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Package for Santiment API access with python

Project description

Santiment API python client


pip install sanpy


Optionally you can provide an api key which gives access to some restricted metrics:

import san
san.ApiConfig.api_key = 'api-key-provided-by-sanbase'

To obtain an api key you should log in to sanbase and go to the account page - There is an API Keys section and a Generate new api key button.

If the account used for generating the api key has enough SAN tokens, the api key will give you access to the data that requires SAN token staking. The api key can only be used to fetch data and not to execute graphql mutations.

Retrieving data from the API

The data is fetched by providing a string in the format query/slug and additional parameters.

  • query: Available queries can be found in section: Available metrics
  • slug: A list of projects with their slugs, names, etc. can be fetched like this:
import san
                name             slug ticker   totalSupply
0             0chain           0chain    ZCN     400000000
1                 0x               0x    ZRX    1000000000
2          0xBitcoin            0xbtc  0xBTC      20999984


  • from_date, to_date - A date or datetime in iso8601 format specifying the start and end datetime for the returned data for ex: 2018-06-01
  • interval - The interval of the returned data - an integer followed by one of: s, m, h, d or w

Default values for parameters:

  • from_date: - 365 days
  • to_date:
  • interval: '1d'

The returned value for time-series data is in pandas DataFrame format indexed by datetime.

Fetch single metric

import san

daa = san.get(

prices = san.get(

Using the defaults params:

daa = san.get("daily_active_addresses/santiment")
prices = san.get("prices/santiment")

Batching multiple queries

from san import Batch

batch = Batch()
[daa1, daa2] = batch.execute()

Available metrics

Below are described some available metrics and are given examples for fetching and for the returned format.

All projects

Returns a DataFrame with all the projects available in the Santiment API. Not all metrics will be available for all the projects. The slug is a unique identifier which can be used to retrieve most of the metrics.

all_projects = san.get("projects/all")

Example result:

name             slug ticker   totalSupply
0              0chain           0chain    ZCN     400000000
1                  0x               0x    ZRX    1000000000
2           0xBitcoin            0xbtc  0xBTC      20999984
3     0xcert Protocol           0xcert    ZXC     500000000
4              1World           1world    1WO      37219453
5        AB-Chain RTB     ab-chain-rtb    RTB      27857813
6             Abulaba          abulaba    AAA     397000000
7                 AC3              ac3    AC3    80235326.0
<more results>

ERC20 projects

Returns a DataFrame with all the ERC20 projects available in the Santiment API. Not all metrics will be available for all the projects. The slug is a unique identifier which can be used to retrieve most of the metrics.

all_projects = san.get("projects/erc20")

Example result:

name                   slug ticker   totalSupply
0                   0chain                 0chain    ZCN     400000000
1                       0x                     0x    ZRX    1000000000
2                0xBitcoin                  0xbtc  0xBTC      20999984
3          0xcert Protocol                 0xcert    ZXC     500000000
4                   1World                 1world    1WO      37219453
5             AB-Chain RTB           ab-chain-rtb    RTB      27857813
6                  Abulaba                abulaba    AAA     397000000
7                   adbank                 adbank    ADB    1000000000
<more results>

Daily Active Addresses

This metric includes the number of unique addresses that participated in the transfers of given token during the day. In order to access real time data, you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

daa = san.get(

Example result:

2018-06-01 00:00:00+00:00                2
2018-06-02 00:00:00+00:00                4
2018-06-03 00:00:00+00:00                6
2018-06-04 00:00:00+00:00                6
2018-06-05 00:00:00+00:00               14

Network growth

Network Growth shows the number of new addresses being created on the project network each day. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

2018-12-01 00:00:00+00:00            3
2018-12-02 00:00:00+00:00            2
2018-12-03 00:00:00+00:00            6
2018-12-04 00:00:00+00:00            2
2018-12-05 00:00:00+00:00            1

Token aging (burn rate)

Each transaction has an equivalent burn rate record. The burn rate is calculated by multiplying the number of tokens moved by the number of blocks in which they appeared. Spikes in burn rate could indicate large transactions or movement of tokens that have been held for a long time. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

burn_rate = san.get(

Example result:

2018-05-01 11:00:00+00:00  3.009476e+06
2018-05-01 14:00:00+00:00  2.161845e+09
2018-05-01 17:00:00+00:00  7.263414e+05
2018-05-01 19:00:00+00:00  7.424445e+07
2018-05-01 21:00:00+00:00  6.987085e+07
2018-05-01 22:00:00+00:00  2.052304e+08

Transaction volume

Total amount of tokens for a project that were transacted on the blockchain. This metric includes only on-chain volume, not volume in exchanges. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

tv = san.get(

Example result:

2018-05-01 11:00:00+00:00         298.707310
2018-05-01 14:00:00+00:00       19356.439888
2018-05-01 17:00:00+00:00        1088.967586
2018-05-01 19:00:00+00:00          99.600000
2018-05-01 21:00:00+00:00        6177.411536
2018-05-01 22:00:00+00:00       41397.348795
2018-05-01 23:00:00+00:00         300.000000

Github Activity

Returns a list of github activity for a given slug and time interval. In order to access real time data, you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

An article explaining the github activity tracking

ga = san.get(

Example result:

2018-05-02 00:00:00+00:00        32
2018-05-03 00:00:00+00:00         9
2018-05-04 00:00:00+00:00        18

You can also fetch only events connected to development activity by using the devActivity query.

ga = san.get(

Example result:

2018-05-02 00:00:00+00:00        29
2018-05-03 00:00:00+00:00         9
2018-05-04 00:00:00+00:00        16


Fetch history price in USD or BTC, traded volume and marketcap for a given slug.

prices = san.get(

prices = san.get(

Example result:

                              marketcap  priceBtc  priceUsd   volume
2018-06-01 00:00:00+00:00  7.736268e+07  0.000165  1.234635   852857
2018-06-02 00:00:00+00:00  7.864724e+07  0.000165  1.255135  1242520
2018-06-03 00:00:00+00:00  7.844339e+07  0.000163  1.251882  1032910
2018-06-04 00:00:00+00:00  7.604326e+07  0.000160  1.213578   617451

                              marketcap  priceBtc    priceUsd      volume
2018-06-01 00:00:00+00:00  5.756716e+10  0.077083  576.825315  1945890000
2018-06-02 00:00:00+00:00  5.875660e+10  0.077475  588.620775  1880390000
2018-06-03 00:00:00+00:00  6.097134e+10  0.079460  610.682490  1832550000
2018-06-04 00:00:00+00:00  6.015676e+10  0.079466  602.399792  1903430000

open/close prices with volume and marketcap

Note: this query cannot be batched!

ohlcv = san.get(

Example result:

                           openPriceUsd  closePriceUsd  highPriceUsd  lowPriceUsd   volume     marketcap
2018-06-01 00:00:00+00:00       1.24380        1.27668       1.26599      1.19099   852857  7.736268e+07
2018-06-02 00:00:00+00:00       1.26136        1.30779       1.27612      1.20958  1242520  7.864724e+07
2018-06-03 00:00:00+00:00       1.28270        1.28357       1.24625      1.21872  1032910  7.844339e+07
2018-06-04 00:00:00+00:00       1.23276        1.24910       1.18528      1.18010   617451  7.604326e+07

Exchange funds flow

Fetch the difference between the tokens that were deposited minus the tokens that were withdrawn from an exchange for a given slug in the selected time period. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

exchange_funds_flow = san.get(

Example result:

2018-04-16 10:02:19+00:00    -208.797310
2018-04-17 00:00:00+00:00     164.006467
2018-04-18 00:00:00+00:00       0.000000
2018-04-19 00:00:00+00:00  -45213.112849
2018-04-20 00:00:00+00:00 -135364.839572

ERC20 Exchange Funds Flow

Fetch the exchange funds flow for all ERC20 projects in the given interval. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

Arguments description:

  • from_date - a string representation of datetime value according to the iso8601 standard, e.g. "2018-04-16T10:02:19Z"
  • to_date - a string representation of datetime value according to the iso8601 standard, e.g. "2018-05-23T10:02:19Z"

Fields description:

  • ticker - The ticker of the project
  • contract - The contract identifier of the project
  • exchangeIn - How many tokens were deposited in the given period
  • exchangeOut - How many tokens were withdrawn in the given period
  • exchangeDiff - The difference between the deposited and the withdrawn tokens: exchangeIn - exchangeOut
  • exchangeInUsd - How many tokens were deposited in the given period converted to USD based on the daily average price of the token
  • exchangeOutUsd - How many tokens were withdrawn in the given period converted to USD based on the daily average price of the token
  • exchangeDiffUsd - The difference between the deposited and the withdrawn tokens in USD: exchangeInUsd - exchangeOutUsd
  • percentDiffExchangeDiffUsd - The percent difference between exchangeDiffUsd for the current period minus the exchangeDiffUsd for the previous period based on exchangeDiffUsd for the current period: (exchangeDiffUsd for current period - exchangeDiffUsd for previous period) * 100 / abs(exchangeDiffUsd for current period)
  • exchangeVolumeUsd - The volume of all tokens in and out for the given period in USD: exchangeInUsd + exchangeOutUsd
  • percentDiffExchangeVolumeUsd - The percent difference between exchangeVolumeUsd for the current period minus the exchangeVolumeUsd for the previous period based on exchangeVolumeUsd for the current period: (exchangeVolumeUsd for current period - exchangeVolumeUsd for previous period) * 100 / abs(exchangeVolumeUsd for current period)
  • exchangeInBtc - How many tokens were deposited in the given period converted to BTC based on the daily average price of the token
  • exchangeOutBtc - How many tokens were withdrawn in the given period converted to BTC based on the daily average price of the token
  • exchangeDiffBtc - The difference between the deposited and the withdrawn tokens in BTC: exchangeInBtc - exchangeOutBtc
  • percentDiffExchangeDiffBtc - The percent difference between exchangeDiffBtc for the current period minus the exchangeDiffBtc for the previous period based on exchangeDiffBtc for the current period: (exchangeDiffBtc for current period - exchangeDiffBtc for previous period) * 100 / abs(exchangeDiffBtc for current period)
  • exchangeVolumeBtc - The volume of all tokens in and out for the given period in BTC: exchangeInBtc + exchangeOutBtc
  • percentDiffExchangeVolumeBtc - The percent difference between exchangeVolumeBtc for the current period minus the exchangeVolumeBtc for the previous period based on exchangeVolumeBtc for the current period: (exchangeVolumeBtc for current period - exchangeVolumeBtc for previous period) * 100 / abs(exchangeVolumeBtc for current period)
erc20_exchange_funds_flow = san.get(

Example result:

                                     contract  exchangeDiff  exchangeDiffBtc  \
0   0x006bea43baa3f7a6f765f14f10a1a1b08334ef45 -5.353089e+03        -0.691860
1   0x0371a82e4a9d0a4312f3ee2ac9c6958512891372 -1.993464e+04        -0.050134
2   0x08711d3b02c8758f2fb3ab4e80228418a7f8e39c  2.712031e+06       209.894542
3   0x089a6d83282fb8988a656189f1e7a73fa6c1cac2  1.214960e+04         0.000000
4   0x08f5a9235b08173b7569f83645d2c7fb55e8ccd8 -9.398656e+05        -1.687275

    exchangeDiffUsd    exchangeIn  exchangeInBtc  exchangeInUsd   exchangeOut  \
0     -7.017060e+03  4.213794e+04       2.226106   1.999951e+04  4.749103e+04
1     -4.372710e+02  3.120267e+04       0.078270   7.055826e+02  5.113730e+04
2      1.897489e+06  5.308479e+06     397.788044   3.584974e+06  2.596448e+06
3      0.000000e+00  6.740607e+04       0.000000   0.000000e+00  5.525647e+04
4     -2.628859e+03  3.067355e+07     412.468640   3.711345e+06  3.161342e+07

    exchangeOutBtc  exchangeOutUsd  exchangeVolumeBtc  exchangeVolumeUsd  \
0         2.917965    2.701657e+04           5.144071       4.701608e+04
1         0.128404    1.142854e+03           0.206674       1.848436e+03
2       187.893502    1.687485e+06         585.681547       5.272459e+06
3         0.000000    0.000000e+00           0.000000       0.000000e+00
4       414.155914    3.713974e+06         826.624554       7.425320e+06

    percentDiffExchangeDiffBtc  percentDiffExchangeDiffUsd  \
0                   -37.732414                  -53.544924
1                 -1017.120786                -1082.665604
2                    14.589978                   31.029558
3                          NaN                         NaN
4                 -2890.486742               -15372.926874

    percentDiffExchangeVolumeBtc  percentDiffExchangeVolumeUsd ticker
0                      -6.591777                      8.992750    STX
1                    -718.046381                   -670.219511    STU
2                      10.075328                     22.742302    EDG
3                            NaN                           NaN    PGL
4                      41.544110                     48.203277    TNT

Social Volume Projects

Fetch a list of slugs for which there is social volume data.

projects = san.get("social_volume_projects")

Example result:

0            cardano
1       bitcoin-cash
2            bitcoin
3        dragonchain
4                eos
5   ethereum-classic
6           ethereum
7      kyber-network
8           litecoin
9               iota
10          ontology
11              tron
12          wanchain
13           stellar
14            ripple
15             verge
16                0x

Social Volume

Fetch a list of mentions count for a given project and time interval. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

Arguments description:

  • endpoint - social_volume/project_slug

  • interval - an integer followed by one of: m, h, d, w

  • from_date - a string representation of datetime value according to the iso8601 standard, e.g. "2018-04-16T10:02:19Z"

  • to_date - a string representation of datetime value according to the iso8601 standard, e.g. "2018-05-23T10:02:19Z"

  • social_volume_type - the source of mention counts, one of the following:

    1. "PROFESSIONAL_TRADERS_CHAT_OVERVIEW" - shows how many times the given project was mentioned in the professional traders chat
    2. "TELEGRAM_CHATS_OVERVIEW" - shows how many times the given project was mentioned across all telegram chats, except the project's own community chat (if there is one)
    3. "TELEGRAM_DISCUSSION_OVERVIEW" - the general volume of messages in the project's community chat (if there is one)
    4. "DISCORD_DISCUSSION_OVERVIEW" - shows how many times the given project has been mentioned in the discord channels
social_volume = san.get(

Example result:

2018-04-17 00:00:00+00:00              4
2018-04-18 00:00:00+00:00              8
2018-04-19 00:00:00+00:00              7
2018-04-20 00:00:00+00:00              1
2018-04-21 00:00:00+00:00              3
2018-04-22 00:00:00+00:00              2
2018-04-23 00:00:00+00:00              1

Topic search

Returns lists with the mentions of the search phrase from the selected source. The results are in two formats - the messages themselves and the data for building graph representation of the result. In order to access real time data or historical data (older than 3 months), you'll need to set the api key and have some SAN tokens in your account.

Arguments description:

  • A string in the format "topic_search/fields" where fields is one of the following:
    1. "messages"
    2. "chart_data"
  • source - one of the following:
    3. REDDIT
    4. DISCORD
  • search_text - a string containing the key words for which the sources should be searched.
  • from_date - a string representation of datetime value according to the iso8601 standard, e.g. "2018-04-16T10:02:19Z"
  • to_date - a string representation of datetime value according to the iso8601 standard, e.g. "2018-04-16T10:02:19Z"
  • interval - an integer followed by one of: m, h, d, w
topic_search = san.get(
    search_text="btc moon",

Example result:

0   {'text': 'Btc dominance increasing', 'datetime...
1   {'text': 'Above the deafening noise of Sidera ...
2   {'text': 'Neo could finosh today in the green ...


topic_search = san.get(
    search_text="btc moon",

Example result:

0   {'mentionsCount': 224, 'datetime': '2018-08-01...
1   {'mentionsCount': 266, 'datetime': '2018-08-01...
2   {'mentionsCount': 191, 'datetime': '2018-08-02...

Running tests

python test

Running integration tests

python nosetests -a integration

Project details

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Source Distribution

sanpy-0.3.0.tar.gz (17.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

sanpy-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (15.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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