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The Splunk distribution of OpenTelemetry Python Instrumentation provides a Python agent that automatically instruments your Python application to capture and report distributed traces to SignalFx APM.

Project description

Splunk distribution of OpenTelemetry Python

OpenTelemetry Python Version GitHub release (latest SemVer) PyPI - Python Version CircleCI Codecov

The documentation below refers to the in development version of this package. Docs for the latest version (v0.13.0) can be found here.

The Splunk distribution of OpenTelemetry Python provides multiple installable packages that automatically instruments your Python application to capture and report distributed traces to Splunk APM.

This Splunk distribution comes with the following defaults:

If you're currently using the SignalFx Tracing Library for Python and want to migrate to the Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Python, see Migrate from the SignalFx Tracing Library for Python.

:construction: This project is currently in BETA. It is officially supported by Splunk. However, breaking changes MAY be introduced.


This Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry requires Python 3.6 or later. If you're still using Python 2, continue using the SignalFx Tracing Library for Python.

Getting Started

The instrumentation works with Python version 3.6+. Supported libraries are listed here.

To get started, install the splunk-opentelemetry[all] package, run the bootstrap script and wrap your run command with splk-py-trace.

For example, if the runtime parameters were:

python --port=8000

Then the runtime parameters should be updated to:

$ pip install splunk-opentelemetry[all]
$ splk-py-trace-bootstrap
$ OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=my-python-app \
    splk-py-trace python --port=8000

The service name is the only configuration option that typically needs to be specified. A couple other configuration options that may need to be changed or set are:

  • Endpoint if not sending to a locally running OpenTelemetry Collector.
  • Environment attribute (example: OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES=deployment.environment=production) to specify what environment the span originated from.

Instrumentation works by patching supported libraries at runtime with an OpenTelemetry-compatible tracer to capture and export trace spans.

To see the Python instrumentation in action with sample applications, see our examples.

All configuration options

Environment variable Config Option Default value Notes
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME service_name unnamed-python-service The service name of this Python application.
OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER exporter_factories otlp The exporter(s) that should be used to export tracing data.
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT http://localhost:4317 The OTLP gRPC endpoint to connect to. Used when OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER is set to otlp
OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT http://localhost:9080/v1/trace The Jaeger Thrift endpoint to connect to. Used when OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER is set to jaeger-thrift-splunk
SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN access_token The optional organization access token for trace submission requests.
SPLUNK_MAX_ATTR_LENGTH max_attr_length 1200 Maximum length of string attribute value in characters. Longer values are truncated.
SPLUNK_TRACE_RESPONSE_HEADER_ENABLED trace_response_header_enabled True Enables adding server trace information to HTTP response headers.
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES resource_attributes unset Comma-separated list of resource attributes added to every reported span.,service.version=3.1,deployment.environment=production
OTEL_PROPAGATORS tracecontext,baggage Comma-separated list of propagator names to be used. SeeConfiguring Propagators for more details.
OTEL_TRACE_ENABLED true Globally enables tracer creation and auto-instrumentation.

Exporting telemetry data

This package can export spans in the OTLP format over gRPRC or Jaeger Thrift format over HTTP. This allows you to export data to wide range of destinations such as OpenTelemetry Collector, SignalFx Smart Agent or even Splunk APM ingest.

To OpenTelemetry Collector

This is the default option. You do not need to set any config options if you want to exporter to the OpenTelemetry collector, the collector has OTLP gRPC receiver enabled with default settings and can be reached by localhost as by default everything by be exported to http://localhost:4317 in OTLP over gRPC.

If your collector cannot be reached at http://localhost:4317, you'll need to set the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT to http://<otel-collector-address>:<port>. Replace <otel-collector-address> and <port> with the address and port of your OpenTelemetry Collector deployment.

Note: You'll make sure that the OTLP gRPC exporter is installed. This can be done by running pip install splunk-opentelemetry[all] or splunk-opentelemetry[otlp].

To SignalFx Smart Agent

  1. Set OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER environment variable to jaeger-thrift-splunk. If you are running the SignalFx Smart Agent locally (reachable via localhost) and it is listening on the default port (9080), you do not need to perform any additional steps. Otherwise, follow the next step.
  2. Set the OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT environment variable to http://<address>:<port>/v1/trace. Replace <address> and <port> with the address and port of your Smart Agent deployment.

Note: You'll make sure that the Jaeger Thrift exporter is installed. This can be done by running pip install splunk-opentelemetry[all] or splunk-opentelemetry[jaeger].

To Splunk Observability Cloud

In order to send traces directly to SignalFx ingest API, you need to:

  1. Set OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER to jaeger-thrift-splunk.
  2. Set OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT to https://ingest.<realm> where realm is your SignalFx realm e.g,
  3. Set SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN to one of your Splunk APM access tokens.

Note: You'll make sure that the Jaeger Thrift exporter is installed. This can be done by running pip install splunk-opentelemetry[all] or splunk-opentelemetry[jaeger].

Configuring Propagators

This package uses W3C trace context and W3C baggage propagators by default. You can override this by setting the OTEL_PROPAGATORS environment variable to a comma separated list of one more propagators. The SDK will use Python's entry points mechanism to load the specified propagator implementation(s) and use it.

For example, to only use W3C trace context without baggage, you can set the environment variable OTEL_PROPAGATORS environment variable to tracecontext.

You can specify any propagator name as long as the propagator implementation can be found via entry points by that name.

Configuring B3 propagator

If you'd like to use b3 instead of or in addition to the default propagators, you can set OTEL_PROPAGATORS to b3 for B3 single header or b3multi for B3 multi header implementation. For example, to configure your service to use B3 multi header and W3C baggage, set the environment variable as


You can specify any combination of supported propagators. Choices are tracecontext, baggae, b3 and b3multi. Note that b3 and b3multi are only available when the opentelemetry-propagator-b3 package is installed. This is installed automatically by installing splunk-opentelemetry[all] or splunk-opentelemetry[b3].

Advanced Getting Started

Instrument and configure with code

If you cannot use splk-py-trace command, you can also add a couple of lines of code to your Python application to achieve the same result.

from splunk_otel.tracing import start_tracing


# Also accepts optional config options:
# start_tracing(
#   service_name='my-python-service',
#   exporter_factories=[OTLPSpanExporter]
#   access_token='',
#   max_attr_length=1200,
#   trace_response_header_enabled=True,
#   resource_attributes={
#    'service.version': '3.1',
#    'deployment.environment': 'production',
#  })

# rest of your python application's entrypoint script

Using a different exporter

The splunk-opentelemetry Python package does not install any exporters by default. You can install it with the OTLP or Jaeger Thrift exporter by using the otlp or jaeger extra options. For example, installing splunk-opentelemetry[otlp] will also pull in the OTLP gRPC exporter. Similarly, installing splunk-opentelemetry[jaeger] will install the Jaeger Thrift exporter. You can also install both exporters by mentioning them both like splunk-opentelemetry[jaeger,otlp]

The distributions uses OTLP by default so we recommend installing splunk-opentelemetry[otlp] unless you want to use another exporter.

Once you install the exporter package you want to use, you can tell the distribution to use a different exporter by setting the OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER environment variables.

For example, to use the Jaeger exporter, set it as follows:


Using multiple exporters

The environment variable accepts multiple comma-separated values. If multiple exporters are specified, all of them will be used. This can be used to export to multiple destinations or to debug with the console exporter while still exporting to another destination. For example, the following configuration will export all spans using both the OTLP exporter and the Console exporter.


Accepted values for OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER

This package uses Python's entry points mechanism to look up the requested exporters. As a result, you can install any thrid party or custom exporter package and as long as it specifies a opentelemetry_exporter entry point to the exporter implementation, you can specify it as a value in OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER.

Known values and the Python packages they ship in are listed below

Exporter name Python package Additional comments
otlp opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc Can be installed with pip install splunk-opentelemetry[otlp]
jaeger-thrift-splunk opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger-thrift Can be installed with pip install splunk-opentelemetry[jaeger]
console_span opentelemetry-sdk Always installed with splunk-opentelemetry

Bootstrap: List requirements instead of installing them

The splk-py-trace-bootstrap command can optionally print out the list of packages it would install if you chose. In order to do so, pass -a=requirements CLI argument to it. For example,

splk-py-trace-bootstrap -a requirements

Will output something like the following:


You can pipe the output of this command to append the new packages to your requirements.txt file or to something like poetry add.

Installing only a subset of dependencies

Installing splunk-opentelemetry[all] automatically pulls in all of the optional dependencies. These include the OTLP gRPC exporter, the Jaeger Thrift exporter and the B3 propagator. If you'd like to install only the packages you need, you can use any combination of oltp, jaeger and b3. For example, in order to install only otlp exporter, you can run

pip install splunk-opentelemetry[otlp]

To install the Jaeger Thrift exporter and the B3 propagator, you can run

pip install splunk-opentelemetry[jaeger,b3]

Special Cases


Tracing Celery workers works out of the box when you use the splk-py-trace command to start your Python application. However, if you are instrumenting your celery workers with code, you'll need to make sure you setup tracing for each worker by using Celery's celery.signals.worker_process_init signal.

For example:

from splunk_otel.tracing import start_tracing
from celery.signals import worker_process_init

def on_worker_process_init(*args, **kwargs):

# rest of your python application's entrypoint script


Automatically instrumenting Django requires DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to be set. The value should be the same as set in your or modules. For example, if your file sets this environment variable to mydjangoproject.settings and you start your Django project as ./ runserver, then you can automatically instrument your Django project as follows:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mydjangoproject.settings
splk-py-trace ./ runserver


Like Celery, we'll also need to setup tracing per Gunicorn worker. This can be done by setting up tracing inside Gunicorn's post_fork() handler.

For example:

from splunk_otel.tracing import start_tracing

def post_fork(server, worker):

Then add -c CLI flag to your gunicorn command.


When using UWSGI, tracing must be setup as a response to the post_fork signal.

For example:

import uwsgidecorators
from splunk_otel.tracing import start_tracing

def setup_tracing():
Running with uwsgi
uwsgi --http :9090 --wsgi-file <> --callable <your_wsgi_callable> --master --enable-threads

The above snippet should be placed in the main python script that uwsgi imports and loads.

UWSGI and Flask

Using USWGI with Flask requires one additional little step. Calling start_tracing() does not auto-instrument pre-existing flask app instances but only flask instances created after. When running flask with uwsgi, we need to create a new flask app instance before the post_fork signal is emitted. This means your flask app will not be auto-instrumented. However, you can still auto-instrument an existing flask app explicitly by importing and calling the flask instrumentor.

For example:

import uwsgidecorators
from splunk_otel.tracing import start_tracing
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.flask import FlaskInstrumentor
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def setup_tracing():
    # instrument our flask app instance eplicitly

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, World!'
Running with uWSGI:
uwsgi --http :9090 --wsgi-file --callable app --master --enable-threads

Manually instrument an application

Documentation on how to manually instrument a Python application is available here.


  • Depending on the default python version on your system, you might want to use pip3 and python3 instead.

  • To be able to run splk-py-trace and splk-py-trace-bootstrap, the directory pip installs scripts to will have to be on your system's PATH environment variable. Generally, this works out of the box when using virtual environments, installing packages system-wide or in container images. In some cases, pip may install packages into your user local environment. In that case you'll need to add your Python user base's bin directory to your system path. You can find out your Python user base as follows by running python -m site --user-base.

    For example, if python -m site --user-base reports that /Users/splunk/.local as the Python user base, then you can add the directory to your path on Unix like system as follows:

    export PATH="/Users/splunk/.local/bin:$PATH"
  • Enable debug logging like you would for any Python application.

    import logging

    :warning: Debug logging is extremely verbose and resource intensive. Enable debug logging only when needed and disable when done.

License and versioning

The Splunk distribution of OpenTelemetry Python Instrumentation is a distribution of the OpenTelemetry Python project. It is released under the terms of the Apache Software License version 2.0. See the license file for more details.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

splunk-opentelemetry-0.13.0.tar.gz (25.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

splunk_opentelemetry-0.13.0-py3-none-any.whl (35.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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