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To convert snirf file to bids format.

Project description

module snirf2bids

Module for converting snirf file into bids format

Maintained by the Boston University Neurophotonics Center

function snirf_to_bids

snirf_to_bids(inputpath: str, outputpath: str, participants: dict = None)

Creates a BIDS-compliant folder structure (right now, just the metadata files) from a SNIRF file


  • inputpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file
  • outputpath: The file path/directory for the created BIDS metadata files
  • participants: A dictionary with participant information Example =
  • {participant_id: 'sub-01',
  • age: 34,
  • sex: 'M'}
  • scans: A dictionary with SNIRF/run information and its acquisition time

class Field

Class which encapsulates fields inside a Metadata class


  • _value: The value of the field

method __init__


Generic constructor for a Field class

It stores a specific value declared in the class initialization in _value

property value

Value Getter for Field class

class String

Subclass which encapsulates fields with string values inside a Metadata class


  • _value: The value of the field
  • type: Data type of the field - in this case, it's "str"

method __init__


Generic constructor for a String Field class inherited from the Field class

Additionally, it stores the datatype which in this case, it is string

property value

Value Getter for Field class

method get_type


Datatype getter for the String class

method validate


Datatype Validation function for String class

class Number

Subclass which encapsulates fields with numerical values inside a Metadata class


  • _value: The value of the field
  • type: Data type of the field - in this case, it's "int"

method __init__


Generic constructor for a Number Field class inherited from the Field class

Additionally, it stores the datatype which in this case, it is integer

property value

Value Getter for Field class

method get_type


Datatype getter for the Number class

method validate


Datatype Validation function for Number class

class Metadata

Metadata File Class

Class object that encapsulates the JSON and TSV Metadata File Class


  • _fields: A dictionary of the fields and the values contained in it for a specific Metadata class
  • _source_snirf: The filepath to the reference SNIRF file to create the specific Metadata class

method __init__


Generic constructor for a Metadata class

Most importantly, it constructs the default fields with empty values within _fields in a dictionary format

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

class JSON

JSON Class

Class object that encapsulates subclasses that create and contain BIDS JSON files

method __init__


Generic constructor for JSON class - uses the one inherited from the Metadata class

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_json


Create the JSON metadata class from a JSON file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference JSON file


  • TypeError: Incorrect data type for a specific field based on data loaded from the JSON file

method save_to_json

save_to_json(info, fpath)

Save a JSON inherited class into an output JSON file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


  • info: Subject info field from the Subject class
  • fpath: The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in

Returns: Outputs a metadata JSON file with a BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class TSV

TSV Class

Class object that encapsulates subclasses that create and contain BIDS TSV files


  • _sidecar: Contains the field names and descriptions for each field for the Sidecar JSON file

method __init__


Generic Constructor for TSV class - uses the one inherited from the Metadata class

Additionally, added the sidecar property for the Sidecar JSON files

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method export_sidecar

export_sidecar(info, fpath)

Exports sidecar as a json file

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_tsv


Create the TSV metadata class from a TSV file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference TSV file

method make_sidecar


Makes a dictionary with the default description noted in BIDS specification into the Sidecar dictionary

Returns: Dictionary with correct fields(that have values) with description of each field within TSV file filled out

method save_to_tsv

save_to_tsv(info, fpath)

Save a TSV inherited class into an output TSV file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


 - <b>`info`</b>:  Subject info field from the Subject class 
 - <b>`fpath`</b>:  The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in 

Returns: Outputs a metadata TSV file with BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class Coordsystem

Coordinate System Metadata Class

Class object that mimics and contains the data for the coordsystem.JSON metadata file

method __init__


Inherited constructor for the Coordsystem class


  • fpath: The file path to a reference SNIRF file

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_SNIRF


Creates the Coordsystem class based on information from a reference SNIRF file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

method load_from_json


Create the JSON metadata class from a JSON file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference JSON file


  • TypeError: Incorrect data type for a specific field based on data loaded from the JSON file

method save_to_json

save_to_json(info, fpath)

Save a JSON inherited class into an output JSON file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


  • info: Subject info field from the Subject class
  • fpath: The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in

Returns: Outputs a metadata JSON file with a BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class Optodes

Optodes Metadata Class

Class object that mimics and contains the data for the optodes.tsv metadata file

method __init__


Inherited constructor for the Optodes class


  • fpath: The file path to a reference SNIRF file

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method export_sidecar

export_sidecar(info, fpath)

Exports sidecar as a json file

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_SNIRF


Creates the Optodes class based on information from a reference SNIRF file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

method load_from_tsv


Create the TSV metadata class from a TSV file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference TSV file

method make_sidecar


Makes a dictionary with the default description noted in BIDS specification into the Sidecar dictionary

Returns: Dictionary with correct fields(that have values) with description of each field within TSV file filled out

method save_to_tsv

save_to_tsv(info, fpath)

Save a TSV inherited class into an output TSV file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


 - <b>`info`</b>:  Subject info field from the Subject class 
 - <b>`fpath`</b>:  The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in 

Returns: Outputs a metadata TSV file with BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class Channels

Channels Metadata Class

Class object that mimics and contains the data for the channels.tsv metadata file

method __init__


Inherited constructor for the Channels class


  • fpath: The file path to a reference SNIRF file

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method export_sidecar

export_sidecar(info, fpath)

Exports sidecar as a json file

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_SNIRF


Creates the Channels class based on information from a reference SNIRF file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

method load_from_tsv


Create the TSV metadata class from a TSV file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference TSV file

method make_sidecar


Makes a dictionary with the default description noted in BIDS specification into the Sidecar dictionary

Returns: Dictionary with correct fields(that have values) with description of each field within TSV file filled out

method save_to_tsv

save_to_tsv(info, fpath)

Save a TSV inherited class into an output TSV file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


 - <b>`info`</b>:  Subject info field from the Subject class 
 - <b>`fpath`</b>:  The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in 

Returns: Outputs a metadata TSV file with BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class Events

Channels Metadata Class

Class object that mimics and contains the data for the events.tsv metadata file

method __init__


Inherited constructor for the Events class


  • fpath: The file path to a reference SNIRF file

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method export_sidecar

export_sidecar(info, fpath)

Exports sidecar as a json file

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_SNIRF


Creates the Events class based on information from a reference SNIRF file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

method load_from_tsv


Create the TSV metadata class from a TSV file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference TSV file

method make_sidecar


Makes a dictionary with the default description noted in BIDS specification into the Sidecar dictionary

Returns: Dictionary with correct fields(that have values) with description of each field within TSV file filled out

method save_to_tsv

save_to_tsv(info, fpath)

Save a TSV inherited class into an output TSV file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


 - <b>`info`</b>:  Subject info field from the Subject class 
 - <b>`fpath`</b>:  The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in 

Returns: Outputs a metadata TSV file with BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class Sidecar

NIRS Sidecar(_nirs.JSON) Metadata Class

Class object that mimics and contains the data for the _nirs.JSON metadata file

method __init__


Inherited constructor for the Sidecar class


  • fpath: The file path to a reference SNIRF file

method change_type


Change the data type restriction for a field (from a String class to a Number class or vice versa)


  • name: The field name


  • TypeError: If it's an invalid/undeclared field

method default_fields


Obtain the default fields and their data type for a specific metadata file/class

Returns: The list of default fields for a specific metadata class and the data type

  • default_list: List of default field names for a specific metadata class
  • default_type: List of default field data types for a specific metadata class

method get_class_name


Obtains the name of the specific metadata class

Returns: The name of the (specific metadata) class

method get_column


Obtains the value of a specified field/'column' of a Metadata class


  • name: Name of the field/'column'

Returns: The value of a specified field/'column' - similar to getattr

method get_column_names


Get the names of the field in a specific metadata class/file that has a value(s)

Returns: A list of field names that have a value in a specific metadata file

method load_from_SNIRF


Creates the Sidecar class based on information from a reference SNIRF file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

method load_from_json


Create the JSON metadata class from a JSON file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference JSON file


  • TypeError: Incorrect data type for a specific field based on data loaded from the JSON file

method save_to_json

save_to_json(info, fpath)

Save a JSON inherited class into an output JSON file with a BIDS-compliant name in the file directory designated by the user


  • info: Subject info field from the Subject class
  • fpath: The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata file in

Returns: Outputs a metadata JSON file with a BIDS-compliant name in the specified file path

class Subject

'Subject' Class

Class object that encapsulates a single 'run' (for now) with fields containing the metadata and 'subject'/run information


  • coordsystem: Contains a Coordsystem class object for a specific 'subject'/run
  • optodes: Contains an Optodes class object for a specific 'subject'/run
  • channel: Contains a Channels class object for a specific 'subject'/run
  • sidecar: Contains a Sidecar (_nirs.JSON) class object for a specific 'subject'/run
  • events: Contains an Events class object for a specific 'subject'/run
  • subinfo: Contains the 'subject'/run information related to the data stored in a 'Subject' object
  • participants: Contains the metadata related to the participants.tsv file

method __init__


Constructor for the 'Subject' class

method export

export(outputFormat: str = 'Folder', fpath: str = None)

Exports/creates the BIDS-compliant metadata files based on information stored in the 'subject' class object


  • outputFormat: The target destination and indirectly, the output format of the metadata file The default value is 'Folder', which outputs the metadata file to a specific file directory specified by the user The other option is 'Text', which outputs the files and data as a string (JSON-like format)
  • fpath: The file path that points to the folder where we intend to save the metadata files in

Returns: A string containing the metadata file names and its content if the user chose the 'Text' output format or a set of metadata files in a specified folder if the user chose the default or 'Folder' output format

method get_ses


Obtains the session ID/number for a particular 'subject'/run

Returns: The session ID/number (returns an empty string if there is no information)

method get_subj


Obtains the subject ID/number for a particular 'subject'/run

Returns: The subject ID/number (returns an empty string if there is no information)

method load_from_snirf


Loads the metadata from a reference SNIRF file


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

method pull_fnames


Check directory for files (not folders)

Returns: A dictionary of file names for specific metadata files based on the existence of a session label (different nomenclature) that are split into subject-level and session-level metadata files

  • subj_fnames: Contains a dictionary of metadata filenames that are on the subject level
  • ses_fnames: Contains a dictionary of metadata filenames that are on the session level


Have to figure out how to do this based on the database structure In the case of the test snirf file, there is no presence of: 1. session number 2. run number

method pull_task


Pull the Task label from either the SNIRF file name or from the Sidecar class (if available)


  • fpath: The file path to the reference SNIRF file

Returns: The task label/name

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snirf2bids-0.1.18.tar.gz (7.8 MB view hashes)

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