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The command-line interface (CLI) that provides a set of commands to interact with Remme-core.

Project description


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Getting started



Install the package from the PyPi through pip:

$ pip3 install remme-core-cli


You can use the following list of the addresses of the nodes to execute commands to:


Configuration file

Disclaimer! Configuration file is supported only on Unix operating systems and isn't supported on Windows.

Using the command line interface, you will have an option to declare the node URL to send commands to as illustrated below:

$ remme account get-balance \
      --address=1120076ecf036e857f42129b58303bcf1e03723764a1702cbe98529802aad8514ee3cf \

You shouldn't declare node URL every time when you execute a command, use configuration file instead. Configuration file is required to be named .remme-core-cli.yml and located in the home directory (~/).

The configuration file have an optional section to declare node URL to send commands to:


Try it out by downloading the example of the configuration file to the home directory.

$ curl -L > ~/.remme-core-cli.yml


Get the version of the package — remme --version:

$ remme --version
remme, version 0.1.0

Get all possible package's commands — remme --help:

$ remme --help
Usage: remme [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command line interface for PyPi version checking.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.



Get balance of the account by its address — remme account get-balance:

Arguments Type Required Description
address String Yes Account address to get a balance by.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme account get-balance \
      --address=1120076ecf036e857f42129b58303bcf1e03723764a1702cbe98529802aad8514ee3cf \
    "result": {
        "balance": 368440.0

Transfer tokens to address — remme account transfer-tokens:

Arguments Type Required Description
private-key String Yes Account's private key to transfer tokens from.
address-to String Yes Account address to transfer tokens to.
amount Integer Yes Amount to transfer.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme account transfer-tokens \
      --private-key=1067b42e24b4c533706f7c6e62278773c8ec7bf9e78bf570e9feb58ba8274acc \
      --address-to=112007d71fa7e120c60fb392a64fd69de891a60c667d9ea9e5d9d9d617263be6c20202 \
      --amount=1000 \
    "result": {
        "batch_identifier": "aac64d7b10be4b93b8c345b5eca1dc870c6b3905485e48a0ca5f58928a88a42b7a404abb4f1027e973314cca95379b1ef375358ad1661d0964c1ded4c212810f"

Atomic Swap

Get public key of atomic swap — remme atomic-swap get-public-key:

Arguments Type Required Description
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme atomic-swap get-public-key
    "result": {
        "public_key": "03738df3f4ac3621ba8e89413d3ff4ad036c3a0a4dbb164b695885aab6aab614ad"

Get information about atomic swap by its identifier — remme atomic-swap get-info:

Arguments Type Required Description
id String Yes Swap identifier to get information about swap by.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme atomic-swap get-info \
      --id=033402fe1346742486b15a3a9966eb5249271025fc7fb0b37ed3fdb4bcce6808 \
    "result": {
        "information": {
            "amount": "10.0000",
            "created_at": 1556803765,
            "email_address_encrypted_optional": "",
            "is_initiator": false,
            "receiver_address": "112007484def48e1c6b77cf784aeabcac51222e48ae14f3821697f4040247ba01558b1",
            "secret_key": "",
            "secret_lock": "0728356568862f9da0825aa45ae9d3642d64a6a732ad70b8857b2823dbf2a0b8",
            "sender_address": "1120076ecf036e857f42129b58303bcf1e03723764a1702cbe98529802aad8514ee3cf",
            "sender_address_non_local": "0xe6ca0e7c974f06471759e9a05d18b538c5ced11e",
            "state": "OPENED",
            "swap_id": "033402fe1346742486b15a3a9966eb5249271025fc7fb0b37ed3fdb4bcce6808"


Get node configurations — remme node get-configs:

Arguments Type Required Description
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme node get-configs
    "result": {
        "configurations": {
            "node_address": "1168296ecf036e857f42129b58303bcf1e03723764a1702cbe98529802aad8514ee3cf",
            "node_public_key": "03738df3f4ac3621ba8e89413d3ff4ad036c3a0a4dbb164b695885aab6aab614ad"

Get the node's peers — remme node get-peers:

Arguments Type Required Description
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme node get-peers
    "result": {
        "peers": [

Get node information — remme node get-info:

Arguments Type Required Description
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme node get-info
    "result": {
        "information": {
            "is_synced": true,
            "peer_count": 3

Public key

Get a list of the addresses of the public keys by account address — remme public-key get-list:

Arguments Type Required Description
address String Yes Account address to get a list of the addresses of the public keys by.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme public-key get-list \
      --address=1120076ecf036e857f42129b58303bcf1e03723764a1702cbe98529802aad8514ee3cf \
    "result": {
        "addresses": [

Get information about public key by its address — remme public-key get-info:

Arguments Type Required Description
address String Yes Public key address to get information about public key by.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme public-key get-info \
      --address=a23be17addad8eeb5177a395ea47eb54b4a646f8c570f4a2ecc0b1d2f6241c6845181b \
    "result": {
        "information": {
            "address": "a23be10d215132aee9377cfe26b6d301d32da070a799c227fb4701103e5626d48cd6ba",
            "entity_hash": "1edd6d5b1c722a83e03b17180b888d89ec4c079a0044f074b7c8bb2720cad8ba4e97a80c7edbd24c1824f5312dfd8a0877453394a63410b52c1f16e1d60ef754",
            "entity_hash_signature": "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",
            "is_revoked": false,
            "is_valid": true,
            "owner_public_key": "03738df3f4ac3621ba8e89413d3ff4ad036c3a0a4dbb164b695885aab6aab614ad",
            "public_key": "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",
            "type": "rsa",
            "valid_from": 1556118334,
            "valid_to": 1587222334


Get a state by its address — remme state get:

Arguments Type Required Description
address String Yes Account address to get a state by.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme state get \
      --address=000000a87cb5eafdcca6a8cde0fb0dec1400c5ab274474a6aa82c12840f169a04216b7 \
    "result": {
        "state": {
            "data": "CmwKJnNhd3Rvb3RoLnNldHRpbmdzLnZvdGUuYXV0aG9yaXplZF9rZXlzEkIwMmE2NTc5NmYyNDkwOTFjMzA4NzYxNGI0ZDljMjkyYjAwYjhlYmE1ODBkMDQ1YWMyZmQ3ODEyMjRiODdiNmYxM2U=",
            "head": "95d78133eb98628d5ff17c7d1972b9ab03e50fceeb8e199d98cb52078550f5473bb001e57c116238697bdc1958eaf6d5f096f7b66974e1ea46b9c9da694be9d9"


Get a list of transactions — remme transaction get-list:

Arguments Type Required Description
ids String No Identifiers to get a list of transactions by.
start String No Transaction identifier to get a list transaction starting from.
limit Integer No Maximum amount of transactions to return.
head String No Block identifier to get a list of transactions from.
reverse Bool No Parameter to reverse result.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
family-name String No List of transactions by its family name.
$ remme transaction get-list \
    d9b891d3efdd51cd47156ad2083bf5cabd5b35bb2ebe66813996d1a0f783e58721bbc50917ff284a40696f24058ef1e22e48600abf37d500ace78eadf7f4ecff' \
    --start=568a1094e574747c757c1f5028d9b929105984e509c4f2f3cb76e5f46f03ca4c3681ca0eeca86a4bd4bb5a3eaaa52fd73b08ebc5d5d85fbb1957b064f8b71972 \
    --limit=2 \
    --head=39566f24561727f5ab2d19eb23612f1a38ff5f0cf9491caa0275261706a7cf8b080d38da0a38fa5b1cbef0cced889fdf6da679cc616a9711380f76b33e53efdf \
    --reverse \
    --family-name=account \
    "result": {
        "data": [
                "header": {
                    "batcher_public_key": "03d4613540ce29cd1f5f28ea9169a5cb5853bd53dede635903af9383bc9ffaf079",
                    "dependencies": [],
                    "family_name": "account",
                    "family_version": "0.1",
                    "inputs": [
                    "nonce": "99ccdbcfeb008e2c8407870b7033117e316b4b12df4173f3e2ffd510676e524a77ac64a0b65e6c7889a797fbd4e4462830548f455497e2362dde1bbf35d5372f",
                    "outputs": [
                    "payload_sha512": "1f0313cb9cd67559c1d33d61104882b3ebca80dfcd091d5ae3b0ee99bd27723af591551dfeea43be05e2b24a2f9a54adc6c357b60fc5c5720b161c5ff9d10ae1",
                    "signer_public_key": "03738df3f4ac3621ba8e89413d3ff4ad036c3a0a4dbb164b695885aab6aab614ad"
                "header_signature": "d9b891d3efdd51cd47156ad2083bf5cabd5b35bb2ebe66813996d1a0f783e58721bbc50917ff284a40696f24058ef1e22e48600abf37d500ace78eadf7f4ecff",
                "payload": "CAASTQgAEkYxMTIwMDdkYjE2Yzc1MDE5ZjU5NDIzZGE0ZGUzY2Q1Yzc5NjA5OTg5ZDdkYzE2OTdjOTk3NTMwN2VhODQ2ZTFkNGFmOTFmGOgH"
        "head": "39566f24561727f5ab2d19eb23612f1a38ff5f0cf9491caa0275261706a7cf8b080d38da0a38fa5b1cbef0cced889fdf6da679cc616a9711380f76b33e53efdf",
        "paging": {
            "limit": 2,
            "next": "",
            "start": "568a1094e574747c757c1f5028d9b929105984e509c4f2f3cb76e5f46f03ca4c3681ca0eeca86a4bd4bb5a3eaaa52fd73b08ebc5d5d85fbb1957b064f8b71972"

Get a transaction by identifier — remme transaction get:

Arguments Type Required Description
id String Yes Identifier to get transaction by.
node-url String No Node URL to apply a command to.
$ remme transaction get \
    --id=64d032fbaae9bc59f9e5484ec6f52cbceef567923456039a26a1cfb8bc9ee2431ac2b5de43efce28ef11820a3734dab9fa56db57a1b2fbdc2323036cceeab6ab \
    "result": {
        "data": {
            "header": {
                "batcher_public_key": "03738df3f4ac3621ba8e89413d3ff4ad036c3a0a4dbb164b695885aab6aab614ad",
                "dependencies": [],
                "family_name": "consensus_account",
                "family_version": "0.1",
                "inputs": [
                "nonce": "b8baa6c54ab9463590627c18fb9c10ed",
                "outputs": [
                "payload_sha512": "cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e",
                "signer_public_key": "03738df3f4ac3621ba8e89413d3ff4ad036c3a0a4dbb164b695885aab6aab614ad"
            "header_signature": "64d032fbaae9bc59f9e5484ec6f52cbceef567923456039a26a1cfb8bc9ee2431ac2b5de43efce28ef11820a3734dab9fa56db57a1b2fbdc2323036cceeab6ab",
            "payload": ""




Clone the project and move to project folder:

$ git clone && cd remme-core-cli

If you already worked with the project, you can clean it's container and images with the following command:

$ docker rm remme-core-cli -f || true && docker rmi remme-core-cli -f || true

Run the Docker container with the project source code in the background mode:

$ docker build -t remme-core-cli . -f Dockerfile.development
$ docker run -d --network host -v $PWD:/remme-core-cli --name remme-core-cli remme-core-cli

Enter the container bash:

$ docker exec -it remme-core-cli bash

And now being in the container, you can develop the project. For instance, run tests and linters:

$ pytest -vv tests/
$ flake8 cli && flake8 tests/

When you have developed new functionality, check it with the following command. This command creates the Python package from source code instead of installing it from the PyPi.

$ pip3 uninstall -y remme-core-cli && rm -rf dist/ remme_core_cli.egg-info && \
      python3 sdist && pip3 install dist/*.tar.gz

So after this command, you are free to execute the command line interface as if you installed in through pip3 install:

$ remme --version

With the commands above you could test your features as if user will use it on own.

$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f


To build the package and upload it to PypI to be accessible through pip, use the following commands. Twine requires the username and password of the account package is going to be uploaded to.

$ python3 sdist
$ twine upload dist/*
username: remme
password: ********


Clone the project and install requirements:

$ git clone && cd remme-core-cli
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements-tests.txt

When you make changes, ensure your code:

If you are new for the contribution, please read:

Request pull request's review

If you want to your pull request to be review, ensure you:

  1. Branch isn't out-of-date with the base branch.
  2. Have written the description of the pull request and have added at least 2 reviewers.
  3. Continuous integration has been passed.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

remme-core-cli-0.3.0.tar.gz (26.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page