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A variety of utilities for common tasks

Project description


Solidipy is a python package that provides a variety of utilities for common tasks. It is 100% unit tested and verified. PyPi repo.


pip install solidipy

Logging Utility


BaseLogger is a wrapper around the standard python logging mod that provides a simple interface for different levels of logging. It also provides an ability to log to the console synchronously or asynchronously. BaseLogger is intended to be instantiated as a singleton. Its default behavior is to log to the console synchronously. You can pass your own logger to BaseLogger at init or use the one provided as the default value. You can also optionally pass an absolute filepath to a dir as a second arg at init to log to a file. If you do not pass a filepath, it will not log to a file. The supplied filepath must end in a directory. Log files will be saved as "{name_of_logger}__{year}-{month}-{day}.log". This means that it will automatically move over to a new logging file every day. If you want to change to the path of a logger after init, supply a path to the "set_log_file" method. To disable logging to a file, supply None to the "set_log_file" method.

ex using default value:

from solidipy.logging_utility import BaseLogger

# Import the singleton logging_utility to other modules to use it across the project.
singleton_logger: BaseLogger = BaseLogger()

singleton_logger.log_info('This is an info message')
singleton_logger.log_debug('This is a debug message')
singleton_logger.log_warning('This is a warning message')
singleton_logger.log_error('This is an error message')
singleton_logger.log_exception('This is a critical message')

# True indicates that this log is conducted asynchronously.
singleton_logger.log_info('This is an info message', True)

ex using custom logger value:

from solidipy.logging_utility import BaseLogger

standard_python_logger: Logger = logging.getLogger("super_sick_nasty_logger_name")
custom_singelton_logger: BaseLogger = BaseLogger(standard_python_logger)

custom_singelton_logger.log_info('This is an info message')
custom_singelton_logger.log_debug('This is a debug message')
custom_singelton_logger.log_warning('This is a warning message')
custom_singelton_logger.log_error('This is an error message')
custom_singelton_logger.log_exception('This is a critical message')

# True indicates that this log is conducted asynchronously.
custom_singelton_logger.log_info('This is an info message', True)

ex that logs to a file:

from solidipy.logging_and_exceptions.logger import BaseLogger

custom_singelton_logger: BaseLogger = BaseLogger(

custom_singelton_logger.log_info('This is an info message') # Will print to console & log to a file in the specified dir.

custom_singelton_logger.set_log_file(None) # Removes the file path and stops logging_utility to a file, but keeps logging_utility to the console.
custom_singelton_logger.log_info('This is an info message') # Will only print to console.

custom_singleton_logger.set_log_file("user/some_user/some_other_project/logging_utility/") # Resetting the log file path will start logging_utility to a file again.
custom_singelton_logger.log_info('This is an info message')# Will log to a file again.



ExceptionHandler is an object that logs and maps exceptions their corresponding error message. If no logger is supplied at init, it will only map the exception to a dictionary and return it. If a logger is supplied, it will log the exception AND return the dictionary. The exception handler is designed to only be used synchronously and to use the logging methods that exist within the BaseLogger class.

Basic example:

from solidipy.exceptions import ExceptionHandler, MASTER_EXCEPTION_TUPLE

def some_function() -> bool:
	A Function that probably does something.
	:return: True if something was done, False if an exception was raised.

		return True
	except MASTER_EXCEPTION_TUPLE as exception:
		exc_handler: ExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler()
		exception_log: dict = exc_handler.get_exception_log(exception)
		return False

Example with logger

from solidipy.exceptions import ExceptionHandler, MASTER_EXCEPTION_TUPLE

from my_cool_project.logger import singleton_logger

def some_function() -> bool:
	A Function that probably does something.
	:return: True if something was done, False if an exception was raised.
		return True
	except (CustomValidationError, MASTER_EXCEPTION_TUPLE) as exception:
		exc_handler: ExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler(singleton_logger)
		exception_log: dict = exc_handler.get_exception_log(exception)
		return False

ex with singletons used (how it is intended to be used):

Setup singletons in their own module to be imported around the project:

# /utils/
import logging

from solidipy.exceptions import ExceptionHandler
from solidipy.logging_utility import BaseLogger

custom_singelton_logger: BaseLogger = BaseLogger(
Singleton logger that is intended to be used across the project.

exception_handler: ExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler(custom_singelton_logger)
Singleton exception handler that is intended to be used across the project.

Use the singletons in your modules:

# /my_cool_project/

from utils.logging_and_exceptions import (
    custom_singelton_logger, exception_handler
from solidipy.exceptions import MASTER_EXCEPTION_TUPLE

def some_function() -> bool:
	A Function that probably does something.
	:return: True if something was done, False if an exception was raised.
		return True
	except MASTER_EXCEPTION_TUPLE as exception:
        # It logs it automatically because it was handed a logger at init.
        # It will also return the dictionary so you can use it in your code,
        # but capturing the dict in a variable isn't required.
		exception_log: dict = exception_handler.get_exception_log(exception)
		return False


'solidipy' provides a variety of utilities for common tasks.

Dict Utilities


Utility function to normalize all string keys in a dictionary to lowercase.

Example code:

from typing import List
from solidipy.utilities.dict_utilities import normalize_keys

# Scenario 1 - All keys are strings.
test_dict: dict = { 'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3 }
normalize_keys(test_dict_1) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

# Scenario 2 - Some keys are strings, some are not.
test_dict_2: dict = { 'A': 1, 'B': 2, 3: 'C' }
normalize_keys(test_dict_1) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 3: 'C'}

# Scenario 3 - All keys are not strings.
test_dict_3: dict = { 1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C' }
normalize_keys(test_dict_1) # {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}

list Utilities


Utility function to determine if a list contains only unique items.

Example code:

from typing import List
from solidipy.utilities.list_utilities import is_every_list_item_unique

unique_list: List[str] = [`a`, `b`, `c`]
is_unique: bool = is_every_list_item_unique(unique_list) # True

dupe_list: List[str] = [`a`, `b`, `c`, `a`]
is_unique: bool = is_every_list_item_unique(dupe_list) # False


Utility function for determining if two lists contain the same items, regardless of order.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.list_utilities import list_contents_are_identical_without_order

list_a: List[str] = [`a`, `b`, `c`]
list_b: List[str] = [`c`, `b`, `a`]
list_c: List[str] = [`a`, `f`, `c`]

are_identical: bool = list_contents_are_identical_without_order(list_a, list_b) # True
are_identical: bool = list_contents_are_identical_without_order(list_a, list_c) # False


Utility function that serializes a list of strings into a single string.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.list_utilities import serialize_list

list_a: List[str] = [`a`, `b`, `c`]
serialized_list: str = serialize_list(list_a) # `a,b,c`


Utility function that deserializes a list of strings from a single string.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.list_utilities import deserialize_list

serialized_str: str = `a,b,c`
deserialized_list: List[str] = deserialize_list(serialized_list)# [`a`, `b`, `c`]

Number Utilities


Utility function for getting a quotient that is rounded up or down. It will round up by default.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.number_utilities import get_rounded_quotient

quotient: int = get_rounded_quotient(5, 2) # 3
quotient: int = get_rounded_quotient(5, 2, False) # 2

String Utilities


Utility function for returning an existing OS environment variable by key.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import get_os_variable

os_var: str = get_os_variable('MY_OS_VAR') # "my_os_var_value"

non_existant_os_var: str = get_os_variable('MY_OS_VAR') # ""


Utility function for conducting a regex match against a string value.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import is_regex_pattern_match

regex_pattern: str = '^[a-z]+$'

is_match: bool = is_regex_pattern_match(regex_pattern, 'my_string') # True
is_match: bool = is_regex_pattern_match(regex_pattern, 'my_string123') # False


Utility function for reformatting a string.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import reformat_string

ex_str: str = "This_is_a_string"
reformatted_str: str = reformat_string(ex_str, '_', ' ') # "This is a string"


Utility function for returning a UUID of a specified length.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import get_random_uuid

uuid: str = get_random_uuid(10) # "a1b2c3d4e5"
uuid_2: str = get_random_uuid(10) # "f6g7h8i9j0"
uuid_3 str = get_random_uuid(14) # "k1l2m3n4o55F89"


Utility function for generating bytes in hexadecimal format and returning them as a string that is the specified length.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import generate_hex_bytes_as_string

str_bytes: str = generate_hex_bytes_as_string(10) # "a1b2c3d4e5"
str_bytes_2: str = generate_hex_bytes_as_string(10) # "f6g7h8i9j0"
str_bytes_3 str = generate_hex_bytes_as_string(14) # "k1l2m3n4o55F89"


Utility function for decoding a base64 encoded string.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import base64_decode_string

b_64_encoded_str: str = "cmF2aW9saSByYXZpb2xpIGdpdmUgbWUgdGhlIGZvcm11b2xpCg=="
decoded_str: str = base64_decode_string(b_64_encoded_str) # "ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli"


Utility function for returning a dictionary as a base64 encoded string.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import get_base64_string_from_dict

important_information: dict = {
	'name': 'John Doe',
	'age': 42,
	'favorite_food': 'ravioli'

b_64_encoded_str: str = get_base64_string_from_dict(important_information) # "ewogICAgJ25hbWUnOiAnSm9obiBEb2UnLAogICAgJ2FnZSc6IDQyLAogICAgJ2Zhdm9yaXRlX2Zvb2QnOiAncmF2aW9saScKfQo="


Utility function for hexadecimal encoding a string.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import get_hex_encoded_str

str_to_encode: str = "ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli"
hex_encoded_str: str = get_hex_encoded_str(str_to_encode) # "726176696f6c6920726176696f6c692067697665206d652074686520666f726d756f6c69"


Utility function for generating a random alphanumeric string of a specified size.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.string_utilities import generate_alphanumeric_str

alphanumeric_str: str = generate_alphanumeric_str(10) # "a1b2c3d4e5"
alphanumeric_str_2: str = generate_alphanumeric_str(10) # "f6g7h8i9j0"
alphanumeric_str_3 str = generate_alphanumeric_str(14) # "k1l2m3n4o55F89"

Time Utilities


Utility function for returning a date in the future down to the matching second.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import get_time_in_future

seconds_in_future: datetime = get_time_in_future(seconds=10) # Datetime object 10 seconds in the future.
weeks_in_future: datetime = get_time_in_future(seconds=10, minutes=10, hours=10, days=10, weeks=10) # Datetime object 80.42 days in the future.


Utility function for telling if a given date and time is later than today.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import is_after_today

tomorrow: datetime = + timedelta(days=1)
is_after: bool = is_after_today(tomorrow) # True

yesterday: datetime = - timedelta(days=1)
is_after: bool = is_after_today(yesterday) # False


Utility function for converting a datetime object into epoch seconds.

Example code:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import get_datetime_in_epoch

current_date_and_time: datetime =
time_in_epoch: int = get_datetime_in_epoch(current_date_and_time) # 1616425200


Utility function for converting a datetime object into a standardized ISO formatted string. If a timezone unaware datetime is passed, as the parameter or a non-UTC datetime is passed, it will be converted to UTC before output.

Example Code:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import get_iso_datestr

some_date: datetime = datetime(2022-01-25 22:56:00.911847, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
iso_date_string: str = get_iso_datestr(some_date) # "2022-01-25T22:56:00.911847+00:00"


Utility function for determining how many seconds are left until an expiration date and time. If no second argument is supplied, it is assumed that the current time is the comparison time.

Example figuring out how many seconds are left until the year 2040:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import get_seconds_remaining_until_expiration

expiration_date: datetime = datetime(2040-01-01 00:00:00.00000, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
get_seconds_remaining_until_expiration(expiration_time) # 507704330

Example using expiration date in the past:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import get_seconds_remaining_until_expiration

expiration_date: datetime = datetime(1997-01-01 00:00:00.00000)
get_seconds_remaining_until_expiration(expiration_time) # 0

Example comparing two dates:

from solidipy.utilities.time_utilities import get_seconds_remaining_until_expiration

expiration_date: datetime = datetime(2040-01-01 00:00:00.00000, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
some_date: datetime = datetime(2022-01-25 22:56:00.911847, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
get_seconds_remaining_until_expiration(expiration_time, some_date) # 507704330


If the Pydantic validation library is installed, 'solidipy' provides a few ways to make the library more flexible and convenient.


Custom error class used to handle Pydantic validation errors that are outside the scope of the library's functionality. This class can override a normal error that Pydantic will throw to mold the information included to be that your choosing. There are certain scenarios where Pydantic's normal error handling is not sufficient. This class is designed to be raised and caught as an exception.

Example code:

from pydantic import (
    BaseModel, Field, field_validator,

from solidipy.utilities.validation import CustomValidationError

class Person(BaseModel):

    age: int = Field()

    address: Dict[str, Any] = Field(max_length=3)

    def __validate_address_field(
        cls, field: str, value: Union[str, int], field_type: Type
         Helper method that validates values within the 'address' field.
         Validates a given value's existence and type.

        :param field: The field name to validate.
        :param value: The value to validate.  Either a string or integer.
        :param field_type: The type to validate against.

        if value is None:
            raise CustomValidationError(
                msg="field is required",
                loc=("address", field),

        if not isinstance(value, field_type):
            raise CustomValidationError(
                error_type="type mismatch",
                msg=f"Input should be a valid {field_type.__name__}",
                loc=("address", field),

        return value

    def validate_address(cls, address: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Custom validation interface method for the address dictionary field.

        :param address: The address dictionary to validate.
        :return: The validated address dictionary.

        if address is None:
            raise CustomValidationError(
                msg=f"adress is required",

        address["street"] = cls.__validate_address_field(
            "street", address.get("street"), str
        address["city"] = cls.__validate_address_field(
            "city", address.get("city"), str
        address["zip_code"] = cls.__validate_address_field(
            "zip_code", address.get("zip_code"), int
        return address


Class designed to make parsing and returning Pydantic validation errors in an efficient and consistent manner.

Example code:

from pydantic import ValidationError, PydanticCustomError

from CustomValidationError.example import Person
from solidipy.validation import ValidationErrorHandler, CustomValidationError

person_data: dict = {
    "age": "Bad value",
    "address": {
        "street": "1234 Main St.",
        "city": "New York",
        "zip_code": 12345

    new_person: Person = Person(**person_data)

except (ValidationError, PydanticCustomError, CustomValidationError) as validation_error:
    validation_error_handler: ValidationErrorHandler = ValidationErrorHandler(
    error_dict: dict = validation_error_handler.error
    code: int = validation_error.get("response_code", 400)
	return error_dict, code

Future Plans

• Decorator that enforces strong-typing of function arguments.
• Utilities for reading and writing to files.

Project details

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Source Distribution

solidipy-0.3.2.tar.gz (29.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

solidipy-0.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (27.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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