a python refactoring IDE...
Project description
rope is a python refactoring library and IDE. The IDE uses the library to provide features like refactoring, code assist, and auto-completion. It is written in python. The IDE uses Tkinter library.
Rope IDE and library are released in two separate packages. rope package contains only the library and ropeide package contains the IDE and the library.
New Features
Importing modules in restructurings
Auto-indentation in restructurings
Next/prev scope; M-C-e/M-C-a
Next/prev statement; M-e/M-a
Restructurings can now handle imports; You can tell rope to add imports to files that contain at least once occurrence of the restructuring pattern. This can be useful when you need to import something in your goal pattern. Note that rope does not import something if it is already imported.
The goal pattern of restructurings can now have multiple lines. They are indented to match the indentation of the matches.