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This is a SQL library with included bindings for sqlite. Inspired by Laravel and in particular Eloquent.


This package provides a set of interfaces and classes to make using a SQL database easier and simpler. (See section below for full list.)

The primary features are the SqlQueryBuilder and SqlModel base classes. The SqlQueryBuilder uses a monad pattern to build a query from various clauses. The SqlModel handles encoding, persisting, reading, and decoding models that correspond to rows.

from sqloquent import SqlQueryBuilder

sqb = SqlQueryBuilder(
    'some_table', columns=['id', 'etc'], connection_info='temp.db'
).join('some_other_table', columns=['id', 'some_id', 'data'])

# count the number of matches
count = sqb.count()

# chunk through them 1000 at a time
for chunk in sqb.chunk(1000):
    for joined_model in chunk:

# or just get them all
results = sqb.get()

These base classes have a default binding to sqlite3 via the SqliteContext class, but they can be coupled to any SQL database client. See the "Usage" section below for detailed instructions for the latter.

Additionally, three classes, DeletedModel, HashedModel, and Attachment have been supplied to allow easy implementation of a system that includes a cryptographic audit trail. DeletedModel corresponds to any deleted model from a class that extends HashedModel and includes a restore method that can restore the deleted record.

There is an included CLI tool that generates code scaffolding for models and migrations, as well as track, apply, rollback, and refresh migrations.


  • Base interfaces
  • Base test suite
  • Base classes
  • ORM
  • Cryptographic bonus code
  • Detailed query builder
  • Code scaffold tools + CLI
  • Schema migration system
  • Decent documentation
  • Add support for all SQL types in migration system.

Currently, only the basic sqlite3 types (affinities) of text, blob, integer, real, and numeric are supported by the migration system.

Setup and Usage

Requires Python 3.10+. This has not been tested with older Python versions.


pip install sqloquent


There are two primary ways to use this package: either with the bundled sqlite3 coupling or with a custom coupling to an arbitrary SQL database client. The cryptographic audit trail features can be used with any SQL database coupling.

Connection Information

Connection information can be bound or injected in several places:

  • Bound to each individual model
  • Injected into the query builder
  • Bound to the query builder
  • Bound to the db context manager

Items higher in the list will override those lower in the list. For example, if you set the connection_info attribute on a model class or instance, it will be used for interactions with the db originating from that model class or instance, respectively. If you set the connection_info attribute on the query builder class, it will be used, but if you pass it as a parameter to initialize a query builder, that paramter will be used instead.


The most thorough examples are the integration tests. The model files for the first can be found here, and the test itself is here.

The models were scaffolded using the CLI tool, then the details filled out in each. The relations were set up in the file. The integration test generates migrations from these classes using the CLI tool, automigrates using the CLI tool, then does inserts/updates/deletes and checks the db for correctness. (These files provide a basic schema for correspondent banking.)

The second integration test is outlined in the "Using the ORM" section below.

CLI Tool

For ease of development, a CLI tool is included which can be used for generating code scaffolds/boilerplates and for managing migrations. After installing via pip, run sqloquent in the terminal to view the help text.

The CLI tool can generate models and migrations, including the ability to generate migrations from completed models. Migrations can be handled manually or using an automatic method that tracks migrations via a migrations table. To use the migration tools, the environment variable CONNECTION_STRING must be set either in the CLI environment or in a .env file, e.g. CONNECTION_STRING=path/to/file.db. To insert this connection string into generated scaffold code, also define a MAKE_WITH_CONNSTRING environment variable and set it to anything other than "false" or "0"; this is a convenience feature for working with sqlite3, since that is the only bundled coupling, but overwriting the connection_info attribute on models at the app execution entry point is probably a better strategy -- if using another SQL binding, the connection info should be injected into the context manager (see section about binding to other SQL databases/engines below).

Additionally, the functionality of the CLI tool can be accessed programmatically through

Note About Table Construction

The package as it stands relies upon text or varchar type id columns. The SqlModel uses a hexadecimal uuid4 as a GUID, while the HashedModel uses the sha256 of the deterministically encoded record content as a GUID. This can be changed for use with autoincrementing int id columns by extending SqlModel and overriding the insert and insert_many methods to prevent setting the id via cls.generate_id(). However, this is not recommended unless the autoincrement id can be reliably discerned from the db cursor and there are no concerns about, say, synchronizing between instances using a CRDT.

Use one of the variants of the sqloquent make migration command to create a migration scaffold, then edit the result as necessary. If you specify the --model name path/to/model/file variant, the resultant source will include a unique index on the id column and simple indices on all other columns. This will also parse any class annotations that map to names of columns. For example, given the following class,

from sqloquent import SqlModel
class Thing(SqlModel):
    table = 'things'
    columns = ('id', 'name', 'amount')
    id: str
    name: bytes
    amount: int|None

the make migration --model command will produce the following migration:

from sqloquent import Migration, Table

def create_table_things() -> list[Table]:
    t = Table.create('things')
    return [t]

def drop_table_things() -> list[Table]:
    return [Table.drop('things')]

def migration(connection_string: str = '') -> Migration:
    migration = Migration(connection_string)
    return migration

This should provide a decent scaffold for migrations, allowing the user of this package to model their data first as classes if desired. If some custom SQL is necessary, it can be added using a callback:

def add_custom_sql(clauses: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    clauses.append("do something sql-y")
    return clauses

def create_table_things() -> list[Table]:
    t = Table.create('things')
    return [t]

Examine the generated SQL of any migration using the sqloquent examine path/to/migration/file command. The above example will generate the following:

/**** generated up/apply sql ****/
create table if not exists things (id text, name blob, amount integer);
create unique index if not exists udx_things_id on things (id);
create index if not exists idx_things_name on things (name);
create index if not exists idx_things_amount on things (amount);

/**** generated down/undo sql ****/
drop table if exists things;


Models should extend SqlModel or a model that extends SqlModel and couples to another database client. To use the supplied sqlite3 coupling without the cryptographic features, extend the SqlModel, filling these attributes as shown below:

  • table: str: the name of the table
  • columns: tuple[str]: the ordered tuple of column names
  • annotations for columns as desired

Additionally, set up any relevant relations using the ORM helper methods.

from __future__ import annotations
from sqloquent import SqlModel, has_many, belongs_to, RelatedModel, RelatedCollection

connection_string = ''

with open('.env', 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for l in lines:
        if l[:18] == 'CONNECTION_STRING=':
            connection_string = l[18:-1]

class ModelA(SqlModel):
    connection_info = connection_string
    table: str = 'model_a'
    columns: tuple = ('id', 'name', 'details')
    id: str
    name: str
    _details: dict = None
    model_b: RelatedCollection

    def details(self, reload: bool = False) -> dict:
        """Decode json str to dict."""
        if self._details is None or reload:
            self._details = json.loads(['details'])
        return self._details

    def set_details(self, details: dict = {}) -> ModelA:
        """Sets details and encodes to json str."""
        if details:
            self._details = details['details'] = json.dumps(self._details)
        return self

class ModelB(SqlModel):
    connection_info = connection_string
    table: str = 'model_b'
    columns: tuple = ('id', 'name', 'model_a_id', 'number')
    id: str
    name: str
    model_a_id: str
    number: int
    model_a: RelatedModel

ModelA.model_b = has_many(ModelA, ModelB, 'model_a_id')
ModelB.model_a = belongs_to(ModelB, ModelA, 'model_a_id')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    model_a = ModelA.insert({'name': 'Some ModelA'})
    model_b = ModelB({'name': 'Some ModelB'})
    assert hasattr(model_a, 'data') and type( is dict
    assert hasattr(model_b, 'data') and type( is dict
    model_b.model_a = model_a
    assert model_a.model_b[0].data['id'] ==
    assert model_a.model_b[0].id ==

To use this, save the code snippet as "" and run the following to set up the database and then run the script:

sqloquent make migration --model ModelA >
sqloquent make migration --model ModelB >
sqloquent migrate
sqloquent migrate

It is noteworthy that every column in the columns class attribute will be made into a property that accesses the underlying data stored in the data dict (the annotation just helps the code editor/LSP pick up on this). This will not work for any column name that collides with an existing class attribute or method, and the behavior can be disabled by adding a class attribute called "disable_column_property_mapping"; all row data will still be accessible via the data attribute on each instance regardless of name collision or feature disabling.

If you do not want to use the bundled ORM system, set up any relevant relations with _{related_name}: RelatedModel attributes and {related_name}(self, reload: bool = False) methods. Dicts should be encoded using json.dumps and stored in text columns. More flexibility can be gained at the expense of performance by using the packify package, e.g. to encode sets or classes that implement the packify.Packable interface.

from sqloquent import SqlModel

class ModelA(SqlModel):
    table: str = 'model_a'
    columns: tuple = ('id', 'name', 'details')
    id: str
    name: str
    _model_b: ModelB|None = None
    _details: dict|None = None

    def model_b(self, reload: bool = False) -> list[ModelB]:
        """The related model."""
        if self._model_b is None or reload:
            self._model_b = ModelB.query({'model_a_id':['id']}).get()
        return self._model_b

    def set_model_b(self, model_b: ModelB) -> ModelA:
        """Helper method to save some lines."""['model_a_id'] =['id']
        model_b._model_a = self
        self._model_b = model_b
        return self

    def details(self, reload: bool = False) -> dict:
        """Decode json str to dict."""
        if self._details is None or reload:
            self._details = json.loads(['details'])
        return self._details

    def set_details(self, details: dict = {}) -> ModelA:
        """Sets details and encodes to json str."""
        if details:
            self._details = details['details'] = json.dumps(self._details)
        return self

class ModelB(SqlModel):
    table: str = 'model_b'
    columns: tuple = ('id', 'name', 'model_a_id', 'number')
    id: str
    name: str
    model_a_id: str
    number: int
    _model_a: ModelA|None = None

    def model_a(self, reload: bool = False) -> Optional[ModelA]:
        """Return the related model."""
        if self._model_a is None or reload:
            self._model_a = ModelA.find(['model_a_id'])
        return self._model_a

    def set_model_a(self, model_a: ModelA) -> ModelB:
        """Helper method to save some lines."""['model_a_id'] =['id']
        self._model_a = model_a
        model_a._model_b = self

Coupling to a SQL Database Client

To couple to a SQL database client, complete the following steps.

0. Implement the CursorProtocol

If the database client does not include a cursor that implements the CursorProtocol, one must be implemented. Besides the methods execute, executemany, executescript, fetchone, and fetchall, an int rowcount attribute should be available and updated after calling execute.

If a rowcount attribute is not available, then the following methods of the base SqlQueryBuilder will need to be overridden in step 2:

  • insert_many: returns the number of rows inserted
  • update: returns the number of rows updated
  • delete: returns the number of rows deleted
1. Implement the DBContextProtocol

See the SqliteContext class for an example of how to implement this interface. This is a standard context manager that accepts connection_info string and returns a cursor to be used within the context block:

with SomeDBContextImplementation('some optional connection string') as cursor:

Note that the connection information should be bound or injected here in the context manager. Connection strings can be put on the models themselves or by setting the connection_info attribute on the context manager class (e.g. SqliteContext.connection_info = 'temp.db') or the SqlQueryBuilder class (e.g. SqlQueryBuilder.connection_info = 'temp.db').

2. Extend SqlQueryBuilder

Extend SqlQueryBuilder and supply the class from step 1 as the second parameter to super().__init__(). Example:

class SomeDBQueryBuilder(SqlQueryBuilder):
    def __init__(self, model: type, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(model, SomeDBContext, *args, **kwargs)

Additionally, since the SqlQueryBuilder was modeled on sqlite3, any difference in the SQL implementation of the database or db client will need to be reflected by overriding the relevant method(s).

3. Extend SqlModel

Extend SqlModel to include whatever class or instance information is required and inject the class from step 2 into the class attribute query_builder_class. Example:

class SomeDBModel(SqlModel):
    """Model for interacting with SomeDB database."""
    some_config_key: str = 'some_config_value'
    query_builder_class: QueryBuilderProtocol = SomeDBQueryBuilder
4. Extend Class from Step 3

To create models, simply extend the class from step 3, setting class annotations and filling these attributes:

  • table: str: the name of the table
  • columns: tuple: the ordered tuple of column names

Model class annotations are helpful because the columns will be mapped to class properties, i.e.['id'] == However, since the base class methods are type hinted for the base class, instance variables returned from class methods should be type hinted, e.g. model: SomeDBModel = SomeDBModel.find(some_id); alternately, the methods can be overridden just for the type hints, and the code editor LSP should still read the doc block of the base class method if the child class method is left without a doc block.

Additionally, set up any relevant relations using the ORM functions or, if you don't want to use the ORM, with _{related_name}: SomeModel attributes and {related_name}(self, reload: bool = False) methods. Dicts should be encoded to comply with the database client, e.g. by using json.dumps for databases that lack a native JSON data type or for clients that require encoding before making the query.

5. SqlQueryBuilder Features

A few quick notes about QueryBuilderProtocol implementations, including the bundled SqlQueryBuilder:

  • The query builder can be used either with a model or with a table, e.g. SqlQueryBuilder(SomeModel) or SqlQueryBuilder('some_table', columns=['id', 'etc']). If used with a table name, then columns must be specified.
  • Pagination is accomplished using the skip(number) and take(number) methods, or by directly setting the limit and offset attributes. The offset will only apply when limit is specified because that is how SQL works generally.
  • For iterating over large data sets, the chunk(number) method returns a generator that yields subsets with length equal to the specified number.
  • For debugging/learning purposes, the to_sql produces human-readable SQL.
  • The execute_raw(sql) method executes raw SQL and returns a tuple of (int rowcount, Any results from fetchall).
  • If only certain columns are desired, they can be selected with select(names); SQL functions can also be selected in this way, e.g. select["count(*)"].
  • Joins can be accomplished using join(AnotherModel, [table1_col, table2_col]) or join('another_table', [table1_col, table2_col], columns=['id', 'etc]). Note that if a table name is specified, then columns for the table must be provided.

Using the Cryptographic Features

If a cryptographic audit trail is desirable, use an inheritance pattern to couple the supplied classes to the desired ModelProtocol implementation, or simply change the connection_info attribute to use with sqlite3.

from .dbcxm import SomeDBContextManager
from sqloquent import HashedModel, DeletedModel, Attachment, SqlQueryBuilder

env_db_file_path = 'some_file.db'
env_connstring = 'user=admin,password=admin'

# option 1: inheritance
class CustomQueryBuilder(SqlQueryBuilder):
    def __init__(self, model_or_table, **kwargs,):
        return super().__init__(model_or_table, SomeDBContextManager, **kwargs)

class NewModel(HashedModel, SomeDBModel):
    connection_info = env_connstring
    query_builder_class = CustomQueryBuilder

# option 2: bind the classes
HashedModel.connection_info = env_db_file_path
DeletedModel.connection_info = env_db_file_path
Attachment.connection_info = env_db_file_path

The latter must be done exactly once. The value supplied for connection_info should be set with some environment configuration system, but here it is only poorly mocked.

Using the ORM

The ORM is comprised of 4 classes inheriting from Relation and implementing the RelationProtocol: HasOne, HasMany, BelongsTo, and BelongsToMany.

Each Relation child class instance has a method create_property that returns a property that can be set on a model class:

from sqloquent import HasOne, BelongsTo

class User(SqlModel):

class Avatar(SqlModel):
    columns = ('id', 'url', 'user_id')

User.avatar = HasOne('user_id', User, Avatar).create_property()
Avatar.user = BelongsTo('user_id', Avatar, User).create_property()

There are also four helper functions for setting up relations between models: has_one, has_many, belongs_to, and belongs_to_many. These simplify and are the intended way for setting up relation between models. Far friendlier way to use the ORM.

from __future__ import annotations
from sqloquent import (
    SqlModel, RelatedCollection, RelatedModel,
    has_one, has_many, belongs_to, belongs_to_many,

class User(SqlModel):
    table = 'users'
    columns = ('id', 'name')
    friends: RelatedCollection
    friendships: RelatedCollection
    avatar: RelatedModel
    posts: RelatedCollection

class Avatar(SqlModel):
    table = 'avatars'
    columns = ('id', 'url', 'user_id')
    user: RelatedModel

class Post(SqlModel):
    table = 'posts'
    columns = ('id', 'content', 'user_id')
    author: RelatedModel

class Friendship(SqlModel):
    table = 'friendships'
    columns = ('id', 'user1_id', 'user2_id')
    user1: RelatedModel
    user2: RelatedModel

    def insert(cls, data: dict) -> Friendship | None:
        # also set inverse relationship
        result = super().insert(data)
        if result:
                'user1_id': data['user2_id'],
                'user2_id': data['user1_id'],

    def insert_many(cls, items: list[dict]) -> int:
        inverse = [
                'user1_id': item['user2_id'],
                'user2_id': item['user1_id']
            for item in items
        return super().insert_many([*items, *inverse])

    def delete(self):
        # first delete the inverse

User.avatar = has_one(User, Avatar)
Avatar.user = belongs_to(Avatar, User)

User.posts = has_many(User, Post) = belongs_to(Post, User)

User.friendships = has_many(User, Friendship, 'user1_id')
User.friends = belongs_to_many(User, User, Friendship, 'user1_id', 'user2_id')

Friendship.user1 = belongs_to(Friendship, User, 'user1_id')
Friendship.user2 = belongs_to(Friendship, User, 'user2_id')

The relations can then be used as follows:

# add users
alice: models2.User = models2.User.insert({"name": "Alice"})
bob: models2.User = models2.User.insert({"name": "Bob"})

# add avatars
alice.avatar().secondary = models2.Avatar.insert({
    "url": "",
bob.avatar = models2.Avatar.insert({
    "url": "" +
    "/Walrus_(Odobenus_rosmarus)_on_Svalbard.jpg/1200px-Walrus_(Odobe" +

# add a friendship
bob.friends = [alice]

The above is included in the second integration test:

NB: polymorphic relations are not supported. See the Attachment class for an example of how to implement polymorphism if necessary.

Interfaces, Classes, Functions, and Tools

Below is a list of interfaces, classes, errors, and functions. See the file generated by autodox for full documentation, or read for documentation on just the interfaces or for information about the bundled tools.


  • CursorProtocol(Protocol)
  • DBContextProtocol(Protocol)
  • ModelProtocol(Protocol)
  • JoinedModelProtocol(Protocol)
  • RowProtocol(Protocol)
  • QueryBuilderProtocol(Protocol)
  • RelationProtocol(Protocol)
  • RelatedModel(ModelProtocol)
  • RelatedCollection(Protocol)
  • ColumnProtocol(Protocol)
  • TableProtocol(Protocol)
  • MigrationProtocol(Protocol)


Classes implement the protocols or extend the classes indicated.

  • SqlModel(ModelProtocol)
  • SqlQueryBuilder(QueryBuilderProtocol)
  • SqliteContext(DBContextProtocol)
  • DeletedModel(SqlModel)
  • HashedModel(SqlModel)
  • Attachment(HashedModel)
  • Row(RowProtocol)
  • JoinedModel(JoinedModelProtocol)
  • JoinSpec
  • Relation(RelationProtocol)
  • HasOne(Relation)
  • HasMany(HasOne)
  • BelongsTo(HasOne)
  • BelongsToMany(Relation)
  • Column(ColumnProtocol)
  • Table(TableProtocol)
  • Migration(MigrationProtocol)


The package includes some ORM helper functions for setting up relations and some other useful functions.

  • dynamic_sqlmodel
  • has_one
  • has_many
  • belongs_to
  • belongs_to_many
  • get_index_name


The package includes a set of tools with a CLI invocation script.

  • make_migration_create
  • make_migration_alter
  • make_migration_drop
  • make_migration_from_model
  • publish_migrations
  • make_model
  • migrate
  • rollback
  • refresh
  • examine
  • automigrate
  • autorollback
  • autorefresh


Open a terminal in the root directory and run the following:

python tests/
python tests/
python tests/
python tests/
python tests/

The tests demonstrate the intended (and actual) behavior of the classes, as well as some contrived examples of how they are used. Perusing the tests will be informative to anyone seeking to use/break this package, especially the integration test which demonstrates the full package. There are currently 183 unit tests + 2 e2e integration tests.

ISC License

Copyleft (c) 2023 k98kurz

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyleft notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.


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Source Distribution

sqloquent-0.2.1.tar.gz (58.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

sqloquent-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (36.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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