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Project description

SmallScript - Beta

We are looking for a small script capable of running on top of high level languages e.g. Python, Java, C++ and etc to manipulate high level functions provided by any of these platforms. This script provides a self-contained and platform independent environment to develop common reusable logics that can be executed in different platforms & hosts.

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We come across libraries using different architecture and designs. Since they are designed with a specific use case in mind, when we combine several of these libraries, we always need to develop additional adaptors or abstraction layers to hide their implementation or design details to fit them all into one homogenous framework.

SmallScript comes to help to provide such a flexible framework to interface or encapsulate a full range of libraries developed with different use cases in mind.

Another side benefit for having a small script like this is to allow us to experiment with different language schemes to explore different interfaces to different libraries. Since the abstract syntax tree AST, intermediate representation IR, transpiled code and bytecodes are available for deeper examination. These are important artifacts for language research and diagnostics.

General Design Guideline

  • Minimal and expressive language
  • Object-oriented language in favor of knowledge representation.
  • Late binding and dynamic typing.
  • Platform and host language independent

Amongst all languages we used in the past, we are in favor of deriving SmallScript from Smalltalk as it is an elegant language that provides pure object-oriented support. Another attractive benefit is that SmallScript can be written by SmallScript itself. In the far-reaching future, SmallScript can be run by itself without needing an OS as SmallScript can define an OS for it to run. Even though it may not be our near term objective, having this long term vision to guide the development will provide wider possibilities how we want SmallScript to be.


pip install smallscript

Sample Use Cases

Basic SObject use cases

SObject attributes are created on demand.

All SObjects need an empty constructor __init__(). Python provides this by default. In case we need a parameterized constructor, we may define as it as __init__(*args, **kwargs) or provide default parameters for all arguments.

from smallscript.SObject import *

class TestSObj1(SObject):
    attr11 = Holder().name('attr11').type('String')
    attr12 = Holder().name('attr12').type('Nil')
    attr13 = Holder().name('attr13').type('True_')
    attr14 = Holder().name('attr14').type('False_')

sobj = TestSObj1().name('sobj').attr11('hello')
    # Builder pattern: setters always return @self

Every object is SObject, including nil

attr = sobj.attr12()
assert attr == nil  # nil is an sobject

# So we can do this, and make code flows nicely.
if sobj.attr12().isNil():
  sobj.attr12('Some value')
    # BTW type() provides a hint and default value. So we can set any object into it, including non-SObject.

    # 'print' is a python build-in function.

Metaclass fully describes sobject class structure.

metaclass = sobj.metaclass()
check = sobj.metaclass().holders().keys().includes(['name', 'metaname'])
    # Beauty of using builder pattern.

Load a package by root context

pkg = root.loadPackage('tests.tdd_v0_0')
    # @root is the first context contains smallscript core package and metaclasses.
tobj1 = TestSObj1()
meta1 = tobj1.metaclass()
    # After loadPackage(), TestSObj1 will be imported.

Context can be separated

cxt = Context().name('test01_tdd')
cxt.loadPackage('smallscript')          # need to load this first.
pkg = cxt.getOrNewPackage('tmppkg')     # create a temporary package on memory

Dynamically create a new class

# Create new metaclass with two attributes.
newMeta = pkg.createMetaclass('NewMeta')
holders = newMeta.holders()
holders['attr11'] = Holder().name('attr11').type('String')
holders['attr12'] = Holder().name('attr12').type('List')

# Create a new instance. Real obj4 type is Python SObject but behaves like a new type.
obj4 = cxt.newInstance('NewMeta').name('obj4')

Basic Closure use cases

Instance and Class methods

class TestSObj14(SObject):
    ss_metas = "TestSObj15"
        # ss_metas defines the Metaclass name; otherwise, class name would be used.
    attr11 = Holder().name('attr11').type('String')
        # Instance attribute
    cattr12 = Holder().name('cattr12').type('String').asClassType()
        # Class attribute

    # Make this method using SObject protocol. The first argument is @scope, not @self.
    def method16(scope, arg1, arg2):
        self = scope['self']
        cattr12 = self.cattr12().asNumber()
        attr11 = self['attr11'].asNumber()
        return cattr12 + attr11 + arg1 + arg2

    # Make this a class method using SObject protocol.
    def cmethod17(scope, arg1, arg2):
        self = scope['self']
        ret = self['cattr12'].asNumber()
        return ret + arg1 * arg2

    # @self can be retrieved from @scope. @scope is the window to both local and global variables.
    def first__last__(scope, first, last):
        self = scope['self']
        self['first'] = first
        self['last'] = last
        return f"{first}, {last}"

pkg = rootContext.loadPackage('tests')
tobj = TestSObj14()

tobj.metaclass().name()         # 'TestSObj15'
tobj.cattr12('200')             # assign cattr12 class attribute
tobj.cmethod17(2,3)             # 206
tobj.attr11('100')              # assign attr11 instance attribute
tobj.method16(2, 3)             # 305

Dynamic Invocation through SObject system

meta = rootContext.metaclassByName('TestSObj15')
tobj = SObject().metaclass(meta)        # tobj behaves like TestSObj15 through generic SObject.

tobj.metaclass().name()         # 'TestSObj15'
tobj.cattr12('200')             # assign cattr12 class attribute
tobj.cmethod17(2,3)             # 206
tobj.attr11('100')              # assign attr11 instance attribute
tobj.method16(2, 3)             # 305

Fully Dynamic Creation using SObject system

# Create new metaclass with two attributes.
pkg = rootContext.getOrNewPackage('tmppkg')  # create a temporary package
newMeta = pkg.createMetaclass('NewMeta')
holders = newMeta.holders()
holders['attr11'] = Holder().name('attr11').type('String')
holders['cattr12'] = Holder().name('cattr12').type('String').asClassType()

# Define instance and class method using SmallScript
method16 = Closure().interpret(":arg1 :arg2 | self cattr12 asNumber + self attr11 asNumber + arg1 + arg2")
holders['method16'] = Holder().name('method16').type('Closure').method(method16)
cmethod17 = Closure().interpret(":arg1 :arg2 | arg1 * arg2 + self cattr12 asNumber")
holders['cmethod17'] = Holder().name('cmethod17').type('Closure').method(cmethod17)

tobj = rootContext.newInstance('NewMeta').name('tobj')
tobj.metaclass().name()         # 'NewMeta'
tobj.cattr12('200')             # assign cattr12 class attribute
tobj.cmethod17(2, 3)            # 206
tobj.attr11('100')              # assign attr11 instance attribute
tobj.method16(2, 3)             # 305

Fully Dynamic Creation using SmallScript in Interpreter Mode

This is a critical milestone. From this point on, we have all necessary core functions to develop further libraries using SmallScript completely.

SObject is a complete object system by itself. It is an interface layer between Python and SmallScript which follows Python and SmallScript protocol. In theory, SObject would very much behave like SmallScript in Python language.

All objects are SObject including primitives. nil is SObject for None in Python, true_ for True, false_ for False, List for list, Map for dict, Number for both int and float.

smallscript = """
// Create metaclass
meta := scope getValue: 'context' 
        | getOrNewPackage: 'tmppkg'
            | createMetaclass: #AnotherMeta
                | parentNames: #(#SObject)
                // Create two instance attributes and one class attribute.
                | addAttr: #attr11 type: #String
                | addAttr: #attr12 type: #List
                | addAttr: #cattr12 type: #String classType: true
                // Create two instance methods and two class methods.
                | addMethod: #method14 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 + arg2]
                | addMethod: #cmethod15 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 * arg2] classType: true
                | addMethod: #method16 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | self cattr12 asNumber + self attr11 asNumber + arg1 + arg2]
                | addMethod: #cmethod17 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 * arg2 + self cattr12 asNumber] classType: true
scope = rootContext.createScope()
closure = Closure().interpret(ss)
meta = closure(scope)

tobj = rootContext.newInstance('AnotherMeta').name('tobj')
tobj.metaname()                 # 'AnotherMeta'
tobj.cattr12('200')             # assign cattr12 class attribute
tobj.cmethod17(2, 3)            # 206
tobj.attr11('100')              # assign attr11 instance attribute
tobj.method16(2, 3)             # 305

SmallScript in Compiler Mode

smallscript = """
// Create metaclass
meta := scope getValue: 'context' 
        | getOrNewPackage: 'tmppkg'
            | createMetaclass: #AnotherMeta
                | parentNames: #(#SObject)
                // Create two instance attributes and one class attribute.
                | addAttr: #attr11 type: #String
                | addAttr: #attr12 type: #List
                | addAttr: #cattr12 type: #String classType: true
                // Create two instance methods and two class methods.
                | addMethod: #method14 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 + arg2]
                | addMethod: #cmethod15 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 * arg2] classType: true
                | addMethod: #method16 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | self cattr12 asNumber + self attr11 asNumber + arg1 + arg2]
                | addMethod: #cmethod17 method: [:arg1 :arg2 | arg1 * arg2 + self cattr12 asNumber] classType: true
scope = rootContext.createScope()
closure = Closure().compile(ss)
meta = closure(scope)

tobj = rootContext.newInstance('AnotherMeta').name('tobj')
tobj.metaname()                 # 'AnotherMeta'
tobj.cattr12('200')             # assign cattr12 class attribute
tobj.cmethod17(2, 3)            # 206
tobj.attr11('100')              # assign attr11 instance attribute
tobj.method16(2, 3)             # 305

SmallScript is transpiled to Python, and run in native Python speed. Essentially we re-implement SmallScript using SObject in Python. Except SmallScript has no arithmetic precedence, Python implement should behave exactly the same as SmallScript.

SmallScript Package

SmallScript package can be situated anyway and load into system. Any updated .ss files will be compiled and run, and its output will be saved to corresponding .py files. So these Python files would be served as the cache to avoid compiling SmallScript sources everytime. All metaclasses will be unloaded first, and load from refreshed sources during Package.load().

tpkg = rootContext.getOrNewPackage('testpkg')
tpkg.findPath("not_a_pkg/testpkg")      # to show we can find testpkg without Python discovery.
    # We move the SmallScript to not_a_pkg/testpkg/
    # Package.load() will compile and save output to;
    # then it loads the metaclasses defined in AnotherMeta SObject.

tobj = rootContext.newInstance('AnotherMeta').name('tobj')
self.assertEqual('AnotherMeta', tobj.metaname())

res = tobj.method14(2,3)       # accessing instance method method14().
self.assertEqual(5, res)
res = tobj.cmethod15(2,3)      # accessing class method cmethod15().
self.assertEqual(6, res)
tobj.cattr12('200')            # accessing class attribute catt12.
res = tobj.cmethod17(2,3)      # accessing class method that accesses cattr12
self.assertEqual(206, res)
tobj.attr11('100')             # set an instance attribute attr11.
res = tobj.method16(2,3)       # accessing instance method that accesses attr11.
self.assertEqual(305, res)

SmallScript Python Extension

Use Primitive to use any Python code in SmallScript

# Using primitive to use any python code in SmallScript
ss = "a := <python: 'scope[\"tobj\"]'>"
closure = Closure().compile(ss)
res = closure(scope)
self.assertEqual(tobj, scope['a'])

# Using primitive to generate any python code on the LHS.
ss = "<python: 'scope[\"tobj\"]'> := 123"
closure = Closure().compile(ss)
res = closure(scope)
self.assertEqual(123, scope['tobj'])

SmallScript supports dot notation for attribute access

Currently SmallScript supports dot notation for attribute access only. It doesn't address method access yet.

sspkg = rootContext.getOrNewPackage('smallscript')
ss = "rootContext.packages.smallscript"
closure = Closure().compile(ss)
res = closure(scope)
self.assertEqual(sspkg, res)

ss = "os.environ.LOG_LEVEL := 'DEBUG'"
closure = Closure().compile(ss)
res = closure(scope)
self.assertEqual('DEBUG', os.environ['LOG_LEVEL'])

ss = "loglevel := os.environ.LOG_LEVEL"
closure = Closure().compile(ss)
res = closure(scope)
self.assertEqual(os.environ['LOG_LEVEL'], res)

SmallScript Diagnostics

Just in case, here is an example to see what Python code got generated from SmallScript.

ss = ":param | | outer| outer := 13; [7 + outer] value + param"
closure = Closure().name("test").interpret(ss)
    # def test(scope, param):
    #   def unnamed_296d5eab92dbf300(scope):
    #     _ = 7 + scope["outer"]
    #     return _
    #   scope.vars()['param'] = param
    #   scope.vars()['outer'] = scope['nil']
    #   scope["outer"] = 13
    #   _ = scope.newInstance('Closure').takePyFunc(unnamed_296d5eab92dbf300).value() + scope["param"]
    #   return _
res = closure(scope, 5)
self.assertEqual(25, res)

In case your debugger does not display the source code, you can copy the shown Python code and do the following.

def test(scope, param):
  def unnamed_296d5eab92dbf300(scope):
    _ = 7 + scope["outer"]
    return _

  scope.locals()['param'] = param
  scope.locals()['outer'] = scope['nil']
  scope["outer"] = 13
  _ = scope.newInstance('Closure').takePyFunc(unnamed_296d5eab92dbf300).value() + scope["param"]
  return _

closure = Closure().takePyFunc(test)
res = closure(scope, 5)
self.assertEqual(25, res)

If you really want to deep dive to both the interperter and the compiler, you may want to do this on the notebook.

# Try these on the notebook
closure.astGraph()       # show the Antlr Abstract Syntax Tree
closure.irGraph()        # show the optimized Intermediate Representation

Potential Roadmap

  • Implement SmallScript on C/C++
    • This will open the door to access many useful binary libraries and access these functions on demand.
  • Implement SmallScript on JVM
    • Similar to C/C++

Release Note

v0.3.2 - Python Extensions

  • Fix for missing dependent libraries.
  • Create 2nd core level library
  • Ability to access Python builtins through scope.
  • Create @undefined for key lookup.
  • Extend Scope.lookup() to metaclasses.
  • Python instance injection with SObject.runSS().
  • Basic direct Python access through runSS().

v0.3.1 SmallScript - Python Extension

  • ref: tests/tdd_v0_3 for details
  • Change the grammar for primitive and dot notation access.
  • Reimplement primitive for generating Python source directly.
  • Extend assignment with primitive. It should cover most Python protocol.
  • ObjAdapter to support dot notation for attribute access.

v0.3.0 SmallScript - Package

  • ref: tests/tdd_v0_3 for details
  • This is non-compatible to v0.2.0 for renaming Method as Closure.
  • Package.load() will sync up the .ss source and generated .py files.
  • Rename Method as Closure to better reflect their purpose. Basically a closure in an object becomes its method.
  • Rename Scope.vars() to Scope.locals().
  • Metaclass.toPython(), generate Python code.
  • Enhanced primitive to work like autoexecuted block.
  • Fixed return original object for class variable access.
  • Proper logging configuration.

v0.2.2 SmallScript - Compiler mode

  • ref: tests/tdd_v0_2 for details
  • Implemented all SmallScript language elements
  • Transpile/Compile closure to Python using SObject.
  • Compiler now will generate code to a temporary file for debugging purpose. Debugger may debug into the generated code.
  • Change the holder lookup with partial matches to allow ss and python to co-exist.
  • Add radd, ge, le to Number to make Number arithematics seamless.
  • Method.irGraph to visualize the IR graph on notebook
  • Add Logger class.

v0.2.0 SmallScript - Interpreter Mode

  • ref: tests/tdd_v0_2 for details
  • This is non-compatible to v0.1.0 as significant grammar changes. So we removed test/tdd_v0_1 from v0.2.0.
  • SmallScript starts to deviate from SmallTalk protocol e.g. cascade, ws, comment, sep, etc.
  • Improve readability e.g. using SEMI as expr seperator.
  • Free up PERIOD for later other use e.g. navigate data structure.
  • Rename Cascade to Chain to better reflects its intention.
  • Reduce much ws tokens generated that improve parsing performance of a test from 5sec to 400ms.
  • Change '//' style for comment. Leaving '"' for later use.
  • Support heredoc both as string and comment.
  • Fully capable of create metaclass within SmallScript.
  • Default SObject.nam() is an empty String instead of 'a SObject'.

v0.1.0 SObject with Closure

  • ref: tests/tdd_v0_1/* for details
  • Enhance SObject with class attributes.
  • Supports both instance and class methods using SObject protocol, not using Python.
  • Implemented initial elements of SmallScript.

v0.0.1 SObject

  • ref: tests/tdd_v0_0/* for details
  • Provide basic object encapsulation and behavioral inheritance with trait type of multiple inheritance.
  • Everything is an SObject including nil.
  • Can be mixed with Python code seamlessly.
  • Install this basic SObject without needing other features. do this.
pip install git+

# or

pip install git+

Project details

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Source Distribution

smallscript-0.3.2.tar.gz (62.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

smallscript-0.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (77.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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