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A PoC of Dialog System With Graph Database Backed Knowledge Graph.

Project description

Siwi the voice assistant

Siwi (/ˈsɪwi/) is a PoC of Dialog System With Graph Database Backed Knowledge Graph.

For now, it's a demo for task-driven(not general purpose) dialog bots with KG(Knowledge Graph) leveraging Nebula Graph with the minimal/sample dataset from Nebula Graph Manual/ NG中文手册.

Tips: Now you can play with the graph online without installing yourself!

Nebula Playground | Nebula Playground - China Mainland

Supported queries:


  • What is the relationship between Yao Ming and Lakers?
  • How does Yao Ming and Lakers connected?


  • Which team had Yao Ming served?


  • Whom does Tim Duncan follow?
  • Who are Yao Ming's friends?

Deploy and Try

You can try with it from scratch here:

How does it work?

This is one of the most naive pipeline for a specific domain/ single purpose chat bot built on a Knowledge Graph.



The Backend(Siwi API) is a Flask based API server:

  • Flask API server takes questions in HTTP POST, and calls the bot API.

  • In bot API part there are classfier(Symentic Parsing, Intent Matching, Slot Filling), and question actors(Call corresponding actions to query Knowledge Graph with intents and slots).

  • Knowledge Graph is built on an Open-Source Graph Database: Nebula Graph



The Frontend is a VueJS Single Page Applicaiton(SPA):

  • I reused a Vue Bot UI to showcase a chat window in this human-agent interaction, typing is supported.
  • In addtion, leverating Chrome's Web Speech API, a button to listen to human voice is introduced

A Query Flow

│                │                                      │
│                │  Speech                              │
│     ┌──────────▼──────────┐                           │
│     │            Frontend │   Siwi, /ˈsɪwi/           │
│     │ Web_Speech_API      │   A PoC of                │
│     │                     │   Dialog System           │
│     │ Vue.JS              │   With Graph Database     │
│     │                     │   Backed Knowledge Graph  │
│     └──────────┬──────────┘                           │
│                │  Sentence                            │
│                │                                      │
│   ┌────────────┼──────────────────────────────┐       │
│   │            │                              │       │
│   │            │              Backend         │       │
│   │ ┌──────────▼──────────┐                   │       │
│   │ │ Web API, Flask      │   ./app/          │       │
│   │ └──────────┬──────────┘                   │       │
│   │            │  Sentence    ./bot/          │       │
│   │ ┌──────────▼──────────┐                   │       │
│   │ │                     │                   │       │
│   │ │ Intent matching,    │   ./bot/classifier│       │
│   │ │ Symentic Processing │                   │       │
│   │ │                     │                   │       │
│   │ └──────────┬──────────┘                   │       │
│   │            │  Intent, Entities            │       │
│   │ ┌──────────▼──────────┐                   │       │
│   │ │                     │                   │       │
│   │ │ Intent Actor        │   ./bot/actions   │       │
│   │ │                     │                   │       │
│   └─┴──────────┬──────────┴───────────────────┘       │
│                │  Graph Query                         │
│     ┌──────────▼──────────┐                           │
│     │                     │                           │
│     │ Graph Database      │    Nebula Graph           │
│     │                     │                           │
│     └─────────────────────┘                           │
│                                                       │
│                                                       │
│                                                       │

Source Code Tree

├── src
│   ├── siwi                        # Siwi-API Backend      ├── app                     # Web Server, take HTTP requests and calls Bot API      └── bot                     # Bot API          ├── actions             # Take Intent, Slots, Query Knowledge Graph here          ├── bot                 # Entrypoint of the Bot API          ├── classifier          # Symentic Parsing, Intent Matching, Slot Filling          └── test                # Example Data Source as equivalent/mocked module   └── siwi_frontend               # Browser End       ├──
│       ├── package.json
│       └── src
│           ├── App.vue             # Listening to user and pass Questions to Siwi-API           └── main.js

Manually Run Components

Graph Database

The backend relis on the Nebula Graph, an Open Source Distributed Graph Database.

Install Nebula Graph in oneliner:

curl -fsSL | bash

Load the basketballplayer dataset.

nebula-console -addr graphd -port 9669 -user root -p nebula -e ":play basketballplayer"


Install and run.

# Install siwi backend
python3 -m build

# Configure Nebula Graph Endpoint

# Run Backend API server
gunicorn --bind :5000 wsgi --workers 1 --threads 1 --timeout 60

For OpenFunction/ KNative

docker build -t weygu/siwi-api .
docker run --rm --name siwi-api \
     --env=PORT=5000 \
     --env=NG_ENDPOINTS= \
     --net=host \

Try it out Web API:

$ curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
       --request POST \
       --data '{"question": "What is the relationship between Yao Ming and Lakers?"}' \ | jq

  "answer": "There are at least 23 relations between Yao Ming and Lakers, one relation path is: Yao Ming follows Shaquille O'Neal serves Lakers."

Call Bot Python API:

from import ConnectionPool
from nebula3.Config import Config

# define a config
config = Config()
config.max_connection_pool_size = 10
# init connection pool
connection_pool = ConnectionPool()
# if the given servers are ok, return true, else return false
ok = connection_pool.init([('', 9669)], config)

# import siwi bot
from import bot

# instantiate a bot
b = bot.SiwiBot(connection_pool)

# make the question query
b.query("Which team had Jonathon Simmons served?")

Then a response will be like this:

In [4]: b.query("Which team had Jonathon Simmons serv
   ...: ed?")

[DEBUG] ServeAction intent: {'entities': {'Jonathon Simmons': 'player'}, 'intents': ('serve',)}

[DEBUG] query for RelationshipAction:
	USE basketballplayer;
  MATCH p=(v)-[e:serve*1]->(v1) WHERE id(v) == "player112"

[2021-07-02 02:59:36,392]:Get connection to ('', 9669)

Out[4]: 'Jonathon Simmons had served 3 teams. Spurs from 2015 to 2015; 76ers from 2019 to 2019; Magic from 2017 to 2017; '


Referring to siwi_frontend

Deploy with K8s + OpenFunction

 │ kind: Ingress               │     ┌───────────────────┐
 │   path: /                   │     │ Pod               │
 │    -> siwi-frontend     ────┼─────┤  siwi-frontend    │
 │                             │     │                   │
 │                             │     └───────────────────┘
 │                             │
 │   path: /query              │     ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
 │    -> siwi-api          ────┼─────┤ KNative Service                   │
 │       KNative Serving       │     │  serving-xxxx                     │
 │                             │     │                                   │
 │                             │     │ apiVersion:│
 │                             │     │ kind: Service                     │
 └─────────────────────────────┘     └─────────┬─────────────────────────┘
 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
 │apiVersion:              │  │
 │kind: Function                                         │  │
 │spec:                                                  │  │
 │  version: "v1.0.0"                                    │  │
 │  image: "weygu/siwi-api:latest"                       │  │
 │  imageCredentials:                                    │  │
 │    name: push-secret                                  │  │
 │  port: 8080                                           │  │
 │  build:                                               │  │
 │    builder: openfunction/builder:v1                   │  │
 │    env:                                               │  │
 │      FUNC_NAME: "siwi_api"                            │  │
 │      FUNC_TYPE: "http"                                │  │
 │      FUNC_SRC: ""                              │  │
 │    srcRepo:                                           │  │
 │      url: "" │  │
 │      sourceSubPath: "src"                             │  │
 │  serving:                                             │  │
 │    runtime: Knative  ─────────────────────────────────┼──┘
 │    params:                                            │
 │    template:                          │               │
 │      containers:                      │               │
 │        - name: function               │               │
 │          imagePullPolicy: Always      │               │
 │               │
 │kind: NebulaCluster                                     │
 │spec:                                                   │
 │  graphd:                                               │
 │    config:                                             │
 │      system_memory_high_watermark_ratio: "1.0"         │
 │    image: vesoft/nebula-graphd                         │
 │    replicas: 1                                         │
 │...                                                     │

Assumed we have a k8s with OpenFunctions installed

Run it!

Install a Nebula Graph with kubesphere-all-in-one nebula installer on KubeSphere:

curl -sL | bash

Get Nebula Graph NodePort:

NEBULA_GRAPH_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc nebula-graphd-svc-nodeport -o yaml -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}:{.spec.ports[0].port}')

Load Dataset into the nebula cluster:


~/.nebula-kind/bin/console -u root -p password --address=<nebula-graphd-svc-nodeport> --port=32669 -f basketballplayer-2.X.ngql

Create the siwi-api powered by Openfunction:

cat siwi-api-function.yaml | sed "s/NEBULA_GRAPH_ENDPOINT/$NEBULA_GRAPH_ENDPOINT/g" | kubectl apply -f -

Get the function nebula-siwi and the KNative Service:

kubectl get functions nebula-siwi

FUNCTION=$(kubectl get functions nebula-siwi -o go-template='{{.status.serving.resourceRef}}')

kubectl get ksvc -l$FUNCTION

KSVC=$(kubectl get ksvc -l$FUNCTION -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

kubectl get revision -l$KSVC

REVISION=$(kubectl get revision -l$KSVC -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')


Verify the function worked fine:

curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{"question": "What is the relationship between Yao Ming and Lakers ?"}' \
     $(kubectl get ksvc -l$FUNCTION -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.url}')/query

Create the siwi-app resources on K8s:

cat siwi-app.yaml | sed "s/REVISION/$REVISION/g" | kubectl apply -f -

Verify the function worked fine through the ingress:

Here nodeport with http port 31059 was used as ingress controller endpoint.

curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{"question": "how does Tim Duncan and Lakers connected?"}' \

Verify the frontend:

curl $(kubectl get svc -l app=siwi -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}')

Verify the frontend beind the ingress:

curl demo-siwi.local:31059

Get all resources in siwi-app:

kubectl get service,pod,ingress,function -l app=siwi

And it should be something like this:

[root@wey nebula-siwi]# kubectl get service,pod,ingress,function -l app=siwi
NAME                         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/siwi-frontend-file   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    64m

NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/siwi-frontend-file   1/1     Running   0          64m

NAME                                     CLASS    HOSTS             ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE   <none>   demo-siwi.local             80      59m

NAME                                        BUILDSTATE   SERVINGSTATE   BUILDER         SERVING         AGE   Succeeded    Running        builder-sbfz6   serving-vvjvl   26h
[root@wey nebula-siwi]# kubectl get service,pod,ingress,function -l app=siwi
NAME                         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/siwi-frontend-file   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    65m

NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/siwi-frontend-file   1/1     Running   0          65m

NAME                                     CLASS    HOSTS             ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE   <none>   demo-siwi.local             80      59m

NAME                                        BUILDSTATE   SERVINGSTATE   BUILDER         SERVING         AGE   Succeeded    Running        builder-sbfz6   serving-vvjvl   26h

How to Build the image

docker build -t weygu/siwi-frontend . -f Dockerfile.froentend
docker push weygu/siwi-frontend

Further work

  • Use NBA-API to fallback undefined pattern questions
  • Wrap and manage sessions instead of get and release session per request, this is somehow costly actually.
  • Use NLP methods to implement proper Symentic Parsing, Intent Matching, Slot Filling
  • Build Graph to help with Intent Matching, especially for a general purpose bot
  • Use larger Dataset i.e. from wyattowalsh/basketball

Thanks to Upstream Projects ❤️



Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

siwi-0.3.2.tar.gz (16.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

siwi-0.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (12.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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