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Python version of the Steckler Sequence model built with landlab

Project description

sequence: Sequence-stratigraphic modeling with Python Documentation Status


Sequence is a modular 2D (i.e., profile) sequence stratigraphic model that is written in Python and implemented within the Landlab framework. Sequence represents time-averaged fluvial and marine sediment transport via differential equations. The modular code includes components to deal with sea level changes, sediment compaction, local or flexural isostasy, and tectonic subsidence and uplift.


Sequence requires Python 3.

Apart from Python, Sequence has a number of other requirements, all of which can be obtained through either pip or conda, that will be automatically installed when you install Sequence.

To see a full listing of the requirements, have a look at the project’s requirements.txt file.

If you are a developer of Sequence you will also want to install additional dependencies for running Sequence’s tests to make sure that things are working as they should. These dependencies are listed in requirements-testing.txt.


To install Sequence, first create a new environment in which Sequence will be installed. This, although not necessary, will isolate the installation so that there won’t be conflicts with your base Python installation. This can be done with conda as:

$ conda create -n sequence python=3
$ conda activate sequence

Stable Release

Sequence, and its dependencies, can be installed either with pip or conda. Using pip:

$ pip install sequence-model

Using conda:

$ conda install sequence-model -c conda-forge

From Source

After downloading the Sequence source code, run the following from Sequence’s top-level folder (the one that contains to install Sequence into the current environment:

$ pip install -e .


Sequence is both a command-line program and a Python package that provides an application programming interface.

The command-line program, sequence, provides several sub-commands for setting up sequence input files, running sequence, and plotting output (you can use the --help option to get help for the available subcommands). The four subcommands are the following:

  • generate: Generate example input files.

  • setup: Setup a folder of input files for a simulation.

  • run: Run a simulation.

  • plot: Plot a sequence output file.


The following commands create an example set of input files, runs sesquence, and then plots the output.

$ mkdir example && cd example
$ sequence setup
$ sequence run
$ sequence plot

The above can also be run through Python,

>>> from sequence import Sequence, SequenceModelGrid
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid(100, spacing=1000.0)
>>> grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = -0.001 * grid.x_of_node + 20.0

>>> sequence = Sequence()
>>> sequence.plot()

The Sequence class provides functionality not available to the command-line program. For example, you are able to run a simulation through time while dynamically changing parameters.

>>> from sequence import Sequence, SequenceModelGrid
>>> grid = SequenceModelGrid(100, spacing=1000.0)
>>> grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = -0.001 * grid.x_of_node + 20.0
>>> process = default_process_queue()
>>> sequence = Sequence(
...   grid,
...   components=[
...     process["sea_level"],
...     process["compaction"],
...     process["submarine_diffusion"],
...     process["fluvial"],
...     process["flexure"],
...     process["shoreline"],
...   ]
... )
>>>, dt=100.0)
>>> sequence.submarine_diffusion.sediment_load *= 2.0
>>>, dt=100.0)
>>> sequence.plot()

Input Files

Sequence Parameter File

The main Sequence input file is a toml-formatted (or, optionally, yaml) text file that lists parameter values for the various components. Running the following will print a sample Sequence parameter file:

$ sequence generate sequence.toml

Following is the generated input file,

_time = 0.0

shape = [3, 100]
xy_spacing = 100.0
xy_of_lower_left = [0.0, 0.0]

top = "closed"
bottom = "closed"

start = 0.0
stop = 20000.0
step = 100.0

interval = 10
filepath = ""
clobber = true
rows = [1]
fields = ["sediment_deposit__thickness"]

plain_slope = 0.0008
wave_base = 60.0
shoreface_height = 15.0
alpha = 0.0005
shelf_slope = 0.001
sediment_load = 3.0
load_sealevel = 0.0
basin_width = 500000.0

amplitude = 10.0
wave_length = 1000.0
phase = 0.0
linear = 0.0

filepath = "subsidence.csv"

method = "flexure"
rho_mantle = 3300.0
isostasytime = 0

layers = 2
sand = 1.0
mud = 0.006
sand_density = 2650.0
mud_density = 2720.0
sand_frac = 0.5
hemipelagic = 0.0

filepath = "bathymetry.csv"
kind = "linear"

c = 5e-08
porosity_max = 0.5
porosity_min = 0.01
rho_grain = 2650.0
rho_void = 1000.0
The grid section

You define the grid on which Sequence will run in the sequence.grid section. An example gid section looks like,

shape = [3, 500]
xy_spacing = 100.0
xy_of_lower_left = [0.0, 0.0]

In this case we have a grid that, if we are looking down on it from above, consists of three rows and 500 columns (the shape parameter). Sequence is a 1D model and uses only the middle row of nodes so you will never want to change the number of rows from a value of 3. You can play with the number of columns though—this is the number of stacks of sediment you have along your profile.

The xy_spacing parameter is the width of each of your sediment stacks in meters. Thus, the length of you domain is the product of the number of columns with the spacing (that is, for this example, 500 * 100 m or 50 km).

The xy_of_lower_left parameter gives the position of the lower-left node of you grid. In Sequence, this parameter is not used.

The output section

You can define when and what Sequence will save to a NetCDF file while it is running. Here is an example output section,

interval = 10
filepath = ""
clobber = true
rows = [1]
fields = ["sediment_deposit__thickness"]

The interval parameter is the interval, in time steps (not years), that Sequence will write data to a file. Other parameters, which you will probably not want to change, are:

  • filepath: the name of the output NetCDF file to which output is written.

  • clobber: what Sequence should do if the output file exists. If true, an existing file will be overwritten, otherwise Sequence will raise an error.

  • rows: as described in The grid section a Sequence grid consists of three rows. The rows parameter specifies which of these rows to write to the output file.

  • fields: a list of names of quantities you would like Sequence to include in the NetCDF file. Sequence keeps track of many quantities, most of which you probably aren’t interested in and so this parameter limits the number of quantities written as output.

Time-varying parameters

Some parameters in the sequence.toml are able to vary with time. In the above example all of the variables are help constant. To have a parameter change at some time during the model simulation, you can add a new section, which will be read at the given time. For example, if the following section is added after the section from the previous example,

_time = 100

filepath = "subsidence-100.csv"

at time 100, a new subsidence file will be read and used until the end of the simulation.

Bathymetry File

The Sequence bathymetry file defines initial sea-floor elevations in a two-column CSV file. A sample bathymetry file can be obtained with:

$ sequence generate bathymetry.csv
# X [m], Elevation [m]

Elevations are linearly interpolated between the points given in the file as necessary.

Sea-Level File

The Sequence sea-level file defines sea-level elevations with simulation time. It consists of two (comma separated) columns of time and sea-level elevation, respectively. For a sample sea-level file:

$ sequence generate sealevel.csv
# Time [y], Sea-Level Elevation [m]

Subsidence File

The Sequence subsidence file defines the subsidence rates of points along the profile. It consists of two (comma separated) columns that give position along the profile and subsidence rate, respectively. For a sample subsidence file:

$ sequence generate subsidence.csv
# X [y], Subsidence Rate [m / y]

If you would like your subsidence profile to change with time, see the section above, Time-varying parameters.

Output File

The output file of Sequence is a netcdf-formatted file that records the generated stratigraphy. Output parameters are controlled through the output section of the parameter file.


To run a simulation using the sample input files described above, you first need to create a set of sample files:

$ mkdir example
$ cd example && sequence setup

You can now run the simulation (from within the example folder):

$ sequence run

Plotting output

The Sequence program provides a command-line utility for generating a quick plot of Sequence output from a NetCDF file named As an example,

$ sequence plot

If you would like to change some aspects of the generated plot, you can add a sequence.plot section to your sequence.toml file. For example, here is a sequence.plot section,

color_water = [0.8, 1.0, 1.0]
color_land = [0.8, 1.0, 0.8]
color_shoreface = [0.8, 0.8, 0.0]
color_shelf = [0.75, 0.5, 0.5]
layer_line_color = "k"
layer_line_width = 0.5
title = "{filename}"
x_label = "Distance (m)"
y_label = "Elevation (m)"
legend_location = "upper right"
layer_stop = -1
n_layers = 5

The color_ parameters give colors of various pieces of the plot as fractions of [red, green, blue]. Some other parameters, which may not be obvious,

  • layer_start: the first layer to plot

  • layer_stop: the last layer to plot (a value of -1 means stop at the last layer)

  • n_layers: the number of layers to plot.


Development Lead

  • Mike Steckler

  • Eric Hutton (@mcflugen)


None yet. Why not be the first?

Changelog for Sequence

0.5.0 (2022-06-29)

New Tutorial Notebooks

  • Added a tutorial notebook that demonstrates the use of the new Sequence class and how one can build, run and dynamically modify a new sequence model from a series of process components. (#51)

New Features

  • Added several new setters to SedimentFlexure that allows a user to dynamically change paramters while the model is running. These include: sediment densities (sand and mud), and water density. (#45)

  • Added water_density as an input parameter to SedimentFlexure. (#45)

  • Added a new function, plot_grid, that plots the output of a sequence model from Python. This serves as the programmatic equivalent of the sequence plot command-line program. (#50)

  • Added a new module sequence.processes that holds all processes that can be used to construct a new sequence model. (#50)

  • Added Sequence class that allows a user to construct and run sequence models within a Python environment and dynamically change input variables. (#50)

  • Added a SequenceModelGrid class, based on a landlab RasterModelGrid, that creates a grid that can be used for creating new sequence models. (#50)

  • Added a new method, run, to Sequence that allows a user to run the model until a given time and with a given time step. (#54)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the sea floor was not plotted in some situations. (#46)

  • Fixed a bug where the Compact component would fail to run because porosity was not being tracked within layers. (#51)

Other Changes and Additions

  • Updated the SedimentFlexure component to be compatible with the latest version of landlab. (#45)

  • Added unit tests for the SedimentFlexure component. (#45)

  • Upgraded Python syntax to 3.8 and above. (#47)

  • Setup of pre-commit for the project that runs black, flake8, and pyupgrade (for Python 3.8+). (#48)

  • Added GitHub Actions workflows for releasing Sequence to PyPI and TestPyPI (for pre-releases). This allows users to run pip install sequence to get the latest release. (#49)

  • Updated the pre-commit hooks to ensure notebooks are clean and styled correctly. (#51)

  • Added a GitHub Actions workflow that tests the sequence notebooks. The notebooks are simply executed to ensure they run, not to validate any output. (#52)

  • Added a citation file that users of sequence can use to cite the software. (#53)

0.4.1 (2022-04-12)

New Features

  • Added --silent option to supress status messages and the progress bar. (#30)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where, instead of writing the current model time, Sequence was writing the model time step number to the output file as the time variable. (#34)

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly determined the shore and shelf edge at startigraphic layers when writing netCDF output. This was only an issue when Sequence had averaged buried layers. (#37)

  • Changed the defaults generated by sequence setup to create a set of input files that generate output that can be plotted by sequence plot. (#39)

  • Fixed a bug that caused the sequence plot command to fail if the entire profile was above sea level. (#40)

Other Changes and Additions

  • Fixed continuous integration tests by removing lint, limit numpy version. (#30)

  • Modified requirements file to exclude numpy versions that caused a core dump when running Sequence with the compaction component. (#31)

  • Setup Sequence to use towncrier to manage the changelog. (#32)

  • Setup towncrier to manage the chagnelog. (#33)

  • The sequence plot command now prints a better error message if the netCDF output file being plotted is missing a required variable. (#39)

  • Added Python 3.10 to the continuous integration tests. (#42)

0.4.0 (2021-07-26)

New Features

  • Added “plot” subcommand to sequence for plotting stratigraphic output from a netcdf file. (#25)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed layer interpolation when plotting. (#28)

Documentation Enhancements

  • Updated README documentation. Added descriptions of the sequence.grid and sequence.output sections for the sequence.toml file, and added documentation for the plot subcommand (#27)

Other Changes and Additions

  • Changed to use GitHub Actions for continuous integration. (#26)

0.3.0 (2020-08-11)

New Features

  • Added more time-varying parameters to SubmarineDiffuser. (#24)

Documentation Enhancements

  • Improved documentation for time-varying parameters. (#23)

0.2.0 (2020-07-30)

New Features

  • Added support for toml-formatted input files and is now the default. (#1)

  • Added time varying parameters. (#18)

  • Allow subsidence to vary with time. (#21)

Other Changes and Additions

  • Fixed CI on Travis and AppVeyor. (#18)

  • Use readthedocs file to configure documentation building. (#19)

  • Changed to use landlab version 2 components. (#20)

  • Added lots of new tests, particularly for reading/writing configuration files. (#21)

0.1.2 (2020-03-04)

  • Added sediment compaction

  • Updated installation docs (#17)

  • Update sequence documentation (#16)

  • Added AppVeyor CI for Windows testing (#15)

  • Fixed failing shelf edge tests (#14)

  • Added examples to sequence cli help message

  • Added Python 3.8 support and testing; remove Python 2.7

  • Add setup/show/run subcommands to the sequence CLI

  • Updated for landlab v2 pre-release version

  • Added hemipelagic parameter to sediments section of configuration file

  • Bug fixes

  • Added ability to read a user-supplied sea level file

  • Enhance CI testing

  • Added ability to write output at intervals (#11)

  • Write a subset of variable fields to netcdf output files

0.1.1 (2018-08-24)

  • Added versioneer for version management

0.1.0 (2018-08-24)

  • Initial release

Project details

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Source Distribution

sequence-model-0.5.0.tar.gz (45.0 kB view hashes)

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