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A pipeline for constructing and analyzing synteny network

Project description
A pipeline for constructing and analyzing synteny network.
## Requirements




python library:





- [install](#install)
- [prepare data](#preparation)
- [build species_list](#buildlist)
- [build network_database](#builddatabase)
- [extract target network](#extract)
- [build SNN](#SNN)

## Usage
<a name="install"></a>
### install snn_pipeline
Create a dedicated environment for SNN (Recommended).

`conda create -n snn_pipline`

`conda activate snn_pipline`

Install python (Recommend installing versions after Python 3.8).

`conda install python`

Install snn_pipline.

`pip install snn_pipeline`

You can also manually install this process.

`tar -zxvf snn_pipeline-0.1.0.tar.gz`

`cd snn_pipeline-0.1.0`

`pip install .`

View the installation location of the package.

`pip show snn_pipeline`

Install [MCScanX](, [diamond](, [hmmer]( and [kofam_scan]( and **ensure that the above software has been added to the environment variables**.

`conda install bioconda::diamond`

`conda install bioconda::hmmer`

Test files in

<a name="preparation"></a>
### Step 1: Prepare the bed file and pep file of the species
Firstly, please prepare bed files for all species and fasta format files for proteins. Determine a **four character abbreviation** for each species,
for example, _Arabidopsis thaliana_ can be set as `ath_`, and _Amborella trichopoda_ can be set as `atr_`.
The bed file contains the location information of cDNA, and the format requirements are as follows: the first column is the chromosome number, which needs to be preceded by the species abbreviation and the first two characters must be unique to the species (**distinguished by uppercase and lowercase letters**)

bed file of _Arabidopsis thaliana_:

`aThChr1 ath_AT1G01010 3631 5899`

bed file of _Amborella trichopoda_:

`Atrscaffold00001 atr_scaffold00001.1atr 3379 6049`

The second column is the ID number of cDNA, which needs to include the species abbreviation, such as ath_T1G01010. The third column represents the starting position of cDNA, and the fourth column represents the ending position of cDNA. For the fasta file of proteins, please ensure that the protein ID in the file corresponds to the ID in the bed file, and change the file suffix to. pep. Ensure that the bed file and pep file with the same abbreviation, for example, the bed and pep files corresponding to Arabidopsis thaliana are **ath.bed** and **ath.pep**, respectively.

<a name="buildlist"></a>
### Step 2: Create a name list file that includes species abbreviations and taxonomic information
Fill in the names of the pep file and bed file corresponding to the species in the first column of the name list, the abbreviation of the ID in the second column of the name list, and the classification information of the species in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth columns.
for example:
#file_name ID_abbreviation Clade Order Family Species_Name
Mdgd Mdgd Super-Rosides Rosales Rosaceae Malus x domestica
ppe ppe_ Super-Rosides Rosales Rosaceae Prunus persica
ath ath_ Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana
Alyr Alyr Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis lyrata
atr atr_ Basal-Angiosperm Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella trichopoda

<a name="builddatabase"></a>
### Step 3: Constructing a species overall collinear network
Run the **synetbuild** module.

`synetbuild -i your_path/species_list -d your_pep_bed_path -o your_output_path`

You can input some additional options to adjust the parameters for building the network.

`synetbuild -i your_path/species_list -d your_pep_bed_path -o your_output_path -k 5 -s 5 -m 10 -p 4 -D -T`

If you enter the above parameters, a collinear network will be constructed with the top **5** results **hit** by blastp, Minimum **5** of **Anchors** for a synteny block, and Maximum **10** of Genes allowed as the **GAP** between Anchors as parameters, and **4** threads will be used for blastp. Inputting` -D` will run MCScanX's duplicate_gene_classifier module, and inputting` -T `will run the detectability collineear_tandem_arrays module, which can help you better search for tandem genes. Detailed help information can be viewed through `synetbuild -h`

After the step is executed, you will receive a **SynNet** file, which is the total network file and will be used for subsequent analysis.

<a name="extract"></a>
### Step 4: Extract the networks that interest you
Extracting subnetworks using the **synetfind** module. Take the **SynNet** file obtained in the previous step as input for `-n`, use `-m` input your protein model file , and you will get a network composed of nodes hit by the model.

`synetfind -i your_path/species_list -m your_path/hmm_file -d your_pep_bed_path -n your_path/SynNet_file -o your_output_path`

You can input the threshold of E-value through `-E` to make the search conditions more stringent or relaxed (default is 0.001).

`synetfind -i your_path/species_list -m your_path/hmm_file -d your_pep_bed_path -n your_path/SynNet_file -o your_output_path -E 0.01`

If you have a specific list of IDs:
`synetfind -l your_path/your_id_list_file -n your_path/SynNet_file -o your_output_path`

Detailed help information can be viewed through `synetfind -h`.

After the step is executed, you will receive a **cleaned-network** file, this is a two column file composed of nodes hit by the model. At the same time, you will receive a **SynNet_f** file containing collinearity information for all species. Subsequent modules require the input of these two files.

<a name="SNN"></a>
### Step 5: Create a synteny neighborhood network
Before creating SNN, you need to format the syn network files.

`synetprefix -n your_path/SynNet_file -o your_output_path`

After running the previous module, you will receive a **prefix file**.

Create an SNN using the following command:

`synetcontext -i your_path/species_list -e your_path/cleaned-network_file -b your_path/SynNet_f_file -N your_path/prefix_file -d your_pep_bed_path -o your_output_path -S 10 --block_stat --KEGG`

In the example, the `-e` parameter is used, which will extract the node information from the edge file and search for the syntenic genes upstream and downstream of these nodes. Please input the synteny information file for all species with the `-n` option and enter the prefix file with the `-N` option. and enter the maximum range of flanking genes you want to search for in `-S`.

If you have classified genes based on phylogenetic relationships or community structures in a network, or if you have specific nodes of interest, you can use the `-I` instead of `-e` as input:

`synetcontext -i your_path/species_list -I your_path/ID_list_file -n your_path/SynNet_f_file -N your_path/prefix_file -d your_pep_bed_path -o your_output_path -S 10 --block_stat --KEGG`

The `-I` parameter requires you to prepare a customized list of nodes:

if you input `--block_stat` , module will statistically analyze the blocks that make up SNN, the following content is from the file **block_len_avg_stat.tsv**. The results represent the block composition of the example SNN, expressed as a matrix of average block lengths:

Malus x domestica Prunus persica Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis lyrata Amborella trichopoda
Malus x domestica 26.037037037037038 29.246376811594203 15.6 15.773584905660377 10.45
Prunus persica 29.246376811594203 18.166666666666668 15.075 15.72972972972973 12.38888888888889
Arabidopsis thaliana 15.6 15.075 15.666666666666666 32.97959183673469 8.333333333333334
Arabidopsis lyrata 15.773584905660377 15.72972972972973 32.97959183673469 16.1875 8.75
Amborella trichopoda 10.45 12.38888888888889 8.333333333333334 8.75 6.0

if you input '--KEGG', the module will use kofamscan to annotate the proteins corresponding to nodes in SNN.
#ID Clade Order Family Species_Name KEGG_definition Greedy_cluster Infomap_cluster
atr_scaffold00040.1atr Basal-Angiosperm Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella trichopoda None 119 260
ath_AT1G43710 Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana serine decarboxylase [EC:4.1.1.-] 119 260
atr_scaffold00040.6atr Basal-Angiosperm Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella trichopoda None 120 256
ath_AT1G43650 Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana None 120 256
atr_scaffold00040.18atr Basal-Angiosperm Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella trichopoda tubby and related proteins 121 255
ath_AT1G43640 Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana tubby and related proteins 121 255
atr_scaffold00040.25atr Basal-Angiosperm Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella trichopoda None 122 254
ath_AT1G43630 Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana None 122 254
atr_scaffold00040.35atr Basal-Angiosperm Amborellales Amborellaceae Amborella trichopoda cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 123 253
ath_AT1G43620 Super-Rosides Brassicales Brassicaceae Arabidopsis thaliana sterol 3beta-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 123 253

Next, we will demonstrate how to construct the SNN for OSC (Oxidosqualene cyclase) in Brassicaceae species. Example datasets and results can be obtained from the site`test_data/Brassicaceae`.
Due to upload limitations, the PEP data in the example has been compressed using zip. Please decompress it before use by running`unzip your_path/Brassicaceae/*.zip`.

First, construct the overall synteny network for the Brassicaceae species.

`synbuild -i your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/species_list -d your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/ -o your_path`

The OSC generally contains two domains, SQHop_cyclase_C and SQHop_cyclase_N, so we need to determine which sequences in the dataset contain both of the above domains.

We can obtain a list of sequence IDs in the dataset that contain the aforementioned domains by running `synetfind` twice.

`synetfind -i your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/species_list -m your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/SQHop_cyclase_C.hmm -d your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/ -n your_path/SynNetBuild/SynNet-k6s5m25 -o your_output_path`
`synetfind -i your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/species_list -m your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/SQHop_cyclase_N.hmm -d your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/ -n your_path/SynNetBuild/SynNet-k6s5m25 -o your_output_path`

The next step is to obtain the intersection of the two lists.

`cat your_path/SynNet_SQHop_cyclase_C.hmm/all.hmm_genelist your_path/SynNet_SQHop_cyclase_N.hmm/all.hmm_genelist > SQHop_cyclase_C_N.merge`

`sort SQHop_cyclase_C_N.merge| uniq -d > SQHop_cyclase_C_N.namelist`

Similarly, obtain the intersection of the hit regions.

`cat your_path/SynNet_SQHop_cyclase_C.hmm/SQHop_cyclase_C.hmm.genelist_SynNet_f your_path/SynNet_SQHop_cyclase_N.hmm/SQHop_cyclase_N.hmm.genelist_SynNet_f > SQHop_cyclase_C_N.merge_SynNet_f`

`SQHop_cyclase_C_N.merge_SynNet_f| uniq -d > SQHop_cyclase_C_N.hmm.genelist_SynNet_f`

Preprocess the SynNet file.

`synetprefix -n your_path/SynNetBuild/SynNet-k6s5m25 -o your_output_path`

Use `SQHop_cyclase_C_N.namelist` as the input list to build OSC-SNN.

`synetcontext -i your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/species_list -l your_path/SQHop_cyclase_C_N.namelist -b your_path/SynNetBuild/SQHop_cyclase_C_N.hmm.genelist_SynNet_f -N your_path/SynNetTrans/SynNet-k6s5m25.prefix -d your_path/test_data/Brassicaceae/ -o your_output_path -S 10 --block_stat --block_mining --KEGG`

The command will generate multiple folders and files.

`block_info` file stores the block and collinear gene information of SNN,

`result`file contains information about collinear genes,

`infomap.2col.tsv` file saves the infomap algorithm classification information for each node,

`infomap.size_fq.tsv` file saves the frequency information of each category under the infomap algorithm,

`sp_cluster.tsv` file compiles the species classification information of the nodes, as well as the information from the infomap algorithm and the greedy algorithm,

`sp_KO_cluster.tsv` file adds the results of KEGG annotation based on the classification information,

`SQHop_cyclase_C_N.namelist_k1.nodes.pep` file contains the protein sequences of all nodes in the SNN,

`K_core_result` folder contains points, edges, degree, and greedy classification information generated by different k-values in the K-core algorithm for the network.

The results of the `--block_stat` are saved in the `block_stat` folder,

`block_num_stat.tsv` file statistics the number of collinearity blocks generated between species in the dataset,

`block_len_sum_stat.tsv` file statistics the total length of collinearity blocks generated between species, measured by the number of genes,

`block_len_avg_stat.tsv` file statistics the average length of the blocks generated between species.

The results of `--block_mining` command are saved in the `specific_block` folder,

`block_info.tsv` file contains information about the blocks and the classification information of the genes within synteny blocks,

`block_info_matrix.tsv` file contains the feature matrix derived from the classification information,

`block_info_score.tsv` file contains the block specificity scores calculated from the feature matrix.

The results of `--KEGG` command are saved in `KEGG_annotation folder`, which contains the annotation information for the nodes,

The above result files with `.tsv` suffix are saved in `/test_data/Brassicaceae/result` directory of this site.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

snn_pipeline-0.2.2.tar.gz (38.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

snn_pipeline-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (38.0 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file snn_pipeline-0.2.2.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: snn_pipeline-0.2.2.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 38.4 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.8.19

File hashes

Hashes for snn_pipeline-0.2.2.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 2549e509a4b7eac60ec9c7310351bde293369fa4ad7b404fe09c4facff6b76e7
MD5 a1448bcfadf53ea9494ee261787f7b9f
BLAKE2b-256 f9ee8aeddfeab41c4d8b1674b7fc53147b29b85626454a655ac9bcb6e3894c77

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File details

Details for the file snn_pipeline-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for snn_pipeline-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 894fd127a2db30fe68724a11ead372120e68ec20609e62fd4c2186f094ec16d7
MD5 c4f3a2b302e31d47701e278734456e78
BLAKE2b-256 22d00ee565de9ab57ab0ffb06a28ce510048a3ecd57e61694518493c36c204d4

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