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Smartcar Python SDK

Project description

Smartcar Python Backend SDK Build Status PyPI version


The Smartcar API lets you read vehicle data (location, odometer) and send commands to vehicles (lock, unlock) to connected vehicles using HTTP requests.

To make requests to a vehicle a web or mobile application, the end user must connect their vehicle using Smartcar Connect.

Before integrating with Python SDK, you'll need to register an application in the Smartcar Developer portal. Once you have registered an application, you will have a Client ID and Client Secret, which will allow you to authorize users.


pip install smartcar

Overall Usage

Now that you have your id, secret and redirect URI, here's a simple overall idea of how to use the SDK to authenticate and make requests with the Smartcar API.

  • Import the sdk import smartcar

  • Create a new smartcar client with smartcar.AuthClient(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope, test_mode)

  • Redirect the user to an OEM login page using the URL from client.get_auth_url()

  • The user will login, and then accept or deny the permissions in your scope

    • If the user is already connected to your application, they will not be shown the accept or deny dialog. However the application can force this dialog to be shown with client.get_auth_url(force=True)
    • If the user accepts, they will be redirected to your redirect_uri. The query field code will contain an authorization code. This is very important, so save it for later.
    • If the user denies, the query field code will equal "access_denied", so you should handle this somehow.
  • With your authorization code in hand, use client.exchange_code(authorization_code) to exchange your authorization code for an access object. This access object will look like this:

  "access_token": "...",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expiration": "2018-05-02T18:04:25+00:00",
  "refresh_token": "...",
  "refresh_expiration": "2018-06-02T18:03:25+00:00",
  "expires_in": "..."
  • To make any vehicle data request to the Smartcar API, you'll need to give the SDK a valid access token. Access tokens will expire every 2 hours, so you'll need to constantly refresh them. To check if an access object is expired, use smartcar.is_expired(access['expiration']).

  • It was pretty hard getting that first access token, but from now on it's easy! Calling client.exchange_refresh_token(refresh_token) will return a new access object using a previous access object's refresh token. This means you can always have a fresh access token, by doing something like this:

def get_fresh_access():
    access = load_access_from_database()
    if smartcar.is_expired(access['expiration']):
        new_access = client.exchange_refresh_token(access['refresh_token'])
        return new_access
        return access

fresh_access_token = get_fresh_access()['access_token']
  • With your fresh access token in hand, use smartcar.get_vehicle_ids(access_token) to get a list of the user's vehicles. The response will look like this:
  "vehicles": ["uuid-of-first-vehicle", "...", "uuid-of-nth-vehicle"],
  "paging": {
    "count": 10,
    "offset": 0
  • Now with a vehicle id in hand, use smartcar.Vehicle(vehicle_id, access_token) to get a Vehicle object representing the user's vehicle.

  • Now you can ask the car to do things, or ask it for some data! For example:

vehicle = smartcar.Vehicle(vehicle_id, access_token)
odometer = vehicle.odometer()['data']['distance']

Handling Exceptions

  • Any time you make a request to the Smartcar API, something can go wrong. This means that you really should wrap each call to client.exchange_code, client.exchange_refresh_token, client.get_vehicle_ids, and any vehicle method with some exception handling code.

  • Fortunately for you, we've made this as easy as we can! Whenever a request through the SDK returns a non 200 status code, the SDK will throw a nicely named exception for you to handle.

status code exception name
400 smartcar.ValidationException
401 smartcar.AuthenticationException
403 smartcar.PermissionException
404 smartcar.ResourceNotFoundException
409 smartcar.StateException
429 smartcar.RateLimitingException
430 smartcar.MonthlyLimitExceeded
500 smartcar.ServerException
501 smartcar.VehicleNotCapableException
501 smartcar.SmartcarNotCapableException
504 smartcar.GatewayTimeoutException

Checkout our Errors documentation to learn more.


smartcar.AuthClient(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope=None, test_mode=False)

A client for accessing the Smartcar API


Parameter Type Required Description
client_id String Required Application clientId obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal.
client_secret String Required Application clientSecret obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal.
redirect_uri String Required RedirectURI set in application settings. Given URL must match URL in application settings.
scope String[] Optional List of permissions your application requires. This will default to requiring all scopes. The valid permission names are found in the API Reference.
test_mode Boolean Optional Launch the Smartcar Connect in test mode.

get_auth_url(self, force=False, state=None, vehicle_info=None, flags=None)

Generate the Connect URL


Parameter Type Required Description
force Boolean Optional Setting forcePrompt to true will show the permissions approval screen on every authentication attempt, even if the user has previously consented to the exact scope of permissions.
state String Optional OAuth state parameter passed to the redirectUri. This parameter may be used for identifying the user who initiated the request.
vehicle_info['make'] String Optional Including the dict vehicle_info with a make property allows users to bypass the car brand selection screen. For a complete list of supported makes, please see our API Reference documentation. Makes are case-insensitive.
single_select Boolean or Dictionary Optional An optional value that sets the behavior of the grant dialog displayed to the user. If set to true, single_select limits the user to selecting only one vehicle. See the Single Select guide for more information. String Optional The VIN (Vehicle Identifier Number) of a vehicle. By passing in single_select as a dict with a vin property, the single select behavior will be turned on and Smartcar will authorize only the vehicle with the specified VIN. The single_select_vin takes precedence over the make parameter. Please refer to the Single Select guide.
flags String[] Optional List of feature flags that your application has early access to.


Type Description
String Smartcar Connect URL


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.




Exchange an authorization code for an access dictionary


Parameter Type Description
code String Authorization code to exchange with Smartcar for an access_token.


Type Description
Dictionary Dictionary containing the access and refresh token
Dictionary.access_token A string representing an access token used to make requests to the Smartcar API.
Dictionary.expiration A datetime of the expiration of the access_token
Dictionary.refresh_token A string representing a refresh token, which is used to renew access when the current access token expires. The refresh token expires in 60 days.
Dictionary.refresh_expiration A datetime of the expiration of the refresh_token
Dictionary.token_type Always set to Bearer . Token type is used in forming the Authorization header used by the Smartcar API in the following step.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Exchange a refresh token for a new access dictionary


Parameter Type Description
token String Refresh token to exchange with Smartcar for an access_token.


Type Description
Dictionary Dictionary containing the access and refresh token
Dictionary.access_token A string representing an access token used to make requests to the Smartcar API.
Dictionary.expiration A datetime of the expiration of the access_token
Dictionary.refresh_token A string representing a refresh token, which is used to renew access when the current access token expires. The refresh token expires in 60 days.
Dictionary.refresh_expiration A datetime of the expiration of the refresh_token
Dictionary.token_type Always set to Bearer . Token type is used in forming the Authorization header used by the Smartcar API in the following step.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

is_compatible(vin, scope, country='US')

Determine vehicle compatibility with Smartcar.

A compatible vehicle is a vehicle that:

  1. has the hardware required for internet connectivity,
  2. belongs to the makes and models Smartcar supports, and
  3. supports the permissions.

To use this function, please contact us!


Parameter Type Required Description
vin String Required The VIN of the vehicle.
scope String[] Required The list of permissions to check compatibility for. Valid permission names are found in the API Reference.
country String Optional For details on how to specify country code strings refer to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.


Type Description
Boolean False if the vehicle is NOT compatible. True if the vehicle is likely compatible.*


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

*Note: as we are only using the VIN, we can only guarantee if a vehicle is NOT compatible with the platform.


After receiving an access_token from the Smartcar Connect, your application may make requests to the vehicle using the access_token and the Vehicle class.

smartcar.Vehicle(self, vehicle_id, access_token, unit_system='metric')

Initializes a new Vehicle to use for making requests to the Smartcar API.


Parameter Type Required Description
vehicle_id String Required the vehicle's unique identifier
access_token String Required a valid access token
unit_system String Optional the unit system to use for vehicle data. Defaults to metric.

set_unit_system(self, unit_system)

Update the unit system to use in requests to the Smartcar API.


Parameter Type Description
unit_system String the unit system to use (metric/imperial)


Returns a paged list of all permissions currently associated with this vehicle.


Type Description
String[] An array of permissions.

has_permissions(self, permissions)

Returns whether the vehicle contains specified permission(s).


Parameter Type Description
permissions String[] or String The permission(s) to check.


Type Description
Boolean Whether the vehicle has the specified permission(s).


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns a single vehicle object, containing identifying information.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's info A vehicle ID (UUID v4).
Dictionary.make The manufacturer of the vehicle.
Dictionary.model The model of the vehicle.
Dictionary.year The model year.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's manufacturer identifier.


Type Description
String The manufacturer unique identifier.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the location of the vehicle in geographic coordinates.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's location The latitude (in degrees). The longitude (in degrees).
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's current odometer reading.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's odometer (in kms or miles). To set unit, see setUnitSystem. The current odometer of the vehicle
Dictionary.unit_system the unit system of the odometer data. To set, see setUnitSystem.
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's fuel status.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's fuel status The estimated remaining distance the car can travel (in kms or miles). To set unit, see setUnitSystem. The remaining level of fuel in the tank (in percent) The amount of fuel in the tank (in liters or gallons (US)). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
Dictionary.unit_system the unit system of the fuel data. To set, see setUnitSystem.
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's battery status.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's battery status The estimated remaining distance the car can travel (in kms or miles). To set unit, see setUnitSystem. The remaining level of charge in the battery (in percent)
Dictionary.unit_system the unit system of the battery data. To set, see setUnitSystem.
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the total capacity of an electric vehicle's battery. Please contact us to request early access.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's battery capacity vehicle's battery capacity in kWh
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's charge status.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's charge status Indicates whether charging cable is plugged in Indicates the current state of the charge system. Can be FULLY_CHARGED, CHARGING, or NOT_CHARGING
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's oil status.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's oil status The engine oil's remaining life span (as a percentage). Oil life is based on the current quality of the oil.
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's tire pressure status.


Type Description
Dictionary vehicle's tire pressure status Information about the pressure of each tire. The current air pressure of the front left tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem. The current air pressure of the front right tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem. The current air pressure of the back left tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem. The current air pressure of the back right tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
Dictionary.unit_system the unit system of the fuel data. To set, see setUnitSystem.
Dictionary.age A datetime for the age of the data


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Disconnect this vehicle from the connected application.


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

Note: Calling this method will invalidate your access token and you will have to have the user reauthorize the vehicle to your application if you wish to make requests to it


Unlock the vehicle.


Type Description
Dictionary.status Set to success on successful request.


SmartcarException on unsuccessful request


Lock the vehicle.


Type Description
Dictionary.status Set to success on successful request.


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

batch(self, paths)

Make a batch request to the vehicle. WARNING: This feature is exclusive to Smartcar Pro members. Visit to sign up and gain access.


Parameter Type Description
paths List A list of paths (i.e. "/odometer") to request data from.


Type Description
Dictionary An object containing the responses. The keys to this object are requested paths.
Dictionary./ The response from the Vehicle Info endpoint.
Dictionary./vin The response from the VIN endpoint.
Dictionary./odometer The response from the Odometer endpoint.
Dictionary./fuel The response from the Fuel tank endpoint.
Dictionary./engine/oil The response from the Engine oil life endpoint.
Dictionary./tires/pressure The response from the Tire pressure endpoint.
Dictionary./battery The response from the EV battery endpoint.
Dictionary./battery/capacity The response from the EV battery capacity endpoint.
Dictionary./charge The response from the EV charge endpoint.
Dictionary./location The response from the Location endpoint.
Dictionary./ENDPOINT.code The HTTP response code from the response.
Dictionary./ENDPOINT.body The response body.
Dictionary./ENDPOINT.headers The response headers.
Dictionary./ The timestamp of when the data was last updated.
Dictionary./ The unit system for this response (metric/imperial).

Example Response

  "/odometer": {
    "body": {
      "distance": 37829
    "code": 200,
    "headers": {
      "sc-data-age": "2019-10-24T00:43:46.000Z",
      "sc-unit-system": "metric"
  "/location": {
    "body": {
      "latitude": 37.4292,
      "longitude": 122.1381
    "code": 200,
    "headers": {
      "sc-data-age": "2019-10-24T00:43:46.000Z"


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

Static Methods


Check if an expiration is expired


Parameter Type Description
expiration DateTime expiration datetime


Type Description
Boolean true if expired

smartcar.get_vehicle_ids(access_token, limit=10, offset=0)

Get a list of the user's vehicle ids


Parameter Type Required Description
access_token String Required A valid access token from a previously retrieved access object
limit Integer Optional The number of vehicle ids to return
offset Integer Optional The index to start the vehicle list at


Type Description
Dictionary response containing the list of vehicle ids and paging information
Dictionary.vehicles An array of vehicle IDs.
Dictionary.paging.count The total number of elements for the entire query (not just the given page).
Dictionary.paging.offset The current start index of the returned list of elements.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Retrieve the userId associated with the access_token


Parameter Type Description
access_token String A valid access token from a previously retrieved access object


Type Description
String the user id


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

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smartcar-5.1.1.tar.gz (26.1 kB view hashes)

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