Logs exceptions and other data to Rollbar. Provides a generic interface, as well as a Django middleware and a Pyramid tween.
Project description
# Rollbar notifier for Python
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Python notifier for reporting exceptions, errors, and log messages to [Rollbar](https://rollbar.com).
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## Quick start
Install using pip:
pip install rollbar
import rollbar
rollbar.init('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'production') # access_token, environment
except IOError:
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError in the main loop', 'warning')
# catch-all
## Requirements
- Python 2.6 or 2.7
- requests 0.12+
- A Rollbar account
## Configuration
### Django
In your ``settings.py``, add ``'rollbar.contrib.django.middleware.RollbarNotifierMiddleware'`` as the last item in ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``:
# ... other middleware classes ...
Add these configuration variables in ``settings.py``:
'environment': 'development' if DEBUG else 'production',
'branch': 'master',
'root': '/absolute/path/to/code/root',
<!-- RemoveNextIfProject -->
Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface.
### Pyramid
In your ``ini`` file (e.g. ``production.ini``), add ``rollbar.contrib.pyramid`` to the end of your ``pyramid.includes``:
pyramid.includes =
Add these rollbar configuration variables:
rollbar.access_token = POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN
rollbar.environment = production
rollbar.branch = master
rollbar.root = %(here)s
<!-- RemoveNextIfProject -->
Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface.
The above will configure rollbar to catch and report all exceptions that occur in your Pyramid app. However, if there are any middleware
applications that wrap your app, Rollbar will not be able to catch exceptions.
In order to catch exceptions from Pyramid and middleware code, you will need to create a ```pipeline``` where the rollbar middleware wraps your Pyramid app.
Change your ```ini``` file to use a ```pipeline```:
pipeline =
pyramid.includes =
environment = production
branch = master
root = %(here)s
Unfortunately, the Rollbar tween and the Rollbar filter configurations contains duplicated information. We'll look into fixing this in future versions.
### Bottle
Import the plugin and install!
Can be installed globally or on a per route basis.
import bottle
from rollbar.contrib.bottle import RollbarBottleReporter
rbr = RollbarBottleReporter(access_token='POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', environment='production') #setup rollbar
bottle.install(rbr) #install globally
def raise_error():
When navigating to /, we'll get a regular 500 page from bottle,
as well as have the error below listed on Rollbar.
raise Exception('Hello, Rollbar!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
bottle.run(host='localhost', port=8080)
<!-- RemoveNextIfProject -->
Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface.
### Other
For generic Python or a non-Django/non-Pyramid framework just initialize the Rollbar library with your access token and environment.
rollbar.init('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', environment='production')
Other options can be passed as keyword arguments. See the reference below for all options.
### Command-line usage
pyrollbar 0.5.9 comes with a command-line tool that can be used with other UNIX utilities to create an ad-hoc monitoring solution.
e.g. Report all 5xx haproxy requests as ```warning```
tail -f /var/log/haproxy.log | awk '{print $11,$0}' | grep '^5' | awk '{$1="";print "warning",$0}' | rollbar -t $POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN -e production -v
e.g. Test an access token
rollbar -t $POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN -e test debug testing access token
#### Reference
$ rollbar --help
Usage: rollbar [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t ACCESS_TOKEN, --access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
You project's access token from rollbar.com.
The environment to report errors and messages to.
The Rollbar API endpoint url to send data to.
-m HANDLER, --handler=HANDLER
The method in which to report errors.
-v, --verbose Print verbose output.
## Usage
The Django and Pyramid integration will automatically report uncaught exceptions to Rollbar.
### Exceptions
To report a caught exception to Rollbar, use ```rollbar.report_exc_info()```:
# or if you have a webob-like request object, pass that as well:
# rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), request)
### Logging
You can also send any other log messages you want, using ```rollbar.report_message()```:
except IOError:
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError while trying to do_something()', 'warning')
# report_message() also accepts a request object:
#rollbar.report_message('message here', 'warning', request)
### Examples
Here's a full example, integrating into a simple Gevent app.
Sample Gevent application with Rollbar integration.
import sys
import logging
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
import rollbar
import webob
# configure logging so that rollbar's log messages will appear
def application(environ, start_response):
request = webob.Request(environ)
status = '200 OK'
headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]
start_response(status, headers)
yield '<p>Hello world</p>'
# will raise a NameError about 'bar' not being defined
foo = bar
# report full exception info
rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), request)
# and/or, just send a string message with a level
rollbar.report_message("Here's a message", 'info', request)
yield '<p>Caught an exception</p>'
# initialize rollbar with an access token and environment name
rollbar.init('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'development')
# now start the wsgi server
WSGIServer(('', 8000), application).serve_forever()
## Configuration reference
<dd>Access token from your Rollbar project handler
One of:
- blocking -- runs in main thread
- thread -- spawns a new thread
- agent -- writes messages to a log file for consumption by rollbar-agent
Default: ```thread```
<dd>If ```handler``` is ```agent```, the path to the log file. Filename must end in ```.rollbar```
<dd>Name of the checked-out branch.
Default: ```master```
<dd>URL items are posted to.
Default: ```https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/item/```
<dd>Environment name. Any string up to 255 chars is OK. For best results, use "production" for your production environment.
<dd>List of tuples in the form ```(class, level)``` where ```class``` is an Exception class you want to always filter to the respective ```level```. Any subclasses of the given ```class``` will also be matched.
Valid levels: ```'critical'```, ```'error'```, ```'warning'```, ```'info'```, ```'debug'``` and ```'ignored'```.
Use ```'ignored'``` if you want an Exception (sub)class to never be reported to Rollbar.
Any exceptions not found in this configuration setting will default to ```'error'```.
Django ```settings.py``` example (and Django default):
from django.http import Http404
'exception_level_filters': [
(Http404, 'warning')
In a Pyramid ``ini`` file, define each tuple as an individual whitespace delimited line, for example:
rollbar.exception_level_filters =
pyramid.exceptions.ConfigurationError critical
<dd>Absolute path to the root of your application, not including the final ```/```.
<dd>List of field names to scrub out of POST. Values will be replaced with astrickses. If overridiing, make sure to list all fields you want to scrub, not just fields you want to add to the default. Param names are converted to lowercase before comparing against the scrub list.
Default: ```['passwd', 'password', 'secret', 'confirm_password', 'password_confirmation']```
<dd>Timeout for any HTTP requests made to the Rollbar API (in seconds).
Default: ```3```
<dd>When True, ```logging.basicConfig()``` will be called to set up the logging system. Set to False to skip this call. If using Flask, you'll want to set to ```False```. If using Pyramid or Django, ```True``` should be fine.
Default: ```True```
## Help / Support
If you run into any issues, please email us at [support@rollbar.com](mailto:support@rollbar.com)
You can also find us in IRC: [#rollbar on chat.freenode.net](irc://chat.freenode.net/rollbar)
For bug reports, please [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/rollbar/pyrollbar/issues/new).
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Python notifier for reporting exceptions, errors, and log messages to [Rollbar](https://rollbar.com).
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## Quick start
Install using pip:
pip install rollbar
import rollbar
rollbar.init('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'production') # access_token, environment
except IOError:
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError in the main loop', 'warning')
# catch-all
## Requirements
- Python 2.6 or 2.7
- requests 0.12+
- A Rollbar account
## Configuration
### Django
In your ``settings.py``, add ``'rollbar.contrib.django.middleware.RollbarNotifierMiddleware'`` as the last item in ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES``:
# ... other middleware classes ...
Add these configuration variables in ``settings.py``:
'environment': 'development' if DEBUG else 'production',
'branch': 'master',
'root': '/absolute/path/to/code/root',
<!-- RemoveNextIfProject -->
Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface.
### Pyramid
In your ``ini`` file (e.g. ``production.ini``), add ``rollbar.contrib.pyramid`` to the end of your ``pyramid.includes``:
pyramid.includes =
Add these rollbar configuration variables:
rollbar.access_token = POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN
rollbar.environment = production
rollbar.branch = master
rollbar.root = %(here)s
<!-- RemoveNextIfProject -->
Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface.
The above will configure rollbar to catch and report all exceptions that occur in your Pyramid app. However, if there are any middleware
applications that wrap your app, Rollbar will not be able to catch exceptions.
In order to catch exceptions from Pyramid and middleware code, you will need to create a ```pipeline``` where the rollbar middleware wraps your Pyramid app.
Change your ```ini``` file to use a ```pipeline```:
pipeline =
pyramid.includes =
environment = production
branch = master
root = %(here)s
Unfortunately, the Rollbar tween and the Rollbar filter configurations contains duplicated information. We'll look into fixing this in future versions.
### Bottle
Import the plugin and install!
Can be installed globally or on a per route basis.
import bottle
from rollbar.contrib.bottle import RollbarBottleReporter
rbr = RollbarBottleReporter(access_token='POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', environment='production') #setup rollbar
bottle.install(rbr) #install globally
def raise_error():
When navigating to /, we'll get a regular 500 page from bottle,
as well as have the error below listed on Rollbar.
raise Exception('Hello, Rollbar!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
bottle.run(host='localhost', port=8080)
<!-- RemoveNextIfProject -->
Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface.
### Other
For generic Python or a non-Django/non-Pyramid framework just initialize the Rollbar library with your access token and environment.
rollbar.init('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', environment='production')
Other options can be passed as keyword arguments. See the reference below for all options.
### Command-line usage
pyrollbar 0.5.9 comes with a command-line tool that can be used with other UNIX utilities to create an ad-hoc monitoring solution.
e.g. Report all 5xx haproxy requests as ```warning```
tail -f /var/log/haproxy.log | awk '{print $11,$0}' | grep '^5' | awk '{$1="";print "warning",$0}' | rollbar -t $POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN -e production -v
e.g. Test an access token
rollbar -t $POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN -e test debug testing access token
#### Reference
$ rollbar --help
Usage: rollbar [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t ACCESS_TOKEN, --access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
You project's access token from rollbar.com.
The environment to report errors and messages to.
The Rollbar API endpoint url to send data to.
-m HANDLER, --handler=HANDLER
The method in which to report errors.
-v, --verbose Print verbose output.
## Usage
The Django and Pyramid integration will automatically report uncaught exceptions to Rollbar.
### Exceptions
To report a caught exception to Rollbar, use ```rollbar.report_exc_info()```:
# or if you have a webob-like request object, pass that as well:
# rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), request)
### Logging
You can also send any other log messages you want, using ```rollbar.report_message()```:
except IOError:
rollbar.report_message('Got an IOError while trying to do_something()', 'warning')
# report_message() also accepts a request object:
#rollbar.report_message('message here', 'warning', request)
### Examples
Here's a full example, integrating into a simple Gevent app.
Sample Gevent application with Rollbar integration.
import sys
import logging
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
import rollbar
import webob
# configure logging so that rollbar's log messages will appear
def application(environ, start_response):
request = webob.Request(environ)
status = '200 OK'
headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]
start_response(status, headers)
yield '<p>Hello world</p>'
# will raise a NameError about 'bar' not being defined
foo = bar
# report full exception info
rollbar.report_exc_info(sys.exc_info(), request)
# and/or, just send a string message with a level
rollbar.report_message("Here's a message", 'info', request)
yield '<p>Caught an exception</p>'
# initialize rollbar with an access token and environment name
rollbar.init('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'development')
# now start the wsgi server
WSGIServer(('', 8000), application).serve_forever()
## Configuration reference
<dd>Access token from your Rollbar project handler
One of:
- blocking -- runs in main thread
- thread -- spawns a new thread
- agent -- writes messages to a log file for consumption by rollbar-agent
Default: ```thread```
<dd>If ```handler``` is ```agent```, the path to the log file. Filename must end in ```.rollbar```
<dd>Name of the checked-out branch.
Default: ```master```
<dd>URL items are posted to.
Default: ```https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/item/```
<dd>Environment name. Any string up to 255 chars is OK. For best results, use "production" for your production environment.
<dd>List of tuples in the form ```(class, level)``` where ```class``` is an Exception class you want to always filter to the respective ```level```. Any subclasses of the given ```class``` will also be matched.
Valid levels: ```'critical'```, ```'error'```, ```'warning'```, ```'info'```, ```'debug'``` and ```'ignored'```.
Use ```'ignored'``` if you want an Exception (sub)class to never be reported to Rollbar.
Any exceptions not found in this configuration setting will default to ```'error'```.
Django ```settings.py``` example (and Django default):
from django.http import Http404
'exception_level_filters': [
(Http404, 'warning')
In a Pyramid ``ini`` file, define each tuple as an individual whitespace delimited line, for example:
rollbar.exception_level_filters =
pyramid.exceptions.ConfigurationError critical
<dd>Absolute path to the root of your application, not including the final ```/```.
<dd>List of field names to scrub out of POST. Values will be replaced with astrickses. If overridiing, make sure to list all fields you want to scrub, not just fields you want to add to the default. Param names are converted to lowercase before comparing against the scrub list.
Default: ```['passwd', 'password', 'secret', 'confirm_password', 'password_confirmation']```
<dd>Timeout for any HTTP requests made to the Rollbar API (in seconds).
Default: ```3```
<dd>When True, ```logging.basicConfig()``` will be called to set up the logging system. Set to False to skip this call. If using Flask, you'll want to set to ```False```. If using Pyramid or Django, ```True``` should be fine.
Default: ```True```
## Help / Support
If you run into any issues, please email us at [support@rollbar.com](mailto:support@rollbar.com)
You can also find us in IRC: [#rollbar on chat.freenode.net](irc://chat.freenode.net/rollbar)
For bug reports, please [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/rollbar/pyrollbar/issues/new).
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Details for the file rollbar-0.5.14.tar.gz
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- Download URL: rollbar-0.5.14.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 19.1 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
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Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | d44d6dfddf846d875e5069782d327fd168d06e82d95795bc1757b364b96d7694 |
MD5 | 744d6e10ac21b30712030b8aa96367a1 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 06afee16d1da4550746be36bd94419ffecdb16c7fa6491588765d1ce00d8e38a |