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Python package which takes the songs of a greater playlist as starting point to make recommendations of groups of songs that might bond well within that same playlist, using K-Nearest-Neighbors Technique

Project description


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Use Case

  • This is the first section of this readme, because, you will see, this package can help, but nothing is perfect, so it will, as long as you fit in this particular use case ;(
  • The perfect use case for this is that in one playlist (or more) you put a bunch of songs in different times and mood styles, and when you listen to it, you feel like only listening to a part of it, some days later, that part is useless, but some other part is awesome. The big issue here is that those "parts" are shuffled, all across the playlist. Then how would one find those songs they crave, today, tomorrow, and later? Speaking from experience, it is not worth it to map manually a 1000-song playlist and filter out 50, or 100 of them.
  • This package comes to solve this issue, roughly, because it tries to find the K (number) nearest songs taking into consideration genres, artists, popularity, and some audio features, such as danceability, energy, instrumentalness, tempo, and valence, using the KNN supervised machine learning technique to find the closest songs to some threshold.
  • One issue with this is that Spotify API is not the best, E.g. A LOT of artists do not have any genre associated with them, which, as justified in the next topic, is the main source of genre information used
  • Another issue is that Spotify API does not provide, at the time of publication of version 3.5.2, either song or album genres, which compromises a portion of the accuracy of the recommendations. Still, I recommend you give it a try



  • Python installed
    The ideal version, to run the package is 3.8.x, the version on top of which the package was built, older versions may have some issues, as the package uses a handful of other packages and their versions may conflict.

  • Network Connection
    So that a wide range of songs can be analyzed, it is imperative to have a network connection, at least for the first time executing a script using this package.

  • A fitting playlist
    The perfect use case for this package is that of one big playlist (200+ songs), which you feel like listening to some of them, then others, but never, or rarely, all of them, since they belong to different genres/styles.

  • Patience

    It may seem funny or a joke, but the first mapping process of the playlist to a local pandas DataFrame... it will take a good while, up to 2.5 to 3 seconds per song, at 20-40Mbps Internet connection, being in Latam. All these factors play a part in the time for it to the first load. Just to make it clear, CPU, ram, sdd, etc., will not help much, the issue is to have up to 7 different HTTP requests per song, which make this take so long. Besides, as of July/2022, Spotify implemented a possible API Response: "429: Too Many Requests" which forced this package to implement Exponential Backoff to complete its requests, therefore what already took a while, now takes a little bit more

  • Jupyter Notebook
    Not exactly a requirement but it is advised that a Jupyter notebook is used (even more recommended to use the vscode extension for Jupyter notebooks) because it is important, or at least more comfortable, to have the variable still in memory and then decide how to use it, without having to run a script multiple times, having to reconnect to Spotify, redownload the playlist, redo some computations, etc.

  • Spotify access
    I mean, you knew that already, right?

  • Installing the package

pip install spotify-recommender-api
  • Importing the package

Firstly, it's necessary to import the method start_api from the package spotify_recommender_api.recommender:

from spotify_recommender_api.recommender import start_api

Starting the api

  • Gathering the initial information: (playlist_url, user_id)

--- Playlist URL: The playlist URL is available when right-clicking the playlist name / or going to the three dots that represent the playlist options
--- Playlist ID: The playlist id is available as the hash string between the last '/' in and the '?' in the playlist url

--- User ID: The user id is available when clicking the account, and accessing its information, on Spotify's website

--- Liked Songs: A flag to pass in case the playlist you want to use is your profile Liked Songs
--- Log level: the logging package log level. Defaults to INFO, but can be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR

  • Calling the function:
api = start_api(playlist_url='<PLAYLIST_URL>', user_id='<USER_ID>')


api = start_api(playlist_id='<PLAYLIST_ID>', user_id='<USER_ID>')


api = start_api(liked_songs=True, user_id='<USER_ID>', log_level='DEBUG')

Though, to be honest, it is easier and more convenient to use the playlist URL or the liked_songs flag

  • Getting the Auth Token: It is a hash token that expires 60 minutes after it is generated, and after April 22nd, 2023 it has been fully refactored, due to a change in the Spotify API Authentication methods, which invalidated the previous way. Now As soon as you call the start_api to function a fast API server will be launched in port 8000.
    Also there will be a web browser opened so that the user can click on the button Authorize, log in with their Spotify account, and then, the authentication is completed for that usage of the package.


  • get_playlist
# Method Use Example
# Function that returns the pandas DataFrame representing the base playlist
  • playlist_to_csv
# Method Use Example
# Function that creates a CSV format file containing the items in the playlist
# Especially useful when re-running the script without having changed the playlist
  • get_recommendations_for_song
# Parameters
get_recommendations_for_song(song: str, K: int, with_distance: bool, generate_csv: bool,
                        generate_parquet: bool, build_playlist: bool, print_base_caracteristics: bool)
# Method Use Example
api.get_recommendations_for_song(song='<SONG_NAME>', K=50)
# Function that returns the pandas DataFrame representing the
# given song recommendation playlist
# The 'song' and 'K' parameters are mandatory and the rest is
# defaulted to False
# The "distance" is a mathematical value with no explicit units, that is
# used by the algorithm to find the closest songs
# print_base_caracteristics will display the parameter song information
# Note that it can be used to update a playlist if the given song already
# Has its playlist generated by this package
  • get_most_listened
# Parameters
get_most_listened(time_range: str = 'long', K: int = 50, build_playlist: bool = False)
# Method Use Example
api.get_most_listened(time_range='short', K=53)
# Function that returns the pandas DataFrame representing the
# given the time range most listened to tracks playlist
# No parameters are mandatory but the default values should be noted
  • update_all_generated_playlists


# Parameters
update_all_generated_playlists(K: int = None, playlist_types_to_update: list[str] = ['most-listened-tracks', 'song-related', 'artist-mix', 'artist-full', 'playlist-recommendation', 'profile-recommendation'])
# Method Use Example
# or for example api.update_all_generated_playlists(playlist_types_to_update=['playlist-recommendation'])
# Function updates all the playlists once generated by this package in batch
# Note that if only a few updates are preferred, the methods above are a better fit
# No parameters are mandatory but the default values should be noted, and if a value for K
# is not specified, it takes as default the already existing playlist total song count which is recommended,
  • get_playlist_trending_genres
# Parameters
get_playlist_trending_genres(time_range: str = 'all_time', plot_top: int|bool = False)
# Method Use Example
# Function that returns a pandas DataFrame with all genres within the playlist and both their
# overall appearance and the percentage of their appearance over the entire playlist
# in the given time_range
# Setting the plot_top parameter to one of the following [5, 10, 15] will plot a barplot
# With this number of the most listened genres in the playlist
  • get_playlist_trending_artists
# Parameters
get_playlist_trending_artists(time_range: str = 'all_time', plot_top: int|bool = False)
# Method Use Example
# Function that returns a pandas DataFrame with all artists within the playlist and both their
# overall appearance and the percentage of their appearance over the entire playlist
# in the given time_range
# Setting the plot_top parameter to one of the following [5, 10, 15] will plot a barplot
# With this number of the most listened artists in the playlist
  • artist_specific_playlist
# Parameters
artist_specific_playlist(artist_name: str, K: int = 50, complete_with_similar: bool = False, build_playlist: bool = False, ensure_all_artist_songs: bool = True, print_base_caracteristics: bool = False, with_distance: bool = False)
# Method Use Example
api.artist_specific_playlist(artist_name='Joyner Lucas', K=50, complete_with_similar=True, print_base_caracteristics=True, build_playlist=True)
# Function that returns a pandas DataFrame with all songs from a specific artist within the playlist
# and can complete that new playlist with the closest songs to that artist, and create it in the user account
# complete_with_similar is a Flag that indicates if the playlist will be completed with the closet songs related to the artist or only their songs
# The ensure_all_artist_songs Flag serves the purpose of making sure all the artist's songs are present in a "This is" type playlist, regardless of the K value.
# This behavior is turned off by setting the Flag as False
# print_base_caracteristics will display the parameter song information
# The "distance" is a mathematical value with no explicit units, that is
# used by the algorithm to find the closest songs
# If complete_with_similar is True and K is more than all the songs with that artist, an Artist Mix is created,
# otherwise, a "This once was" Playlist is created
  • audio_features_extraordinary_songs
# Parameters
# Method Use Example
# Function that returns a dictionary containing the songs that have the maximum and minimum values
# for the 5 audio features used in this package: ['danceability', 'energy', 'instrumentalness', 'tempo', 'valence']
  • get_profile_recommendation
# Parameters
get_profile_recommendation(K: int = 50, main_criteria: str = 'mixed', save_with_date: bool = False,
build_playlist: bool = False)
# Method Use Example
# Function that returns a pandas DataFrame with profile-based recommendations, and creates it in the user account
# main_criteria is the base info to get the recommendations
# save_with_date is a flag to save the recommendations as a playlist at a point in time Snapshot
  • get_playlist_recommendation
# Parameters
get_playlist_recommendation(K: int = 50, time_range: str = 'all_time', main_criteria: str = 'mixed', save_with_date: bool = False,
build_playlist: bool = False)
# Method Use Example
# Function that returns a pandas DataFrame with playlist-based recommendations, and creates it in the user account
# main_criteria is the base info to get the recommendations
# time_range is the time range to be looked at for the recommendations baseline
# save_with_date is a flag to save the recommendations as a playlist as a point in time Snapshot
  • get_general_recommendation
# Parameters
get_general_recommendation(K: int = 50, genres_info: 'list[str]' = [], artists_info: 'list[str]' = [], build_playlist: bool = False, use_main_playlist_audio_features: bool = False, tracks_info: Union['list[str]', 'list[tuple[str]]', 'list[list[str]]', 'dict[str, str]'] = [])
# Method Use Example
api.get_general_recommendation(build_playlist=True, artists_info=['NF', 'Logic'], use_main_playlist_audio_features=True)
# Function that returns a pandas DataFrame with artists, genres, and/or tracks-based recommendations, and creates it in the user account
# genres_info, artists_info, and tracks_info are the lists of information that the recommendation would be based on
# use_main_playlist_audio_features is the flag to indicate if the playlist-provided audio features will be used as the target for a better recommendation
  • select_playlist
# Parameters
select_playlist(user_id: str, playlist_id: str = None, playlist_url: str = None, liked_songs: bool = False)
# Method Use Example
api.select_playlist(user_id='USER_ID', liked_songs=True)
# Function to select a playlist to be mapped and be available on all the playlist-related recommendation
# functions on an already existing authorization context
  • select_playlist
# Parameters
get_songs_by_mood(mood: str, K: int = 50, build_playlist: bool = False, exclude_mostly_instrumental: bool = False)
# Method Use Example
api.get_songs_by_mood(mood='happy', build_playlist=True)
# Function to create a playlist based on the general mood of its songs
  • get_medium_term_favorites_playlist - DEPRECATED
# Parameters
get_medium_term_favorites_playlist(with_distance: bool, generate_csv: bool,
                        generate_parquet: bool, build_playlist: bool)
# Method Use Example
api.get_medium_term_favorites_playlist(generate_csv=True, build_playlist=True)
# Function that returns the pandas DataFrame representing the
# medium term top 5 recommendation playlist
# All parameters are defaulted to False
# The "distance" is a mathematical value with no explicit units, that is
# used by te algorithm to find the closest songs
  • get_short_term_favorites_playlist - DEPRECATED
# Parameters
get_short_term_favorites_playlist(with_distance: bool, generate_csv: bool,
                        generate_parquet: bool, build_playlist: bool)
# Method Use Example
api.get_short_term_favorites_playlist(generate_csv=True, build_playlist=True)
# Function that returns the pandas DataFrame representing the
# short term top 5 recommendation playlist
# All parameters are defaulted to False
# The "distance" is a mathematical value with no explicit units, that is
# used by te algorithm to find the closest songs
  • refresh_token - DEPRECATED
# Parameters
refresh_token(token: str)
# Method Use Example
api.refresh_token(token='AUTH TOKEN')
# Function that refreshes the auth token in order to not having to rerun the initialization every hour


  • Advice towards leaving everything more organized

    It is recommended that the user creates folders to group the playlists created by this package, because after creating more than 150 playlists, your library can, and probably will, become a mess. Unfortunately, the Spotify API does not allow users to create or manipulate folders in the same way that a file system does. The only way to create folders is manually, through the web page or app. Some suggestions for folders that could be useful include "Song Related" for playlists created using the get_recommendations_for_song function, "Profile Recommendations" for playlists created with get_profile_recommendation, "Personal Trends" for playlists created with get_most_listened, get_short_term_favorites_playlist, or get_medium_term_favorites_playlist, and any other categories that the user thinks would be useful.
  • Spotify Enhance Feature vs spotify-recommender-api package

    I think it is really possible, and legitimate, to wonder if the Enhance Feature replaces the use of this package. However, in my opinion, they can actually be used in a complementary fashion. For example, you can create a profile recommendation based on your most listened tracks, and then use the Enhance feature to increase the number of new and enjoyable songs in that playlist, both from the profile recommendation playlist and from the enhancement itself. This can improve the overall listening experience. It's worth noting that while the Enhance Feature was introduced after the development of most of the package, they do not conflict with each other.

OG Scripts



This script, in jupyter notebook format for organization purposes, applies the technique called K Nearest Neighbors to find the 50 closest songs to either one chosen or one of the users top 5(short term), all within a specific Spotify playlist, in order to maintain the most consistency in terms of the specific chosen style, and creates a new playlist with those songs in the user's library, using their genres, artists and overall popularity as metrics to determine indexes of comparison between songs


There are also 2 variations from that, which consist of medium term favorites related top 100 and "short term top 5" related top 50 songs. They vary from OG model since the base song(s) is(are) not chosen by hand but statistically


Not fit for direct use since some information such as client id, client secret, both of which are, now, in a hidden script on .gitignore so that it is not made public, have to be informed in order for the Spotify Web API to work properly. And also, as of January 2022, these scripts are deprecated, so they will not have any maintenance or overtime improvements or new features

Packages used

  • Pandas
pip install pandas
  • Requests
pip install requests
  • Seaborn
pip install seaborn
  • Re (re)
  • Os (os)
  • Json (json)
  • Time (time)
  • Datetime (datetime)
  • Dateutil (dateutil)
  • Operator (operator)
  • Functools (functools)
  • Webbrowser (webbrowser)


Well, since this is a really simple package, contributing is always welcome, just as much as creating issues experienced with the package

In order to better organize these contributions, it would be ideal that all PRs follow the template:

PR Template

A brief description of the improvements

A explanation on why those changes were needed, necessary, or at least, why it was on the best interest of the package users, for the package to have this changed

List of changes made, can be the list of the commits made, or a simple changes list


Ideally the commits should make use of the convention of Conventional Commits
Something i recommend is the usage of either the Commitizen terminal extension or the Commit Message Editor VSCode Extension

Project details

Download files

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Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

spotify_recommender_api-4.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (40.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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