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Python SDK for using ReversingLabs services - Python 3 version.

Project description



A Python SDK for ReversingLabs REST services (TitaniumCloud and appliances) - Python 3 version.

The idea behind this SDK is to enable easier out-of-the-box development of software integrations and automation services that need to interact with ReversingLabs.

The SDK consists of several modules, where each module represents one ReversingLabs service or ReversingLabs TitaniumCloud.

Module: a1000

A Python module representing the ReversingLabs A1000 malware analysis platform.


class A1000(object)
def __init__(self, host, username=None, password=None, token=None, fields=__FIELDS, wait_time_seconds=2, retries=10, verify=True, proxies=None, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT):


host - A1000 address
username - A1000 username
password - A1000 password
token - A1000 user token for the REST API
fields - optional fields that will be returned in the analysis report
wait_time_seconds - wait time between each report fetching retry
retries - number of report fetching retries
verify - verify SSL certificate
proxies - optional proxies in use
user_agent - optional user agent string

The default means of authorization on the ReversingLabs A1000 REST API is the token.
If username and password are used instead, a token fetching request will be done so the token can be used in further actions without the user explicitly providing the token.

Class methods:

  • configuration_dump
    • Returns the configuration of the instantiated A1000 object
  • test_connection
    • Creates a request towards the A1000 Check Status API to test the connection with A1000
  • upload_sample_from_path
    • Accepts a file path string and returns a response containing the analysis task ID
  • upload_sample_from_file
    • Accepts a file open in 'rb' mode and returns a response containing the analysis task ID
  • upload_sample_from_url
    • Accepts a url and returns a response containing the analysis task ID
  • check_submitted_url_status
    • Accepts a task id returned by upload_sample_from_url and returns a response containing processing status and report if the report is ready
  • get_submitted_url_report
    • Accepts a task ID returned by upload_sample_from_url and returns a response
    • This method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds to time out if the analysis results are not ready
  • upload_sample_from_url_and_get_report
    • Accepts a url and returns a response containing the analysis report
    • The result fetching action of this method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds to time out if the analysis results are not ready
  • get_summary_report_v2
    • Accepts a single hash or a list of hashes and returns JSON containing a summary report for each of them
    • This method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds to time out if the analysis results are not ready
  • upload_sample_and_get_summary_report_v2
    • Accepts either a file path string or an open file in 'rb' mode for file upload and returns a summary analysis report response
    • This method combines uploading a sample and obtaining the summary analysis report
    • The result fetching action of this method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds to time out if the analysis results are not ready
  • get_detailed_report_v2
    • Accepts a single hash or a list of hashes and returns a detailed analysis report for the selected samples
    • This method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds and times out if the analysis results are not ready
  • get_classification_v3
    • Get classification for one sample
  • reanalyze_samples_v2
    • Accepts a single hash or a list of hashes of various types and reanalyzes the corresponding sample(s)
    • This method can be used for reanalyzing a single sample or a batch of samples, depending on the data type passed
  • list_extracted_files_v2
    • Get a list of all files TitaniumCore engine extracted from the requested sample during static analysis
  • list_extracted_files_v2_aggregated
    • Get a list of all files TitaniumCore engine extracted from the requested sample during static analysis
    • Paging is done automatically and results from individual responses aggregated into one list and returned
  • download_extracted_files
    • Accepts a single hash string and returns a downloadable archive file containing files extracted from the desired sample
  • download_sample
    • Accepts a single hash string and returns a downloadable sample
  • delete_samples
    • Accepts a single hash string or a list of hashes and deletes the corresponding samples from A1000
  • check_sample_removal_status_v2
    • "Accepts the task ID returned by the bulk sample removal endpoint and returns a response that indicates if the removal request was finished successfully and if all samples have been deleted
  • create_pdf_report
    • Accepts a single hash string and initiates the creation of a PDF analysis report for the requested sample. The response includes links to the pdf creation status endpoint and pdf download ednpoint for the requested sample
  • check_pdf_report_creation
    • Accepts a single hash string that should correspond to the hash used in the request with create_pdf_report method. The response includes an informative message about the status of the PDF report previously requested
  • download_pdf_report
    • Accepts a single hash string that should correspond to the hash used in the request with create_pdf_report method
  • get_titanium_core_report_v2
    • Accepts a single hash string and gets the full TitaniumCore static analysis report for the requested sample. The requested sample must be present on the appliance. If the optional fields parameter is not provided in the request, all available parts of the static analysis report are returned in the response
  • create_dynamic_analysis_report
    • Accepts a single hash string and initiates the creation of PDF or HTML reports for samples that have gone through dynamic analysis in the ReversingLabs Cloud Sandbox. The response includes links to the report creation status endpoint and report download ednpoint for the requested sample
  • check_dynamic_analysis_report_status
    • Accepts a single hash string and report format parameters that should correspond to the parameters used in the request with create_dynamic_analysis_report method. The response includes an informative message about the status of the report previously requested
  • download_dynamic_analysis_report
    • Accepts a single hash string and report format parameters that should correspond to the parameters used in the request with create_dynamic_analysis_report method
  • set_classification
    • Accepts a single hash string, allows the user to set the classification of a sample, either in TitaniumCloud or locally on the A1000. Returns a response containing a new classification
  • delete_classification
    • Accepts a single hash string, allows the user to delete the classification of a sample, either in TitaniumCloud or locally on the A1000
  • get_user_tags
    • Accepts a single hash string and returns lists of existing user tags for the requested sample
  • post_user_tags
    • Accepts a single hash string and adds one or more user tags to the requested sample
  • delete_user_tags
    • Accepts a single hash string and removes one or more user tags from the requested sample
  • get_yara_rulesets_on_the_appliance_v2
    • Retrieves a list of YARA rulesets that are on the A1000 appliance
    • The list can be filtered by several criteria (ruleset status, source, and owner) using optional parameters
  • get_yara_ruleset_contents
    • Retrieves the full contents of the requested ruleset in raw text/plain format
    • All rulesets can be retrieved, regardless of their current status on the appliance (enabled, disabled…)
  • get_yara_ruleset_matches_v2
    • Retrieves the list of YARA matches (both local and cloud) for requested rulesets
    • If multiple rulesets are provided in the request, only the samples that match all requested rulesets are listed in the response.
  • create_or_update_yara_ruleset
    • Creates a new YARA ruleset if it doesn’t exist
    • If a ruleset with the specified name already exists, a new revision (update) of the ruleset is created
  • delete_yara_ruleset
    • Deletes the specified YARA ruleset and its matches from the appliance
  • enable_or_disable_yara_ruleset
    • Enables/disables ruleset on the appliance
    • Administrators can manage any ruleset while regular A1000 users can only menage their own rulesets
  • get_yara_ruleset_synchronization_time
    • Gets information about the current synchronization status for TitaniumCloud-enabled rulesets
  • update_yara_ruleset_synchronization_time
    • Updates the TitaniumCloud synchronization time for TitaniumCloud-enabled YARA rulesets
  • start_or_stop_yara_local_retro_scan
    • Allows users to initiate the Local Retro scan on the A1000 appliance, and stop the Local Retro scan that is in progress on the appliance
  • get_yara_local_retro_scan_status
    • Gets the status of Local Retro scan on the A1000 appliance
  • start_or_stop_yara_cloud_retro_scan
    • Allows users to start and stop a Cloud Retro scan for a specified ruleset on the A1000 appliance, as well as to clear all Cloud Retro results for the ruleset
  • get_yara_cloud_retro_scan_status
    • Gets the status of Cloud Retro for the specified YARA ruleset. The response indicates the current state of Cloud Retro
  • advanced_search_v2
    • Sends a query string to the A1000 Advanced Search API v2
  • advanced_search_v2_aggregated
    • Sends a query string to the A1000 Advanced Search API v2
    • Paging is done automatically and results from individual responses aggregated into one list and returned
  • list_containers_for_hashes
    • Gets a list of all top-level containers from which the requested sample has been extracted during analysis
    • This is a bulk API, meaning that a single request can be used to simultaneously query containers for multiple file hashes
  • network_url_report
    • Accepts a URL string and returns a report about the requested URL
  • network_domain_report
    • Accepts a domain string and returns a report about the requested domain
  • network_ip_addr_report
    • Accepts an IP address string and returns a report about the requested IP address
  • network_ip_to_domain
    • Accepts an IP address string and returns a list of IP-to-domain mappings
  • network_urls_from_ip
    • Accepts an IP address string and returns a list of URLs hosted on the requested IP address
  • network_files_from_ip
    • Accepts an IP address string and returns a list of hashes and classifications for files found on the requested IP address

Module: ticloud

A Python module representing the ReversingLabs TitaniumCloud API-s.

Each class in this module represents one TitaniumCloud API and can be instantiated using the same set of parameters:

def __init__(self, host, username, password, verify=True, proxies=None, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, allow_none_return=False)


host - TitaniumCloud address
username - TitaniumCloud username
password - TitaniumCloud password
verify - verify SSL certificate
proxies - optional proxies in use
user_agent - optional user agent string
allow_none_return - if set to True, 404 response codes will return None instead of NotFoundError


class FileReputation(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_file_reputation
    • Accepts a hash string or a list of hash strings and returns file reputation
    • Hash strings in a passed list must all be of the same hashing algorithm


class AVScanners(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_scan_results
    • Accepts a hash string or a list of hash strings and returns AV scanner results
    • Hash strings in a passed list must all be of the same hashing algorithm


class FileAnalysis(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_analysis_results
    • Accepts a hash string or a list of hash strings and returns extended file analysis
  • extract_uri_list_from_report
    • Accepts a list of entries from the FileAnalysis report and returns a list of URI-s from those entries.
  • get_file_type
    • Accepts a sample hash and returns the file type string


class RHA1FunctionalSimilarity(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_similar_hashes
    • Accepts a hash string and returns a list of functionally similar hashes
    • Returns only one defined page of results using one request
  • get_similar_hashes_aggregated
    • Accepts a hash string and returns a list of functionally similar hashes
    • Returns a list of results aggregated through multiple paginated requests


class RHA1Analytics(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_rha1_analytics
    • Accepts one or more hash strings and returns a count of functionally similar hashes grouped by classification


class URIStatistics(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_uri_statistics
    • Accepts a URI string and returns a count of files associated with that URI grouped by classification


class URIIndex(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_uri_index
    • Accepts a URI string and returns a list of files associated with this URI
    • Returns only one defined page of results using one request
  • get_uri_index_aggregated
    • Accepts a URI string and returns a list of files associated with this URI
    • Returns a list of results aggregated through multiple paginated requests


class AdvancedSearch(TiCloudAPI)


  • search
    • Accepts a search query string and performs advanced search on the API
    • Returns only one defined page of results using one request
  • search_aggregated
    • Accepts a search query string and performs advanced search on the API
    • Returns a list of results aggregated through multiple paginated requests


class ExpressionSearch(TiCloudAPI)


  • search
    • Accepts a list containing the search query and performs expression search on the API
    • Returns only one defined page of results using one request
  • search_aggregated
    • Accepts a list containing the search query and performs expression search on the API
    • Returns a list of results aggregated through multiple paginated requests


class FileDownload(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_download_status
    • Accepts a hash string and returns the sample's availability for download
  • download_sample
    • Accepts a hash string and downloads the related sample from TitaniumCloud


class URLThreatIntelligence(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_url_report
    • Accepts a URL string and returns detailed URL analysis info
  • get_downloaded_files
    • Accepts a URL string and returns a list of files downloaded from that URL
  • get_latest_url_analysis_feed
    • Returns the latest URL analysis reports
    • Returns only one defined page of results using one request
  • get_latest_url_analysis_feed_aggregated
    • Returns the latest URL analysis reports
    • Returns a list of results aggregated through multiple paginated requests
  • get_url_analysis_feed_from_date
    • Accepts time format and a start time and returns URL analysis reports from that defined time onward
    • Returns only one defined page of results using one request
  • get_url_analysis_feed_from_date_aggregated
    • Accepts time format and a start time and returns URL analysis reports from that defined time onward
    • Returns a list of results aggregated through multiple paginated requests


class AnalyzeURL(TiCloudAPI)


  • submit_url
    • Sends a URL string for analysis and returns an analysis task ID


class FileUpload(TiCloudAPI)


  • upload_sample_from_path
    • Accepts a file path string and uploads the desired file to the File Upload API
  • upload_sample_from_file
    • Accepts an open file handle and uploads the desired file to the File Upload API


class DeleteFile(TiCloudAPI)


  • delete_samples
    • Accepts a single hash string or a list of hash strings belonging to samples you want to delete from the cloud
    • You can only delete samples that were uploaded by the same cloud account


class ReanalyzeFile(TiCloudAPI)


  • ranalyze_samples
    • Accepts a single hash string or a list of hash strings belonging to samples in the cloud you want to reanalyze
    • The samples need to be already present in the cloud in order to be reanalyzed


class DynamicAnalysis(TiCloudAPI)


  • detonate_sample
    • Submits a sample available in the cloud for dynamic analysis and returns processing info
    • The sample needs to be available in TitaniumCloud beforehand
  • get_dynamic_analysis_results
    • Returns dynamic analysis results for a desired sample
    • The analysis of the selected sample must be finished for the results to be available


class CertificateIndex(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_certificate_information
    • Accepts a hash (thumbprint) and returns a list of SHA1 hashes for samples signed with the certificate matching the requested thumbprint
  • get_certificate_information_aggregated
    • Accepts a hash (thumbprint) and returns a list of SHA1 hashes for samples signed with the certificate matching the requested thumbprint
    • This method automatically handles paging and returns a list of results instead of a Response object


class CertificateAnalytics(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_certificate_analytics
    • Accepts a certificate hash thumbprint (hash string) and returns certificate analytics results


class CertificateThumbprintSearch(TiCloudAPI)


  • search_common_names
    • Accepts a certificate common name and returns common names matching the request, along with the list of thumbprints of all the certificates sharing that common name
  • search_common_names_aggregated
    • Accepts a certificate common name and returns common names matching the request, along with the list of thumbprints of all the certificates sharing that common name
    • This method automatically handles paging and returns a list of results instead of a Response object


class RansomwareIndicators(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_indicators
    • Accepts a list of indicator type strings and integers for historical hours, health check and returning only freemium indicators. Returns indicators of ransomware and related tools


class NewMalwareFilesFeed(ContinuousFeed)


  • pull_with_timestamp
    • Accepts a time format definition and a time value. Returns malware detections from the requested time
  • pull
    • Returns a list of malware detections since the point in time set by the set_start method. If the user has not previously used this method, nor has the set_start method been called, it will return records starting with the current timestamp
  • set_start
    • This method sets the starting time for the pull method


class MWPChangeEventsFeed(ContinuousFeed)


  • pull_with_timestamp
    • Accepts a time format definition and a time value. Returns samples with a newly calculated or changed malware presence (MWP) classification and threat name from the requested time
  • pull
    • Returns a list of classification and threat name changes since the point in time set by the set_start() method
  • set_start
    • This method sets the starting time for the pull() method


class NewMalwareURIFeed(TiCloudAPI)


  • pull_with_timestamp
    • Accepts a time format definition and a time value. Returns records with Ps, domains, URLs, emails, and sample hashes extracted from malware samples
  • pull_latest
    • Returns a maximum of 1000 latest records with Ps, domains, URLs, emails, and sample hashes extracted from malware samples


class ImpHashSimilarity(TiCloudAPI)


  • get_imphash_index
    • Accepts an imphash and returns a list of SHA-1 hashes of files sharing that imphash
  • get_imphash_index_aggregated
    • Accepts an imphash and returns a list of SHA-1 hashes of files sharing that imphash
    • This method automatically handles paging and returns a list of results instead of a Response object


class YARAHunting(TiCloudAPI)


  • create_ruleset
    • Creates a new YARA ruleset
    • The ruleset_text parameter needs to be a stringified YARA ruleset / a Unicode string
  • delete_ruleset
    • Deletes a YARA ruleset
  • get_ruleset_info
    • Get information for a specific YARA ruleset or all YARA rulesets in the collection
  • get_ruleset_text
    • Get the text of a YARA ruleset
  • yara_matches_feed
    • Returns a recordset of YARA ruleset matches in the specified time range


class YARARetroHunting(TiCloudAPI)


  • enable_retro_hunt
    • Enables the retro hunt for the specified ruleset that has been submitted to TitaniumCloud prior to deployment of YARA retro
  • start_retro_hunt
    • Starts the retro hunt for the specified ruleset
  • check_status
    • Checks the retro hunt status for the specified ruleset
  • cancel_retro_hunt
    • Cancels the retro hunt for the specified ruleset
  • yara_retro_matches_feed
    • Returns a recordset of YARA ruleset matches in the specified time range

Module: tiscale

A Python module representing the ReversingLabs TitaniumScale malware analysis appliance.


class TitaniumScale(object)
def __init__(self, host, token, wait_time_seconds=2, retries=10, verify=True, proxies=None, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT)


host - TitaniumScale address
token - A1000 user token for the REST API
wait_time_seconds - wait time between each report fetching retry
retries - number of report fetching retries
verify - verify SSL certificate
proxies - optional proxies in use
user_agent - optional user agent string


  • upload_sample_from_path
    • Accepts a file path string for file upload and returns a response containing the analysis task URL
  • upload_sample_from_file
    • Accepts a file opened in 'rb' mode for file upload and returns a response containing the analysis task URL
  • get_results
    • Accepts an analysis task URL and returns a file analysis summary or a full analysis report
    • This method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds to time out if the analysis results are not ready
  • upload_sample_and_get_results
    • Accepts a file path string or an opened file in 'rb' mode for file upload and returns a file analysis summary or a full analysis report
    • This method combines uploading a sample and obtaining the analysis results
    • The result obtaining action of this method utilizes the set number of retries and wait time in seconds to time out if the analysis results are not ready



from ReversingLabs.SDK.a1000 import A1000

# Using username and password for authorization
a1000 = A1000(

response = a1000.upload_sample_and_get_summary_report_v2(

json_report = response.json()
from ReversingLabs.SDK.a1000 import A1000

# Using the token for authorization
a1000 = A1000(

response = a1000.list_extracted_files_v2(

json_report = response.json()


from ReversingLabs.SDK.ticloud import FileReputation, URIStatistics, FileDownload, FileUpload

host = ""
username = "username"
password = "password"
user_agent = "MyCustom App v0.0.1"

file_reputation = FileReputation(

reputation = file_reputation.get_file_reputation(

uri_statistics = URIStatistics(

statistics = uri_statistics.get_uri_statistics(

file_download = FileDownload(

download = file_download.download_sample(

with open("/path/to/file", "wb") as file_handle:

file_upload = FileUpload(

upload = file_upload.upload_sample_from_path(
    sample_name="Custom Sample Name",


from ReversingLabs.SDK.tiscale import TitaniumScale

titanium_scale = TitaniumScale(
    token="examplesecrettoken",  # replace with a proper token

results = titanium_scale.upload_sample_and_get_results(
    file_source=open("/path/to/file.exe", "rb"),

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reversinglabs-sdk-py3-1.4.0.tar.gz (92.9 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

reversinglabs_sdk_py3-1.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (44.8 kB view hashes)

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