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control Spotify from the command line

Project description

SpotiCLI is a simple command line interface for Spotify. Keep control of your music from the comfort of your terminal!

A quick rundown:

  • song control: play, pause, prev, and next song

  • search and quickplay best matching song, artist, or album (I’m feeling lucky!)

  • search and choose best matching song, artist, or album from results list

For Spotify free users, ads will stay play when navigating through songs. *Oh boy!*

Currently Python 3 and Linux/Unix only.

justin:~$ spoticli --help
SpotiCLI - A simple command line controller for Spotify!

  spoticli [play | pause | prev | next]
  spoticli (song | artist | album) <search-terms>...
  spoticli list (song | artist | album) <search-terms>... [-n=<n> | --num=<n>]
  spoticli (-h | --help)
  spoticli (-v | --version)

  no arguments                      show currently playing song
  play                              play/pause current song
  pause                             pause current song
  prev                              previous song
  next                              next song
  song <search-terms>               play best matching song
  artist <search-terms>             play best matching artist
  album <search-terms>              play best matching album
  list song <search-terms>          list num best matching songs
  list artist <search-terms>        list num best matching artists
  list album <search-terms>         list num best matching albums
  -n NUM --num NUM                  number of results to display [default: 10]
  -h --help                         show this help message
  -v --version                      show version


Via everyones favorite package manager:

pip install spoticli

or a classic:

python install

Make sure your pip / python commands above invoke their Python 3 equivalents.


The installation methods above should automatically install all requirements.

These are: 1. docopt 2. spotipy 3. dbus-python 4. requests

Getting Started:

Play a song, artist, or album via quickplay:

justin:~$ spoticli song never gonna give you up
Song:   Never Gonna Give You Up
Artist: Rick Astley
Album:  Whenever You Need Somebody
justin:~$ spoticli album dark side of the moon
Song:   Speak to Me
Artist: Pink Floyd
Album:  The Dark Side of the Moon

Basic song navigation:

justin:~$ spoticli next
Song:   Breathe (In the Air)
Artist: Pink Floyd
Album:  The Dark Side of the Moon
justin:~$ spoticli prev
Song:   Speak to Me
Artist: Pink Floyd
Album:  The Dark Side of the Moon

Search and select a song, artist, or album via results list:

justin:~$ spoticli list song sandstorm

Song                        Artist                  Album
Sandstorm - Radio Edit      Darude                  Sandstorm
Sandstorm - Original Mix    Darude                  Sandstorm
Sandstorm - Radio Edit      Darude                  Before The Storm
Sandstorm                   Moon Hooch              Joshua Tree - EP
Sandstorm Woman             Sleepy Sun              Fever
Sandstorm - JS 16 Remix     Darude                  Sandstorm
Sandstorm - Ariel Remix     Darude                  Sandstorm
Sandstorm                   David Garrett           Music
Sandstorm                   DJ Crazy J Rodriguez    Dubstep, Vol. 8
Sandstorm                   Michael McCann          Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Original Soundtrack - Extended Edition)

move down:  <j>
move up:    <k>
play selection: <enter>
quit:       <q> or <esc>
justin:~$ spoticli list artist tiny tim

Tiny Tim
Tiny Tim w/ The New Duncan Imperials
Tiny Legs Tim
DJ Tiny Tim
Tiny Tim with Gary Owens
Tiny Tim with Harry Roy & His Band
Tiny Tim's Family

move down:  <j>
move up:    <k>
play selection: <enter>
quit:       <q> or <esc>

Search and select songs from a particular artist or album:

justin:~$ spoticli list song blink 182

Song                     Artist       Album
I Miss You               blink-182    blink-182
All The Small Things     blink-182    Enema Of The State
What's My Age Again?     blink-182    Enema Of The State
She's Out Of Her Mind    blink-182    California
Feeling This             blink-182    blink-182
Bored To Death           blink-182    California
Adam's Song              blink-182    Enema Of The State
Parking Lot              blink-182    Parking Lot
First Date               blink-182    Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
Down                     blink-182    blink-182

move down:  <j>
move up:    <k>
play selection: <enter>
quit:       <q> or <esc>

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