SemiDiscrete python wrappers
Project description
Python bindings for the semidiscrete RT model of Gobron et al.
Note this version includes adjoint code developed by N Gobron, T Kaminski, P Lewis and J Gomez-Dans derived from the original NADIM/semidiscrete. These modifications were funded by the ESA EOLDAS project.
The original semidiscrete code can be found here
The copyright for the original code is
Copyrights (c) Nadine Gobron, Bernard Pinty, and Michel M. Verstraete 1997 The copyrights for these 8 files, including the computer codes, remain with their authors, Drs. Nadine Gobron, Bernard Pinty and Michel M. Verstraete.
Academic users You are authorized to use this code for your research and teaching, but you must acknowledge use of this routine explicitly and refer to the paper above in any publication or work for which you used these codes. You may distribute, free of charge, the unmodified version of these codes to colleagues involved in similar activities, provided you include all the in-line documentation. They, in turn, must agree with and abide by the same rules. You may not sell this code to anybody, and you may not distribute it to commercial interests under any circumstances.
Commercial and other users Use of this code (NADIM) in commercial applications is strictly forbidden without the written approval of the authors. Even with such an authorization to use the code, you may not distribute or sell it to any other commercial or business partners under any circumstances.
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