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zc.buildout recipe for compiling and installing source distributions.

Project description

The recipe provides the means to compile and install source distributions using configure and make and other similar tools. It is inspired by the hexagonit.recipe.cmmi recipe but provides more control over the build process.

Use python 2.7 to run test, at least python 2.6 results in some failures in the

TypeError: failUnlessRaises() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)

First, we make test environments:

cd slapos.recipe.cmmi

cat <<EOF > buildout.cfg
develop = .
parts = test
prefix = /tmp/test

recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
eggs =

python -S --version 1.7.0

It will generate script bin/test, run it to do all the testcases:


After source changed, run buildout to update eggs again:

bin/buildout -v -N

Build dist/slapos.recipe.cmmi-0.2-py2.7.egg

bin/buildout setup bdist_egg

Build source package dist/slapos.recipe.cmmi-0.2.tar.gz

python sdist


Clone URL: git clone

Issue tracker: None

Supported Python versions: 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3

Supported zc.buildout versions: 1.x, 2.x

Travis build: travis


0.4 (2017-03-08)

  • Use instead of

0.1.1 (2013-04-12)

  • Fix the wrong name ‘path_filename’

0.1 (2013-04-12)

Supported options


URL to the package that will be downloaded and extracted. The supported package formats are .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, and .zip. The value must be a full URL, e.g. The path option can not be used at the same time with url.


Path to a local directory containing the source code to be built and installed. The directory must contain the configure script. The url option can not be used at the same time with path.


Custom installation prefix passed to the --prefix option of the configure script. Defaults to the location of the part. Note that this is a convenience shortcut which assumes that the default configure command is used to configure the package. If the configure-command option is used to define a custom configure command no automatic --prefix injection takes place. You can also set the --prefix parameter explicitly in configure-options.


Specify the path in which this package is shared by many other packages. When it’s unset or blank, it means the package isn’t shared. Otherwise, it shared by many packages. Recipe will return an empty list so that buildout will not uninstall the package when uninstalling part.

In share mode, promises should be set so that recipe can tell whether the package is installed. Otherwise nohting to do.

If share is not empty, location will be set to value of share, and remove trailing ‘/’. So in case share is ‘/’, location will be set to blank. Thus any reference like “${part:location}/bin” in other parts will get the correct value.

This option is experiment now. Recipe doesn’t try to set prefix with the valule of this opton in the configure or make command, you should specify them accordingly by yourself.


MD5 checksum for the package file. If available the MD5 checksum of the downloaded package will be compared to this value and if the values do not match the execution of the recipe will fail.


Path to the make program. Defaults to ‘make’ which should work on any system that has the make program available in the system PATH.


Extra KEY=VALUE options included in the invocation of the make program. Multiple options can be given on separate lines to increase readability.


Targets for the make command. Defaults to ‘install’ which will be enough to install most software packages. You only need to use this if you want to build alternate targets. Each target must be given on a separate line.


Name of the configure command that will be run to generate the Makefile. This defaults to ./configure which is fine for packages that come with a configure script. You may wish to change this when compiling packages with a different set up. See the Compiling a Perl package section for an example.


Extra options to be given to the configure script. By default only the --prefix option is passed which is set to the part directory. Each option must be given on a separate line.


Path to the patch program. Defaults to ‘patch’ which should work on any system that has the patch program available in the system PATH.


Options passed to the patch program. Defaults to -p0.


List of patch files to the applied to the extracted source. Each file should be given on a separate line.


Custom python script that will be executed before running the configure script. The format of the options is:


where the first part is a filesystem path or url to the python module and the second part is the name of the callable in the module that will be called. The callable will be passed three parameters in the following order:

  1. The options dictionary from the recipe.

  2. The global buildout dictionary.

  3. A dictionary containing the current os.environ augmented with the part specific overrides.

The callable is not expected to return anything.


Custom python script that will be executed before running make. The format and semantics are the same as with the pre-configure-hook option.


Custom python script that will be executed after running make. The format and semantics are the same as with the pre-configure-hook option.


Shell command that will be executed before running configure script. It takes the same effect as pre-configure-hook option except it’s shell command.


Shell command that will be executed before running make. It takes the same effect as pre-make-hook option except it’s shell command.


Shell command that will be executed before running make install.


Shell command that will be executed after running make. It takes the same effect as post-make-hook option except it’s shell command.


Switch to optionally keep the temporary directory where the package was compiled. This is mostly useful for other recipes that use this recipe to compile a software but wish to do some additional steps not handled by this recipe. The location of the compile directory is stored in options['compile-directory']. Accepted values are true or false, defaults to false.


List the pathes and files should be existed after install part. The file or path must be absolute path. One line one item

If any item doesn’t exist, the recipe shows a warning message. The default value is empty.


List all the depended parts:

dependencies = part1 part2 …

All the dependent parts will be installed before this part, besides the changes in any dependent parts will trigger to reinstall current part.


Name of a section that provides environment variables that will be used to augment the variables read from os.environ before executing the recipe.

This recipe does not modify os.environ directly. External commands run as part of the recipe (e.g. make, configure, etc.) get an augmented environment when they are forked. Python hook scripts are passed the augmented as a parameter.

The values of the environment variables may contain references to other existing environment variables (including themselves) in the form of Python string interpolation variables using the dictionary notation. These references will be expanded using values from os.environ. This can be used, for example, to append to the PATH variable, e.g.:

recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
environment-section =

PATH = %(PATH)s:${buildout:directory}/bin


A sequence of KEY=VALUE pairs separated by newlines that define additional environment variables used to update os.environ before executing the recipe.

The semantics of this option are the same as environment-section. If both environment-section and environment are provided the values from the former will be overridden by the latter allowing per-part customization.

The recipe uses separated part to support custom options in different platforms. These platform’s part has a pattern “part:platform” or “part:platform:arch”.

arch could be ‘x86’, ‘amd64’, ‘ia64’ … which equals platform.machine().

platform could be ‘linux’, ‘cygwin’, ‘macos’, ‘sunos’, ‘freebsd’, ‘netbsd’, ‘unixware’ … which equals a formatted sys.platform.

For example,

[bzip2] recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi

[bzip2:cygwin] patches = cygwin-bzip2-1.0.6.src.patch

All the options in the [part:platform] have high priority level.

The recipe first searches the exact match, if no found. Ignore arch and search again, if still found nothing. Use no platform part.

Additionally, the recipe honors the download-cache option set in the [buildout] section and stores the downloaded files under it. If the value is not set a directory called downloads will be created in the root of the buildout and the download-cache option set accordingly.

The recipe will first check if there is a local copy of the package before downloading it from the net. Files can be shared among different buildouts by setting the download-cache to the same location.

The recipe honors the prefix option set in the [buildout] section either. It implicts all the parts which recipe is slapos.recipe.cmmi in this buildout process will be installed in the same prefix option in the [buildout]. Besides, once it takes effects, recipe will return all the installed files in the prefix directory. The own prefix of part will disable this behaviour.

If the buildout section has a valid prefix option, the recipe will add it to environmet variables as the following:

PATH=${buildout:prefix}/bin:$PATH CPPFLAGS=-I${buildout:prefix} $CPPFLAGS CFLAGS=-I${buildout:prefix} $CFFLAGS CXXFLAGS=-I${buildout:prefix} $CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS=-L${buildout:prefix}/lib

Besides, the recipe changes environment variable TMP when building and installing, and make a corresponding directory ‘tmp’ in the location. This temporary directory will be removed after installing finished.

Example usage

We’ll use a simple tarball to demonstrate the recipe.

>>> import os.path
>>> src = join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata')
>>> ls(src)
- Foo-Bar-0.0.0.tar.gz
- haproxy-1.4.8-dummy.tar.gz
- package-0.0.0.tar.gz

The package contains a dummy configure script that will simply echo the options it was called with and create a Makefile that will do the same.

Let’s create a buildout to build and install the package.

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = true
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... """ % src)

This will download, extract and build our demo package with the default build options.

>>> print(system(buildout))
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
building package
installing package

Check option “promises”

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = packagex
... [packagex]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... promises = /usr/bin/myfoo
... """ % src)

This will download, extract and build our demo package with the default build options.

>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing packagex.
packagex: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/packagex/tmp
packagex: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/packagex__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/packagex
building package
installing package
packagex: could not find promise "/usr/bin/myfoo"

As we can see the configure script was called with the --prefix option by default followed by calls to make and make install.

Installing a Perl package

The recipe can be used to install packages that use a slightly different build process. Perl packages often come with a Makefile.PL script that performs the same task as a configure script and generates a Makefile.

We can build and install such a package by overriding the configure-command option. The following example builds a Foo::Bar perl module and installs it in a custom location within the buildout:

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = foobar
... perl_lib = ${buildout:directory}/perl_lib
... [foobar]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... configure-command = perl -I${buildout:perl_lib}/lib/perl5 Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=${buildout:perl_lib}
... url = file://%s/Foo-Bar-0.0.0.tar.gz
... """ % src)

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling packagex.
Installing foobar.
foobar: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/foobar/tmp
foobar: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/foobar__compile__
building package
installing package

Installing a package without an autoconf like system

Some packages do not use a configuration mechanism and simply provide a Makefile for building. It is common in these cases that the build process is controlled entirely by direct options to make. We can build such a package by faking a configure command that does nothing and passing the appropriate options to make. The true utility found in most shell environments is a good candidate for this although anything that returns a zero exit code would do.

We are using a dummy “HAProxy” package as an example of a package with only a Makefile and using explicit make options to control the build process.

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = haproxy
... [haproxy]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... configure-command = true
... make-options =
...     TARGET=linux26
...     CPU=i686
...     USE_PCRE=1
... url = file://%s/haproxy-1.4.8-dummy.tar.gz
... """ % src)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling foobar.
Installing haproxy.
haproxy: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/haproxy/tmp
haproxy: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/haproxy__compile__
Building HAProxy 1.4.8 (dummy package)
TARGET: linux26
CPU: i686
Installing haproxy

Installing checkouts

Sometimes instead of downloading and building an existing tarball we need to work with code that is already available on the filesystem, for example an SVN checkout.

Instead of providing the url option we will provide a path option to the directory containing the source code.

Let’s demonstrate this by first unpacking our test package to the filesystem and building that.

>>> checkout_dir = tmpdir('checkout')
>>> import setuptools.archive_util
>>> setuptools.archive_util.unpack_archive('%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz' % src,
...                                        checkout_dir)
>>> ls(checkout_dir)
d package-0.0.0
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... path = %s/package-0.0.0
... """ % checkout_dir)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling haproxy.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Using local source directory: /checkout/package-0.0.0
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
building package
installing package

Since using the path implies that the source code has been acquired outside of the control of the recipe also the responsibility of managing it is outside of the recipe.

Depending on the software you may need to manually run make clean etc. between buildout runs if you make changes to the code. Also, the keep-compile-dir has no effect when path is used.

Advanced configuration

The above options are enough to build most packages. However, in some cases it is not enough and we need to control the build process more. Let’s try again with a new buildout and provide more options.

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [build-environment]
... CFLAGS = -I/sw/include
... LDFLAGS = -I/sw/lib
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%(src)s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... md5sum = 6b94295c042a91ea3203857326bc9209
... prefix = /somewhere/else
... environment-section = build-environment
... environment =
...     LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib -L/some/extra/lib
... configure-options =
...     --with-threads
...     --without-foobar
... make-targets =
...     install
...     install-lib
... patches =
...     patches/configure.patch
...     patches/Makefile.dist.patch
... """ % dict(src=src))

This configuration uses custom configure options, an environment section, per-part customization to the environment, custom prefix, multiple make targets and also patches the source code before the scripts are run.

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] CFLAGS = -I/sw/include
package: [ENV] LDFLAGS = -L/sw/lib -L/some/extra/lib
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
package: Applying patches
patching file configure
patching file Makefile.dist
patched-configure --prefix=/somewhere/else --with-threads --without-foobar
building patched package
installing patched package
installing patched package-lib

Customizing the build process

Sometimes even the above is not enough and you need to be able to control the process in even more detail. One such use case would be to perform dynamic substitutions on the source code (possible based on information from the buildout) which cannot be done with static patches or to simply run arbitrary commands.

The recipe allows you to write custom python scripts that hook into the build process. You can define a script to be run:

  • before the configure script is executed (pre-configure-hook)

  • before the make process is executed (pre-make-hook)

  • after the make process is finished (post-make-hook)

Each option needs to contain the following information


where the callable object (here name_of_callable) is expected to take three parameters:

  1. The options dictionary from the recipe.

  2. The global buildout dictionary.

  3. A dictionary containing the current os.environ augmented with the part specific overrides.

These parameters should provide the callable all the necessary information to perform any part specific customization to the build process.

Let’s create a simple python script to demonstrate the functionality. You can naturally have separate modules for each hook or simply use just one or two hooks. Here we use just a single module.

>>> hooks = tmpdir('hooks')
>>> write(hooks, '',
... """
... import logging
... log = logging.getLogger('hook')
... def preconfigure(options, buildout, environment):
...'This is pre-configure-hook!')
... def premake(options, buildout, environment):
...'This is pre-make-hook!')
... def postmake(options, buildout, environment):
...'This is post-make-hook!')
... """)

and a new buildout to try it out

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%(src)s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-configure-hook = %(module)s:preconfigure
... pre-make-hook = %(module)s:premake
... post-make-hook = %(module)s:postmake
... """ % dict(src=src, module='%s/' % hooks))
>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
package: Executing pre-configure-hook
hook: This is pre-configure-hook!
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
package: Executing pre-make-hook
hook: This is pre-make-hook!
building package
installing package
package: Executing post-make-hook
hook: This is post-make-hook!
If you prefer to use shell script, then try these options:

pre-configure pre-build pre-install post-install

Let’s create a buildout to use these options.

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-configure = echo "Configure part: ${:_buildout_section_name_}"
... pre-build = echo "OH OH OH" > a.txt
... pre-install = cat a.txt
... post-install = rm -f a.txt && echo "Finished."
... """ % src)

This will run pre-configure, pre-build, pre-install, post-install as shell command in the corresponding stage.

>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
package: Executing pre-configure
Configure part: package
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
package: Executing pre-build
building package
package: Executing pre-install
installing package
package: Executing post-install

Building in multi-platforms

The recipe can specify build options for each platform. For example,

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-configure = echo "Configure in common platform"
... post-install = echo "Finished."
... [package:cygwin]
... pre-configure = echo "Configure in the CYGWIN platform"
... pre-install = echo "Installing in the CYGWIN"
... post-install = echo -n "CYGWIN " && ${package:post-install}
... """ % src)

In the linux, the recipe gets the options from part ‘package’, there are only pre-configure and post-install. the output will be

#>>> print system(buildout) Uninstalling package. Installing package. package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__ package: Executing pre-configure Configure part: Configure in common platform configure –prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package building package installing package package: Executing post-install Finished.

In the cygwin, the recipe merges the options in the parts ‘package’ and ‘package:cygwin’. The output will be

>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
package: Executing pre-configure
Configure in the CYGWIN platform
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
building package
package: Executing pre-install
Installing in the CYGWIN
installing package
package: Executing post-install
CYGWIN Finished.

Union prefix

If the recipe finds prefix option in the section buildout, it will

  • First, use this prefix as configure prefix, if configure-command isn’t set in the part, or make-binary equals ‘make’ and make-target includes pattern ‘s+install.*’

  • Second, return all the new installed files in the prefix when the recipe returns after intall.

  • Finally, change some environment variables(See first section).

Let’s see what happens when set prefix in the buildout section:

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... prefix = ${buildout:directory}/mylocal
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-configure = mkdir -p "${buildout:prefix}"
... """ % src)
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] CFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package: [ENV] CPPFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package: [ENV] CXXFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package: [ENV] LDFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/lib
package: [ENV] PATH = /sample_buildout/mylocal/bin:/usr/bin
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
package: Executing pre-configure
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/mylocal
building package
installing package
package: Getting installed file lists

Look these environment variables and prefix’s value, you know what’s the differences.

If part has its own prefix, it will disable above behavious. For example,

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... prefix = ${buildout:directory}/mylocal
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... prefix = ${buildout:parts-directory}/package
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-configure = rm -rf "${buildout:prefix}"
... post-install = test -d "${buildout:prefix}" || echo "None"
... """ % src)
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
package: Executing pre-configure
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
building package
installing package
package: Executing post-install

Then no extra environment variables such as CFLAGS etc., and no ${buildout:prefix} directory is created.

The following example shows how to install package, package-2 in one prefix:

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package package-2
... prefix = ${buildout:directory}/mylocal
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-install = sleep 2; mkdir -p "${buildout:prefix}" ; echo x >"${buildout:prefix}/a.txt"
... [package-2]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-install = sleep 2; mkdir -p "${buildout:prefix}" ; echo x >"${buildout:prefix}/b.txt"; echo
... """ % (src, src))
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] CFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package: [ENV] CPPFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package: [ENV] CXXFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package: [ENV] LDFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/lib
package: [ENV] PATH = /sample_buildout/mylocal/bin:/usr/bin
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/mylocal
building package
package: Executing pre-install
installing package
package: Getting installed file lists
Installing package-2.
package-2: [ENV] CFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package-2: [ENV] CPPFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package-2: [ENV] CXXFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/include
package-2: [ENV] LDFLAGS = /sample-buildout/mylocal/lib
package-2: [ENV] PATH = /sample_buildout/mylocal/bin:/usr/bin
package-2: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package-2/tmp
package-2: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package-2__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/mylocal
building package
package-2: Executing pre-install
installing package
package-2: Getting installed file lists
>>> ls('mylocal')
- a.txt
- b.txt

Next we unintall package-2, it should only remove file b.txt:

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... prefix = ${buildout:directory}/mylocal
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... pre-install = sleep 2; mkdir -p "${buildout:prefix}" ; echo x >"${buildout:prefix}/a.txt"
... """ % src)
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package-2.
Updating package.
>>> ls('mylocal')
- a.txt

Magic prefix

If configure-command is set, the recipe wouldn’t insert “–prefix” into configure-options. Then it checks whether both of make-binary and make-targets aren’t set, if so, string “prefix=xxx” will be appended in the make-targets. xxx is the final prefix of this recipe. We call it Magic Prefix.

In these options magic prefix can be represented by %(prefix)s:

onfigure-command configure-options make-binary make-options make-targets pre-configure pre-build pre-install post-install

For example:

post-install = rm %(prefix)s/*.h

The other part can refer to magic prefix of this part by ${part:prefix}, it will return the magic prefix, other than literal value in the part section. For example,

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package package-2
... prefix = /mytemp
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... configure-command = true
... make-binary = true
... [package-2]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... configure-command = true
... make-binary = true
... post-install = echo package magic prefix is ${package:prefix}
... """ % (src, src))
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] CFLAGS = -I/mytemp/include
package: [ENV] CPPFLAGS = -I/mytemp/include
package: [ENV] CXXFLAGS = -I/mytemp/include
package: [ENV] LDFLAGS = -L/mytemp/lib
package: [ENV] PATH = /mytemp/bin:/usr/bin
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
Installing package-2.
package-2: [ENV] CFLAGS = -I/mytemp/include
package-2: [ENV] CPPFLAGS = -I/mytemp/include
package-2: [ENV] CXXFLAGS = -I/mytemp/include
package-2: [ENV] LDFLAGS = -L/mytemp/lib
package-2: [ENV] PATH = /mytemp/bin:/usr/bin
package-2: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package-2/tmp
package-2: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package-2__compile__
package-2: Executing post-install
package magic prefix is /mytemp

Here it’s another sample, we change Makefile before installing so it can display “prefix” value in the stdout.

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... configure-command = ./configure
... pre-install = sed -i -e "s/installing package/installing package at \$\$prefix /g" Makefile
... """ % src)
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package-2.
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
building package
package: Executing pre-install
installing package at /sample_buildout/parts/package

You even can include pattern %(prefix)s in this option, it will be replaced with the recipe final prefix.

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... configure-command = ./configure
... make-targets = install-lib prefix=%%(prefix)s
... pre-install = sed -i -e "s/installing package/installing package at \$\$prefix /g" Makefile
... """ % src)
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
building package
package: Executing pre-install
installing package at /sample_buildout/parts/package -lib

Extra part dependencies

The recipe will treat all the parts list in the option dependencies as dependent parts. zc.buildout will install all the dependent parts before install this part. For example,

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... dependencies = package-2
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... [package-2]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... """ % (src, src))

Here “package-2” will be installed first, because it’s a denpend part of “package”:

>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package-2.
package-2: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package-2/tmp
package-2: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package-2__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package-2
building package
installing package
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
building package
installing package

Now let’s add a new option for “package-2”,

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... dependencies = package-2
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... [package-2]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... configure-command = ./configure
... """ % (src, src))

Look, “package” is reinstalled either:

>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Uninstalling package-2.
Installing package-2.
package-2: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package-2/tmp
package-2: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package-2__compile__
building package
installing package
Installing package.
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
configure --prefix=/sample_buildout/parts/package
building package
installing package

Install share package

Use option share to install a share pacakge.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... share = /usr/local
... promises = ${:share}/bin/mypackage.exe
... """ % (src,))
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Uninstalling package-2.
Installing package.
package: Checking whether package is installed at share path: /usr/local
package: could not find promise "/usr/local/bin/mypackage.exe"
package: [ENV] TMP = /sample_buildout/parts/package/tmp
package: Extracting package to /sample_buildout/parts/package__compile__
configure --prefix=/usr/local
building package
installing package
package: could not find promise "/usr/local/bin/mypackage.exe"
Do nothing if one package has been installed.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = package
... [package]
... recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
... url = file://%s/package-0.0.0.tar.gz
... share = /usr/local/bin
... promises =
... """ % (src,))
>>> print system(buildout)
Uninstalling package.
Installing package.
package: Checking whether package is installed at share path: /usr/local/bin
package: This shared package has been installed by other package

For even more specific needs you can write your own recipe that uses slapos.recipe.cmmi and set the keep-compile-dir option to true. You can then continue from where this recipe finished by reading the location of the compile directory from options['compile-directory'] from your own recipe.


  • Kai Lautaportti (dokai), Author

  • Cédric de Saint Martin (desaintmartin)

  • Marc Abramowitz (msabramo)

  • Nicolas Dumazet (nicdumz)

  • Guy Rozendorn (grzn)

  • Marco Mariani (mmariani)

  • galpin


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

slapos.recipe.cmmi-0.4.tar.gz (52.3 kB view hashes)

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