Related: Straightforward nested object models in Python
Project description
<img src='./.images/logo.png' width='140' align="left" />
<a href=''><img src='' align="right" /></a>
<a href=''><img src='' align="right" /></a>
<a href=''><img src='' align="right" /></a>
`Related` is a Python library for creating nested object models
that can be serialized to and de-serialized from
nested python dictionaries.
When paired with other libraries (e.g. [PyYAML]),
`Related` object models can be used to convert to and from
nested data formats (e.g. JSON, YAML).
Example use cases for `related` object models include:
* Configuration file reading and writing
* REST API message response generation and request processing
* Object-Document Mapping for a document store (e.g. MongoDB, elasticsearch)
* Data import parsing or export generation
# Requirements
* Python (2.7, 3.5, 3.6)
# Installation
Install using `pip`...
pip install related
# First Example
import related
class Person(object):
first_name = related.StringField()
last_name = related.StringField()
class RoleModels(object):
scientists = related.SetField(Person)
people = [Person(first_name="Grace", last_name="Hopper"),
Person(first_name="Katherine", last_name="Johnson"),
Person(first_name="Katherine", last_name="Johnson")]
- first_name: Grace
last_name: Hopper
- first_name: Katherine
last_name: Johnson
# Second Example
The below example is based off of this [Docker Compose example].
It shows how a YAML file can be loaded into an object model, tested, and
then generated back into a string that matches the original YAML.
version: '2'
build: .
- 5000:5000
- .:/code
image: redis
Below is the `related` object model that represents the above configuration.
Notice how the name-based mapping of services (i.e. web, redis) are
represented by the model.
import related
class Service(object):
name = related.StringField()
image = related.StringField(required=False)
build = related.StringField(required=False)
ports = related.SequenceField(str, required=False)
volumes = related.SequenceField(str, required=False)
command = related.StringField(required=False)
class Compose(object):
version = related.StringField(required=False, default=None)
services = related.MappingField(Service, "name", required=False)
The above yaml can then be loaded by using one of the convenience
method and then round-tripped back to yaml to check that the format
has been maintained. The `related` module uses `OrderedDict` objects
in order to maintain sort order by default.
from os.path import join, dirname
from model import Compose
from related import to_yaml, from_yaml, to_model
YML_FILE = join(dirname(__file__), "docker-compose.yml")
def test_compose_from_yml():
original_yaml = open(YML_FILE).read().strip()
yml_dict = from_yaml(original_yaml)
compose = to_model(Compose, yml_dict)
assert compose.version == '2'
assert['web'].ports == ["5000:5000"]
assert['redis'].image == "redis"
generated_yaml = to_yaml(compose,
assert original_yaml == generated_yaml
# More Examples
More examples can be found by reviewing the [tests/] folder of this project.
Below are links and descriptions of the tests provided so far.
| Example | description |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Example 00] | First example above that shows how SetFields work. |
| [Example 01] | Second example above that demonstrates YAML (de)serialization. |
| [Example 02] | Compose v3 with long-form ports and singledispatch to_dict |
| [Example 03] | A single class (Company) with a bunch of value fields. |
| [Example 04] | A multi-class object model with Enum class value field. |
| [Example 05] | Handling of renaming of attributes including Python keywords. |
| [Example 06] | Basic JSON (de)serialization with TimeField, DateTimeField and DecimalField. |
| [Example 07] | Function decorator that converts inputs to obj and outputs to dict |
| [Example 08] | Handle self-referencing and out-of-order references using strings. |
# Documentation
Below is a quick version of documentation until more time can be dedicated.
## Overview
The [attrs] library is the underlying engine for `related`.
As explained in [this article by Glyph],
`attrs` cleanly and cleverly
eliminates a lot of the boilerplate
required when creating Python classes
without using inheritance.
Some core functionality provided by attrs:
* Generated initializer method
* Generated comparison methods
(``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, ``__ge__`` )
* Human-readable representation method
* Attribute converter and validator framework
The `related` project is an opinionated layer
built on top of the `attrs` library
that provides the following:
* Value fields that handle both validation and conversion
to and from basic data types like
``str``, ``float``, and ``bool``.
* Nested fields that support relationships such as
Child, Sequences, Mappings, and Sets of objects.
* ``to_dict`` function that converts nested object graphs
to python dictionaries.
Made customizable (without resorting to [monkey-patching])
by the [singledispatch library].
* ``to_model`` function that instantiated classes
used by the de-serialization process going from
python dictionaries to the related model.
* Conversion helper functions
(``to_yaml``, ``from_yaml``, ``to_json``, ``from_json``)
for easily going between
related models and data formats.
* ``@mutable`` and ``@immutable`` for decorating classes
as related models without the need for inheritance increasing
maintainability and flexibility.
## Class Decorators
| decorator | description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @mutable | Activate a related class that instantiates changeable objects. |
| @immutable | Activate a related class that instantiates unchangeable objects. |
See the [] file to view the source code until proper
documentation is generated.
## Field Types
| field type | description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| BooleanField | `bool` value field. |
| ChildField | Child object of a specified type `cls`. |
| DateField | `date` field formatted using `formatter`. |
| DateTimeField | `datetime` field formatted using `formatter`. |
| TimeField | `time` field formatted using `formatter`. |
| FloatField | `float` value field. |
| IntegerField | `int` value field. |
| MappingField(cls,key) | Dictionary of objects of type `cls` index by `key` field values. |
| RegexField(regex) | `str` value field that is validated by re.match(`regex`). |
| SequenceField(cls) | List of objects all of specified type `cls`. |
| SetField | Set of objects all of a specified type `cls`. |
| StringField | `str` value field. |
| URLField | [ParseResult] object. |
| UUIDField | [UUID] object, will create [uuid4] by default if not specified. |
Adding your own field types is fairly straightforward
due to the power of the underlying `attrs` project.
See the [] file to see how the above are constructed.
## Functions
| function | description |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| from_json(s,cls) | Convert a JSON string or stream into specified class. |
| from_yaml(s,cls) | Convert a YAML string or stream into specified class. |
| is_related(obj) | Returns True if object is @mutable or @immutable. |
| to_dict(obj) | Singledispatch function for converting to a dict. |
| to_json(obj) | Convert object to a (pretty) JSON string via to_dict. |
| to_model(cls,value) | Convert a value to a `cls` instance. |
| to_yaml(obj) | Convert object to a YAML string via to_dict. |
See the [] file to view the source code until proper
documentation is generated.
# Credits/Prior Art
The `related` project has been heavily influenced by the following
projects that might be worth looking at if `related` doesn't meet your needs.
* [attrs] - The engine that powers `related` functionality.
* [Django ORM] - Object-relational mapping for Django that inspired `related's` design.
* [cattrs] - Alternative take for handling nested-objects using `attrs`.
* [addict] and [box] - Python dictionary wrappers that do not require a model.
* [Jackson] - Java-based technology for serializing and de-serializing objects.
# License
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017 [Ian Maurer], [Genomoncology LLC]
[flow-image]: ./.images/flow.png
[]: ./src/related/
[]: ./src/related/
[]: ./src/related/
[this article by Glyph]:
[Genomoncology LLC]:
[Ian Maurer]:
[singledispatch library]:
[Django ORM]:
[Docker Compose example]:
[tests/]: ./tests/
[Example 00]: ./tests/ex00_sets_hashes
[Example 01]: ./tests/ex01_compose_v2
[Example 02]: ./tests/ex02_compose_v3.2
[Example 03]: ./tests/ex03_company
[Example 04]: ./tests/ex04_contact
[Example 05]: ./tests/ex05_field_names
[Example 06]: ./tests/ex06_json
[Example 07]: ./tests/ex07_serializer
[Example 08]: ./tests/ex08_self_reference
0.6.2 (2018-02-12)
- Contribution [GabrielDav]: TimeField and DateTimeField fields.
0.6.1 (2018-01-31)
- Strict Mode [Issue #8] throws an exception when receiving an undefined key.
0.3 (2017-06-23)
- New type: ImmutableDict
- Add function on TypedMapping
- Bug fixes in from_yaml and from_json functions.
0.2 (2017-06-05)
- Allow None by default in Typed Collections.
0.1 (2017-05-24)
- Initial release.
<a href=''><img src='' align="right" /></a>
<a href=''><img src='' align="right" /></a>
<a href=''><img src='' align="right" /></a>
`Related` is a Python library for creating nested object models
that can be serialized to and de-serialized from
nested python dictionaries.
When paired with other libraries (e.g. [PyYAML]),
`Related` object models can be used to convert to and from
nested data formats (e.g. JSON, YAML).
Example use cases for `related` object models include:
* Configuration file reading and writing
* REST API message response generation and request processing
* Object-Document Mapping for a document store (e.g. MongoDB, elasticsearch)
* Data import parsing or export generation
# Requirements
* Python (2.7, 3.5, 3.6)
# Installation
Install using `pip`...
pip install related
# First Example
import related
class Person(object):
first_name = related.StringField()
last_name = related.StringField()
class RoleModels(object):
scientists = related.SetField(Person)
people = [Person(first_name="Grace", last_name="Hopper"),
Person(first_name="Katherine", last_name="Johnson"),
Person(first_name="Katherine", last_name="Johnson")]
- first_name: Grace
last_name: Hopper
- first_name: Katherine
last_name: Johnson
# Second Example
The below example is based off of this [Docker Compose example].
It shows how a YAML file can be loaded into an object model, tested, and
then generated back into a string that matches the original YAML.
version: '2'
build: .
- 5000:5000
- .:/code
image: redis
Below is the `related` object model that represents the above configuration.
Notice how the name-based mapping of services (i.e. web, redis) are
represented by the model.
import related
class Service(object):
name = related.StringField()
image = related.StringField(required=False)
build = related.StringField(required=False)
ports = related.SequenceField(str, required=False)
volumes = related.SequenceField(str, required=False)
command = related.StringField(required=False)
class Compose(object):
version = related.StringField(required=False, default=None)
services = related.MappingField(Service, "name", required=False)
The above yaml can then be loaded by using one of the convenience
method and then round-tripped back to yaml to check that the format
has been maintained. The `related` module uses `OrderedDict` objects
in order to maintain sort order by default.
from os.path import join, dirname
from model import Compose
from related import to_yaml, from_yaml, to_model
YML_FILE = join(dirname(__file__), "docker-compose.yml")
def test_compose_from_yml():
original_yaml = open(YML_FILE).read().strip()
yml_dict = from_yaml(original_yaml)
compose = to_model(Compose, yml_dict)
assert compose.version == '2'
assert['web'].ports == ["5000:5000"]
assert['redis'].image == "redis"
generated_yaml = to_yaml(compose,
assert original_yaml == generated_yaml
# More Examples
More examples can be found by reviewing the [tests/] folder of this project.
Below are links and descriptions of the tests provided so far.
| Example | description |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Example 00] | First example above that shows how SetFields work. |
| [Example 01] | Second example above that demonstrates YAML (de)serialization. |
| [Example 02] | Compose v3 with long-form ports and singledispatch to_dict |
| [Example 03] | A single class (Company) with a bunch of value fields. |
| [Example 04] | A multi-class object model with Enum class value field. |
| [Example 05] | Handling of renaming of attributes including Python keywords. |
| [Example 06] | Basic JSON (de)serialization with TimeField, DateTimeField and DecimalField. |
| [Example 07] | Function decorator that converts inputs to obj and outputs to dict |
| [Example 08] | Handle self-referencing and out-of-order references using strings. |
# Documentation
Below is a quick version of documentation until more time can be dedicated.
## Overview
The [attrs] library is the underlying engine for `related`.
As explained in [this article by Glyph],
`attrs` cleanly and cleverly
eliminates a lot of the boilerplate
required when creating Python classes
without using inheritance.
Some core functionality provided by attrs:
* Generated initializer method
* Generated comparison methods
(``__eq__``, ``__ne__``, ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, ``__ge__`` )
* Human-readable representation method
* Attribute converter and validator framework
The `related` project is an opinionated layer
built on top of the `attrs` library
that provides the following:
* Value fields that handle both validation and conversion
to and from basic data types like
``str``, ``float``, and ``bool``.
* Nested fields that support relationships such as
Child, Sequences, Mappings, and Sets of objects.
* ``to_dict`` function that converts nested object graphs
to python dictionaries.
Made customizable (without resorting to [monkey-patching])
by the [singledispatch library].
* ``to_model`` function that instantiated classes
used by the de-serialization process going from
python dictionaries to the related model.
* Conversion helper functions
(``to_yaml``, ``from_yaml``, ``to_json``, ``from_json``)
for easily going between
related models and data formats.
* ``@mutable`` and ``@immutable`` for decorating classes
as related models without the need for inheritance increasing
maintainability and flexibility.
## Class Decorators
| decorator | description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @mutable | Activate a related class that instantiates changeable objects. |
| @immutable | Activate a related class that instantiates unchangeable objects. |
See the [] file to view the source code until proper
documentation is generated.
## Field Types
| field type | description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| BooleanField | `bool` value field. |
| ChildField | Child object of a specified type `cls`. |
| DateField | `date` field formatted using `formatter`. |
| DateTimeField | `datetime` field formatted using `formatter`. |
| TimeField | `time` field formatted using `formatter`. |
| FloatField | `float` value field. |
| IntegerField | `int` value field. |
| MappingField(cls,key) | Dictionary of objects of type `cls` index by `key` field values. |
| RegexField(regex) | `str` value field that is validated by re.match(`regex`). |
| SequenceField(cls) | List of objects all of specified type `cls`. |
| SetField | Set of objects all of a specified type `cls`. |
| StringField | `str` value field. |
| URLField | [ParseResult] object. |
| UUIDField | [UUID] object, will create [uuid4] by default if not specified. |
Adding your own field types is fairly straightforward
due to the power of the underlying `attrs` project.
See the [] file to see how the above are constructed.
## Functions
| function | description |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| from_json(s,cls) | Convert a JSON string or stream into specified class. |
| from_yaml(s,cls) | Convert a YAML string or stream into specified class. |
| is_related(obj) | Returns True if object is @mutable or @immutable. |
| to_dict(obj) | Singledispatch function for converting to a dict. |
| to_json(obj) | Convert object to a (pretty) JSON string via to_dict. |
| to_model(cls,value) | Convert a value to a `cls` instance. |
| to_yaml(obj) | Convert object to a YAML string via to_dict. |
See the [] file to view the source code until proper
documentation is generated.
# Credits/Prior Art
The `related` project has been heavily influenced by the following
projects that might be worth looking at if `related` doesn't meet your needs.
* [attrs] - The engine that powers `related` functionality.
* [Django ORM] - Object-relational mapping for Django that inspired `related's` design.
* [cattrs] - Alternative take for handling nested-objects using `attrs`.
* [addict] and [box] - Python dictionary wrappers that do not require a model.
* [Jackson] - Java-based technology for serializing and de-serializing objects.
# License
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017 [Ian Maurer], [Genomoncology LLC]
[flow-image]: ./.images/flow.png
[]: ./src/related/
[]: ./src/related/
[]: ./src/related/
[this article by Glyph]:
[Genomoncology LLC]:
[Ian Maurer]:
[singledispatch library]:
[Django ORM]:
[Docker Compose example]:
[tests/]: ./tests/
[Example 00]: ./tests/ex00_sets_hashes
[Example 01]: ./tests/ex01_compose_v2
[Example 02]: ./tests/ex02_compose_v3.2
[Example 03]: ./tests/ex03_company
[Example 04]: ./tests/ex04_contact
[Example 05]: ./tests/ex05_field_names
[Example 06]: ./tests/ex06_json
[Example 07]: ./tests/ex07_serializer
[Example 08]: ./tests/ex08_self_reference
0.6.2 (2018-02-12)
- Contribution [GabrielDav]: TimeField and DateTimeField fields.
0.6.1 (2018-01-31)
- Strict Mode [Issue #8] throws an exception when receiving an undefined key.
0.3 (2017-06-23)
- New type: ImmutableDict
- Add function on TypedMapping
- Bug fixes in from_yaml and from_json functions.
0.2 (2017-06-05)
- Allow None by default in Typed Collections.
0.1 (2017-05-24)
- Initial release.
Project details
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