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spacestudio™ constellation scripting API

Project description

spacestudio™ Scripting API Documentation

Table of contents

1. Installation

2. Connection

3. Swagger

4. Built-in Functions

5. Demos folder

6. Missions and objects names differences

7. Unit converter toolbox


  1. You will need to have both Python and pip installed on your computer.
  2. Install the spacestudio™ library with the following command:
py install

This will install the spacestudio package, the requests library, used to perform HTTP calls, and the jwt library, used to decode JWTs.

  1. In your Python script, import the library by adding this line at the very top of your file:
import spacestudio
  1. The library has now been imported, you can start using it.


In order to use the library, you need to be connected. You can do so by calling the connect() function:

spacestudio.connect(url, mail, password)

You need to replace the parameter url with the URL you have been given in order to use the scripting API, mail with the email address you use to connect to spacestudio™ and password with your password.

From this point on, you will be connected to the API.

  • If you wish to make your own API calls, with the help of our Swagger (see Swagger section below), you can retrieve your user id as well as your token or directly your headers with the following functions:

  • If you would rather use our library's built-in functions, to create objects and to create and compute missions, see the Built-In Functions section below.

Environment variables

Alternatively to writing your url, mail and password each time you create a new script, these informations can also be saved in an external file, so that the API script needs only to read it. This can be particularly useful for sharing scripts between different users, where each user could keep the sensitive information file private and share only the script.

This can be done by using a .env file, as the one provided as example. This file contains a default url and placeholders for the user's mail and password, in the form of the variables LOG_BASE_URL, LOG_MAIL and LOG_PASSWORD, respectively. To use this file in your script, you must add the following lines to the start of your script:

  from dotenv import load_dotenv

and the connection can be done by:

  base_url = spacestudio.log_base_url
  mail = spacestudio.log_mail
  password = spacestudio.log_password
  spacestudio.connect(base_url, mail, password)


Our Swagger is available at the endpoint /swagger-ui.html from your url. There, you will find two sets of endpoints (Select a spec at the top right-hand corner of the page):

The Swagger is protected by JWT and most of the routes need a user id. To try the routes, you will need to provide your user id and token, check the Connection section above to see how.

  • Scripting API - Missions: Here, you will see all the endpoints you can call in order to create any type of objects and missions, modify or delete existing ones. In order to create your objects and missions, please refer to the Fields Description JSON file, available at /exoops/users/fieldsdescription. (Do not refer to the "Models" section at the bottom of the Swagger page or to the "newValue" from the POST and PUT routes as they are misleading for a user-friendly experience).

  • Scripting API - User: Here, you will find all the endpoints related to the user. What you may find the most interesting are the endpoints:

    • /exoops/users/{id}/runningProcess to check which processes are being run.
    • /exoops/users/{id}/pendingProcess to check which processes are waiting for computation.
    • /exoops/users/fieldsdescription to know how to create your objects/missions. (Do not refer to the "Models" section at the bottom of the Swagger page or to the "newValue" from the POST and PUT routes as they are misleading for a user-friendly experience).

    Example using the Swagger

    In this quick example, we are going to create a Parametric propulsion system.
    First, we are going to import spacestudio, json (the objects we are going to create are JSON objects) and requests (to handle our HTTP calls, that you can install with pip install requests). Finally, we can connect to spacestudio™ through the connect() function.

    import spacestudio, json, requests
    spacestudio.connect('', '', 'my_great_password')

    Then, we can go to the endpoint /exoops/users/fieldsdescription, and see what the JSON object looks like to create a parametric propulsion system. For this example, we are only going to fill in the required fields.

    propulsion_system_object = {
      'name': 'Python propulsion system',
      'thrust': '0.020',
      'isp': 1000,
      'power': 500,
      'standbyPower': 0,
      'totalMass': 50

    Now, we can see that the endpoint to create our parametric propulsion system is /exoops/users/{id}/parametricpropulsionsystemdefinitions. In order to create the URL and the headers, we are going to use two of the library's functions. To perform the POST request, we use the requests library.

    url = '' + '/exoops/users/' + spacestudio.get_user_id() + '/parametricpropulsionsystemdefinitions'
    headers = spacestudio.get_headers(), headers = headers, data = json.dumps(propulsion_system_object))

    Your request has now been received, and your object has been created.

    The full script, with some improvements:

    import spacestudio, requests, json
    base_url = ''
    mail = ''
    password = 'my_great_password'
    api_url = '/exoops/users/'
    parametric_propulsion_system_url = '/parametricpropulsionsystemdefinitions'
    spacestudio.connect(base_url, mail, password)
    propulsion_system_object = {
      'name': 'Python propulsion system',
      'thrust': '0.020',
      'isp': 1000,
      'power': 500,
      'standbyPower': 0,
      'totalMass': 50
    api_endpoint_builder = api_url + spacestudio.get_user_id() + parametric_propulsion_system_url
    url = base_url + api_endpoint_builder
    headers = spacestudio.get_headers(), headers = headers, data = json.dumps(propulsion_system_object))

Built-in functions

The library comes with functions to create, modify or delete objects and missions, retrieve specific objects and missions (e.g. retrieve a specific parametric propulsion system) or all objects and missions (e.g. retrieve all simulation missions), as well as computing missions.

To create these missions and objects, you need to build JSON objects. Check the endpoint /exoops/users/fieldsdescription to know how. (Do not refer to the "Models" section at the bottom of the Swagger page or to the "newValue" from the POST and PUT routes as they are misleading for a user-friendly experience).

All the objects and missions are separated in their own type.

  • You can access all constellation type of objects and missions with spacestudio.constellation,
  • You can access all deployment type of objects and missions with spacestudio.deployment,
  • You can access all parametric study type of objects and missions with spacestudio.parametric_study,
  • You can access all simulations type of objects and missions with spacestudio.simulation.

Then, you can simply call the functions as follow:

  • To create, use create_ followed by the object or mission you want to create. For example, to create a parametric orbit, a simulation mission or a deployment launch, we can type:


    All the create_ functions need the JSON object you created as their only parameter.

  • To retrieve specific objects and missions (e.g. to build more complex objects, see the Example section below), you can use get_ followed by the kind of object or mission and pass in as its parameter the name of the object or mission. For example, if we want to retrieve the parametric mission called 'RAAN phasing demo', the simulation orbit called 'SSO 600km' or the constellation earth mesh called 'World meshing', we can type:

    spacestudio.parametric_study.get_mission('RAAN phasing demo')
    spacestudio.simulation.get_orbit('SSO 600km')
    spacestudio.constellation.get_earth_mesh('World meshing')

    All the get_ functions need the name of the object/mission as their only parameter.

  • To retrieve all objects or missions, you can use get_all_ followed by the kind of object or mission. For example, if we want to retrieve all simulation spacecrafts, all deployment missions or all constellation ground stations, we can type:


    These functions can be useful if you wish to print out the list of objects/missions you already created. Simply use the native Python function print().

  • To compute missions, you can use compute_ ... _mission (replace ... with the type of mission (ONLY FOR CONSTELLATION, see Missions and objects names differences section below)) followed by the kind of mission and pass in as its parameter the name of the mission. For example, if we want to compute a parametric mission called 'Orbital transfer demo', a constellation performance analysis mission called 'Performance analysis demo' or a simulation mission called 'Orbit extrapolation test', we can type:

    spacestudio.parametric_study.compute_mission('Orbital transfer demo')
    spacestudio.constellation.compute_performance_analysis_mission('Simulation demo')
    spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Orbit extrapolation test')

    All the compute_ ... _mission functions need the name of the mission as their only parameter.

  • To get a mission results, you can use get_ ... _mission_results (replace ... with the type of mission (ONLY FOR CONSTELLATION, see Missions and objects names differences section below)). For example, if we want to get the results of the parametric mission called 'LEO Station keeping demo', the deployment mission called 'Deployment test' or the constellation performance analysis called 'Constellation test', we can type:

    spacestudio.parametric_study.get_mission_results('LEO Station keeping demo')
    spacestudio.deployement.get_mission_results('Deployment test')
    spacestudio.constellation.get_simulation_mission_results('Constellation test')

    All the get_ ... _mission_results functions need the name of the mission as their only parameter.

    Note: some missions take some time to compute, and may not have the results ready when the you call get_ ... _mission_results. Alternatively, you can call wait_and_get_ ... _mission_results, which will try to retrieve the results every second, while the mission is still computing. This can be especially useful when some result is important for continuing the calculations.

    Only for simulation missions: the file demos/ contains an utilitary function to export the mission results to a .xlsx file, export_mission_results_in_xlsx. The generated file will be located in the Downloads folder at the home directory. This function is further explained in Demos folder

  • To get a specific mission's id (e.g. to try a route in the Swagger), you can use the get_ ... _mission_id (replace ... with the type of mission (ONLY FOR CONSTELLATION, see Missions and objects names differences section below)). For example, if we want to get the id for the constellation optimization mission called 'Optimization test', the deployment mission called 'Deployment demo' or the simulation mission called 'Orbital transfer test', we can type:

    spacestudio.constellation.get_optimization_mission_id('Optimisation test')
    spacestudio.deployment.get_mission_id('Deployment demo')
    spacestudio.simulation.get_mission_id('Orbital transfer test')

    All the get_ ... _mission_id functions need the name of the mission as their only parameter.

  • To modify an object or mission already created, you can use the modify_ functions. For example, if we create a parametric orbit called 'Python Initial Orbit' and then, we want to modify it, we can type:

    initial_orbit_body = {
      'name': 'Python Initial Orbit',
      'altitude': 600000,
      'type': 'Circular',
      'inclination': 0.20,
      'sunSynchronousOrbit': False
    spacestudio.parametric_study.modify_orbit(initial_orbit_body, {
      'altitude': 600000,
      'inclination': 0.10

    All the modify_ functions need the JSON object to be modified and the new JSON object to replace it as their parameters.

  • To delete specific objects and missions, you can use delete_ followed by the kind of object or mission and pass in as its parameter the name of the object or mission. For example, if we want to delete the parametric mission called 'RAAN phasing demo', the simulation orbit called 'SSO 600km' or the constellation earth mesh called 'World meshing', we can type:

    spacestudio.parametric_study.delete_mission('RAAN phasing demo')
    spacestudio.simulation.delete_orbit('SSO 600km')
    spacestudio.constellation.delete_earth_mesh('World meshing')

    All the delete_ functions need the name of the object/mission as their only parameter.

    Example using built-in functions

    In this quick example, we are going to create a parametric orbital transfer.

    1. First, we are going to create all the objects from scratch, using the create_ functions.
    2. Also, we will retrieve objects to create other ones (e.g. we are going to specify a propulsion system in order to create a spacecraft), using the get_ functions.
    3. Then, we will be computing the mission using the compute_ function.
    4. At last, we are going to print its results using the get_mission_results() function.
    import spacestudio
    base_url = ''
    mail = ''
    password = 'm_great_password'
    spacestudio.connect(base_url, mail, password)
    propulsion_system_body = {
      'name': 'Python propulsion system',
      'thrust': '0.020',
      'isp': 1000,
      'power': 500,
      'standbyPower': 0,
      'totalMass': 50
    initial_orbit_body = {
      'name': 'Python Initial Orbit',
      'altitude': 600000,
      'type': 'Circular',
      'inclination': 0.20,
      'sunSynchronousOrbit': False
    final_orbit_body = {
      'name': 'Python Final Orbit',
      'altitude': 800000,
      'type': 'Circular',
      'inclination': 0.20,
      'sunSynchronousOrbit': False
    spacecraft_body = {
      'name': 'Python Spacecraft',
      'platformMass': 60,
      'dragModelDefined': True,
      'dragArea': 0.20,
      'dragCoefficient': 3.0,
      'orbitalAveragePower': 70,
      'thruster': spacestudio.parametric_study.get_propulsion_system(propulsion_system_body['name'])
    mission_type = 'RAAN Phasing'
    mission_duration = 25000000
    delta_raan = 0.2
    mission_body = {
      'name': 'Python RAAN Phasing',
      'type': mission_type,
      'initialOrbit': spacestudio.parametric_study.get_orbit(initial_orbit_body['name']),
      'finalOrbit': spacestudio.parametric_study.get_orbit(final_orbit_body['name']),
      'spacecraft': spacestudio.parametric_study.get_spacecraft(spacecraft_body['name']),
      'targetMissionDuration': mission_duration,
      'targetDeltaRaan': delta_raan,
      'optimizationType': 'ΔV',
      'targetRaanLtanType': 'RAAN'
    mission_to_compute = 'Python RAAN Phasing'
    mission_to_get_results = mission_to_compute

    All the native functions return their result (except when you encounter an error, it will be printed to the console). If you wish to print the results of a function, you need to pass it in as the parameter of the print() function, even for the get_mission_results() functions.

Pausing and resuming missions

In the Simulations module, the pausing mechanism allows you to pause simulation missions after a certain duration, so that the intermediate state can be recovered and even altered for the remaining of the simulation. This allows for more dynamicism and flexibility in the models used, where you could, for example, change the maneuvering strategy after reaching a certain point in their transfer, or reduce the battery capacity as time goes by.

To access this mechanism, you must fill the parameter durationUntilPause in the mission json object with a positive number. Alternatively, you can create the mission normaly and replace the function compute_mission by compute_mission_until_duration, as done below:

  # First method (with durationUntilPause)
  mission_body_first = {
    'name': 'Mission to pause (A)',
    'durationUntilPause': 86400 # one day, in seconds
    # other mission fields...
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission to pause (A)')

  # Second method (with compute_mission_until_duration)
  mission_body_second = {
    'name': 'Mission to pause (B)',
    # other mission fields...
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission_until_duration('Mission to pause (B)', 86400) # one day, in seconds)

The compute_mission_until_duration function needs the name of the mission and the duration until pause as its parameters.

When computing the mission, if it reaches the given duration and the mission is not yet finished, it will be forcefully stopped at that instant, and the current results can be accessed as for any other mission.

To resume the simulation, you must create a new mission from the results of the paused one. For this, you can use the function create_mission_from_paused_results, that automatically creates the new mission in the database, with the same goal as the previous one (be it target for transfer, total duration of station-keeping, etc) and the updated relevant parameters, such as date, orbit, mass, among others. It will also be set to pause after the same duration as the previous paused mission. For example, if we simply want to pause and continue, we can type:

  # First step of the mission
  mission_body_first = {
    'name': 'Mission pt.1',
    'durationUntilPause': 86400 # one day, in seconds
    # other mission fields...
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission pt.1')

  # Continuing from where it paused
  spacestudio.simulation.create_mission_from_paused_results('Mission pt.1', 'Mission pt.2')
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission pt.2')

The create_mission_from_paused_results function needs the name of the paused mission and the name of the new mission to create as its parameters.

Note: after creating a mission from paused results, this mission can be recovered and updated, via the get_mission and modify_mission methods, before computing it. Creating a new mission from paused results will also create a new instance for each of its child objects, such as spacecraft and orbits.

Since each step of the simulation (until each pause) is treated as its own object (an intermediate mission), calling the functions get_mission_results and export_mission_results_in_xlsx will only get the results of the one intermediate mission. If we want to gather the results of all the intermediate missions combined (the entirety of the simulation), we can use the function get_paused_mission_results_merged, as such:

  # First step of the mission
  mission_body_first = {
    'name': 'Mission pt.1',
    'durationUntilPause': 86400 # one day, in seconds
    # other mission fields...
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission pt.1')

  # Continuing from where it paused
  spacestudio.simulation.create_mission_from_paused_results('Mission pt.1', 'Mission pt.2')
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission pt.2')

  # Storing the merged results in the variable `results`
  results = get_paused_mission_results_merged('Mission pt.1')

The get_paused_mission_results_merged function needs only the name of the first mission as its parameter.

Note: this method is gonna merge all of the computed missions that were created from the original one. As a result, fields like Total consumption and Total ΔV are gonna be added up, fields like the ephemerides are gonna be concatenated, etc.

Each time create_mission_from_paused_results is used, a new mission object is created, as well as a new spacecraft, orbit, and any other objects that were used. If you want to delete those intermediate objects, you can use the function delete_intermediate_objects_from_mission, as shown below:

  # First step of the mission
  mission_body_first = {
    'name': 'Mission pt.1',
    'durationUntilPause': 86400 # one day, in seconds
    # other mission fields...
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission pt.1')

  # Continuing from where it paused
  spacestudio.simulation.create_mission_from_paused_results('Mission pt.1', 'Mission pt.2')
  spacestudio.simulation.compute_mission('Mission pt.2')

  # Storing the merged results in the variable `results`
  results = get_paused_mission_results_merged('Mission pt.1')

  # Clearing the database from the intermediate objects
  spacestudio.simulation.delete_intermediate_objects_from_mission('Mission pt.1')

The delete_intermediate_objects_from_mission function needs only the name of the first mission as its parameter.

Demos folder

In addition to the standard API functions described above, a list of additional scripts is provided in the demos folder. It contains four exemple use cases of API usage, as well as one additional file with utilitary functions ( This folder is provided as an exemple of usage, and all of its content can be altered freely. We encourage you to take a look at this folder to get familiar with the general API structure, and to eventually adapt it to your own needs.

To run the exemple scripts, some basic additional python packages are required, namely: tabulate, matplotlib, numpy and openpyxl. They can each be installed by running the following command in the console:

pip install packagename

where packagename should be replaced by each of the required packages.

The file contains mostly basic functions to improve the user experience with manipulating API objects and requests, such as creating objects and missions, computing missions and some practical applications employed in the exemple scripts.

Some functions, however, are considered particularly useful, and the user is encouraged to at least take a look at them. They are further described below.

Export mission results

As described in Built-in functions, you can export the results of a simulation mission to a .xlsx file via the method export_mission_results_in_xlsx. The generated file will be located in the Downloads folder at the home directory. For example, if we want to export the results of the mission called 'GTO-GEO transfer', we can type:

from DEMO_tools import *
export_mission_results_in_xlsx('GTO-GEO transfer')

The export_mission_results_in_xlsx function need the name of the mission as its only parameter. In order to use this function, the mission must be already computed, so that the results can be accessed.

In the resulting .xlsx file, the inner dictionaries of the results JSON file are converted into sheet tabs. This way, each object (spacecraft, orbit, etc.) can be found in its individual tab with its own fields, even if the object is part of a bigger object (for example, a battery belongs to a spacecraft, but both have separate tabs).

In the tab results, the fields ephemerides and threedEphemerides contain information about the ephemerides (and 3D ephemerides) throughout the mission. The fields consist on a vector of vectors (matrix), where each entry represent a timestep, and for each timestep, a list of different ephemerides are made available. The tabs fieldIndexes and threedFieldIndexes correspond to the indexes of each ephemeris (and 3D ephemeris) found at each timestep.

For clarity and simplicity, the ephemerides are also presented in their own tab, in the disposition of a table.

Simulation ephemerides

In the Simulations module, one of the returned results of the mission are the ephemerides, computed with a given time-step. The ephemerides to be returned can be chosen via the field ephemeridesRequested in the mission body (if not set, all ephemerides will be requested).

For a computed simulation, the ephemerides values can be directly obtained via the function getEphemerides. For example, if we want to get the simulation duration or the osculating keplerian semi-major axis for the simulation mission called 'Orbital transfer simulation test', we can type:

from DEMO_tools import *
getEphemerides('Orbital transfer simulation test', 'simulationDuration')
getEphemerides('Orbital transfer simulation test', 'keplerianSma')

The getEphemerides function needs the name of the mission and the name of the ephemeris to return as its parameters.

The names of the ephemerides available are returned in the fieldIndexes parameter of the mission results. The following table presents a list of all available ephemerides names for each entry in ephemeridesRequested.

ephemeridesRequested Entry Available Ephemeris API Name
- simulationDuration
KEPLERIAN keplerianSma
KEPLERIAN keplerianAltitude
KEPLERIAN keplerianEcc
KEPLERIAN keplerianInc
KEPLERIAN keplerianPa
KEPLERIAN keplerianRaan
KEPLERIAN keplerianLtan
KEPLERIAN keplerianMeanAnomaly
KEPLERIAN keplerianTrueAnomaly
KEPLERIAN keplerianEccentricAnomaly
CARTESIAN cartesianX
CARTESIAN cartesianY
CARTESIAN cartesianZ
CARTESIAN cartesianVx
CARTESIAN cartesianVy
CARTESIAN cartesianVz
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialSma
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialEx
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialEy
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialHx
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialHy
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialMeanArgumentOfLatitude
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialTrueArgumentOfLatitude
EQUINOCTIAL equinoctialEccentricArgumentOfLatitude
CIRCULAR circularSma
CIRCULAR circularEx
CIRCULAR circularEy
CIRCULAR circularInc
CIRCULAR circularRaan
CIRCULAR circularMeanArgumentOfLatitude
CIRCULAR circularTrueArgumentOfLatitude
CIRCULAR circularEccentricArgumentOfLatitude
THRUST currentMass
THRUST totalConsumption
THRUST remainingPropellant
THRUST instantConsumption
THRUST thrustDirectionAlpha
THRUST thrustDirectionDelta
SYSTEM batteryState
SYSTEM batteryContributionTotal
SYSTEM batteryContributionCharge
SYSTEM batteryContributionThrusterConsumption
SYSTEM batteryContributionThrusterWarmupConsumption
ECLIPSE eclipse
ATTITUDE attitudeX
ATTITUDE attitudeY
ATTITUDE attitudeZ
ATTITUDE attitudeMode

Note: for the positional ephemerides (KEPLERIAN, CARTESIAN, EQUINOCTIAL and CIRCULAR), it is possible to obtain either the osculating or mean values (or both) by setting as true the fields ephemeridesOscChoice and/or ephemeridesMeanChoice of the simulation request. The ephemerides names shown in the table correspond to the osculating ephemerides; to obtain the corresponding mean ephemerides, it suffices to add 'Mean' after the name of the orbital elements type. In the case of the keplerian semi-major axis, for example, the keplerianSma corresponds to the osculating value and keplerianMeanSma corresponds to the mean value.

In some specific cases, the following ephemerides are also available:

Condition Available Ephemeris Name User Interface API
RAAN Phasing mission relativeRaan
Orbit Phasing or LEO Station Keeping mission relativeArgumentOfLatitude
LEO Station Keeping mission positionErrorInVelocityDirection
LEO Station Keeping mission positionErrorInRadialDirection
LEO Station Keeping mission positionErrorInOffPlaneDirection
LEO Station Keeping mission velocityErrorInVelocityDirection
LEO Station Keeping mission velocityErrorInRadialDirection
LEO Station Keeping mission velocityErrorInOffPlaneDirection
Drag perturbation enabled pertubationsDragDensity

Missions and objects names differences

If you refer to the Swagger and the user interface of spacestudio™, you may be wondering which mission names from the user interface correspond to which mission names from the Swagger/library. This is especially true for the constellation module.
Here is a table to let you know the differences:

Module Name User Interface Module Name API Mission Name User Interface Mission Name API
Constellations Constellation Performance analysis Performance analysis mission
Constellations Constellation Optimisation Optimization mission
Constellations Constellation Generation Generation mission
Constellations Constellation Simulation Simulation mission
Deployment Strategies Deployment Deployment Scenario Mission
Deployment Strategies Deployment Deployment Optimisation Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study Orbital transfer Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study Orbit Phasing Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study RAAN Phasing Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study LEO Station Keeping Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study Deorbitation Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study Sequence of missions Mission
Parametric Studies Parametric Study ADCS Design Mission
Simulations Simulation Orbital Transfer Mission
Simulations Simulation Orbit Phasing Mission
Simulations Simulation RAAN Phasing Mission
Simulations Simulation LEO Station Keeping Mission
Simulations Simulation Maneuvering Strategy Design Mission
Simulations Simulation Orbit Extrapolation Mission

You can then refer to this table to understand how to create, retrieve, compute missions as well as getting missions results. You just need to type:

  • spacestudio.[Module Name API].create_[Mission Name API](mission_object),
  • spacestudio.[Module Name API].modify_[Mission Name API](old_mission_object, new_mission_object),
  • spacestudio.[Module Name API].get_[Mission Name API](mission_name),
  • spacestudio.[Module Name API].compute_[Mission Name API](mission_name),
  • spacestudio.[Module Name API].get_[Mission Name API]_results(mission_name).
  • spacestudio.[Module Name API].wait_and_get_[Mission Name API]_results(mission_name).

[Module Name API] and [Mission Name API] are always written in snake_case.

If we want to create a Performance analysis mission from the Constellations module, we will type:


It is a bit easier for objects. You just need to ignore the last part (-controller). As for constellation missions and parametric objects, we need to ignore the first part as well (parametric-) and (constellation-).
To create a parametric propulsion system, we can see that the related controller from the Swagger is called parametric-propulsion-system-controller. We can type:


Unit converter toolbox

A unit converter toolbox is available to help one deal with convert results into the desired unit field. To run the script do:


in the scripting-api folder.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

spacestudio-constellation-3.4.1.tar.gz (42.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Supported by

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