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Skitai Library

Project description


Skitai is a kind of branch of Medusa Web Server - A High-Performance Internet Server Architecture.

Medusa is different from most other servers because it runs as a single process, multiplexing I/O with its various client and server connections within a single process/thread.

Skitai orients light-weight, simplicity and strengthen networking operations with external resources - HTTP / HTTPS / XML-RPC / PostgreSQL - keeping very low costs.

  • Working as Web, XML-RPC and Reverse Proxy Loadbancing Server

  • HTML5 Websocket & HTTP/2.0 implemeted

  • Handling massive RESTful API/RPC/HTTP(S) connections based on asynchronous socket framework at your apps easily

  • Asynchronous connection pool with PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis

Skitai is not a framework for convinient developing, module reusability and plugin flexibility etc. It just provides some powerful communicating services for your WSGI apps as both server and client.

Also note it is inspired by Zope and Flask a lot.

From version 0.17 (Oct 2016), Skitai WSGI App Engine is seperated from this project.

If you want to run Skitai with fully pre-configured functional WSGI app engine as daemon or win32 service, install Skitai WSGI App Engine.

Conceptually, Skitai has been seperated into two components:

  1. Skitai App Engine Server, for WSGI apps

  2. Skito-Saddle, the small WSGI container integrated with Skitai. But you can also mount any WSGI apps and frameworks like Flask.



On win32, required pywin32 binary


pip install skitai

Another way from Git:

git clone
cd skitai
python install

But generally you don’t need install alone. When you install Skitai App Engine, proper version of Skitai Library will be installed.

Starting Skitai

If you want to run Skitai as daemon or win32 service with configuration file, you can install Skitai WSGI App Engine.

Otherwise if your purpose is just WSGI app developement, you can run Skitai easily at console.

Basic Usage


def app (env, start_response):
  start_response ("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
  return ['Hello World']

app.use_reloader = True
app.debug = True

if __name__ == "__main__":

  import skitai (
    mount = ('/', app)

At now, run this code from console.


You can access this WSGI app by visiting

If you want to allow access to your public IPs, or specify port: (
  address = "",
  port = 5000,
  mount = ('/', app)

if you want to change number of threads for WSGI app: (
  threads = 4,
  mount = ('/', app)

Mount Multiple WSGI Apps And Static Directories

Here’s three WSGI app samples:


def app (env, start_response):
  start_response ("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
  return ['Hello World']

app.use_reloader = True
app.debug = True

# Flask App*
from flask import Flask
app2 = Flask(__name__)

app2.use_reloader = True
app2.debug = True

def index ():
  return "Hello World"

# Skito-Saddle App
from skitai.saddle import Saddle
app3 = Saddle (__name__)

app3.use_reloader = True
app3.debug = True

def index (was):
  return "Hello World"

Then place this code at bottom of above WSGI app.

if __name__ == "__main__":

  import skitai (
    mount = [
      ('/', (__file__, 'app')), # mount WSGI app
      ('/flask', (__file__, 'app2')), # mount Flask app
      ('/skitai', (__file__, 'app3')), # mount Skitai app
      ('/', '/var/www/test/static') # mount static directory

Enabling Proxy Server (
  mount = ('/', app),
  proxy = True

Enabling API Gateway Server

Using Skitai’s reverse proxy feature, it can be used as API Gateway Server. All backend API servers can be mounted at gateway server with client authentification and transaction ID logging feature.

class Authorizer:
  def __init__ (self):
    self.tokens = {
      "12345678-1234-123456": ("hansroh", ["user", "admin"], 0)

  # For Token
  def handle_token (self, request, callback):
    username, roles, expires = self.tokens.get (request.token)
    if expires and expires < time.time ():
      # remove expired token
      self.tokens.popitem (request.token)
      return callback (request)
    callback (request, username, roles)

  # For JWT Claim
  def handle_claim (self, request, callback):
    claim = request.claim
    expires = claim.get ("expires", 0)
    if expires and expires < time.time ():
      return callback (request)
    callback (request, claim.get ("user"), claim.get ("roles"))

def startup (wasc):
  wasc.handler.set_auth_handler (Authorizer ())

@app.route ("/")
def index (was):
  return "<h1>Skitai App Engine: API Gateway</h1>"

if __name__ == "__main__":
  import skitai (
    clusters = {
     "@members": ("https", ""),
     "@photos": ("http", ["", ""]) # for load-balancing
    mount = [
      ('/', app),
      ('/members', '@members'),
      ('/photos', '@photos')
      enable_gw = True
      gw_auth = True,
      gw_secret_key = "8fa06210-e109-11e6-934f-001b216d6e71"

Gateway use only bearer tokens like OAuth2 and JWT(Json Web Token) for authorization. And token issuance is at your own hands. But JWT creation,

from aquests.lib import jwt

secret_key = b"8fa06210-e109-11e6-934f-001b216d6e71"
token = jwt.gen_token (secret_key, {'user': 'Hans Roh', 'roles': ['user']}, "HS256")

Also Skitai create API Transaction ID for each API call, and this will eb explained in Skitai ‘was’ Service chapter.

Run as HTTPS Server

To genrate self-signed certification file:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes (
  mount = ('/', app),
  certfile = '/var/www/certs/server.pem' # combined certification with private key
  passphrase = 'your pass phrase'

About Mount Point & App Routing

If app is mounted to ‘/flaskapp’,

from flask import Flask
app = Flask (__name__)

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello ():
  return "Hello"

Above /hello can called,

Also app should can handle mount point. In case Flask, it seems ‘url_for’ generate url by joining with env[“SCRIPT_NAME”] and route point, so it’s not problem. Skito-Saddle can handle obiously. But I don’t know other WSGI containers will work properly.


New in version 0.16

Skiai supports HTPT2 both ‘h2’ protocl over encrypted TLS and ‘h2c’ for clear text (But now Sep 2016, there is no browser supporting h2c protocol).

As A Server

Basically you have nothing to do for HTTP2. Client’s browser will handle it except HTTP2 server push.

For using it, you just call was.response.hint_promise (uri) before return response data. It will work only client browser support HTTP2, otherwise will be ignored.

@app.route ("/promise")
def promise (was):

  was.response.hint_promise ('/images/A.png')
  was.response.hint_promise ('/images/B.png')

  return was.response ("200 OK", 'Promise Sent<br><br><img src="/images/A.png"><img src="/images/B.png">')

HTML5 Websocket

New in version 0.11

The HTML5 WebSockets specification defines an API that enables web pages to use the WebSockets protocol for two-way communication with a remote host.

Skitai can be HTML5 websocket server and any WSGI containers can use it.

But I’m not sure my implemetation is right way, so it is experimental and could be changable.

I think there’re 3 handling ways to use websockets.

  1. thread pool manages n websocket connection

  2. one thread per websocket connection

  3. one thread manages n websockets connection

So skitai supports 1 and 2.

First of all, see conceptual client side java script for websocket.

<ul id="display"></ul>
<input id="mymsg" type="text">
<button onclick='talk ();'>Submit<button>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var wsUri = "ws://localhost:5000/websocket/chat";

function testWebSocket()
  websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
  websocket.onopen = function(evt) { onOpen(evt) };
  websocket.onclose = function(evt) { onClose(evt) };
  websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { onMessage(evt) };
  websocket.onerror = function(evt) { onError(evt) };

function onOpen(evt) {doSend("Hello");}
function onClose(evt) {log_info ("DISCONNECTED");}
function onMessage(evt) {log_info('');}
function onError(evt) {log_info('ERROR: ' +;}
function doClose () {websocket.close();}
function doSend(message) {
      log_info('SENT: ' + message));
function talk () {
  doSend ($("#mymsg").val());
function log_info (message) {
 $('<li>' + message + '</li>').appendTo ("#display");

If your WSGI app enable handle websocket, it should give initial parameters to Skitai.

You should check exist of env [“websocket_init”], set initializing websocket like this (but except Skito-Saddle, initializing is different).

def websocket (was, message):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (websocket design specs, keep_alive_timeout = 60, message_encoding = None)

websocket design specs can be choosen one of 4.

WS_SIMPLE (before version 0.24, WEBSOCKET_REQDATA)

  • Thread pool manages n websocket connection

  • It’s simple request and response way like AJAX

  • Use skitai initail thread pool, no additional thread created

  • Low cost on threads resources, but reposne cost is relatvley high than the others

WS_GROUPCHAT (New in version 0.24)

  • Trhead pool manages n websockets connection

  • Chat room model


  • One thread per websocket connection

  • Use when interactives takes long time like websocket version telnet or subprocess stdout streaming

  • New thread created per websocket connection


  • Thread safe version of WEBSOCKET_DEDICATE

  • Multiple threads can call websocket.send (msg)


keep alive timeout is seconds.


Websocket messages will be automatically converted to theses objects. Note that option is only available with Skito-Saddle WSGI container.



Simple Data Request & Response

Here’s a echo app for showing simple request-respone.

Client can connect by ws://localhost:5000/websocket/chat.

from skitai.saddle import Saddle
import skitai

app = Saddle (__name__)
app.debug = True
app.use_reloader = True

@app.route ("/websocket/echo")
def echo (was, message):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (skitai.WS_SIMPLE, 60)
  return "ECHO:" + message

For Flask Users

At Flask, Skitai can’t know which variable name receive websocket message, then should specify.

from flask import Flask, request
import skitai

app = Flask (__name__)
app.debug = True
app.use_reloader = True

@app.route ("/websocket/echo")
def echo ():
  if "websocket_init" in request.environ:
    request.environ ["websocket_init"] = (skitai.WS_SIMPLE, 60, "message")
    return ""
  return "ECHO:" + request.args.get ("message")

In this case, variable name is “message”, It means take websocket’s message as “message” arg.

If returned object is python str type, websocket will send messages as text tpye, if bytes type, as binary. But Flask’s return object is assumed as text type.

Send Messages Through Websocket Directly

It needn’t return message, but you can send directly multiple messages through was.websocket,

@app.route ("/websocket/echo")
def echo (was, message):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (skitai.WS_SIMPLE, 60)

  was.websocket.send ("You said," + message)
  was.websocket.send ("I said acknowledge")

This way is very useful for Flask users, because Flask’s return object is bytes, so Skitai try to decode with utf-8 and send message as text type. If Flask users want to send binary data,

@app.route ("/websocket/echo")
def echo ():
  if "websocket_init" in request.environ:
    request.environ ["websocket_init"] = (skitai.WS_SIMPLE, 60, "message")
    retrurn ''

  request.environ ["websocket"].send (
    ("You said, %s" % message).encode ('iso8859-1'),

Use Message Encoding

For your convinient, message automatically load and dump object like JSON. But this feature is only available with Skitai-Saddle.

@app.route ("/websocket/json")
def json (was, message):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (skitai.WS_SIMPLE, 60, skitai.WS_MSG_JSON)
  return datasearch (message ['query'], message ['offset'], message ['limit'])

JSON message is automatically loaded to Python object, and returning object also will dump to JSON.

Currently you can use WS_MSG_JSON and WS_MSG_XMLRPC. And I guess streaming and multi-chatable gRPC over websocket also possible, I am testing it.

Group Chat Websocket

This is just extension of Simple Data Request & Response. Here’s simple multi-users chatting app.

Many clients can connect by ws://localhost:5000/websocket/chat?roomid=1. and can chat between all clients.

@app.route ("/chat")
def chat (was, message, client_id, room_id, event = None):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (skitai.WS_GROUPCHAT, 60)
  if event == skitai.WS_EVT_ENTER:
    return "Client %s has entered" % client_id
  if event == skitai.WS_EVT_EXIT:
    return "Client %s has leaved" % client_id
  return "Client %s Said: %s" % (client_id, message)

In this case, first 4 args (message, client_id, room_id, event = None) are nessassory.

For sending message to specific client_id,

ws = was.env.get ('websocket')
clients = list (ws.clients.keys ())
receiver = clients [0]
return "Client %s Said To %d: %s" % (client_id, message, receiver), receiver

At Flask, should setup for variable names you want to use,

if was.wsinit ():
  request.environ ["websocket_init"] = (
    ("message", "client_id", "room_id", "event")
  return ""

Dedicated Websocket

This spec is for very special situation. It will handle only one websocket client. And if new websocekt connected, will be created new thread and this thread will be long until your loop is ended. It is designed for long running app and few users like web version of telnet.

Client can connect by ws://localhost:5000/websocket/talk?name=Member.

@app.route ("/websocket/talk")
def talk (was, name):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (skitai.WS_DEDICATE, 60)

  ws = was.websocket
  while 1:
    message = ws.getwait ()
    if message is None:
    if message.lower () == "bye":
      ws.send ("Bye, have a nice day." + message)
      ws.close ()
    elif message.lower () == "hello":
      ws.send ("Hello, " + name)
      ws.send ("You Said:" + message)

At Flask,

if "websocket_init" in was.env:
  request.environ ["websocket_init"] = (skitai.WS_DEDICATE, 60, ())
  return ""

Threadsafe-Dedicated Websocket

Very same as Dedicated Websocket above. But you can create new threads in your method which use websocket.send () concurrently.

def calculate (ws, id, count):
  p = Popen (
    [sys.executable, r'', '-c', count],
    stdout=PIPE, shell = False
  for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''): (line)
  p.stdout.close ()

@app.route ("/websocket/calculate")
def calculate (was):
  if was.wsinit ():
    return was.wsconfig (skitai.WS_DEDICATE_TS, 60)

  workers = 0
  ws = was.websocket
  while 1:
    m = ws.getwait ()
    if m is None:

    if m.lower () == "bye":
      ws.send ("Bye, have a nice day." + m)
      ws.close ()
    elif m.lower () == "run":
      threading.Thread (target = calculate, args = (ws, workers, m[3:].strip ()).start ()
      workers +=1
      ws.send ("You said %s but I can't understatnd" % m)

You can access all examples by skitai sample app after installing skitai.

sudo -v -f sample

Then goto http://localhost:5000/websocket in your browser.

In next chapter’s features of ‘was’ are only available for Skito-Saddle WSGI container. So if you have no plan to use Saddle, just skip.

Skitai ‘was’ Services

‘was’ means (Skitai) WSGI Application Support.

WSGI container like Flask, need to import ‘was’:

from skitai import was

@app.route ("/")
def hello ():
  was.get ("http://...")

But Saddle WSGI container integrated with Skitai, use just like Python ‘self’.

It will be easy to understand think like that:

  • Skitai is Python class instance

  • ‘was’ is ‘self’ which first argument of instance method

  • Your app functions are methods of Skitai instance

@app.route ("/")
def hello (was, name = "Hans Roh"):
  was.get ("http://...")

Simply just remember, if you use WSGI container like Flask, Bottle, … - NOT Saddle - and want to use Skitai asynchronous services, you should import ‘was’. Usage is exactly same. But for my convinient, I wrote example codes Saddle version mostly.

Async Requests Service

Most importance service of ‘was’ is making requests to HTTP, REST, RPC and Database Engines. The modules related theses features from aquests.

You can read aquests usage first.

I think it just fine explains some differences with aquests.

First of all, usage is somewhat different because aquests is used within threadings on skitai. Skitai takes some threading advantages and compromise with them for avoiding callback heaven.


At aquests,

import aquests

def display_result (response):
  print (

aquests.get (url) (
  url, {"user": "Hans Roh", "comment": "Hello"},
  callback = display_result
aquests.fetchall ()

At Skitai,

def request (was):
  req1 = was.get (url)
  req2 = (url, {"user": "Hans Roh", "comment": "Hello"})
  respones1 = req1.getwait (timeout = 3)
  response2 = req2.getwait (timeout = 3)
  return [,]

def query (was):
  dbo = was.postgresql ("", "mydb", ("username", "password"))
  s = dbo.excute ("SELECT city, t_high, t_low FROM weather;")
  result = s.getwait (2)

  for row in, row.t_high, row.t_low

Also note you can’t use meta argument at Skitai.

Here’re addtional methods and properties above response obkect compared with aquests’ response one.

  • cache (timeout): response caching

  • status: it indicate requests processed status and note it is not related response.status_code.

    • 0: Initial Default Value

    • 1: Operation Timeout

    • 2: Exception Occured

    • 3: Normal Terminated


Skitai support load-balancing requests.

If server members are pre defined, skitai choose one automatically per each request supporting fail-over.

At first, let’s add mysearch members to config file (ex. /etc/skitaid/servers-enabled/sample.conf),

ssl = yes
members =,

Then let’s request XMLRPC result to one of mysearch members.

@app.route ("/search")
def search (was, keyword = "Mozart"):
  s = ("@mysearch/rpc2").search (keyword)
  results = s.getwait (5)

It just small change from was.rpc () to ()

Note: If @mysearch member is only one, (“@mydb”) is equal to was.get (“@mydb”).

Note2: You can mount cluster @mysearch to specific path as proxypass like this:

At config file

; for files like images, css
/ = /var/wsgi/static

; app mount syntax is path/module:callable
/search = @mysearch

It can be accessed from, and handled as load-balanced proxypass.

This sample is to show querying sharded database. Add mydb members to config file.

type = postresql
members =,

@app.route ("/query")
def query (was, keyword):
  dbo = ("@mydb")
  req = dbo.execute ("INSERT INTO CITIES VALUES ('New York');")
  req.wait (2)
  # no return, just wait for completing query
  #if failed exception will be raised

  req = dbo.execute ("SELECT * FROM CITIES;")
  result = req.getwait (2)


Basically same with load_balancing except Skitai requests to all members per each request.

@app.route ("/search")
def search (was, keyword = "Mozart"):
  stub = ("@mysearch/rpc2")
  req = (keyword)
  results = req.getswait (2)

  all_results = []
  for result in results:
     all_results.extend (
  return all_results

There are 2 changes:

  1. from () to ()

  2. from s.getwait () to s.getswait () for multiple results

Caching Result

Every results returned by getwait(), getswait() can cache.

s = ("@mysearch/rpc2").getinfo ()
result = s.getwait (2)
if result.status_code == 200:
      result.cache (60) # 60 seconds

s = ("@mysearch/rpc2").getinfo ()
results = s.getswait (2)
# assume @mysearch has 3 members
if results.status_code == [200, 200, 200]:
  result.cache (60)

Although code == 200 alredy implies status == 3, anyway if status is not 3, cache() will be ignored. If cached, it wil return cached result for 60 seconds.

New in version 0.15.28

If you getwait with reraise argument, code can be simple.

s = ("@mysearch/rpc2").getinfo ()
content = s.getswait (2, reraise = True).data
s.cache (60)

Please remember cache () method is both available request and result objects.

For expiring cached result by updating new data:

New in version 0.14.9

refreshed = False
if was.request.command == "post":
  refreshed = True

s = (
      use_cache = not refreshed and True or False
).getinfo ()
result = s.getwait (2)
if result.status_code == 200:
      result.cache (60) # 60 seconds

API Transaction ID

New in version 0.21

For tracing REST API call, Skitai use global/local transaction IDs.

If a client call a API first, global transaction ID (gtxnid) is assigned automatically like ‘GTID-C4676-R67’ and local transaction ID (ltxnid) is ‘1000’.

You call was.get (), () or etc, both IDs will be forwarded via HTTP request header. Most important thinng is that gtxnid is never changed by client call, but ltxnid will be changed per API call.

when client calls gateway API or HTML, ltxnid is 1000. And if it calls APIs internally, ltxnid will increase to 2001, 2002. If ltxnid 2001 API calls internal sub API, ltxnid will increase to 3002, and ltxnid 2002 to 3003. Briefly 1st digit is call depth and rest digits are sequence of API calls.

This IDs is logged to Skitai request log file like this.

2016.12.30 18:05:06 [info] GET / \
HTTP/1.1 200 0 32970 \
GTID-C3-R8 1000 - - \
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0" \
4ms 3ms

Focus 3rd line above log message. Then you can trace a series of API calls from each Skitai instance’s log files for finding some kind of problems.

Utility Services of ‘was’

This chapter’s ‘was’ services are also avaliable for all WSGI middelwares.

  • was.status () # HTML formatted status information like phpinfo() in PHP.

  • was.tojson (object)

  • was.fromjson (string)

  • was.toxml (object) # XMLRPC

  • was.fromxml (string) # XMLRPC

  • was.restart () # Restart Skitai App Engine Server, but this only works when processes is 1 else just applied to current worker process.

  • was.shutdown () # Shutdown Skitai App Engine Server, but this only works when processes is 1 else just applied to current worker process.

Request Handling with Skito-Saddle

Saddle is WSGI container integrated with Skitai App Engine.

Flask and other WSGI container have their own way to handle request. So If you choose them, see their documentation.

And note below objects and methods ARE NOT WORKING in any other WSGI containers except Saddle.

Access Saddle App

You can access all Saddle object from



  • # use for custom configuration like = 1


  • = None

  • = “digest”

  • = False

  • = None

  • = {}


  • () is equal to was.ab ()

Currently has these properties and you can reconfig by setting new value:

  • = 5 * 1024 * 1024

  • = 5 * 1024 * 1024

  • = 20 * 1024 * 1024

  • = 20000000

Debugging and Reloading App

If debug is True, all errors even server errors is shown on both web browser and console window, otherhwise shown only on console.

If use_reloader is True, Skito-Saddle will detect file changes and reload app automatically, otherwise app will never be reloaded.

from skitai.saddle import Saddle

app = Saddle (__name__)
app.debug = True # output exception information
app.use_reloader = True # auto realod on file changed


Basic routing is like this:

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello_world (was):
  return was.render ("hello.htm")

For adding some restrictions:

@app.route ("/hello", methods = ["GET"], content_types = ["text/xml"])
def hello_world (was):
  return was.render ("hello.htm")

If method is not GET, Saddle will response http error code 405 (Method Not Allowed), and content-type is not text/xml, 415 (Unsupported Content Type).

Access Request

Reqeust object provides these methods and attributes:

  • was.request.command # lower case get, post, put, …

  • was.request.version # HTTP Version, 1.0, 1.1

  • was.request.uri

  • was.request.args # dictionary contains url/form parameters

  • was.request.split_uri () # (script, param, querystring, fragment)

  • was.request.get_header (“content-type”) # case insensitive

  • was.request.get_headers () # retrun header all list

  • was.request.get_body ()

  • was.request.get_scheme () # http or https

  • was.request.get_remote_addr ()

  • was.request.get_user_agent ()

  • was.request.get_content_type ()

  • was.request.get_main_type ()

  • was.request.get_sub_type ()


Basically, just return contents.

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello_world (was):
  return was.render ("hello.htm")

If you need set additional headers or HTTP status,

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello (was):
  return was.response ("200 OK", was.render ("hello.htm"), [("Cache-Control", "max-age=60")])

def hello (was):
  return was.response (body = was.render ("hello.htm"), headers = [("Cache-Control", "max-age=60")])

def hello (was):
  was.response.set_header ("Cache-Control", "max-age=60")
  return was.render ("hello.htm")

Above 3 examples will make exacltly same result.

Sending specific HTTP status code,

def hello (was):
  return was.response ("404 Not Found", was.render ("err404.htm"))

def hello (was):
  # if body is not given, automaticcally generated with default error template.
  return was.response ("404 Not Found")

If app raise exception, traceback information will be displayed only app.debug = True. But you intentionally send it inspite of app.debug = False:

# File
@app.route ("/raise_exception")
def raise_exception (was):
      raise ValueError ("Test Error")
      return was.response ("500 Internal Server Error", exc_info = sys.exc_info ())

You can return various objects.

# File
@app.route ("/streaming")
def streaming (was):
  return was.response ("200 OK", open ("mypicnic.mp4", "rb"), headers = [("Content-Type", "video/mp4")])

# Generator
def build_csv (was):
  def generate():
    for row in iter_all_rows():
      yield ','.join(row) + '\n'
  return was.response ("200 OK", generate (), headers = [("Content-Type", "text/csv")])

All available return types are:

  • String, Bytes, Unicode

  • File-like object has ‘read (buffer_size)’ method, optional ‘close ()’

  • Iterator/Generator object has ‘next() or _next()’ method, optional ‘close ()’ and shoud raise StopIteration if no more data exists.

  • Something object has ‘more()’ method, optional ‘close ()’

  • Classes of skitai.lib.producers

  • List/Tuple contains above objects

  • XMLRPC dumpable object for if you want to response to XMLRPC

The object has ‘close ()’ method, will be called when all data consumed, or socket is disconnected with client by any reasons.

  • was.response (status = “200 OK”, body = None, headers = None, exc_info = None)

  • was.response.set_status (status) # “200 OK”, “404 Not Found”

  • was.response.get_status ()

  • was.response.set_headers (headers) # [(key, value), …]

  • was.response.get_headers ()

  • was.response.set_header (k, v)

  • was.response.get_header (k)

  • was.response.del_header (k)

  • was.response.hint_promise (uri) # New in version 0.16.4, only works with HTTP/2.x and will be ignored HTTP/1.x

Getting URL Parameters

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello_world (was, num = 8):
  return num

@app.route ("/hello/<int:num>")
def hello_world (was, num = 8):
  return str (num)

Also you can access as dictionary object ‘was.request.args’.

num = was.request.args.get ("num", 0)

for fancy url building, available param types are:

  • int

  • float

  • path: /download/<int:major_ver>/<path>, should be positioned at last like /download/1/version/1.1/win32

  • If not provided, assume as string. and all space char replaced to “_’

Getting Form Parameters

Getting form is not different from the way for url parameters, but generally form parameters is too many to use with each function parameters, can take from single args **form or take mixed with named args and **form both.

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello (was, **form):
      return "Post %s %s" % (form.get ("userid", ""), form.get ("comment", ""))

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello_world (was, userid, **form):
      return "Post %s %s" % (userid, form.get ("comment", ""))

Building URL

If your app is mounted at “/math”,

@app.route ("/add")
def add (was, num1, num2):
  return int (num1) + int (num2) ("add", 10, 40) # returned '/math/add?num1=10&num2=40'

# BUT it's too long to use practically,
# was.ab is acronym for
was.ab ("add", 10, 40) # returned '/math/add?num1=10&num2=40'
was.ab ("add", 10, num2=60) # returned '/math/add?num1=10&num2=60'

@app.route ("/hello/<name>")
def hello (was, name = "Hans Roh"):
  return "Hello, %s" % name

was.ab ("hello", "Your Name") # returned '/math/hello/Your_Name'

Access Environment Variables

was.env is just Python dictionary object.

if "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in was.env:
was.env.get ("CONTENT_TYPE")

Jinja2 Templates Engine

Although You can use any template engine, Skitai provides was.render() which uses Jinja2 template engine. For providing arguments to Jinja2, use dictionary or keyword arguments.

return was.render ("index.html", choice = 2, product = "Apples")

#is same with:

return was.render ("index.html", {"choice": 2, "product": "Apples"})


return was.render ("index.html", {"choice": 2}, product = "Apples")

Directory structure sould be:

  • /project_home/

  • /project_home/templates/index.html

At template, you can use all ‘was’ objects anywhere defautly. Especially, Url/Form parameters also can be accessed via ‘was.request.args’.

{{ was.cookie.username }} choices item {{ was.request.args.get ("choice", "N/A") }}.

<a href="{{ was.ab ('checkout', choice) }}">Proceed</a>

Also ‘was.g’ is can be useful in case threr’re lots of render parameters.

was.g.product = "Apple"
was.g.howmany = 10

return was.render ("index.html")

And at jinja2 template,

{% set g = was.g }} {# make shortcut #}
Checkout for {{ g.howmany }} {{ g.product }}{{g.howmany > 1 and "s" or ""}}

If you want modify Jinja2 envrionment, can through object.

def generate_form_token ():
  ...['form_token'] = generate_form_token

New in version 0.15.16

Added new app.jinja_overlay () for easy calling app.jinja_env.overlay ().

app = Saddle (__name__)
app.debug = True
app.use_reloader = True
app.jinja_overlay (
      line_statement = "%",
      variable_string = "#",
      block_start_string = "{%",
      block_end_string = "}"

Original Jinja2 form is:

{% extends "layout.htm" %}
{% block title %}Dash Board{% endblock %}

{% for group in stat|groupby ('nation') %}
  <h1>{% block sectionname %}Population of {{group.grouper}}{% endblock %}</h1>
  {% for row in group.list  %}
    <a href="{{ was.ab ('bp_state', row.nation, loop.index)}}">{{row.population}}</a>
    <a href="#" onclick="javascript: create_map ('{{row.state}}');">Map</a>
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

app.jinja_overlay (“%”, “#”, “{%”, “}”) changes jinja environment,

  • variable_start_string = from {{ to #

  • variable_end_string = from }} to #

  • line_statement_prefix = from None to %

  • line_comment_prefix = from None to %%

  • block_start_string = unchange, keep {%

  • block_end_string = from %} to }

  • trim_blocks = from False to True

  • lstrip_blocks = from False to True

Important note for escaping charcter ‘#’, use ‘##’, but this is only valid when variable_start_string and variable_end_string are same. Also escaping ‘%’ which appears at first of line excluding space/tab:

% raw:
  <a href="#" onclick="javascript: create_map ();">Map</a>
% endraw

As a result, template can be written:

% extends "layout.htm"
% block title:
  Dash Board
% endblock

% for group in stat|groupby ('nation'):
  <h1>{% block sectionname }Population of #group.grouper#{% endblock }</h1>
  % for row in group.list:
    <a href="#was.ab ('state_view', row.nation, loop.index)#">#row.population#</a>
    <a href="##" onclick="javascript: create_map ('#row.state#');">Map</a>
  % endfor
% endfor

If you like this style, just call ‘app.jinja_overlay ()’. In my case, above template is more easy to read/write if applying proper syntax highlighting to text editor.

On Flask,

from flask import Flask
from skitai.saddle import jinjapatch

app = Flask (__name__)
app.jinja_env = jinjapatch.overlay (__name__)

For more detail, Jinja2 Line Statements and Escape.

Warning: Current Jinja2 2.8 dose not support double escaping (##) and ‘raw’ line_statement but it will be applied to runtime patch by Saddle. So if you use app.jinja_overlay, you have compatible problems with official Jinja2.

Access Session

was.session has almost dictionary methods.

To enable session for app, random string formatted securekey should be set for encrypt/decrypt session values.

WARN: securekey should be same on all skitai apps at least within a virtual hosing group, Otherwise it will be serious disaster.

app.securekey = "ds8fdsflksdjf9879dsf;?<>Asda"
app.session_timeout = 1200 # sec

@app.route ("/session")
def hello_world (was, **form):
  if "login" not in was.session:
    was.session.set ("user_id", form.get ("hansroh"))
    # or
    was.session ["user_id"] = form.get ("hansroh")
  • was.session.set (key, val)

  • was.session.get (key, default = None)

  • was.session.source_verified (): If current IP address matches with last IP accesss session

  • was.session.getv (key, default = None): If not source_verified (), return default

  • was.session.remove (key)

  • was.session.clear ()

  • was.session.kyes ()

  • was.session.values ()

  • was.session.items ()

  • was.session.has_key ()

  • was.session.iterkyes ()

  • was.session.itervalues ()

  • was.session.iteritems ()

Messaging Box

Like Flask’s flash feature, Skitai also provide messaging tool.

@app.route ("/msg")
def msg (was):
  was.mbox.send ("This is Flash Message", "flash")
  was.mbox.send ("This is Alert Message Kept by 60 seconds on every request", "alram", valid = 60)
  return was.redirect (was.ab ("showmsg", "Hans Roh"), status = "302 Object Moved")

@app.route ("/showmsg")
def showmsg (was, name):
  return was.render ("msg.htm", name=name)

A part of msg.htm is like this:

Messages To {{ name }},
      {% for message_id, category, created, valid, msg, extra in was.mbox.get () %}
              <li> {{ mtype }}: {{ msg }}</li>
      {% endfor %}

Default value of valid argument is 0, which means if page called was.mbox.get() is finished successfully, it is automatically deleted from mbox.

But like flash message, if messages are delayed by next request, these messages are save into secured cookie value, so delayed/long term valid messages size is limited by cookie specificatio. Then shorter and fewer messsages would be better as possible.

‘was.mbox’ can be used for general page creation like handling notice, alram or error messages consistently. In this case, these messages (valid=0) is consumed by current request, there’s no particular size limitation.

Also note valid argument is 0, it will be shown at next request just one time, but inspite of next request is after hundred years, it will be shown if browser has cookie values.

def before_request (was):
  if has_new_item ():
    was.mbox.send ("New Item Arrived", "notice")

@app.route ("/main")
def main (was):
  return was.render ("news.htm")

news.htm like this:

News for {{ was.g.username }},
      {% for mid, category, created, valid, msg, extra in was.mbox.get ("notice", "news") %}
              <li class="{{category}}"> {{ msg }}</li>
      {% endfor %}
  • was.mbox.send (msg, category, valid_seconds, key=val, …)

  • was.mbox.get () return [(message_id, category, created_time, valid_seconds, msg, extra_dict)]

  • was.mbox.get (category) filtered by category

  • was.mbox.get (key, val) filtered by extra_dict

  • was.mbox.source_verified (): If current IP address matches with last IP accesss mbox

  • was.mbox.getv (…) return get () if source_verified ()

  • (key, val): find in extra_dict. if val is not given or given None, compare with category name. return [message_id, …]

  • was.mbox.remove (message_id)

Named Session & Messaging Box

New in version 0.15.30

You can create multiple named session and mbox objects by mount() methods.

was.session.mount (
  name = None, securekey = None,
  path = None, domain = None, secure = False, http_only = False,
  session_timeout = None

was.mbox.mount (
  name = None, securekey = None,
  path = None, domain = None, secure = False, http_only = False

For example, your app need isolated session or mbox seperated default session for any reasons, can create session named ‘ADM’ and if this session or mbox is valid at only /admin URL.

def index (was):
  was.session.mount ("ADM", SECUREKEY_STRING, path = '/admin')
  was.session.set ("admin_login", True)

  was.mbox.mount ("ADM", SECUREKEY_STRING, path = '/admin')
  was.mbox.send ("10 data has been deleted", 'warning')

SECUREKEY_STRING needn’t same with app.securekey. And path, domain, secure, http_only args is for session cookie, you can mount any named sessions or mboxes with upper cookie path and upper cookie domain. In other words, to share session or mbox with another apps, path should be closer to root (/).

def index (was):
  was.session.mount ("ADM", SECUREKEY_STRING, path = '/')
  was.session.set ("admin_login", True)

Above ‘ADM’ sesion can be accessed by all mounted apps because path is ‘/’.

Also note was.session.mount (None, SECUREKEY_STRING) is exactly same as mounting default session, but in this case SECUREKEY_STRING should be same as app.securekey.

mount() is create named session or mbox if not exists, exists() is just check wheather exists named session already.

if not was.session.exists (None):
  return "Your session maybe expired or signed out, please sign in again"

if not was.session.exists ("ADM"):
  return "Your admin session maybe expired or signed out, please sign in again"

File Upload

FORM = """
  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="submit-hidden" value="Genious">
  <p></p>What is your name? <input type="text" name="submit-name" value="Hans Roh"></p>
  <p></p>What files are you sending? <br />
  <input type="file" name="file">
  <input type="submit" value="Send">
  <input type="reset">

@app.route ("/upload")
def upload (was, *form):
  if was.request.command == "get":
    return FORM
    file = form.get ("file")
    if file: ("d:\\var\\upload", dup = "o") # overwrite

‘file’ object’s attributes are:

  • file.path: temporary saved file full path

  • original file name posted

  • file.size

  • file.mimetype

  • file.remove ()

  • (into, name = None, mkdir = False, dup = “u”)

    • if name is None, used

    • dup:

      • u - make unique (default)

      • o - overwrite

App and Method Decorators and was.g

Method decorators called automatically when each method is requested in a app.

def before_request (was):
  if not login ():
    return "Not Authorized"

def finish_request (was):

def failed_request (was, exc_info):

def teardown_request (was):
  was.g.resouce.close ()

@app.route ("/view-account")
def view_account (was, userid):
  was.g.user_id = "jerry"
  was.g.user_status = "active"
  was.g.resouce = open ()
  return ...

For this situation, ‘was’ provide was.g that is empty class instance. was.g is valid only in current request. After end of current request.

If view_account is called, Saddle execute these sequence:

    content = before_request (was)
    if content:
      return content
    content = view_account (was, *args, **karg)

    content = failed_request (was, sys.exc_info ())
    if content is None:

    finish_request (was)

  teardown_request (was)

return content

Be attention, failed_request’s 2nd arguments is sys.exc_info (). Also finish_request and teardown_request (NOT failed_request) should return None (or return nothing).

If you handle exception with failed_request (), return custom error content, or exception will be reraised and Saddle will handle exception.

New in version 0.14.13

 def failed_request (was, exc_info):
   # releasing resources
   return was.response (
       "501 Server Error",
       was.render ("err501.htm", msg = "We're sorry but something's going wrong")

Also there’re another kind of decorator group, App decorators.

def startup (wasc):
  logger = wasc.logger.get ("app")
  # OR
  logger = wasc.logger.make_logger ("login", "daily")
  config = wasc.config
  wasc.register ("loginengine", SNSLoginEngine (logger))
  wasc.register ("searcher", FulltextSearcher (wasc.numthreads))

def onreload (wasc):
  wasc.loginengine.reset ()

def shutdown (wasc):
  wasc.searcher.close ()

  wasc.unregister ("loginengine")
  wasc.unregister ("searcher")

‘wasc’ is Python Class object of ‘was’, so mainly used for sharing Skitai server-wide object via was.object.

And you can access numthreads, logger, config from wasc.

As a result, myobject can be accessed by all your current app functions even all other apps mounted on Skitai.

# app mounted to ''
@app.route ("/")
def index (was):
  was.loginengine.get_user_info ()
  was.searcher.query ("ipad")

# app mounted to ''
@app.route ("/")
def index (was):
  was.loginengine.check_user_to ("facebook")
  was.searcher.query ("ipad")

# app mounted to ''
@app.route ("/")
def index (was):
  was.searcher.query ("news")

Note: The way to mount with host, see ‘Mounting With Virtual Host’ chapter below.

It maybe used like plugin system. If a app which should be mounted loads pulgin-like objects, theses can be used by Skitai server wide apps via was.object1, was.object2,…

These methods will be called,

  1. startup: when app imported on skitai server started

  2. onreload: when app.use_reloader is True and app is reloaded

  3. shutdown: when skitai server is shutdowned


Changed in version 0.15.21

  • removed app.user and app.password

  • add app.users object has get(username) methods like dictionary

Saddle provide simple authenticate for administration or perform access control from other system’s call.

Authentication On Entire App

app = Saddle (__name__)

app.authorization = "digest"
app.realm = "Partner App Area of"
app.users = {"app": ("iamyourpartnerapp", 0, {'role': 'root'})}
app.authenticate = True

@app.route ("/hello/<name>")
def hello (was, name = "Hans Roh"):
  return "Hello, %s" % name

If app.authenticate is True, all routes of app require authorization (default is False).

Authentication On Specific Methods Only

Otherwise you can make some routes requirigng authorization like this:

# False is default, you can omit this line
app.authenticate = False

@app.route ("/hello/<name>", authenticate = True)
def hello (was, name = "Hans Roh"):
  return "Hello, %s" % name

User Collection

The return of app.users.get (username) can be:

  • (str password, boolean encrypted, obj userinfo)

  • (str password, boolean encrypted)

  • str password

If you use encrypted password, you should use digest authorization and password should encrypt by this way:

from hashlib import md5

encrypted_password = md5 (
      ("%s:%s:%s" % (username, realm, password)).encode ("utf8")
).hexdigest ()

If authorization is successful, app can access username and userinfo vi was.request.user.


  • was.request.user.realm


If your server run with SSL, you can use app.authorization = “basic”, otherwise recommend using “digest” for your password safety.

Building for Larger App

You have 2 options for extending your app scale.

  1. Mount multiple microservices

  2. Mount saddlery on saldde

Mount Multiple Microservices

I personally recommend this way by current developing trend.

import skitai (
  mount = [
    ('/service', ('/service/app', 'app')),
    ('/service/trade', ('/service/trade/app', 'app')),
    ('/service/intro', ('/service/intro/app', 'app')),
    ('/service/admin', ('/service/admin/app', 'app')),
    ('/', '/service/static')

And your pysical directory structure is,






This structure make highly focus on each microservices and make easy to move or apply scaling by serivce traffic increment.

Mount Saddlery On Saddle

If your app is very large or want to manage codes by categories, you can seperate your app.

from skitai.saddle import Saddlery
part = Saddlery ()

@part.route ("/<name>")
def hello (was):
  # can build other module's method url
  return was.ab ("index", 1, 2)

from skitai.saddle import Saddle
from . import admin

app = Saddle (__name__)
app.debug = True
app.use_reloader = True
app.mount ("/admin", admin, "part")

@app.route ("/")
def index (was, num1, num2):
  return was.ab ("hello", "Hans Roh") # url building

Now, hello function’s can be accessed by ‘/[app mount point]/admin/Hans_Roh’.

App’s configs like debug & use_reloader, etc, will be applied to packages except decorators.

Note: is always main Saddle app NOT current Saddlery sub app.

Saddlery can have own sub saddlery and decorators.

from skitai.saddle import Saddlery
from . import admin_sub

part = Saddlery () # mount point
# Saddlery also can have sub Saddlery
part.mount ("/admin/sub", admin_sub, "app")

def startup (wasc):
  wasc.register ("loginengine", SNSLoginEngine ())
  wasc.register ("searcher", FulltextSearcher ())

def shutdown (wasc):
  wasc.searcher.close ()

  wasc.unregister ("loginengine")
  wasc.unregister ("searcher")

def before_request (was):
  if not login ():
    return "Not Authorized"

def teardown_request (was):
  was.g.resouce.close ()

@part.route ("/<name>")
def hello (was):
  # can build other module's method url
  return was.ab ("index", 1, 2)

In this case, app and sub-app’s method decorators are nested executed in this order.

  sub-app.finish_request() or package.failed_request()
  sub-app.teardown_request ()
app.finish_request() or app.failed_request()
app.teardown_request ()

Saddlery and Jinja2 Templates

was.render (template_path) always find templates directory where exists, even if is located in sub directory with package form. This is somewhat conflicated but I think it’s more easier way to maintain template files and template include policy. Remeber one app can have one templates directoty. But you can seperate into templates files by sub directory. For example:


But if you want to use independent templates under own templates directory:

from skitai.saddle import Saddlery

part = Saddlery (__name__)

@part.route ("/<name>")
def hello (was):
  return was.render2 ("show.htm", name = name)

Implementing XMLRPC Service

Client Side:

import aquests

stub = aquests.rpc ("")
stub.add (10000, 5000)
fetchall ()

Server Side:

@app.route ("/add")
def index (was, num1, num2):
  return num1 + num2

Is there nothing to diffrence? Yes. Saddle app methods are also used for XMLRPC service if return values are XMLRPC dumpable.

Implementing gRPC Service

Client Side:

import aquests
import route_guide_pb2

stub = aquests.grpc ("")
point = route_guide_pb2.Point (latitude=409146138, longitude=-746188906)
stub.GetFeature (point)
aquests.fetchall ()

Server Side:

import route_guide_pb2

@app.route ("/GetFeature")
def GetFeature (was, point):
  feature = get_feature(db, point)
if feature is None:
  return route_guide_pb2.Feature(name="", location=point)
  return feature

if __name__ == "__main__": (
    mount = [('/routeguide.RouteGuide', app)

For more about gRPC and route_guide_pb2, go to gRPC Basics - Python.

Note: I think I don’t understand about gRPC’s stream request and response. Does it means chatting style? Why does data stream has interval like GPS data be handled as stream type? If it is chat style stream, is it more efficient that use proto buffer on Websocket protocol? In this case, it is even possible collaborating between multiple gRPC clients.

Logging and Traceback

If Skitai run with -v option, app and exceptions are displayed at your console, else logged at files.

@app.route ("/")
def sum ():
  was.log ("called index", "info")
      was.log ("exception occured", "error")
      was.traceback ()
  was.log ("done index", "info")

Note inspite of you do not handle exception, all app exceptions will be logged automatically by Saddle. And it includes app importing and reloading exceptions.

  • was.log (msg, category = “info”)

  • was.traceback (id = “”) # id is used as fast searching log line for debug, if not given, id will be Global transaction ID/Local transaction ID

Project Purpose

Skitai App Engine’s original purpose is to serve python fulltext search engine Wissen which is my another pypi work. And I found that it is possibly useful for building and serving websites.

Anyway, I am modifying my codes to optimizing for enabling service on Linux machine with relatvely poor H/W (ex. AWS t2.nano instance) and making easy to auto-scaling provided cloud computing service like AWS.

If you need lots of outside http(s) resources connecting jobs and use PostgreSQL, it might be worth testing and participating this project.

Also note it might be more efficient that circumstance using Gevent WSGI Server + Flask. They have well documentation and already tested by lots of users.

Change Log

0.24 (Jan 2017)

  • change websocket initializing, not lower version compatible

  • WEBSOCKET_MULTICAST deprecated, and new WEBSOCKET_GROUPCHAT does not create new thread any more

0.23 (Jan 2017)

  • ready_producer_fifo only activated when proxy or reverse proxy is enabled, default deque will be used

  • encoding argument was eliminated from REST call

  • changed RPC, DBO request spec

  • added gRPC as server and client

  • support static files with http2

  • fix POST method on reverse proxying

0.22 (Jan 2017)

  • 0.22.7 fix was.upload(),*()

  • 0.22.5 fix xml-rpc service

  • 0.22.4 fix proxy

  • 0.22.3

    • fix https REST, XML-RPC call

    • fix DB pool

  • 0.22

    • Skitai REST/RPC call now uses HTTP2 if possible

    • Fix HTTP2 opening with POST method

    • Add logging on disconnecting of Websocket, HTTP2, Proxy Tunnel channels

    • See News

0.21 (Dec 2016)

  • 0.21.17 - fix JWT base64 padding problem

  • 0.21.8 - connected with MongoDB asynchronously

  • 0.21.3 - add JWT (JSON Web Token) handler, see Skitai WSGI App Engine

  • 0.21.2 - applied global/local-transaction-ID to app logging: was.log (msg, logtype), was.traceback ()

  • 0.21 - change request log format, add global/local-transaction-ID to log file for backtrace

0.20 (Dec 2016)

  • 0.20.15 - minor optimize asynconnect, I wish

  • 0.20.14 - fix Redis connector’s threading related error

  • 0.20.4 - add Redis connector

  • 0.20 - add API Gateway access handler

0.19 (Dec 2016)

  • Reengineering was.request methods, fix disk caching

0.18 (Dec 2016)

  • 0.18.11 - default content-type of, was.put() has been changed from ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ to ‘application/json’. if you use this method currently, you SHOULD change method name to was.postform()

  • 0.18.7 - response contents caching has been applied to all was.request services (except websocket requests).

0.17 (Oct 2016)

0.16 (Sep 2016)

  • 0.16.20 fix SSL proxy and divide into package for proxy & websocket_handler

  • 0.16.19 fix HTTP2 cookie

  • 0.16.18 fix handle large request body

  • 0.16.13 fix thread locking for h2.Connection

  • 0.16.11 fix pushing promise and response on Firefox

  • 0.16.8 fix pushing promise and response

  • 0.16.6 add several configs to for limiting post body size from client

  • 0.16.5 add method: was.response.hint_promise (uri) for sending HTP/2 PUSH PROMISE frame

  • 0.16.3 fix flow control window

  • 0.16.2 fix HTTP/2 Uprading for “http” URIs (RFC 7540 Section 3.2)

  • 0.16 HTTP/2.0 implemented with hyper-h2

0.15 (Mar 2016)

  • fixed fancy URL <path> routing

  • add Websocket design spec: WEBSOCKET_DEDICATE_THREADSAFE

  • fixed Websocket keep-alive timeout

  • fixed fancy URL routing

  • ‘was.cookie.set()’ method prototype has been changed.

  • added Named Session & Messaging Box

  • fix select error when closed socket, thanks to spam-proxy-bots

  • add mimetypes for .css .js

  • fix debug output

  • fix asynconnect.maintern

  • fix loosing end of compressed content

  • fix app reloading, @shutdown

  • fix XMLRPC response and POST length

  • add (), change spec was.mbox.get ()

  • fix routing bugs & was.ab()

  • add saddle.Saddlery class for app packaging

  • @app.startup, @app.onreload, @app.shutdown arguments has been changed

0.14 (Feb 2016)

  • fix proxy occupies CPU on POST method failing

  • was.log(), was.traceback() added

  • fix valid time in message box

  • changed @failed_request event call arguments and can return custom error page

  • changed command line options, see ‘ –help’

  • batch task scheduler added

  • e-mail sending fixed

  • was.session.getv () added

  • was.response spec. changed

  • SQLite3 DB connection added

0.13 (Feb 2016)

  • was.mbox, was.g, was.redirect, was.render added

  • SQLite3 DB connection added

0.12 (Jan 2016) - Re-engineering ‘was’ networking, PostgreSQL & proxy modules

0.11 (Jan 2016) - Websocket implemeted

0.10 (Dec 2015) - WSGI support

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