Sphinx lilypond extension
Project description
This plugin implements a lily role and directive to include Music score formatted by Lilypond.
2017-xx SVG format is waiting a cropping solution
2017-11 Cleanup for Python 3
Fabrice Salvaire 2017
Wei-Wei Guo 2009, licensed under BSD https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib
Using pip:
pip install sphinxcontrib-lilypond
A lily role to include a standalone music markup. For example, a G clef can be inserted by:
:lily:`\musicglyph #"clefs.G"`
The purpose of the ‘lily’ role is writing music comments or learning notes. So only one markup is allowed.
A lily directive to include a score, for example:
.. lily:: \relative c'' { c4 a d c }
The lilypond_fontsize variable can be used to set the font size:
lilypond_fontsize = [6, -3]
The first value is for lily role setting in absolute font size.
The second value is for lily directive setting in relative font size.
Default settings:
lilypond_preamble = '' lilypond_fontsize = [10, -3] lilypond_command = 'lilypond' lilypond_args = []