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Project description

OWASP SecureTea Tool Project

User Guide

Read developer guide here.


The OWASP SecureTea Project provides a one-stop security solution for various devices (personal computers / servers / IoT devices).



  • Pre-requisites
  • Procedure for installing
  • After installation


Supported Platforms

OWASP SecureTea Tool project runs on Linux, Windows and macOS operating systems. It is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.


  • Linux OS / Raspberry Pi - have sudo access on the terminal/console
  • Mouse / Wireless Mouse / Touchpad congenital laptop


  • Python 2.x or 3.x
  • Angular
  • Twitter account (optional)
  • Telegram account (optional)
  • Slack account (optional)
  • Twilio SMS account (optional)
  • Amazon Web Services account (optional)
  • Libnetfilter

Installing pre-requisites




$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev


  1. Download the latest Yara release at:
  2. Execute the following instructions in the order:
$ tar -zxf yara-3.10.0.tar.gz
$ cd yara-3.10.0
$ ./
$ sudo apt-get install automake libtool make gcc
$ sudo apt-get install flex bison
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make check

Clam AV:

  1. Execute the following instructions in the order:
$ sudo apt-get install clamav
$ sudo freshclam

Procedure for installing

You can install OWASP SecureTea Tool using the following methods:

  • PyPi
  • GitHub
  • Zip

Setting up a virtual environment

  1. Install virtualenv: $ pip install virtualenv

  2. Create a virtual environment named venv1: $ virtualenv venv1

  3. Activate virtual environment venv1: $ source venv1/bin/activate


You can install SecureTea from PyPi package manager using the following command:

$ sudo python3 -m pip install securetea

Please make sure all dependencies are installed if this fails.


Installing from GitHub involves the following steps:

  1. Clone the repository: $ git clone

  2. Navigate into the project directory: $ cd SecureTea-Project

  3. Install Python dependencies: $ sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Install SecureTea package: $ sudo python3 install

If done, proceed to After installation.


Installing from Zip involves the following steps:

  1. Download the zip.

  2. Unzip using: $ unzip

  3. Navigate into the project directory: $ cd SecureTea-Project

  4. Install python dependencies: $ sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Install SecureTea package: $ sudo python3 install

Tip: Incase of any error during installation related to NetfilterQueue, try using $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev to resolve the error.

If done, proceed to After installation.

After installation

Configuring SecureTea

Editing the configurations using a text-editor

Default configuration:

	"twitter": {
		"api_key": "XXXX",
		"api_secret_key": "XXXX",
		"access_token": "XXXX",
		"access_token_secret": "XXXX"
	"telegram": {
		"token": "XXXX",
		"user_id": "XXXX"
	"twilio": {
		"twilio_sid": "XXXX",
		"twilio_token": "XXXX",
		"twilio_from": "XXXX",
		"twilio_to": "XXXX"
	"slack": {
		"token": "XXXX",
		"user_id": "XXXX"
	"aws_ses": {
		"aws_email": "XXXX",
		"aws_access_key": "XXXX",
		"aws_secret_key": "XXXX"
	"gmail": {
		"sender_email": "XXXX",
		"to_email": "XXXX",
		"password": "XXXX"
	"firewall": {
		"interface": "",
		"inbound_IPRule": {
			"action": "0",
			"ip_inbound": ""
		"outbound_IPRule": {
			"action": "0",
			"ip_outbound": ""
		"protocolRule": {
			"action": "0",
			"protocols": "ICMP"
		"scanLoad": {
			"action": "0",
			"extensions": ".exe"
		"source_portRule": {
			"action": "0",
			"sports": ""
		"dest_portRule": {
			"action": "0",
			"dports": ""
		"HTTPRequest": {
			"action": "0"
		"HTTPResponse": {
			"action": "0"
		"DNSRule": {
			"action": "0",
			"dns": ""
		"time": {
			"time_lb": "00:00",
			"time_ub": "23:59"
	"insecure_headers": {
			"url": ""
	"ids": {
		"threshold": 10,
		"interface": "XXXX"
	"server_log": {
		"log_type": "",
		"log_file": "",
		"window": "30",
		"ip_list": "",
		"status_code": ""
	"auto-server-patcher": {
		"url": "XXXX",
		"apache": "1",
		"sysctl": "1",
		"login": "1",
		"ssh": "1"
	"antivirus": {
		"update": "1",
		"custom-scan": "",
		"auto-delete": "0",
		"monitor-usb": "1",
		"monitor-file-changes": "1",
		"virustotal-api-key": "XXXX"
	"web-deface": {
		"path": "",
		"server-name": ""
	"iot-check": {
		"shodan-api-key": "XXXX",
		"ip": ""
	"debug": false
Using gedit

gedit securetea.conf

Using vim

vi securetea.conf

Configuring using interactive setup mode
Setup all the features
  1. Start SecureTea without any parameters:
    This will start an interactive setup mode, to skip a particular setup, enter s or S.

Setup a particular feature

Arguments list

--telegram     Start Telegram interactive setup
--twitter      Start Twitter interactive setup
--twilio_sms   Start Twilio SMS interactive setup
--firewall     Start Firewall interactive setup
--aws_ses      Start Amazon Web Services(AWS-Simple Email Services) interactive setup
--gmail        Start G-Mail interactive setup


  • Starting SecureTea-Firewall interactive setup: sudo --firewall


  • Starting Telegram & Twitter interactive setup: sudo --telegram --twitter


Configuring using Web UI

Network graph

Disk usage Process

Last Login

Network Security

Configuring using CLI arguments
usage: [-h] [--conf CONF] [--debug] [--twitter] [--twilio_sms]
                    [--telegram] [--gmail] [--slack] [--aws_ses]
                    [--twitter_api_key TWITTER_API_KEY]
                    [--twitter_api_secret_key TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY]
                    [--twitter_access_token TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN]
                    [--twitter_access_token_secret TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET]
                    [--telegram_bot_token TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN]
                    [--telegram_user_id TELEGRAM_USER_ID]
                    [--twilio_sid TWILIO_SID] [--twilio_token TWILIO_TOKEN]
                    [--twilio_from TWILIO_FROM] [--twilio_to TWILIO_TO]
                    [--slack_token SLACK_TOKEN]
                    [--slack_user_id SLACK_USER_ID]
                    [--sender_email SENDER_EMAIL] [--to_email TO_EMAIL]
                    [--password PASSWORD] [--aws_email AWS_EMAIL]
                    [--aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY]
                    [--aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY] [--firewall]
                    [--interface INTERFACE]
                    [--inbound_IP_action INBOUND_IP_ACTION]
                    [--inbound_IP_list INBOUND_IP_LIST]
                    [--outbound_IP_action OUTBOUND_IP_ACTION]
                    [--outbound_IP_list OUTBOUND_IP_LIST]
                    [--protocol_action PROTOCOL_ACTION]
                    [--protocol_list PROTOCOL_LIST]
                    [--scan_action SCAN_ACTION] [--scan_list SCAN_LIST]
                    [--dest_port_action DEST_PORT_ACTION]
                    [--dest_port_list DEST_PORT_LIST]
                    [--source_port_action SOURCE_PORT_ACTION]
                    [--source_port_list SOURCE_PORT_LIST]
                    [--HTTP_request_action HTTP_REQUEST_ACTION]
                    [--HTTP_response_action HTTP_RESPONSE_ACTION]
                    [--dns_action DNS_ACTION] [--dns_list DNS_LIST]
                    [--time_lb TIME_LB] [--time_ub TIME_UB]
                    [--insecure_headers] [--url URL] [--ids]
                    [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--system_log] [--server_log]
                    [--log_file LOG_FILE] [--log_type LOG_TYPE]
                    [--window WINDOW] [--ip_list IP_LIST]
                    [--status-code STATUS_CODE] [--auto-server-patcher]
                    [--ssh] [--sysctl] [--login] [--apache] [--ssl]	
		    [--antivirus] [--update UPDATE]
                    [--custom-scan CUSTOM_SCAN] [--auto-delete]
                    [--monitor-usb] [--monitor-file-changes]
                    [--web-deface] [--path PATH] [--server-name SERVER_NAME]	
		    [--iot-checker][--shodan-api-key SHODAN_API_KEY] [--ip IP]		    

Example usage:

  • Configuring Slack: sudo --slack_user_id <your data> --slack_token <your data>


Setting up Web UI

Follow the following steps to setup Web UI

  1. cd gui
  2. npm install
  3. ng serve
  4. sudo python
  5. Visit http://localhost:4200 to view your project, END-POINT is http://localhost:5000.

Getting tokens

In order to use the various communication medium you need to get yourself a verified token from the respective provider.

Getting Twitter tokens
Getting Slack tokens
  • Visit and create a new bot app.
  • In the bot app settings, setup event subscriptions by Enabling Events.
  • Install the bot app in the workspace required.
  • Get the "Bot User OAuth Access Token", it starts with xoxb-
  • Get your user id for the particular workspace.
Getting Telegram tokens
Getting Twilio SMS tokens
Getting AWS-SES tokens
  • Sign up for AWS (For new users)
  • Search for Simple Email Service in search bar of AWS
  • Select your AWS region accordingly( e.g, US East)
  • Click on email address and verify your email
  • Click on "My security credentials"
  • Click "Get started with IAM users" and add a new user(You can use root user's access code too ,but that would be insecure.)
  • Click on the username of just created user
  • Click "Security Credentials" and note down your "Access Key ID(aws_access_key)" and "Secret Access Key(aws_secret_kay)". Warning: Do not share this keys for security reasons.
  • Put those keys and email into 'SecureTea.conf' file.
Getting Gmail tokens
  • Sign up for a Gmail account (for new users)
  • Go to "Accounts" and proceed to "Security" dashboard
  • Turn on "Less secure app access" to allow SecureTea be able to send emails
  • Proceed to and click on Continue, and then allow
  • Put your sender email ID, password and destination email ID in the securetea.conf file.


The following argument options are currently available:

   -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --conf CONF           Path of config file. default:-
  --debug               Degug true or false
  --twitter             Setup twitter credentials
  --twilio_sms          Setup twilio SMS credentials
  --telegram            Setup telegram SMS credentials
  --gmail               Setup Gmail credentials
  --slack               Setup Slack credentials
  --aws_ses             Setup AWS SES credentials
  --twitter_api_key TWITTER_API_KEY, -tak TWITTER_API_KEY
                        Twitter api key
  --twitter_api_secret_key TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY, -tas TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY
                        Twitter api secret
  --twitter_access_token TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, -tat TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN
                        Twitter access token
                        Twitter access token secret
  --telegram_bot_token TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN, -tbt TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
                        Telegram Bot Token
  --telegram_user_id TELEGRAM_USER_ID, -tui TELEGRAM_USER_ID
                        Telegram user id
  --twilio_sid TWILIO_SID, -tws TWILIO_SID
                        Twilio SID
  --twilio_token TWILIO_TOKEN, -twt TWILIO_TOKEN
                        Twilio authorization token
  --twilio_from TWILIO_FROM, -twf TWILIO_FROM
                        Twilio (From) phone number
  --twilio_to TWILIO_TO, -twto TWILIO_TO
                        Twilio (To) phone number
  --slack_token SLACK_TOKEN, -st SLACK_TOKEN
                        Slack token
  --slack_user_id SLACK_USER_ID, -suid SLACK_USER_ID
                        Slack user id
  --sender_email SENDER_EMAIL
                        Gmail sender e-mail id
  --to_email TO_EMAIL   Destination of e-mail
  --password PASSWORD   Password for Gmail sender account
  --aws_email AWS_EMAIL, -awse AWS_EMAIL
                        AWS email id
  --aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY, -awss AWS_SECRET_KEY
                        AWS secret key
  --aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY, -awsa AWS_ACCESS_KEY
                        AWS access key
  --firewall, -f        Start firewall
  --interface INTERFACE
                        Name of the interface
  --inbound_IP_action INBOUND_IP_ACTION
                        Inbound IP rule action
  --inbound_IP_list INBOUND_IP_LIST
                        List of inbound IPs to look for
  --outbound_IP_action OUTBOUND_IP_ACTION
                        Outbound IP rule action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --outbound_IP_list OUTBOUND_IP_LIST
                        List of outbound IPs to look for
  --protocol_action PROTOCOL_ACTION
                        Protocol action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --protocol_list PROTOCOL_LIST
                        List of protocols to look for
  --scan_action SCAN_ACTION
                        Scan load action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --scan_list SCAN_LIST
                        List of extensions to scan for
  --dest_port_action DEST_PORT_ACTION
                        Destination port action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --dest_port_list DEST_PORT_LIST
                        List of destination ports to look for
  --source_port_action SOURCE_PORT_ACTION
                        Source port action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --source_port_list SOURCE_PORT_LIST
                        List of source ports to look for
  --HTTP_request_action HTTP_REQUEST_ACTION
                        HTTP request action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --HTTP_response_action HTTP_RESPONSE_ACTION
                        HTTP response action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --dns_action DNS_ACTION
                        DNS action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
  --dns_list DNS_LIST   List of DNS to look for
  --time_lb TIME_LB     Time lower bound
  --time_ub TIME_UB     Time upper bound
  --insecure_headers, -ih
                        Test URL for insecure headers
  --url URL, -u URL     URL on which operations are to be performed
  --ids                 Start Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  --threshold THRESHOLD, -th THRESHOLD
                        Intrusion Detection System (IDS) threshold
  --system_log, -sys_log
                        Start system log monitoring process
  --server_log          Start server log monitoring process
  --log_file LOG_FILE   Path of the log file
  --log_type LOG_TYPE   Type of the log file (Apache/Nginx)
  --window WINDOW       Days old log to process
  --ip_list IP_LIST     List of IPs to grab from log file
  --status_code STATUS_CODE
                        List of status code to grab from log file
  --auto-server-patcher, -asp
                        Start auto server patcher
  --ssh                 Patch SSH config
  --sysctl              Patch system configuration
  --login               Patch login configuration
  --apache              Patch apache configuration
  --ssl                 Scan for SSL vulnerability
  --antivirus           Start AntiVirus
  --update UPDATE       Auto-update AntiVirus or not (1: yes, 0: no)
  --custom-scan CUSTOM_SCAN
			Path to custom scan
  --auto-delete         Auto delete malicious files or manually (1: auto, 0:
  --monitor-usb         Monitor USB devices or not (1: yes, 0: no)
			Monitor file changes or not (1:yes, 0:no)
  --virustotal-api-key  Virus Total API key  
  --web-deface          Start Web Deface Detection
  --path PATH           Path of the directory
  --server-name SERVER_NAME
                        Name of the server (apache/nginx/etc.)
  --iot-checker, -ic    Start IoT Anonymity Checker
  --shodan-api-key SHODAN_API_KEY, -sak SHODAN_API_KEY
                        Shodan API Key
  --ip IP               IP address on which to perform operation

Example usages

Starting Twitter notifier


sudo --twitter_api_key <data> --twitter_api_secret_key <data> --twitter_access_token <data> --twitter_access_token_secret <data>

Starting Slack notifier


sudo --slack_token <data> --slack_user_id <data>

Starting Telegram notifier


sudo --telegram_bot_token <data> --telegram_user_id <data>

Starting Twilio notifier


sudo --twilio_sid <data> --twilio_token <data> --twilio_from <data> --twilio_to <data>

Starting Firewall


sudo --interface <data> --inbound_IP_action <data> --inbound_IP_list <data> --outbound_IP_action <data> --outbound_IP_list <data> --protocol_action <data> --protocol_list <data> --scan_action <data> --scan_list <data> --dest_port_action <data> --dest_port_list <data> --source_port_action <data> --source_port_list <data> --HTTP_request_action <data> --HTTP_response_action <data> --dns_action <data> --dns_list <data> --time_lb <data> --time_ub <data> 

Starting AWS-SES


sudo --aws_ses <data> --aws_email <data> --aws_access_key <data> --aws_secret_key <data>

Setting up notifiers

Setting up Twitter

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --twitter

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--twitter_api_key XXXX Twitter API key
--twitter_api_secret_key XXXX Twitter API Secret Key
--twitter_access_token XXXX Twitter Access Token
--twitter_access_token_secret XXXX Twitter Access Token Secret

Setting up Slack

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --slack

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--slack_token XXXX Slack Token
--slack_user_id XXXX Slack User ID

Setting up Amazon SES

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --aws_ses

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--aws_email XXXX AWS SES Email
--aws_secret_key XXXX AWS SES Secret Key
--aws_access_key XXXX AWS SES Access Key

Setting up Gmail

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --gmail

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--to_email XXXX G-mail To E-mail
--sender_email XXXX G-mail From E-mail
--password XXXX G-mail App Password

Setting up Telegram

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --telegram

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--telegram_bot_token XXXX Telegram Bot Token
--telegram_user_id XXXX Telegram User ID

Setting up SMS

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --twilio_sms

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--twilio_sid XXXX Twilio SID
--twilio_token XXXX Twilio Token
--twilio_from XXXX Twilio From Phone No.
--twilio_to XXXX Twilio To Phone No.

Setting up Firewall

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --firewall

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--interface None Name of the interface
--inbound_IP_action 0 Inbound IP rule action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--inbound_IP_list None List of inbound IPs to look for
--outbound_IP_action 0 Outbound IP rule action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--outbound_IP_list None List of outbound IPs to look for.
--protocol_action 0 Protocol action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--protocol_list None List of protocols to look for
--scan_action 0 Scan load action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--scan_list None List of extensions to scan for
--dest_port_action 0 Destination port action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--dest_port_list None List of destination ports to look for
--source_port_action 0 Source port action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--source_port_list None List of source ports to look for
--HTTP_request_action 0 HTTP request action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--HTTP_response_action None HTTP response action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--dns_action 0 DNS action (0: BLOCK, 1: ALLOW)
--dns_list None List of DNS to look for
--time_lb 00:00 Time lower bound
--time_ub 23:59 Time upper bound

Setting up Intrusion Detection System

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --ids

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--threshold 10 Intrusion Detection System (IDS) threshold
--interface None Name of the interface

What are thresholds?
It simply represents the number of times you want to ignore the possibility of an attack. In other words, it is the extent to which IDS will not bother to inform you about the attack, once it crosses the limit (here threshold), it will start notifying you about the possible attack. Lower the number is, the more sensitive IDS is, and may also give rise to false alarms. Higher the number is, the less sensitive IDS is, it may give rise to less false positives but at the same time choosing a very high number is not suggested either. Choose a mid range number within (10-100) to be on the safer side while keeping alarms of false positives to the minimal.

Setting up Insecure Headers

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --insecure_headers

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--url None URL on which operations are to be performed

Setting up Server Log Monitor

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --server-log

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--log-file XXXX Path of the log file
--log-type XXXX Type of the log file (Apache/Nginx)
--window XXXX Days old log to process
--ip-list XXXX List of IPs to grab from log file
--status-code XXXX List of status code to grab from log file

Setting up System Log Monitor

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --system_log

2. Argument list

No optional arguments.

Setting up Auto Server Patcher

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --auto-server-patcher


sudo -asp

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--url XXXX URL for SSL scanning
--apache 1 Patch apache configuration or not (0:no, 1:yes)
--sysctl 1 Patch system configuration or not (0:no, 1:yes)
--login 1 Patch login configuration or not (0:no, 1:yes)
--ssh 1 Patch SSH configuration or not (0:no, 1:yes)
--ssl 1 Scan for SSL vulnerability

Setting up AntiVirus

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --antivirus

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--update 1 Auto update ON (1) or OFF (0)
--custom-scan None Path of the directory to custom scan
--auto-delete 0 Auto clean the found malicious files (1) or manually (0)
--monitor-usb 1 Monitor USB devices or not (1:yes, 0:no)
--monitor-file-changes 1 Monitor files changes or addition (1:yes, 0:no)
--virustotal-api-key XXXX VirusTotal API key

Setting up Web Deface Detection

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup
sudo --web-deface

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--path None Path of the directory
--server-name None Name of the server (apache/nginx/etc.)

Setting up IoT Anonymity Checker

Example usage:

1. Using interactive setup

sudo --iot-checker
sudo -ic

2. Argument list

Argument Default value Description
--shodan-api-key XXXX Shodan API Key
--ip None IP address on which to perform operation

Starting up modes

Starting up in server mode
Integrations (features) of server mode
  • Firewall
  • Server Log Monitor
  • AntiVirus
  • System Log Monitor
  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  • Auto Server Patcher
  • Web Deface Detection

Example usage:

1. Non-debug mode
sudo --server-mode
1. Debug mode
sudo --server-mode --debug

Upon this, it will ask whether to load the previously saved configurations or enter a new one. Choosing to go with a new configuration will start an interactive setup of the respected modules. Also, user can skip any module among the above 7 modules.

It makes a lot easier to configure SecureTea, with server mode they can easily secure their servers. You need to bother about the various arguments or the toughness of setting up SecureTea individual modules. Also, since you can skip any module among the above 7, it is not necessary to configure them all.

Starting up in system mode
Integrations (features) of system mode
  • Firewall
  • AntiVirus
  • System Log Monitor
  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Example usgae:

1. Non-debug mode
sudo --system-mode
1. Debug mode
sudo --system-mode --debug

Upon this, it will ask whether to load the previously saved configurations or enter a new one. Choosing to go with a new configuration will start an interactive setup of the respected modules. Also, user can skip any module among the above 4 modules.

It makes a lot easier to configure SecureTea, with system mode they can easily secure their systems (PC / laptops). You need to bother about the various arguments or the toughness of setting up SecureTea individual modules. Also, since you can skip any module among the above 4, it is not necessary to configure them all.

Starting up in IoT mode
Integrations (features) of IoT mode
  • Firewall
  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  • IoT Anonymity Checker

Example usgae:

1. Non-debug mode
sudo --iot-mode
1. Debug mode
sudo --iot-mode --debug

Upon this, it will ask whether to load the previously saved configurations or enter a new one. Choosing to go with a new configuration will start an interactive setup of the respected modules. Also, user can skip any module among the above 3 modules.

It makes a lot easier to configure SecureTea, with IoT mode they can easily secure their IoT devices. You need to bother about the various arguments or the toughness of setting up SecureTea individual modules. Also, since you can skip any module among the above 3, it is not necessary to configure them all.


SecureTea Firewall currently uses the following rules to filter the incoming traffic:

Process 1 (Firewall Engine):

  • Filter packets based on:
    • Inbound IP rules
    • Outbound IP rules
    • Source port rules
    • Destination port rules
    • Protocols
    • Scan for downloads in HTTP websites
    • DNS filter rules
    • Filter HTTP request & response
    • IP packet first fragment
    • IP packet fragment boundary
    • IP packet fragment small offset
    • Unknown IP version
    • Invalid IP source
    • Invalid IP header length
    • Network congestion detection
    • Ending FIN-ACK handshakes
    • TCP Packet with None flag
    • SYN fragmentation
    • ICMP fragmentation attack
    • Large ICMP packets

Apart from that, the background process deals with the following functions:

Process 2 (Firewall Monitor):

  • Monitor open ports
  • Monitor active services
  • Monitor network usage
  • Monitor active CPU process

Generate report about the malicious IP address using OSINT tools The report will contain the following fields:

  1. Reverse DNS
  2. Geo lookup
  3. WHOIS lookup
  4. Other important details

Intrusion Detection System

SecureTea Intrusion Detection System (IDS) deals with the following attack vectors and logs any abnormalities:

Detect probe (reconnaissance) attacks (performed for information gathering)

  • General scans: TCP ACK & TCP Window, UDP, ICMP scans
  • Stealth scans: FIN, XMAS, NULL scans
  • OS fingerprinting scans

Detect Denial of Service (DoS) & Remote to Local (R2L) attacks

  • DoS attacks
  • CAM Table Exhaustion
  • DHCP Exhaustion
  • Man in The Middle (MiTM) / ARP cache poisoning
  • SYN flood attack
  • Ping of death
  • Land attack
  • Wireless
    • Deauthentication attack
    • Hidden node attack
    • SSID spoofing
    • Fake access point

Generate report about the malicious IP address using OSINT tools The report will contain the following fields:

  1. Reverse DNS
  2. Geo lookup
  3. WHOIS lookup
  4. Other important details

Insecure Headers

Check/monitor the website for the followings:

  • X-XSS-Protection
  • X-Content-Type
  • Strict Transport Security
  • Content Security Policy
  • X-Frame
  • HTTP methods
    • Test all methods - 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'TEST'
    • Cross Site Tracing vulnerability
  • Check for cookie details

System Log Monitor

System log aggregator to disparate log files, organize the useful data and apply intelligence to detect intrusion activities.

a. Log file : /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow

  • Detect backdoors
  • Detect user existing without a password that may lead to privilege escalation
  • Check integrity of system's password storing
  • Detect non-standard hashing algorithm used in passwords to guess system manipulation

b. Log file: /var/log/auth.log & /var/log/faillog

  • Detect system login attempts
  • Detect password brute-force
  • Detect harmful commands executed as root
  • Detect port scans
  • Detect SSH login attempts & brute-force

c. Log file: /var/log/syslog

  • Detect malicious sniffer by extracting PROMISC mode

Server Log Monitor

System log aggregator to disparate server log files, organize the useful data and apply intelligence to detect intrusion activities.

Currently, the server log monitor supports the following log file types:

  1. Apache
  2. Nginx

The following suspicious activities/attacks can be detected:

  • Attacks

    • Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
    • Cross site scripting (XSS) injection
    • SQL injection (SQLi)
    • Local file inclusion (LFI)
    • Web shell injection
  • Reconnaissance attacks

    • Web crawlers / spiders / bots
    • URL Fuzzing
    • Port scans
    • Bad user agents
  • Log bad/suspicious IP (later on picked up by Firewall to block incoming request from that IP)

  • User defined rules:

    • Filter based on selected IPs
    • Filter based on response code

Generate report about the malicious IP address using OSINT tools The report will contain the following fields:

  1. Reverse DNS
  2. Geo lookup
  3. WHOIS lookup
  4. Other important details

Auto Server Patcher

SecureTea Auto Server Patcher will patch the server configurations for highest security & help overcome common security deployment mistakes.

The following features are currently supported:

  • Auto update packages

  • Set password expiration & password strength rules

  • Check for rootkits

  • Auto remove discarded package

  • Enhance IP TABLE rules:

    • Force SYN packets check
    • Drop XMAS packets
    • Drop null packets
    • Drop incoming packets with fragments
  • Configure /etc/sysctl.conf

    • Disable IP forwarding & IP source routing
    • Disable sent packets redirects
    • Disable ICMP redirect acceptance
    • Enable IP spoofing protection
    • Enable bad error message protection
  • Patch Apache server configurations

    • Prevent server from broadcasting version number
    • Turn off TRACE method to prevent Cross-Site Scripting
    • X-powered by headers
  • Configure SSH

    • Disallow root access via SSH
    • Disallow SSH from trusting a host based only on its IP
    • Prevent users from logging into SSH with an empty password
    • Sop the possibility of the server sending commands back to the client
    • Drop the SSH connection after 5 failed authorization attempts
    • Disable weak ciphers
    • Disables password authentication and defers authorization to the key-based PAM
    • Log out idle users after 15 minutes
    • Configure server checks whether the session is active before dropping
  • List all the possible SSL vulnerabilities in the server using SSL Labs API

    • Beast attack
    • Poodle
    • Poodle TLS
    • RC4
    • Heartbeat
    • Heartbleed
    • Ticketbleed
    • OpenSSL CCS
    • OpenSSL padding
    • Robot attack
    • Freak
    • Logjam
    • Drown attack


SecureTea real-time signature & heuristic based antivirus.

The following features are currently supported:

  1. Auto fetch updates: Smart update mechanism, that keeps track of the last update and resumes update from the last downloaded file. User can configure to switch off and switch on the auto-update feature.

  2. Real-Time monitoring: Scan as soon as a file is modified or a new file is added.

  3. Scanner engine: Scanner engine runs on 3 process, they are as follows:

    • Hash Signature scanner
    • Yara Heuristic scanner
    • Clam AV Scanner
  4. YARA rules can detect:

    • Viruses
    • Worms
    • Ransomware
    • Adware
    • Spyware
    • Rootkits
    • RATs
  5. Leveraging the power of VirusTotal API: Optional for users, provides an easy option for them to test for specific files against multiple anti-viruses & in a safe sandbox environment, i.e. after a file is detected malicious, the file will be put under VirusTotal test for a final confirmation.

  6. Monitor orphaned files: Use SUID, SGID and read capabilities in Linux to separate orphaned files and check if any file is granted more capabilities than it should be.

  7. Keeps an eye on USB devices: Start scanning the USB device as soon as it is plugged in & report for any virus/malware found.

  8. Cleaning the found files: Opt for either auto-delete or manual delete option, in auto-delete the file found malicious is automatically deleted, whereas in manual it requires the confirmation of the user.

  9. Custom and Full scan options

Web Deface Detection

Monitor server files to detect any changes, roll back to default in case of defacement.


  1. Auto locate the server files based on the user choice of server (i.e. Apache, Nginx, etc.) and the operating system detected.

  2. Allow user to overwrite the above default auto-located file path and use their custom file path.

  3. Scan the directory for files and generate a cache / backup of the files.

  4. Generate SHA 256 hashes of each file and use them for comparison.

SecureTea Web Defacement Detection would detect file addition, deletion and modification and roll back to the original file immediately. It would not allow addition of any new files, deletion of files or any type of modification to the current existing files.

IoT Anonymity Checker

“Shodan is a search engine which collects the information about all IPv4 and IPv6 devices connected to the internet and gives us the ability to search devices using filters that can be very sophisticated.” (source:

In short, Shodan is a search engine for IoT devices, that can index thousands of IoT devices connected to the internet. At times, this can be great for hackers trying to gain access to the device. As a security feature, it would be good to stay out of Shodan search radar. It will good to check whether the IoT device is under the Shodan grid or not, if yes, immediate action needs to be taken or else we are all fine!


  1. Use public IP address of the device to check (if provided) else auto-collect the public IP address of the device and perform the check.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 OWASP SecureTea-Project Team -

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Project details

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Source Distribution

securetea-2.2.tar.gz (255.5 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

securetea-2.2-py3-none-any.whl (259.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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