Pygments lexer for Robot Framework test data.
Project description
This project implements a Pygments lexer for Robot Framework test data in plain text format. It is available as a separate plugin and included in Pygments 1.6 and newer.
What is Pygments
Pygments is a generic library/tool for syntax highlighting. It is used by many different applications and wikis.
What is Robot Framework
Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework suitable both for normal test automation and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD). Its test data is defined in tabular format either in plain text, TSV, or HTML files. This project provides syntax highlighting for the plain text format.
pip install pygments
pip install robotframeworklexer
The latter step is only needed if you want to use a newer lexer version than the one included in Pygments.
After installation Pygments will recognize robotframework lexer. It can be used, for example, with the pygmentize tool:
# Lexer for ``*.robot`` files is found automatically.
pygmentize tests.robot
# Explicit lexer configuration needed with ``*.txt`` files.
pygmentize -l robotframework tests.txt
# Override built-in robotframework lexer with separately installed version.
pygmentize -O robotframework=robotframework tests
See script for an example of the programmatic usage. For general information about using Pygments, consult its documentation and/or the documentation of the tool you are using it with.
The example below ought to be highlighted using Pygments and this lexer:
*** Settings ***
Documentation Simple example demonstrating syntax highlighting.
Library ExampleLibrary
Test Setup Keyword argument argument with ${VARIABLE}
*** Variables ***
${VARIABLE} Variable value
@{LIST} List variable here
*** Test Cases ***
Keyword-driven example
Initialize System
Do Something
Result Should Be 42
[Teardown] Cleanup System
Data-driven example
[Template] Keyword
argument1 argument2
argument ${VARIABLE}
Given system is initialized
When something is done
Then result should be "42"
| Pipes |
| | [Documentation] | Also pipe separated format is supported. |
| | Log | As this example demonstrates. |
*** Keywords ***
Result Should Be
[Arguments] ${expected}
${actual} = Get Value
Should be Equal ${actual} ${expected}
Then result should be "${expected}"
Result Should Be ${expected}
Project details
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