA file
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
output directory [redundans]
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
no. of threads to run [4]
--resume resume previous run
--log LOG output log to [stderr]
- Reduction options:
--identity IDENTITY min. identity [0.51]
--overlap OVERLAP min. overlap [0.66]
--minLength MINLENGTH
min. contig length [200]
- Scaffolding options:
-i FASTQ [FASTQ ...], --fastq FASTQ [FASTQ ...]
-j JOINS, --joins JOINS
min k pairs to join contigs [5]
max link ratio between two best contig pairs [0.7]
--limit LIMIT align subset of reads [0.2]
align subset of reads [0.2]; this means 0.2*genome size reads will be aligned; so for 100Mb genome, redundans will process 20M reads per library
-q MAPQ, --mapq MAPQ min mapping quality [10]
-iters ITERS scaffolding iterations per library [2]
FastQ/FastA files with long reads
reference FastA file
--norearrangements high identity mode (rearrangements not allowed)
Redundans is **extremely flexible**. All steps of the pipeline can be ommited using: `--noreduction`, `--noscaffolding` and/or `--nogapclosing` parameters.
### Test run
To run the test example, execute:
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1
# if your run failed for any reason, you can try to resume it
rm test/run1/_sspace.2.1.filled.fa
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run1 --resume
Note, the **order of libraries (`-i/--input`) is not important**, as long as `read1` and `read2` from each library are given one after another
i.e. `-i 600_1.fq.gz 600_2.fq.gz 5000_1.fq.gz 5000_2.fq.gz` would be interpreted the same as `-i 5000_1.fq.gz 5000_2.fq.gz 600_1.fq.gz 600_2.fq.gz`.
You can play with **any combination of inputs** ie. paired-end, mate pairs, long reads and / or reference-based scaffolding, for example:
# reduction, scaffolding with paired-end, mate pairs and long reads, and gap closing with paired-end and mate pairs
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -l test/pacbio.fq.gz test/nanopore.fa.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run_short_long
# scaffolding and gap closing with paired-end and mate pairs (no reduction)
./ -v -i test/*.fq.gz -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run_short-scaffolding-closing --noreduction
# reduction, reference-based scaffolding and gap closing with paired-end reads
./ -v -i test/600_?.fq.gz -r test/ref.fa -f test/contigs.fa -o test/run_ref_pe-closing --noscaffolding
For more details have a look in [test directory](/test).
## Support
If you have any issues or doubts check [documentation](/docs) and [FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](/docs#faq).
You may want also to sign to [our forum](
## Citation
Leszek P. Pryszcz and Toni Gabaldón (2016) Redundans: an assembly pipeline for highly heterozygous genomes. NAR. [doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw294](
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(29.1 kB
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Details for the file redundans-0.13a5.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: redundans-0.13a5.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 29.1 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | fbe3ac5e94822999dc21470a4b6be39e01a05d8bbfaca16aa76030180dff3eb2 |
MD5 | cfd9b92be42465e17de1966424166573 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 4fcbead58ae7ee881e9f86b4f40a236fed62eeff2ee681d378ea9bbb8f39feb2 |
File details
Details for the file redundans-0.13a5-py2-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: redundans-0.13a5-py2-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 35.1 kB
- Tags: Python 2
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 415b0048c119e6dfa070d7931202e24273ede1a7f4a186d0aa969b0e335ef45c |
MD5 | 6c8f6280be3bb4990bfbcc4bc691b670 |
BLAKE2b-256 | cfc536fc97bf6c33bd64c75d8b9efaf2f0c0f80f3d1fa82191b7e36b46c4730c |