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InSTAnT is a toolkit to identify gene pairs which are d-colocalized from single molecule measurement data.

Project description


InSTAnT is a toolkit to identify gene pairs which are d-colocalized from single molecule measurement data e.g. MERFISH or SeqFISH. A gene pair is d-colocalized when their transcripts are within distance d across many cells.

This repository contains implementation of PP Test and CPB test and demo on a U2OS dataset. The dataset can be downloaded from here (Moffit et al., 2016, PNAS ) -

UPDATE: Added support for AnnData input/output.

We recommend using our environment.yml file to create a new conda environment to avoid issues with package incompatibility.

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create a new conda environment with the name instant and has all dependancies installed.

First we will initialise the Instant class object. This object will allow us to calculate the proximal pairs and find global colocalized genes. The primary argument is threads which controls the number of threads the program uses. If you run into memory issues with the default settings, we suggest setting the precision_mode to low. The arguments min_intensity and min_area are used only for MERFISH data preprocessing and can be skipped otherwise.

obj = Instant(threads = threads, precision_mode = 'high', min_intensity = 10**0.75, min_area = 3)

To load MERFISH data, we use the function preprocess_and_load_data(). preprocess_and_load_data() is used to preprocess and load MERFISH data only. The final data is stored as a pandas DataFrame and the following columns ['gene', 'uID', 'absX', 'absY']. Below is an example table for a 2D data (if the data is 3D, absZ column is also expected) -

gene uID absX absY
AKAP11 2 -1401.666 -2956.618
SIPA1L3 3 -1411.692 -2936.609
THBS1 925 -764.6989 -1604.828
obj.preprocess_and_load_data(expression_data = f'data/u2os/rep3/data.csv', barcode_data = 'data/u2os/codebook.csv')

If the data has been preprocessed, we can load it like below.

obj.load_preprocessed_data(data = f'data/u2os_new/data_processed.csv')

Since, subcellular spatial transcriptomic data is generally present as .csv file containing all the transcripts, the primary input format is .csv. However, we have included the ability to format the data into an AnnData object and save the results of the subsequent analysis in that object. We convert the input file to an AnnData object and save it with the same name into the same directory. All the subsequent analysis will be updated and saved into the same file. We also provide the functionality to save any of the results seperately as individual files.

Note - The function also supports loading an AnnData object. Currently, we only accept files in .h5ad format. Since, Anndata objects are not natively designed for subcellular datasets, we expect the .csv file containing the transcript information to be present in adata.uns['transcripts']. If you wish to run differential colocalization, cell type labels are required, which are expected in adata.obs while for spatial modulation, cell locations are required, which are expected in adata.uns['cell_locations']. If these files are not present in the AnnData object, they must be supplied to the specific funtions seperately. If an AnnData object is provided during this loading, all the subsequent outputs are saved and updated in the specified file.

obj.load_preprocessed_data(data = f'data/u2os_new/data.h5ad')

The dataframe is loaded in the object variable df and can be accessed through obj.df. After the data has been loaded, we can calculate each cell's proximal gene pairs using the run_ProximalPairs() function. The following arguments are used by run_ProximalPairs()

  • distance_threshold: (Integer) Distance threshold at which to consider 2 genes proximal.
  • min_genecount: (Integer) Minimum number of transcripts in each cell.
  • pval_matrix_name: (String) (Optional) if provided saves pvalue matrix using pickle at the input path.
  • gene_count_name: (String) (Optional) if provided saves gene expression count matrix using pickle at the input path.
obj.run_ProximalPairs(distance_threshold = 4, min_genecount = 20, 
    pval_matrix_name = f"data/u2os/rep3/rep3_pvals.pkl", 
    gene_count_name = f"data/u2os/rep3/rep3_gene_count.pkl")

Proximal Pairs calculation has 3 variants -

  • run_ProximalPairs() - Designed for 2D subcellular spatial transcriptomics data.
  • run_ProximalPairs3D() - Designed for 3D subcellular spatial transcriptomics data with continuos z-axis.
  • run_ProximalPairs3D_slice() - Designed for 3D subcellular spatial transcriptomics data with discrete/sliced z-axis. (Note - For AnnData objects. These results are stored in adata.uns['pp_test_pvalues'].)

All subsequent analysis require run_ProximalPairs() to be run first to generate the p-value matrix for all cells.

Next, we can use the output to find which gene pairs are significantly colocalized globally using the run_GlobalColocalization() function. The following arguments are used by run_GlobalColocalization()

  • alpha_cellwise: (Float) Pvalue signifcance threshold (>alpha_cellwise are converted to 1). Default = 0.05.
  • min_transcript: (Float) Gene expression lower threshold. Default = 0.
  • high_precision: (Boolean) High precision pvalue. Expect a longer compute time. Default = False.
  • glob_coloc_name: (String) (Optional) if provided, saves the global colocalization matrix as a CSV at the input path.
  • exp_coloc_name: (String) (Optional) if provided, saves the expected colocalization matrix as a CSV at the input path.
  • unstacked_pvals_name: (String) (Optional) if provided, saves a more interpretable global colocalization matrix as a CSV at the input path.
    high_precision = False, 
    alpha_cellwise = 0.05,
    glob_coloc_name = f"data/u2os/rep3/global_colocalization.csv", 
    exp_coloc_name = f"data/u2os/rep3/expected_colocalization.csv", 
    unstacked_pvals_name = f"data/u2os/rep3/unstacked_global_pvals.csv")

The final outputs are 3 CSV files -

  • Global colocalization: contains pairwise significance value of d-colocalization
    gene 5830417i10rik Aatf Abcc1 Abhd2
    5830417i10rik 1 0.317506 1 1
    Aatf 0.317506 1 1 0.416612
    Abcc1 1 1 1 0.055185
    Abhd2 1 0.416612 0.055185 0.744798
  • Expected colocalization: contains pairwise significance value of expected d-colocalization
    gene 5830417i10rik Aatf Abcc1 Abhd2
    5830417i10rik 1.068986 1.978719 0.686994 0.999343
    Aatf 1.978719 4.877825 1.69975 2.344674
    Abcc1 0.686994 1.69975 0.795251 0.857116
    Abhd2 0.999343 2.344674 0.857116 1.358516
  • Unstacked colocalization: contains pairwise significance value of d-colocalization in an interpretable format
    g1g2 gene_id1 gene_id2 p_val_cond Expected coloc Coloc. cells(Threshold<0.05) Present cells frac_cells
    Prpf8, Polr2a Prpf8 Polr2a -2.5E-14 3.563221 112 163 0.687117
    Col1a1, Fn1 Col1a1 Fn1 -2.4E-14 5.350136 107 179 0.597765
    Fbln2, Fn1 Fbln2 Fn1 -1.7E-14 4.00996 74 177 0.418079
    Col1a1, Fbln2 Col1a1 Fbln2 -1.7E-14 4.629268 73 177 0.412429
    Col1a1, Bgn Col1a1 Bgn -1.6E-14 5.360849 71 178 0.398876

(Note - For AnnData objects, only the unstacked file is saved in adata.uns['cpb_results'].)

Next, we will use InSTAnT's spatial modulation analyses to find spatially modulated gene pairs. We use the run_spatial_modulation() function for this. The following arguments are used by run_spatial_modulation()

  • inter_cell_distance: (Float) Maximum distance between cells at which they are considered proximal.
  • cell_locations: (String) (Optional) Path to file contains locations for each cell. Should be in sorted order. If not provided, cell locations are expected to be provided in adata.uns['cell_locations'] in the AnnData file specified during initialization.
  • spatial_modulation_name: (String) (Optional) Path and name of the output Excel file.
  • alpha: (Float) (Optional) p-value significance threshold (>alpha_cellwise are converted to 1). Default = 0.01.
  • randomize: (Boolean) (Optional) Shuffle cell locations. Default = False.
obj.run_spatial_modulation(f"data/u2os/rep3/cells_locations.csv", inter_cell_distance = 100, spatial_modulation_name = f"data/u2os/rep3/spatial_modulation.csv")

The cell_locations file should be a .csv file with the uID of the cells in sorted order and as the index of the file. The next 2 columns should be the x and y position of that cell respectively. (if provided in the AnnData file during initialization, cell locations are expected in adata.uns['cell_locations'])

uID x_centroid y_centroid
1054 5785.578 5699.618
1059 5757.25 5770.57
1067 5781.67 5238.706
1068 5784.023 5177.076
1069 5772.406 5173.247
1071 5757.652 5815.921

The output is an Excel file containing the gene pairs and the log-likelihood ratio of their spatial modulation. Below is an example -

g1g2 gene_id1 gene_id2 llr w_h1 p_g_h1 p_g_h0
MALAT1, MALAT1 MALAT1 MALAT1 113.2089 0.524039 0.803285 0.805375
FASN, TLN1 FASN TLN1 61.48302 0.404623 0.808779 0.808774
COL5A1, THBS1 COL5A1 THBS1 58.72194 0.391671 0.729187 0.733704
MALAT1, SRRM2 MALAT1 SRRM2 47.82571 0.353254 0.410644 0.409021
COL5A1, FBN2 COL5A1 FBN2 47.62671 0.348113 0.574713 0.576769

(Note - For AnnData objects. These results are stored in adata.uns['spatial_modulation'].)

Lastly, we will calculate the cell type specificity of InSTAnT categorized d-colocalized gene pair. We call it Differential Colocalization and the function run_differentialcolocalization() is used for it. There are 3 different modes in which it can be run -

  • 1va: Compares colocalization for genes in the input cell type vs all other cell types.
  • 1v1: Compares colocalization for genes in the input cell type 1 vs input cell type 2.
  • ava: Compares colocalization for genes for all cell types vs all other cell types.


  • cell_type: (String) Cell type to calculate differential colocalization for. Is ignored if mode == "ava".
  • cell_labels: (String) (Optional) Path to file contains cell type for each cell. If not provided, cell labels are expected to be provided in adata.obs in the AnnData file specified during initialization.
  • file_location: (String) (Optional) Directory in which to store output files. if mode == "ava", creates a new directory in this path to store all results.
  • cell_type_2: (String) (Optional) Cell type 2 to calculate differential colocalization for. Required if mode == "1v1".
  • mode: (String) Either "1va" (One cell type vs All cell types), "1v1" (One cell type vs one cell type) or "ava" (All cell types vs All cell types).
  • alpha: (Float) (Optional) p-value significance threshold (>alpha_cellwise are converted to 1). Default = 0.01.
  • alpha_dc: (Float) (Optional) pvalue signifcance threshold for unconditional differential colocalization. Default = 5e-6.
  • folder_name: *(String) (Optional) if mode == "ava", folder name inside the specified path in which to store results for each cell type. Default = "differential_colocalization".
obj.run_differentialcolocalization(cell_type = None, mode = "a2a", 
     cell_labels = f"data/u2os/rep3/cell_labels.csv", 
     file_location = f"data/u2os/rep3/",
     folder_name = "differential_colocalization")

The cell_labels.csv file must have 2 columns uID and cell_type which denote the cell number/ID and the type of the cell respectively.

uID cell_type
83434 27
83431 27
83447 27
7469 27
91749 27
83131 27

The function will create a folder named folder_name in the file_location location. The folder will contain a folder for each of the cell types selected to be analyzed and for each cell type contains a single file will all relevant outputs.

  • {cell_type}_unstacked.csv
    g1,g2 p_uncond p_cond_g1 p_cond_g2 p_g1_expression p_g2_expression min_g1g2 g1_rank g2_rank min_rank
    Slc17a6, Syt4 2.27E-75 6.75E-08 6.67E-64 5.8E-304 1.48E-17 5.8E-304 1 22 1
    Cbln1, Slc17a6 2.58E-58 6.29E-14 5.01E-12 2.1E-131 5.8E-304 5.8E-304 2 1 1
    Gabra1, Slc17a6 1.01E-53 6.75E-45 5.89E-06 4.39E-13 5.8E-304 5.8E-304 27 1 1
    Cbln1, Gpr165 6.64E-39 1.5E-08 6.27E-43 2.1E-131 0.999642 2.1E-131 2 95 2
    Cbln1, Syt4 4.29E-36 1.55E-10 1.35E-32 2.1E-131 1.48E-17 2.1E-131 2 22 2

(Note - For AnnData objects. These results are stored in adata.uns['differential_colocalization']. adata.uns['differential_colocalization'] is a dictionary with keys based on the analysis done. For 1va and ava, the key is {cell_type} and for 1v1, the key is {cell_type)_vs_{cell_type_2}).

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sc-instant-1.0.2.tar.gz (65.1 kB view hashes)

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sc_instant-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (23.5 kB view hashes)

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