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Skitai App Engine Daemon

Project description


Skitai WSGI App Engine Deamon (SWAED) is an daemonizer using Skitai App Engine.

SWAED is a kind of branch of Medusa Web Server - A High-Performance Internet Server Architecture.

Medusa is different from most other servers because it runs as a single process, multiplexing I/O with its various client and server connections within a single process/thread.

  • HTTP/HTTPS Web, XML-RPC Server

  • Loadbancing/Cache, API Gateway Server

  • HTML5 Websocket Implemeted

  • HTTP/2.0 Implemeted

Skitai also run with only Skitai App Engine, but This daemonizer has some benefits.

  • Just Install and Run

  • Configuration With Files

  • Multiple Worker Processes (posix only)

  • Multiple Domains

  • Multiple Instances by Port Numbers

  • Failover Recovery

  • Async E-Mail Sending

  • Job Scheduling

What Can Skitai Specifically Do?

I’d like to provide some examples implementing microservice architecture.

Microservice Server

Even Skitai can build legacy monolithic large app, but it is more suitable for microservice with light-weight machine like AWS’ t2.nano or t2.micro instance.

Loadbalancer & Caching Server

Some microservice servers or API gateway servers need loadbalancing or caching features, Skitai is useful.

/ = @microsoervice

members =,

This configuration will loadbalance for every requests to 2 microservice servers. Microservice developers may deply in front of their microservice servers.

API Gateway Server

Every deployed microservices can be mapped with urls not network addresses.

/users = @users
/catalog = @catalog
/catalog/inventory = @inventory

# loadbalancer
members =

# loadbalancer
members =

# microserice servers directly
members =,

Then all clients to use microservice APIs just know microservice url.

Each microservice aliases can point loadbalnacer or microservice server(s) for instant loadbalancing.

BFF: Backends For Frontends

BFF is a pattern for implementing frontends with microservice architecture. It is some kind of orchestration model with HMTL, CSS, JS, images, session and microservices for frontends.

Even most microservices can be called by javascript AJAX, but AJAX call for all microservices are not possible yet because like security and search engine optimization reasons.

Skitai’s these features are proper to BFF:

  • multiple parallel, timoutout-controlled RESTful API calling feature

  • cookie/session management

  • static files serving

Installation / Startup

On Posix

sudo pip3 install --no-cache-dir skitaid

Option ‘–no-cache-dir’ is should be given, otherwise installation is not working. I don’t know why.

If you want to reinstall forcely,

sudo pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade --force skitaid

Another way from Git:

git clone
cd skitaid
python install

For starting Skitai:

sudo -v &
sudo stop

#if everythig is OK,

sudo service skitaid start
sudo service skitaid stop

#For auto run on boot,
sudo update-rc.d skitaid defaults
sudo chkconfig skitaid on

On Win32

pip install skitaid

cd c:\skitaid\bin -v stop (in another command prompt)

#if everythig is OK, install

#For auto run on boot, --startup auto install start stop

Note For Win32 Python 3 Users

Change python key value to like c:\python34\python.exe in c:\skitaid\etc\skitaid.conf.

Mounting WSGI Apps and Static Directories

Here’s three WSGI app samples:

WSGI App at /var/wsgi/

def app (env, start_response):
  start_response ("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
  return ['Hello World']

Flask App at /var/wsgi/

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index ():
  return "Hello World"

Skitai-Saddle App at /var/wsgi/

from skitai.saddle import Saddle
app = Saddle (__name__)

def index (was):
  return "Hello World"

For mounting to SWAED, modify config file in /etc/skitaid/servers-enabled/example.conf


; for files like images, css
/ = /var/wsgi/static

; app mount syntax is path/module:callable
/ = /var/wsgi/wsgiapp:app
/aboutus = /var/wsgi/flaskapp:app
/services = /var/wsgi/skitaiapp:app

You can access Flask app from and other apps are same.

Note: Mount point & App routing

If app is mounted to ‘/flaskapp’,

from flask import Flask
app = Flask (__name__)

@app.route ("/hello")
def hello ():
  return "Hello"

Above /hello can called,

Also app should can handle mount point. In case Flask, it seems ‘url_for’ generate url by joining with env[“SCRIPT_NAME”] and route point, so it’s not problem. Skitai-Saddle can handle obiously. But I don’t know other WSGI middle wares will work properly.

Mounting With Virtual Host

New in version 0.10.5

App can be mounted with virtual host.


/ = /home/user/www/static
/ = /home/user/www/wsig:app

# exactly matching host

/ = /home/user/mydomain.www/static
/service = /home/user/mydomain.www/wsgi:app

# matched * include

/ = home/user/mydomain.any/static
/ = home/user/mydomain.any/wsgi:app

# matched * except
@ *

/ = home/user/mydomain2.any/static
/ = home/user/mydomain2.any/wsgi:app

As a result, the app location ‘/home/user/mydomain.www/’ is mounted to ‘’ and ‘’.

API Gateway Server Access Control

Skitai as API Gateway Server does just 2 things: API routing, and access control by token validation, roles and IP addresses.

If you run Skitaid as API gateway server, there’re many options for access control like IP address restriction or Basic/Digest authorization methods using key-password pair.

But Skitai only support API token based authorization methods for accessing API Gateway. And ID-Password authentificating, token generating, providing and storing process should be built in seperatly. API Gateway server just need some information about permisssion related things with token.

At configuration file,

enable_gateway = yes
authenticate = yes
realm = API Gateway
secret_key = your_secret_key_for_JWT_authorization

/ = /var/wsgi/example/gateway:app
/users = @users
/catalog = @catalog
/catalog/inventory = @inventory

# loadbalancer
roles = user, admin
members =

# loadbalancer
roles = user, admin
members =

# microserice servers directly
roles = admin
ips =
members =,


from skitai.saddle import Saddle

app = Saddle (__name__)
app.debug = True
app.use_reloader = True

class Authorizer:
  def __init__ (self):
    self.tokens = {
      "12345678-1234-123456": ("hansroh", ["user", "admin"], 0)

  # For Token
  def handle_token (self, request, callback):
    username, roles, expires = self.tokens.get (request.token)
    if expires and expires < time.time ():
      self.tokens.popitem (request.token)
      return callback (request)
    callback (request, username, roles)

  # For JWT Claim
  def handle_claim (self, request, callback):
    claim = request.claim
    expires = claim.get ("expires", 0)
    if expires and expires < time.time ():
      return callback (request)
    callback (request, claim.get ("user"), claim.get ("roles"))

def startup (wasc):
  wasc.handler.set_auth_handler (Authorizer ())

@app.route ("/")
def index (was):
      return "<h1>API Gateway</h1>"

Object Tokens may be any object has handle_token or handle_claim with receiving args (request, callback) method. This method should call callback with request, username, roles.

‘handle_token’ could get user information including username and roles by a token but it needn’t for handle_claim. Because claim already contains access control information. If claim has at least 2 keys - ‘user’ and ‘roles’, Skitai authorization works even no handle_claim method nor gateway initialization script like above ‘/var/wsgi/example/’.

For more information about JWT visit JWT homepage.

Finally, your client is like this:

import requests

requests.get (
  headers={"Authorization": "Bearer 12345678-1234-123456"}

Or on your Saddle app:

@app.route ("/get")
def get (was):
  s = was.get (
    auth = ("12345678-1234-123456",)
  result = s.getwait (5)

Running Skitai as HTTPS Server

Simply config your certification files to config file (ex. /etc/skitaid/servers-enabled/example.conf).

enable_ssl = yes
certfile = server.pem
keyfile = server.key
passphrase = fatalbug

To genrate self-signed certification file:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes

For more detail please read README.txt in /etc/skitaid/certifications/README.txt

SMTP Delivery Agent

e-Mail sending service is executed seperated system process not threading. Every e-mail is temporary save to file system, e-Mail delivery process check new mail and will send. So there’s possibly some delay time.

You can send e-Mail in your app like this:

# email delivery service
e = (subject, snd, rcpt)
e.set_smtp ("", "username", "password", ssl = True)
e.add_text ("Hello World<div><img src='cid:ID_A'></div>", "text/html")
e.add_attachment (r"001.png", cid="ID_A")
e.send ()

With asynchronous email delivery service, can add default SMTP Server config to skitaid.conf (/etc/skitaid/skitaid.conf or c:skitaidetcskitaid.conf). If it is configured, you can skip e.set_smtp(). But be careful for keeping your smtp password.

smtpserver =
user =
password =
ssl = no
max_retry = 10
undelivers_keep_max_days = 30

Log file is located at /var/log/skitaid/daemons/smtpda/smtpda.log or c:skitaidlogdaemonssmtpdasmtpda.log

Batch Task Scheduler

New in version 0.14.5

Sometimes app need batch tasks for minimum response time to clients. At this situateion, you can use taks scheduling tool of OS - cron, taks scheduler - or can use Skitai’s batch task scheduling service for consistent app management. for this, add jobs configuration to skitaid.conf (/etc/skitaid/skitaid.conf or c:\skitaid\etc\skitaid.conf) like this.


*/2 */2 * * * /home/apps/  > /home/apps/monitor.log 2>&1
9 2/12 * * * /home/apps/ > /dev/null 2>&1

Taks configuarion is same with posix crontab.

Cron log file is located at /var/log/skitaid/daemons/cron/cron.log or c:skitaidlogdaemonscroncron.log

Skitai with Nginx / Squid

From version 0.10.5, Skitai supports virtual hosting itself, but there’re so many other reasons using with reverse proxy servers.

Here’s some helpful sample works for virtual hosting using Nginx / Squid.

If you want 2 different and totaly unrelated websites:



And make two config in /etc/skitaid/servers-enabled

  • jeans.conf using port 5000

  • carsales.conf using port 5001

Then you can reverse proxying using Nginx, Squid or many others.

Example Squid config file (squid.conf) is like this:

http_port 80 accel

cache_peer parent 5000 0 no-query originserver name=jeans
acl jeans-domain dstdomain
http_access allow jeans-domain
cache_peer_access jeans allow jeans-domain
cache_peer_access jeans deny all

cache_peer parent 5001 0 no-query originserver name=carsales
acl carsales-domain dstdomain
http_access allow carsales-domain
cache_peer_access carsales allow carsales-domain
cache_peer_access carsales deny all

For Nginx might be 2 config files (I’m not sure):

; /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
server {
        listen 80;
  location / {

; /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
server {
        listen 80;
  location / {

Configuration / Management

Now let’s move on to new subject about server configuration amd mainternance.


Configuration files are located in ‘/etc/skitaid/servers-enabled/*.conf’, and on win32, ‘c:\skitaid\etc\servers-enabled/*.conf’.

Basic configuration is relatively simple, so refer commets of config file. Current config file like this:

threads = 4
processes = 2
ip =
port = 5000
name =

enable_ssl = no
certfile = server.pem
keyfile = server.key
passphrase =

static_max_age = 300
response_timeout = 10
keep_alive = 10
num_result_cache_max = 200

cache_memory = 8
cache_disk = 0

authenticate = no
realm = API Gateway

/ = /var/wsgi/example/static
/ = /var/wsgi/example/webapp
/about = @python

ssl = yes
members =

type = sqlite3
members = /var/wsgi/example/resources/sqlite3.db

Here’s configs required your carefulness.

  • ip: default is then you can only access to server via If you want to access via public IP, set

  • processes: number of workers but on Win32, only 1 is valid

  • threads: generally not up to 4 per CPU. If set to 0, Skitai run with entirely single thread. so be careful if your WSGI function takes long time or possibly will be delayed by blocking operation.

  • num_result_cache_max: number of cache for HTTP/RPC/DBMS results

  • response_timeout: transfer delay timeout caused by network problem

Log Files

If Skitai run with, there’re several processes will be created.

Sample ps command’s result is:

ubuntu:~/skitai$ ps -ef | grep skitaid
root     19146 19145  0 Mar03 pts/0    00:00:11 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/
root     19147 19146  0 Mar03 pts/0    00:00:05 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/
root     19148 19146  0 Mar03 pts/0    00:00:03 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/
root     19150 19146  0 Mar03 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/ --conf=example
  • /usr/local/bin/ : Skitaid Daemon manages all Skitais sub processes

  • /usr/local/bin/ : Skitai Instance with example.conf

  • /usr/local/bin/ : SMTP Delivery Agent

  • /usr/local/bin/ : Cron Agent

Skitai Daemon log file is located at:

  • posix: /var/log/skitaid/skitaid.log

  • win32: c:\skitaid\log\skitaid.log

To view latest 16Kb log, log

SMTP Delivery Agent log is located at:

  • posix: /var/log/skitaid/daemons/smtpda/smtpda.log

  • win32: c:\skitaid\log\daemons\smtpda\smtpda.log

  • -f smtpda log

Cron Agent log is located at:

  • posix: /var/log/skitaid/daemons/cron/cron.log

  • win32: c:\skitaid\log\daemons\cron\cron.log

  • -f cron log

If Skitai App Engine Instances config file is ‘example.conf’, log file located at:

  • posix: /var/log/skitaid/instances/example/[server|request|app].log

  • win32: c:\skitaid\log\instances\example\[server|request|app].log

  • -f cron -s [server|request|app] log

To view lateset log, -f example log

Above log is like this:

2016.03.03 03:37:41 [info] called index
2016.03.03 03:37:41 [error] exception occured
2016.03.03 03:37:41 [expt:bp1] <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>\
  index() got an unexpected keyword argument 't'\
2016.03.03 03:37:41 [info] done index

Request Log Format

Request log is like this:

2016.12.30 18:05:06 localhost:5000 GET / \
HTTP/1.1 0 200 32970 \
GTID-C3-R8 1000 - - \
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0" \
4ms 3ms

Log Format

  • Date

  • Time

  • Client IP:Port

  • Server Name:Port

  • Method

  • URL

  • HTTP/Version

  • HTTP Response Code

  • Bytes Recv

  • Bytes Send

  • Global Transaction ID

  • Local Transaction ID

  • User Name: By WWW-Athentificate, If not available, mark to hypen

  • Token: API Access Token, If not available, mark to hypen

  • User Agent (Souble Quoted)

  • Internal Request Handling & Running Time

  • Content Sending Time

Change Log

0.8.6 - project name chnaged: Skitai App Engine => Skitai App Engine Daemon

0.8.5 - fix installation

0.8.2 - update examples related websocket

0.8 - add some examples at skitaid/wsgi/example

0.7 - Change Log Format

0.5 - default executable python become a python3


  • Server configurration file is changed. You should change it

  • On posix installation, should give option –no-cache-dir


  • Server configurration file is changed. You should change it

  • On posix installation, should give option –no-cache-dir

0.1 - seperated from Skitai App Engine

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