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Snowflake Connector for Python

Project description

This package includes the Snowflake Connector for Python, which conforms to the Python DB API 2.0 specification:

Snowflake Documentation is available at:

Source code is also available at:

Release Notes

- v1.8.0 (May 10, 2019)

- support numpy.bool_ in binding type
- Add Option to Skip Request Pooling
- Add OCSP_MODE metric
- Fixed PUT URI issue for Windows path
- OCSP SoftFail

- v1.7.11 (April 22, 2019)

- numpy timestamp with timezone support
- qmark not binding None

- v1.7.10 (April 8, 2019)

- Fix the incorrect custom Server URL in Python Driver for Privatelink

- v1.7.9 (March 25,2019)

- Python Interim Solution for Custom Cache Server URL
- Internal change for pending feature

- v1.7.8 (March 12,2019)

- Add OCSP signing certificate validity check

- v1.7.7 (February 22,2019)

- Skip HEAD operation when OVERWRITE=true for PUT
- Update copyright year from 2018 to 2019 for Python

- v1.7.6 (February 08,2019)

- Adjusted pyasn1 and pyasn1-module requirements for Python Connector
- Added idna to made pyasn1 optional for Python2

- v1.7.5 (January 25, 2019)

- Incorporate "kwargs" style group of key-value pairs in connection's "execute_string" function.

- v1.7.4 (January 3, 2019)

- Invalidate outdated OCSP response when checking cache hit
- Made keyring use optional in Python Connector
- Added SnowflakeNullConverter for Python Connector to skip all client side conversions
- Honor ``CLIENT_PREFETCH_THREADS`` to download the result set.
- Fixed the hang when region=us-west-2 is specified.
- Added Python 3.7 tests

- v1.7.3 (December 11, 2018)

- Improved the progress bar control for SnowSQL
- Fixed PUT/GET progress bar for Azure

- v1.7.2 (December 4, 2018)

- Refactored OCSP checks
- Adjusted log level to mitigate confusions

- v1.7.1 (November 27, 2018)

- Fixed regex pattern warning in
- Fixed 403 error for EU deployment
- Fixed the epoch time to datetime object converter for Windoww

- v1.7.0 (November 13, 2018)

- Internal change for pending feature.

- v1.6.12 (October 30, 2018)

- Updated ``boto3`` and ``botocore`` version dependeny.
- Catch socket.EAI_NONAME for localhost socket and raise a better error message
- Added ``client_session_keep_alive_heartbeat_frequency`` to control heartbeat timings for ``client_session_keep_alive``.

- v1.6.11 (October 23, 2018)

- Fixed exit_on_error=true didn't work if PUT / GET error occurs
- Fixed a backslash followed by a quote in a literal was not taken into account.
- Added ``request_guid`` to each HTTP request for tracing.

- v1.6.10 (September 25, 2018)

- Added ``client_session_keep_alive`` support.
- Fixed multiline double quote expressions PR #117 (@bensowden)
- Fixed binding ``datetime`` for TIMESTAMP type in ``qmark`` binding mode. PR #118 (@rhlahuja)
- Retry HTTP 405 to mitigate Nginx bug.
- Accept consent response for id token cache. WIP.

- v1.6.9 (September 13, 2018)

- Changed most INFO logs to DEBUG. Added INFO for key operations.
- Fixed the URL query parser to get multiple values.

- v1.6.8 (August 30, 2018)

- Updated ``boto3`` and ``botocore`` version dependeny.

- v1.6.7 (August 22, 2018)

- Enforce virtual host URL for PUT and GET.
- Added retryCount, clientStarTime for query-request for better service.

- v1.6.6 (August 9, 2018)

- Replaced ``pycryptodome`` with ``pycryptodomex`` to avoid namespace conflict with ``PyCrypto``.
- Fixed hang if the connection is not explicitly closed since 1.6.4.
- Reauthenticate for externalbrowser while running a query.
- Fixed remove_comments option for SnowSQL.

- v1.6.5 (July 13, 2018)

- Fixed the current object cache in the connection for id token use.
- Added no OCSP cache server use option.

- v1.6.4 (July 5, 2018)

- Fixed div by zero for Azure PUT command.
- Cache id token for SSO. This feature is WIP.
- Added telemetry client and job timings by @dsouzam.

- v1.6.3 (June 14, 2018)

- Fixed binding long value for Python 2.

- v1.6.2 (June 7, 2018)

- Removes username restriction for OAuth. PR 86(@tjj5036)
- Retry OpenSSL.SysError in tests
- Updated concurrent insert test as the server improved.

- v1.6.1 (May 17, 2018)

- Enable OCSP Dynamic Cache server for privatelink.
- Ensure the type of ``login_timeout`` attribute is ``int``.

- v1.6.0 (May 3, 2018)

- Enable OCSP Cache server by default.

- v1.5.8 (April 26, 2018)

- Fixed PUT command error 'Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.' for Azure deployment.

- v1.5.7 (April 19, 2018)

- Fixed object has no attribute errors in Python3 for Azure deployment.
- Removed ContentEncoding=gzip from the header for PUT command. This caused COPY failure if autocompress=false.

- v1.5.6 (April 5, 2018)

- Updated ``boto3`` and ``botocore`` version dependeny.

- v1.5.5 (March 22, 2018)

- Fixed TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str. PR/Issue 75 (@daniel-sali).
- Updated ``cryptography`` dependency.

- v1.5.4 (March 15, 2018)

- Tightened ``pyasn`` and ``pyasn1-modules`` version requirements
- Added OS and OS_VERSION session info.
- Relaxed ``pycryptodome`` version requirements. No 3.5.0 should be used.

- v1.5.3 (March 9, 2018)

- Pulled back ``pyasn1`` for OCSP check in Python 2. Python 3 continue using ``asn1crypto`` for better performance.
- Limit the upper bound of ``pycryptodome`` version to less than 3.5.0 for Issue 65.

- v1.5.2 (March 1, 2018)

- Fixed failue in case HOME/USERPROFILE is not set.
- Updated ``boto3`` and ``botocore`` version dependeny.

- v1.5.1 (February 15, 2018)

- Prototyped oauth. Won't work without the server change.
- Retry OCSP data parse failure
- Fixed paramstyle=qmark binding for SQLAlchemy

- v1.5.0 (January 26, 2018)

- Removed ``pyasn1`` and ``pyasn1-modules`` from the dependency.
- Prototyped key pair authentication.
- Fixed OCSP response cache expiration check.

- v1.4.17 (January 19, 2018)

- Adjusted ``pyasn1`` and ``pyasn1-modules`` version dependency. PR 48 (@baxen)
- Started replacing ``pyasn1`` with ``asn1crypto`` Not activated yet.

- v1.4.16 (January 16, 2018)

- Added OCSP cache related tools.

- v1.4.15 (January 11, 2018)

- Added OCSP cache server option.

- v1.4.14 (December 14, 2017)

- Improved OCSP response dump util.

- v1.4.13 (November 30, 2017)

- Updated ``boto3`` and ``botocore`` version dependeny.

- v1.4.12 (November 16, 2017)

- Added ``qmark`` and ``numeric`` paramstyle support for server side binding.
- Added ``timezone`` session parameter support to connections.
- Fixed a file handler leak in OCSP checks.

- v1.4.11 (November 9, 2017)

- Fixed Azure PUT command to use AES CBC key encryption.
- Added retry for intermittent PyAsn1Error.

- v1.4.10 (October 26, 2017)

- Added Azure support for PUT and GET commands.
- Updated ``cryptography``, ``boto3`` and ``botocore`` version dependeny.

- v1.4.9 (October 10, 2017)

- Fixed a regression caused by ``pyasn1`` upgrade.

- v1.4.8 (October 5, 2017)

- Updated Fed/SSO parameters. The production version of Fed/SSO from Python Connector requires this version.
- Refactored for Azure support
- Set CLIENT_APP_ID and CLIENT_APP_VERSION in all requests
- Support new behaviors of newer version of ``pyasn1``. Relaxed the dependency.
- Making socket timeout same as the login time
- Fixed the case where no error message is attached.

- v1.4.7 (September 20, 2017)

- Refresh AWS token in PUT command if S3UploadFailedError includes the ExpiredToken error
- Retry all of 5xx in connection

- v1.4.6 (September 14, 2017)

- Mitigated sigint handler config failure for SQLAlchemy
- Improved the message for invalid SSL certificate error
- Retry forever for query to mitigate 500 errors

- v1.4.5 (August 31, 2017)

- Fixed regression in #34 by rewriting SAML 2.0 compliant service application support.
- Cleaned up logger by moving instance to module.

- v1.4.4 (August 24, 2017)

- Fixed Azure blob certificate issue. OCSP response structure bug fix
- Added SAML 2.0 compliant service application support. preview feature.
- Upgraded SSL wrapper with the latest urllib3 pyopenssl glue module. It uses kqueue, epoll or poll in replacement of select to read data from socket if available.

- v1.4.3 (August 17, 2017)

- Changed the log levels for some messages from ERROR to DEBUG to address confusion as real incidents. In fact, they are not real issues but signals for connection retry.
- Added ``certifi`` to the dependent component list to mitigate CA root certificate out of date issue.
- Set the maximum versions of dependent components ``boto3`` and ``botocore``.
- Updated ``cryptography`` and ``pyOpenSSL`` version dependeny change.
- Added a connection parameter ``validate_default_parameters`` to validate the default database, schema and warehouse. If the specified object doesn't exist, it raises an error.

- v1.4.2 (August 3, 2017)

- Fixed retry HTTP 400 in upload file when AWS token expires
- Relaxed the version of dependent components ``pyasn1`` and ``pyasn1-modules``

- v1.4.1 (July 26, 2017)

- Pinned ``pyasn1`` and ``pyasn1-modules`` versions to 0.2.3 and 0.0.9, respectively

- v1.4.0 (July 6, 2017)

- Relaxed the versions of dependent components ``boto3``, ``botocore``, ``cffi`` and ``cryptography`` and ``pyOpenSSL``
- Minor improvements in OCSP response file cache

- v1.3.18 (June 15, 2017)

- Fixed OCSP response cache file not found issue on Windows. Drive letter was taken off
- Use less restrictive cryptography>=1.7,<1.8
- Added ORC detection in PUT command

- v1.3.17 (June 1, 2017)

- Timeout OCSP request in 60 seconds and retry
- Set autocommit and abort_detached_query session parameters in authentication time if specified
- Fixed cross region stage issue. Could not get files in us-west-2 region S3 bucket from us-east-1

- v1.3.16 (April 20, 2017)

- Fixed issue in fetching ``DATE`` causing [Error 22] Invalid argument on Windows
- Retry on ``RuntimeError`` in requests

- v1.3.15 (March 30, 2017)

- Refactored data converters in fetch to improve performance
- Fixed timestamp format FF to honor the scale of data type
- Improved the security of OKTA authentication with hostname verifications
- Retry PUT on the error ``OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError`` 10053 with lower concurrency
- Added ``raw_msg`` attribute to ``Error`` class
- Refactored session managements

- v1.3.14 (February 24, 2017)

- Improved PUT and GET error handler.
- Added proxy support to OCSP checks.
- Use proxy parameters for PUT and GET commands.
- Added ``sfqid`` and ``sqlstate`` to the results from query results.
- Fixed the connection timeout calculation based on ``login_timeout`` and ``network_timeout``.
- Improved error messages in case of 403, 502 and 504 HTTP reponse code.
- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.7.2, ``boto3`` to 1.4.4 and ``botocore`` to 1.5.14.
- Removed explicit DNS lookup for OCSP URL.

- v1.3.13 (February 9, 2017)

- Fixed AWS SQS connection error with OCSP checks
- Added ``login_timeout`` and ``network_timeout`` parameters to the ``Connection`` objects.
- Fixed forbidden access error handing

- v1.3.12 (February 2, 2017)

- Fixed ``region`` parameter. One character was truncated from the tail of account name
- Improved performance of fetching data by refactoring fetchone method

- v1.3.11 (January 27, 2017)

- Fixed the regression in 1.3.8 that caused intermittent 504 errors

- v1.3.10 (January 26, 2017)

- Compress data in HTTP requests at all times except empty data or OKTA request
- Refactored FIXED, REAL and TIMESTAMP data fetch to improve performance. This mainly impacts SnowSQL
- Added ``region`` option to support EU deployments better
- Increased the retry counter for OCSP servers to mitigate intermittent failure
- Refactored HTTP access retry logic

- v1.3.9 (January 16, 2017)

- Upgraded ``botocore`` to 1.4.93 to fix and ``boto3`` to 1.4.3 to fix the HTTPS request failure in Python 3.6
- Fixed python2 incomaptible import http.client
- Retry OCSP validation in case of non-200 HTTP code returned

- v1.3.8 (January 12, 2017)

- Convert non-UTF-8 data in the large result set chunk to Unicode replacement characters to avoid decode error.
- Updated copyright year to 2017.
- Use `six` package to support both PY2 and PY3 for some functions
- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.7.1 to address MacOS Python 3.6 build issue.
- Fixed OverflowError caused by invalid range of timetamp data for SnowSQL.

- v1.3.7 (December 8, 2016)

- Increased the validity date acceptance window to prevent OCSP returning invalid responses due to out-of-scope validity dates for certificates.
- Enabled OCSP response cache file by default.

- v1.3.6 (December 1, 2016)

- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.5.3, ``pyOpenSSL`` to 16.2.0 and ``cffi`` to 1.9.1.

- v1.3.5 (November 17, 2016)

- Fixed CA list cache race condition
- Added retry intermittent 400 HTTP ``Bad Request`` error

- v1.3.4 (November 3, 2016)

- Added ``quoted_name`` data type support for binding by SQLAlchemy
- Not to compress ``parquiet`` file in PUT command

- v1.3.3 (October 20, 2016)

- Downgraded ``botocore`` to 1.4.37 due to potential regression.
- Increased the stability of PUT and GET commands

- v1.3.2 (October 12, 2016)

- Upgraded ``botocore`` to 1.4.52.
- Set the signature version to v4 to AWS client. This impacts ``PUT``, ``GET`` commands and fetching large result set.

- v1.3.1 (September 30, 2016)

- Added an account name including subdomain.

- v1.3.0 (September 26, 2016)

- Added support for the ``BINARY`` data type, which enables support for more Python data types:

- Python 3:

- ``bytes`` and ``bytearray`` can be used for binding.
- ``bytes`` is also used for fetching ``BINARY`` data type.

- Python 2:

- ``bytearray`` can be used for binding
- ``str`` is used for fetching ``BINARY`` data type.

- Added ``proxy_user`` and ``proxy_password`` connection parameters for proxy servers that require authentication.

- v1.2.8 (August 16, 2016)

- Upgraded ``botocore`` to 1.4.37.
- Added ``Connection.execute_string`` and ``Connection.execute_stream`` to run multiple statements in a string and stream.
- Increased the stability of fetching data for Python 2.
- Refactored memory usage in fetching large result set (Work in Progress).

- v1.2.7 (July 31, 2016)

- Fixed ``snowflake.cursor.rowcount`` for INSERT ALL.
- Force OCSP cache invalidation after 24 hours for better security.
- Use ``use_accelerate_endpoint`` in PUT and GET if Transfer acceleration is enabled for the S3 bucket.
- Fixed the side effect of ``python-future`` that loads ```` in the current directory.

- v1.2.6 (July 13, 2016)

- Fixed the AWS token renewal issue with PUT command when uploading uncompressed large files.

- v1.2.5 (July 8, 2016)

- Added retry for errors ``S3UploadFailedError`` and ``RetriesExceededError`` in PUT and GET, respectively.

- v1.2.4 (July 6, 2016)

- Added ``max_connection_pool`` parameter to Connection so that you can specify the maximum number of HTTP/HTTPS connections in the pool.
- Minor enhancements for SnowSQL.

- v1.2.3 (June 29, 2016)

- Fixed 404 issue in GET command. An extra slash character changed the S3 path and failed to identify the file to download.

- v1.2.2 (June 21, 2016)

- Upgraded ``botocore`` to 1.4.26.
- Added retry for 403 error when accessing S3.

- v1.2.1 (June 13, 2016)

- Improved fetch performance for data types (part 2): DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_LTZ, TIMESTAMP_NTZ and TIMESTAMP_TZ.

- v1.2.0 (June 10, 2016)

- Improved fetch performance for data types (part 1): FIXED, REAL, STRING.

- v1.1.5 (June 2, 2016)

- Upgraded ``boto3`` to 1.3.1 and ``botocore`` and 1.4.22.
- Fixed ``snowflake.cursor.rowcount`` for DML by ``snowflake.cursor.executemany``.
- Added ``numpy`` data type binding support. ``numpy.intN``, ``numpy.floatN`` and ``numpy.datetime64`` can be bound and fetched.

- v1.1.4 (May 21, 2016)

- Upgraded ``cffi`` to 1.6.0.
- Minor enhancements to SnowSQL.

- v1.1.3 (May 5, 2016)

- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.3.2.

- v1.1.2 (May 4, 2016)

- Changed the dependency of ``tzlocal`` optional.
- Fixed charmap error in OCSP checks.

- v1.1.1 (Apr 11, 2016)

- Fixed OCSP revocation check issue with the new certificate and AWS S3.
- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.3.1 and ``pyOpenSSL`` to 16.0.0.

- v1.1.0 (Apr 4, 2016)

- Added ``bzip2`` support in ``PUT`` command. This feature requires a server upgrade.
- Replaced the self contained packages in ``snowflake._vendor`` with the dependency of ``boto3`` 1.3.0 and ``botocore`` 1.4.2.

- v1.0.7 (Mar 21, 2016)

- Keep ``pyOpenSSL`` at 0.15.1.

- v1.0.6 (Mar 15, 2016)

- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.2.3.
- Added support for ``TIME`` data type, which is now a Snowflake supported data type. This feature requires a server upgrade.
- Added ``snowflake.connector.DistCursor`` to fetch the results in ``dict`` instead of ``tuple``.
- Added compression to the SQL text and commands.

- v1.0.5 (Mar 1, 2016)

- Upgraded ``cryptography`` to 1.2.2 and ``cffi`` to 1.5.2.
- Fixed the conversion from ``TIMESTAMP_LTZ`` to datetime in queries.

- v1.0.4 (Feb 15, 2016)

- Fixed the truncated parallel large result set.
- Added retry OpenSSL low level errors ``ETIMEDOUT`` and ``ECONNRESET``.
- Time out all HTTPS requests so that the Python Connector can retry the job or recheck the status.
- Fixed the location of encrypted data for ``PUT`` command. They used to be in the same directory as the source data files.
- Added support for renewing the AWS token used in ``PUT`` commands if the token expires.

- v1.0.3 (Jan 13, 2016)

- Added support for the ``BOOLEAN`` data type (i.e. ``TRUE`` or ``FALSE``). This changes the behavior of the binding for the ``bool`` type object:

- Previously, ``bool`` was bound as a numeric value (i.e. ``1`` for ``True``, ``0`` for ``False``).
- Now, ``bool`` is bound as native SQL data (i.e. ``TRUE`` or ``FALSE``).

- Added the ``autocommit`` method to the ``Connection`` object:

- By default, ``autocommit`` mode is ON (i.e. each DML statement commits the change).
- If ``autocommit`` mode is OFF, the ``commit`` and ``rollback`` methods are enabled.

- Avoid segfault issue for ``cryptography`` 1.2 in Mac OSX by using 1.1 until resolved.

- v1.0.2 (Dec 15, 2015)

- Upgraded ``boto3`` 1.2.2, ``botocore`` 1.3.12.
- Removed ``SSLv3`` mapping from the initial table.

- v1.0.1 (Dec 8, 2015)

- Minor bug fixes.

- v1.0.0 (Dec 1, 2015)

- General Availability release.

Project details

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Source Distribution

snowflake-connector-python-1.8.0.tar.gz (131.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

snowflake_connector_python-1.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (157.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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