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Slepian scale-discretised wavelets in Python

Project description


PyPI Python Documentation Zenodo Test pre-commit

SLEPLET is a Python package for the construction of Slepian wavelets in the spherical and manifold (via meshes) settings. The API of SLEPLET has been designed in an object-orientated manner and is easily extendible. Upon installation, SLEPLET comes with two command line interfaces - sphere and mesh - which allows one to easily generate plots on the sphere and a set of meshes using plotly.


The recommended way to install SLEPLET is via pip

pip install sleplet

To install the latest development version of SLEPLET clone this repository and run

pip install -e .

This will install two scripts sphere and mesh which can be used to generate the figures in the figure section.


The bandlimit is set as L throughout the code and the CLIs. The default value is set to L=16 and the figures created in the figure section all use L=128. The pre-computed data exists on Zenodo for powers of two up to L=128. Other values will be computed when running the appropriate code (and saved for future use). Note that beyond L=32 the code can be slow due to the difficulties of computing the Slepian matrix prior to the eigendecomposition, as such it is recommended to stick to the powers of two up to L=128.

Environment Variables

  • NCPU: sets the number of cores to use

When it comes to selecting a Slepian region the order precedence is polar cap region > limited latitude longitude region > arbitrary region, as seen in the code. The default region is the south_america arbitrary region.

    • for a Slepian polar cap region, when set in conjunction with THETA_MAX but without the other PHI/THETA variables
    • for a Slepian polar cap region, when set without the other PHI/THETA variables
    • for a Slepian limited latitude longitude region
    • for a Slepian limited latitude longitude region
    • for a Slepian limited latitude longitude region
    • for a Slepian limited latitude longitude region
    • for an arbitrary Slepian region, currently africa/south_america supported

Paper Figures

To recreate the figures from the below papers, one may use the CLI or the API. For those which don't use the mesh or sphere CLIs, the relevant API code isn't provided as it is contained within the examples folder.

Sifting Convolution on the Sphere

Sifting Convolution on the Sphere

Fig. 1

for ell in $(seq 2 -1 1); do
    sphere harmonic_gaussian -a 0.75 -b 0.125 -e ${ell} 1 -L 128 -m translate -o
import numpy as np
import pyssht as ssht

from sleplet.functions.flm.harmonic_gaussian import HarmonicGaussian
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot

for ell in range(2, 0, -1):
    f = HarmonicGaussian(L=128, l_sigma=10**ell, m_sigma=10)
    flm = f.translate(alpha=0.75 * np.pi, beta=0.125 * np.pi)
    f_sphere = ssht.inverse(flm, f.L, Method="MWSS")
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_1_ell_{ell}", annotations=[]).execute()

Fig. 2

sphere earth -L 128
import pyssht as ssht

from import Earth
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.harmonic_methods import rotate_earth_to_south_america

f = Earth(L=128)
flm = rotate_earth_to_south_america(f.coefficients, f.L)
f_sphere = ssht.inverse(flm, f.L, Method="MWSS")
Plot(f_sphere, f.L, "fig_2").execute()

Fig. 3

for ell in $(seq 2 -1 1); do
    sphere harmonic_gaussian -c earth -e ${ell} 1 -L 128
import pyssht as ssht

from import Earth
from sleplet.functions.flm.harmonic_gaussian import HarmonicGaussian
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.harmonic_methods import rotate_earth_to_south_america

for ell in range(2, 0, -1):
    f = HarmonicGaussian(L=128, l_sigma=10**ell, m_sigma=10)
    g = Earth(L=128)
    flm = f.convolve(f.coefficients, g.coefficients.conj())
    flm_rot = rotate_earth_to_south_america(flm, f.L)
    f_sphere = ssht.inverse(flm_rot, f.L, Method="MWSS")
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_3_ell_{ell}").execute()

Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets on the Sphere

Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets on the Sphere

Fig. 2

python -m examples.arbitrary.south_america.tiling_south_america

Fig. 3

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "south_america"
# a
sphere earth -L 128 -s 2 -u
# b
sphere slepian_south_america -L 128 -s 2 -u
import pyssht as ssht

from import Earth
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_south_america import SlepianSouthAmerica
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.harmonic_methods import rotate_earth_to_south_america
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

# a
f = Earth(L=128, smoothing=2)
flm = rotate_earth_to_south_america(f.coefficients, f.L)
f_sphere = ssht.inverse(flm, f.L, Method="MWSS")
Plot(f_sphere, f.L, "fig_3_a", normalise=False).execute()
# b
region = Region(mask_name="south_america")
g = SlepianSouthAmerica(L=128, region=region, smoothing=2)
g_sphere = slepian_inverse(g.coefficients, g.L, g.slepian)
Plot(g_sphere, g.L, "fig_3_b", normalise=False, region=g.region).execute()

Fig. 4

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "south_america"
for p in 0 9 24 49 99 199; do
    sphere slepian -e ${p} -L 128 -u
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian import Slepian
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

region = Region(mask_name="south_america")
for p in [0, 9, 24, 49, 99, 199]:
    f = Slepian(L=128, region=region, rank=p)
    f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_4_p_{p}", normalise=False, region=f.region).execute()

Fig. 5

python -m examples.arbitrary.south_america.eigenvalues_south_america

Fig. 6

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "south_america"
# a
sphere slepian_wavelets -L 128 -u
# b-f
for j in $(seq 0 4); do
    sphere slepian_wavelets -e 3 2 ${j} -L 128 -u
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_wavelets import SlepianWavelets
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

region = Region(mask_name="south_america")
for j in [None, *list(range(5))]:
    f = SlepianWavelets(L=128, region=region, B=3, j_min=2, j=j)
    f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_6_j_{j}", normalise=False, region=f.region).execute()

Fig. 7

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "south_america"
# a
sphere slepian_wavelet_coefficients_south_america -L 128 -s 2 -u
# b-f
for j in $(seq 0 4); do
    sphere slepian_wavelet_coefficients_south_america -e 3 2 ${j} -L 128 -s 2 -u
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_wavelet_coefficients_south_america import (
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

region = Region(mask_name="south_america")
for j in [None, *list(range(5))]:
    f = SlepianWaveletCoefficientsSouthAmerica(
        L=128, region=region, B=3, j_min=2, j=j, smoothing=2
    f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_7_j_{j}", normalise=False, region=f.region).execute()

Fig. 8

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "south_america"
# a
sphere slepian_south_america -L 128 -n -10 -s 2 -u
# b-d
for s in 2 3 5; do
    python -m examples.arbitrary.south_america.denoising_slepian_south_america -n -10 -s ${s}
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_south_america import SlepianSouthAmerica
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.scripts.plotting_on_sphere import compute_amplitude_for_noisy_plots
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

# a
region = Region(mask_name="south_america")
f = SlepianSouthAmerica(L=128, region=region, noise=-10, smoothing=2)
f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
amplitude = compute_amplitude_for_noisy_plots(f)
    f_sphere, f.L, "fig_8_a", amplitude=amplitude, normalise=False, region=f.region

Fig. 9

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "africa"
# a
sphere earth -L 128 -s 2 -u -v africa
# b
sphere slepian_africa -L 128 -s 2 -u
import pyssht as ssht

from import Earth
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_africa import SlepianAfrica
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.harmonic_methods import rotate_earth_to_africa
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

# a
f = Earth(L=128, smoothing=2)
flm = rotate_earth_to_africa(f.coefficients, f.L)
f_sphere = ssht.inverse(flm, f.L, Method="MWSS")
Plot(f_sphere, f.L, "fig_9_a", normalise=False).execute()
# b
region = Region(mask_name="africa")
g = SlepianAfrica(L=128, region=region, smoothing=2)
g_sphere = slepian_inverse(g.coefficients, g.L, g.slepian)
Plot(g_sphere, g.L, "fig_9_b", normalise=False, region=g.region).execute()

Fig. 10

python -m

Fig. 11

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "africa"
for p in 0 9 24 49 99 199; do
    sphere slepian -e ${p} -L 128 -u
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian import Slepian
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

region = Region(mask_name="africa")
for p in [0, 9, 24, 49, 99, 199]:
    f = Slepian(L=128, region=region, rank=p)
    f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_11_p{p}", normalise=False, region=f.region).execute()

Fig. 12

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "africa"
# a
sphere slepian_wavelets -L 128 -u
# b
for j in $(seq 0 5); do
    sphere slepian_wavelets -e 3 2 ${j} -L 128 -u
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_wavelets import SlepianWavelets
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

region = Region(mask_name="africa")
for j in [None, *list(range(6))]:
    f = SlepianWavelets(L=128, region=region, B=3, j_min=2, j=j)
    f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_12_j_{j}", normalise=False, region=f.region).execute()

Fig. 13

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "africa"
# a
sphere slepian_wavelet_coefficients_africa -L 128 -s 2 -u
# b
for j in $(seq 0 5); do
    sphere slepian_wavelet_coefficients_africa -e 3 2 ${j} -L 128 -s 2 -u
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_wavelet_coefficients_africa import (
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

region = Region(mask_name="africa")
for j in [None, *list(range(6))]:
    f = SlepianWaveletCoefficientsAfrica(
        L=128, region=region, B=3, j_min=2, j=j, smoothing=2
    f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
    Plot(f_sphere, f.L, f"fig_13_j_{j}", normalise=False, region=f.region).execute()

Fig. 14

export SLEPIAN_MASK = "africa"
# a
sphere slepian_africa -L 128 -n -10 -s 2 -u
# b-d
for s in 2 3 5; do
    python -m -n -10 -s ${s}
from sleplet.functions.fp.slepian_africa import SlepianAfrica
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_sphere import Plot
from sleplet.scripts.plotting_on_sphere import compute_amplitude_for_noisy_plots
from sleplet.utils.region import Region
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_inverse

# a
region = Region(mask_name="africa")
f = SlepianAfrica(L=128, region=region, noise=-10, smoothing=2)
f_sphere = slepian_inverse(f.coefficients, f.L, f.slepian)
amplitude = compute_amplitude_for_noisy_plots(f)
    f_sphere, f.L, "fig_14_a", amplitude=amplitude, normalise=False, region=f.region

Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets on Manifolds

Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets on Manifolds

Fig. 2

for r in $(seq 2 9); do
    mesh homer -e ${r} -u
from sleplet.meshes.classes.mesh import Mesh
from sleplet.meshes.harmonic_coefficients.mesh_basis_functions import MeshBasisFunctions
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_mesh import Plot
from sleplet.utils.harmonic_methods import mesh_inverse

mesh = Mesh("homer")
for r in range(2, 10):
    f = MeshBasisFunctions(mesh, rank=r)
    f_mesh = mesh_inverse(f.mesh, f.coefficients)
    Plot(mesh, f"fig_2_r_{r}", f_mesh, normalise=False).execute()

Fig. 4

python -m examples.mesh.mesh_tiling homer

Fig. 5

python -m examples.mesh.mesh_region homer

Fig. 6

for p in 0 9 24 49 99 199; do
    mesh homer -m slepian_functions -e ${p} -u -z
from sleplet.meshes.classes.mesh import Mesh
from sleplet.meshes.slepian_coefficients.mesh_slepian_functions import (
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_mesh import Plot
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_mesh_inverse

mesh = Mesh("homer", zoom=True)
for p in [0, 9, 24, 49, 99, 199]:
    f = MeshSlepianFunctions(mesh, rank=p)
    f_mesh = slepian_mesh_inverse(f.mesh_slepian, f.coefficients)
    Plot(mesh, f"fig_6_p_{p}", f_mesh, normalise=False, region=True).execute()

Fig. 7

python -m examples.mesh.mesh_slepian_eigenvalues homer

Fig. 8

# a
mesh homer -m slepian_wavelets -u -z
# b-f
for j in $(seq 0 4); do
    mesh homer -e 3 2 ${j} -m slepian_wavelets -u -z
from sleplet.meshes.classes.mesh import Mesh
from sleplet.meshes.slepian_coefficients.mesh_slepian_wavelets import (
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_mesh import Plot
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_mesh_inverse

mesh = Mesh("homer", zoom=True)
for j in [None, *list(range(5))]:
    f = MeshSlepianWavelets(mesh, B=3, j_min=2, j=j)
    f_mesh = slepian_mesh_inverse(f.mesh_slepian, f.coefficients)
    Plot(mesh, f"fig_8_j_{j}", f_mesh, normalise=False, region=True).execute()

Fig. 9

mesh homer -m field -u
from sleplet.meshes.classes.mesh import Mesh
from sleplet.meshes.harmonic_coefficients.mesh_field import MeshField
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_mesh import Plot
from sleplet.utils.harmonic_methods import mesh_inverse

mesh = Mesh("homer")
f = MeshField(mesh)
f_mesh = mesh_inverse(f.mesh, f.coefficients)
Plot(mesh, "fig_9", f_mesh, normalise=False).execute()

Fig. 10

# a
mesh homer -m slepian_wavelet_coefficients -u -z
# b-f
for j in $(seq 0 4); do
    mesh homer -e 3 2 ${j} -m slepian_wavelet_coefficients -u -z
from sleplet.meshes.classes.mesh import Mesh
from sleplet.meshes.slepian_coefficients.mesh_slepian_wavelet_coefficients import (
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_mesh import Plot
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_mesh_inverse

mesh = Mesh("homer", zoom=True)
for j in [None, *list(range(5))]:
    f = MeshSlepianWaveletCoefficients(mesh, B=3, j_min=2, j=j)
    f_mesh = slepian_mesh_inverse(f.mesh_slepian, f.coefficients)
    Plot(mesh, f"fig_10_j_{j}", f_mesh, normalise=False, region=True).execute()

Fig. 11

# a
mesh homer -m slepian_field -u -z
# b
mesh homer -m slepian_field -n -5 -u -z
# c
python -m examples.mesh.denoising_slepian_mesh homer -n -5 -s 2
from sleplet.meshes.classes.mesh import Mesh
from sleplet.meshes.slepian_coefficients.mesh_slepian_field import (
from sleplet.plotting.create_plot_mesh import Plot
from sleplet.scripts.plotting_on_mesh import compute_amplitude_for_noisy_plots
from sleplet.utils.slepian_methods import slepian_mesh_inverse

mesh = Mesh("homer", zoom=True)
# a
f = MeshSlepianField(mesh)
f_mesh = slepian_mesh_inverse(f.mesh_slepian, f.coefficients)
Plot(mesh, "fig_11_a", f_mesh, normalise=False, region=True).execute()
# b
g = MeshSlepianField(mesh, noise=-5)
g_mesh = slepian_mesh_inverse(g.mesh_slepian, g.coefficients)
amplitude = compute_amplitude_for_noisy_plots(g)
    mesh, "fig_11_b", g_mesh, amplitude=amplitude, normalise=False, region=True

Fig. 12

for f in cheetah dragon bird teapot cube; do
    python -m examples.mesh.mesh_region ${f}

Tab. 1

python -m examples.mesh.produce_table

Project details

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Source Distribution

sleplet-1.1.4.tar.gz (361.3 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

sleplet-1.1.4-py3-none-any.whl (379.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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