Convert your SQLAlchemy models to UML diagrams (via PlantUML)
Project description
Install as a development dependency in your project, then type sqla2uml for help:
Usage: sqla2uml [OPTIONS] Options: -m, --module TEXT Package to analyse (recursively) -o, --output TEXT File to output result (defaults to stdout) -p, --properties Include properties in diagrams -x, --exclude TEXT List of class names to exclude from diagram -d, --debug-level INTEGER Debug level --help Show this message and exit.
Free software: MIT license
Documentation: (not working yet)
Generate UML diagrams from SQLAlchemy models.
One must have PlantUML installed.
More features / more flexibility to come later.
Pull-requests accepted.
Participants must adhere to the Python COC (<>)
This package was created with Cruft and the abilian/cookiecutter-abilian-python project template.