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Python client library for accessing Skosmos REST API

Project description


This is a Python 3.x client library for accessing Skosmos REST API endpoints such as the Finto API. The API can be used to get information about vocabularies, look up and search for concepts and to retrieve information about individual concepts.


The easiest way to install is via pip:

pip3 install skosmos-client


The library depends on the requests module which is used for HTTP/REST access. If you install this via pip, the dependencies will be handled automatically.

How to use

The client library comes with examples demonstrating its usage. You can invoke the example simply by running the script.

In your own code, you can use the SkosmosClient class like this:

from skosmos_client import SkosmosClient

# then you can create your own client
skosmos = SkosmosClient()

Example invocation

Here is the output from a typical example session:

$ ./
Demonstrating usage of SkosmosClient

* Creating a SkosmosClient object
Now we have a SkosmosClient object: SkosmosClient(api_base='')

* Finding the available vocabularies
Vocabulary id: afo              title: AFO - Natural resource and environment ontology
Vocabulary id: allars           title: Allärs - General thesaurus in Swedish
Vocabulary id: cn               title: Finnish Corporate Names
Vocabulary id: ic               title: Iconclass
Vocabulary id: iptc             title: IPTC NewsCodes
Vocabulary id: juho             title: JUHO - Julkishallinnon ontologia
Vocabulary id: jupo             title: JUPO - Finnish Ontology for Public Administration Services
Vocabulary id: kassu            title: Kassu - Finnish Names of Plants
Vocabulary id: kauno            title: KAUNO - ontology for fiction
Vocabulary id: keko             title: KEKO - Ontology for Education for Sustainable Development
Vocabulary id: kito             title: KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia
Vocabulary id: koko             title: KOKO Ontology
Vocabulary id: kto              title: KTO - Kielitieteen ontologia
Vocabulary id: kulo             title: KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia
Vocabulary id: lapponica        title: Lapponica
Vocabulary id: lexvo            title: Lexvo - ISO 639-3 language codes
Vocabulary id: liiko            title: LIIKO - Liikenteen ontologia
Vocabulary id: liito            title: LIITO - Liiketoimintaontologia
Vocabulary id: maotao           title: MAO/TAO - Ontology for Museum Domain and Applied Arts
Vocabulary id: mesh             title: Medical Subject Headings
Vocabulary id: mts              title: Metatietosanasto
Vocabulary id: musa             title: MUSA/CILLA - Finnish Music Thesaurus
Vocabulary id: muso             title: MUSO - Ontology for Music
Vocabulary id: oiko             title: OIKO - Oikeushallinnon ontologia
Vocabulary id: okm-tieteenala   title: Korkeakoulujen tutkimustiedonkeruussa käytettävä tieteenalaluokitus
Vocabulary id: ponduskategorier title: Pondus categories
Vocabulary id: pto              title: PTO - Finnish Geospatial Domain Ontology
Vocabulary id: ptvl             title: Julkisten palvelujen luokitus
Vocabulary id: puho             title: PUHO - Puolustushallinnon ontologia
Vocabulary id: seko             title: SEKO - Suomalainen esityskokoonpanosanasto
Vocabulary id: slm              title: Suomalainen lajityyppi- ja muotosanasto
Vocabulary id: tero             title: TERO - Finnish Ontology of Health and Welfare
Vocabulary id: tsr              title: TSR ontology
Vocabulary id: tt               title: Tietotermit
Vocabulary id: ucum             title: UCUM - The Unified Code for Units of Measure
Vocabulary id: valo             title: VALO - The Finnish Ontology of Photography
Vocabulary id: ysa              title: YSA - General Finnish thesaurus
Vocabulary id: yse              title: YSAn ja YSOn käsite-ehdotukset
Vocabulary id: yso              title: YSO - General Finnish ontology
Vocabulary id: yso-paikat       title: YSO places

* Searching for concepts globally in all vocabularies
{'prefLabel': 'Stockholm', 'lang': 'en', 'uri': '', 'type': ['skos:Concept'], 'vocab': 'yso-paikat'}
{'prefLabel': 'Stockholm archipelago', 'lang': 'en', 'uri': '', 'type': ['skos:Concept'], 'vocab': 'yso-paikat'}
{'lang': 'en', 'uri': '', 'vocab': 'cn', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'altLabel': 'Stockholm County Council'}
{'lang': 'en', 'uri': '', 'vocab': 'cn', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'altLabel': 'Stockholm International Peace Research Institute'}
{'lang': 'en', 'uri': '', 'vocab': 'cn', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'altLabel': 'Stockholm School of Economics'}

* Searching for concepts within a single vocabulary
{'prefLabel': 'cosmologists', 'uri': '', 'localname': 'p27082', 'hiddenLabel': 'cosmologist', 'lang': 'en', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'vocab': 'yso'}
{'prefLabel': 'cosmologists', 'uri': '', 'localname': 'p27082', 'lang': 'en', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'vocab': 'yso'}
{'prefLabel': 'cosmology', 'uri': '', 'localname': 'p7160', 'lang': 'en', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'vocab': 'yso'}

* Looking up all information about a particular concept
Got 168 triples of data
<> has label "theories"@en
<> has label "sciences"@en
<> has label "astrophysics"@en
<> has label "universe"@en
<> has label "06 Astronomy. Space Research"@en
<> has label "sciences (branches of science)"@en
<> has label "cosmography"@en
<> has label "theories (formulations)"@en
<> has label "big bang"@en
<> has label "cosmology"@en
<> has label "theories"@en
<> has label "big bang"@en
<> has label "origin of universe"@en
<> has label "origin of the universe"@en
<> has label "sciences"@en
<> has label "02 Philosophy"@en

* Looking up information about types within a vocabulary
{'uri': '', 'label': 'Concept'}
{'uri': '', 'label': 'Collection'}
{'uri': '', 'label': 'Concept group'}
{'uri': '', 'label': 'Array of sibling concepts'}
{'uri': '', 'label': 'General concept', 'superclass': ''}
{'uri': '', 'label': 'Individual concept', 'superclass': ''}
{'uri': '', 'label': 'Hierarchical concept', 'superclass': ''}

* Looking up information about a particular vocabulary
conceptschemes      : [{'title': 'YSO - General Finnish ontology', 'subject': {'prefLabel': 'general concepts', 'uri': ''}, 'label': 'YSO - General Finnish ontology', 'uri': '', 'type': 'skos:ConceptScheme'}, {'uri': '', 'type': 'skos:ConceptScheme'}, {'uri': '', 'type': 'skos:ConceptScheme'}]
defaultLanguage     : fi
id                  : yso
languages           : ['en', 'fi', 'sv']
title               : YSO - General Finnish ontology

* Looking up top level concepts for a vocabulary
{'uri': '', 'topConceptOf': '', 'label': 'events and action', 'hasChildren': True}
{'uri': '', 'topConceptOf': '', 'label': 'properties', 'hasChildren': True}
{'uri': '', 'topConceptOf': '', 'label': 'objects', 'hasChildren': True}

* Looking up a concept by its label
[{'prefLabel': 'cosmology', 'uri': '', 'localname': 'p7160', 'lang': 'en', 'type': ['skos:Concept', ''], 'vocab': 'yso'}]

* Looking up the thematic groups of a vocabulary
{'prefLabel': '00 General Terms', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '02 Philosophy', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '04 Mathematics. Statistics', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '06 Astronomy. Space Research', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '07 Physics', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '09 Chemistry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '11 Geography. Cartography. Geodesy. Geology. Palaeontology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '13 Hydrology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '14 Climatology. Meteorology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '15 Biology. Microbiology. Genetics. Anthropology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '16 Botany', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '17 Zoology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '18 Nature Protection. Environmental Conservation. Environment. Waste', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '19 Energy. Fuels', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '21 Forestry. Silviculture', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '22 Agriculture. Farming. Horticulture. Animal Husbandry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '23 Fishery. Hunting', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '24 Nutrition. Restaurant Sector. Food Sector. Accommodation Sector. Domestic economy', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '26 Textile Industry. Clothing Industry. Footwear Industry. Leather Industry. Fur Industry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '28 Forest Industry. Pulp and Paper Industry. Paper Industry. Wood Industry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '30 Chemicals Industry. Ceramics Industry. Glass Industry. Plastic Industry. Rubber Industry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '32 Mining Industry. Extractive Industry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '34 Metal Industry. Metallurgy. Mechanical Engineering Industry. Precision Engineering Industry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '37 Construction. Building Industry. Housing Construction. Earth Construction. Hydraulic Engineering. Road Construction', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '39 Traffic. Transport. Mail. Packaging Industry', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '41 Electrical Engineering. Electronics', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '43 Information Technology. Data processing', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '45 Communications Technology. Telecommunications Technology. Sound Engineering', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '48 Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Pathology.  Psychiatry. Dentistry. Veterinary Medicine. Pharmacy. Beauty Care. Treatments', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '49 Fire Protection. Rescue Services. Accident Prevention. Safety Engineering', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '50 Folklore. Cultural Anthropology. Occultism', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '51 Archaeology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '52 History', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '53 Religion. Theology. Religious Studies', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '55 Psychology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '56 Science. Research', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '57 Upbringing. Teaching. Education', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '60 Sosiology. Social Psychology', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '61 Demography', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '62 Community Planning. Regional Planning', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '65 Political Science. Politics. International Politics', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '67 Warfare. Military Technology. Defence. Weapons', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '69 Justice. Legislation', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '71 Administration. Organisational Research. Public Administration', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '73 Social Policy. Social Development Policy. Social Security.  Health Care. Housing', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '75 Economics. National Economy. Business Economics. Commerce', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '78 Work. Occupational Safety. Occupational Health', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '80 Communication. Mass Communication. Advertising', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '81 Libraries. Archives. Information Services. Museums. Exhibitions', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '82 Publishing. Printing', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '85 Linguistics', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '87 Literature', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '89 Music', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '90 Art in general. Art periods and genres. Art History', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '91 Architecture', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '92 Visual Arts. Painting. Graphic Arts. Sculpture', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '94 Applied Arts. Interior Art', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '95 Theatre. Dance', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '96 Photography. Film', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '97 Exercise. Training. Sports', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}
{'prefLabel': '98 Free Time. Hobbies. Travel. Handicrafts', 'hasMembers': True, 'uri': ''}


The code is published under the Apache 2.0 license.

Project details

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Source Distribution

skosmos-client-0.2.0.tar.gz (12.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

skosmos_client-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (8.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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