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A new kind or ORM that do not abstract away your database or SQL queries.

Project description


A new kind or ORM that do not abstract away your database or SQL queries.

  • Thin layer on top of DBAPI 2.0
  • Use SQL as usual
  • Utilities to help you build composable SQL queries
  • ActiveRecord-style ORM that is mostly direct row to object
  • Supports optional model definition via annotations
  • Predictable SQL generation from models
  • Supports relationships
  • Built-in SQL based migration system
  • Low coupling between different parts of the library which can be used directly with DBAPI Connections
  • High test coverage (90%)
  • Easy to understand code

Example usage:

from sqlorm import Engine, Model, PrimaryKey, sqlfunc, create_table
import datetime

class Task(Model):
    table = "tasks"

    id: PrimaryKey[int]
    title: str
    done: bool

    def find_todos():
        "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done"

    def toggle(self):
        "UPDATE tasks SET done = not done WHERE id = %( RETURNING *"

def tasks_completion_report(start_date, end_date):
    """SELECT done_at, COUNT(*) count
       FROM tasks
       WHERE done_at >= %(start_date)s AND done_at <= %(end_date)s
       GROUP BY done_at"""

engine = Engine.from_uri("sqlite://:memory:")
with engine:

    task = Task(title="task1")
    task.done = False

    task = Task.create(title="task2", done=False)

    todos = Task.find_todos()

    task = Task.get(1)

    task = Task.get(2)
    task.title = "renamed task2"

    report = tasks_completion_report(, 1, 1),

Install using pip: pip install sqlorm-py

See Flask-SQLORM for a Flask integration.

Table of content:

  1. Getting started
  2. The Engine
  3. Sessions and transactions
  4. Executing queries
  5. SQL Functions
  6. Models
  7. SQL utilities
  8. Mapping any class
  9. Managing the schema
  10. Database specific

Getting started

Create an Engine that will manage database connections for you:

from sqlorm import Engine

engine = Engine.from_uri("sqlite://:memory:")

Use the engine as a context to connect to the database. A transaction object is provided to execute statements. If no exception is raised in the context, the transaction will be committed, rollbacked otherwise.

sqlorm's Transaction has a similar API than DBAPI's Connection but instead of using a cursor, methods return result sets that you can iterate over:

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute("INSERT INTO tasks (title, done) VALUES ('task 1', false)")
    todos = tx.fetchall("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done")
    task1 = tx.fetchone("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = ?", [1])

Each row above is the object returned by the underlying DBAPI driver.

To fetch objects, you can pass a class using the model argument:

class Task:

with engine as tx:
    todos = tx.fetchall("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done", model=Task)
    task1 = tx.fetchone("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = ?", [1], model=Task)

To facilitate managing sql statements, you can create "sql functions". These are functions which only have a doc string containing the SQL statement.

from sqlorm import sqlfunc
import datetime

@sqlfunc(model=Task) # model is optional in which case it returns the rows directly
def fetch_todos():
    "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done"

@sqlfunc.fetchone(model=Task) # specify the type of fetch to do
def fetch_most_recent_task():
    "SELECT * FROM tasks ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1"

def count_tasks_created_between(start_date, end_date):
    # Sql functions work similarly to f-strings, code in curly braces is evaluated and added to the sql
    # code in python format placeholders %()s is evaluated and added as parameters.
    # You can use function parameters
    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks WHERE created_at >= %(start_date)s AND created_at <= %(end_date)s"

with engine:
    todos = fetch_todos()
    task = fetch_most_recent_task()
    count = count_tasks_created_between( - datetime.timedelta(days=1),

Note: these functions must be executed in the context of a database session (or be bound to an engine)

Finally, we can create model classes that can provide custom mapping information:

from sqlorm import Model, PrimaryKey, create_table

class Task(Model):
    table = "tasks" # optional, use the class name by default

    # these annotations are not needed but they provide auto completion and 
    # allow creating the table using create_table()
    id: PrimaryKey[int]
    title: str
    done: bool

    def find_all_todos(cls):
        "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done"

    def toggle(self):
        # using RETURNING makes sure the object is updated with the new value
        "UPDATE {self.table} SET done = not done WHERE id = %( RETURNING done"

with engine as tx:
    create_table(Task) # easily create a table from the model definition

    # call your sql method and retreive a list of Task
    todos = Task.find_all_todos()

    # perform sql queries and get Task objects
    # all the following operations are the same
    todos = tx.fetchall("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done", model=Task)
    todos = Task.query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done")
    todos = Task.query(Task.select_from().where("not done"))
    todos = Task.query(Task.select_from().where(Task.done == False))
    todos = Task.find_all(Task.done == False)
    todos = Task.find_all("not done") # sql
    todos = Task.find_all(done=False)

    task = Task(title="second task", done=True) # executes the insert statement immediatly

    # get by primary key
    task = Task.get(1)

Read further for a more in depth tour of sqlorm.

The Engine

An engine is basically a connection manager for a DBAPI compatible module. It takes a dbapi module and a connection factory as argument.

from sqlorm import Engine
import sqlite3

engine = Engine(sqlite3, lambda dbapi: dbapi.connect(":memory:"))

This can be simplified using Engine.from_dbapi() which takes the dbapi module as first argument and then any arguments for the connect() function.

engine = Engine.from_dbapi(sqlite3, ":memory:")

[!TIP] The module name can be provided as a string instead of a module reference. When provided as a string, sqlorm will first try to import the specified module under the sqlorm.drivers package. If it fails, it will import the specified module directly.

In the case of sqlite, you can thus do Engine.from_dbapi("sqlite", ":memory:") to use sqlorm provided sqlite3 override.

Finally, Engine.from_uri() provides an alternative way where an URI is used in the following way:

  • the scheme specifies the dbapi module name
  • the hostname+path part is passed as argument (optional)
  • the query string (after ?) is parsed and passed as keyword arguments (optional)
    • True and False strings are parsed as boolean
    • numbers are parsed as int
    • keys can be repeated to create a list (eg: foo=bar&foo=buz is parsed to foo=["bar", "buz"])
    • keys with brackets are resolved as dict (eg: foo[bar]=value is parsed to foo={"bar": "value"})
engine = Engine.from_uri("sqlite://:memory:") # sqlite instead of sqlite3 to use sqlorm's sqlite override
engine = Engine.from_uri("psycopg://?host=localhost&port=5432") # using the dbapi module name

Once initialized, an engine can be used as a context to start sessions.

By default, connections are pooled and re-used. You can disabled this behavior by using pool=False in the engine constructor. max_pool_conns can also be used to define the maximum number of connections to start.


Any DBAPI compatible database module can be used with sqlorm as long as it returns dict-compatible object for rows. Implementations that return tuples (the default in the case of sqlite3 for example) are not directly compatible. In this case, provide a custom connection factory (using Engine.from_dbapi()) that configure things nicely.

sqlorm provides built-in support for the following databases:

Database DBAPI implementation URI scheme sqlorm overrides Required package
SQLite sqlite3 sqlite:// Uses sqlite3.Row as the default row_factory and check_same_thread=False
PostgreSQL psycopg3 postgresql:// No overrides psycopg[binary]
MySQL mysql.connector mysql:// Uses MySQLCursorDict as default cursor class mysql-connector-python

Sessions and transactions

Sessions are active connections to the database. A session can have multiple transactions as part of its lifecycle.

When using the engine object as a context, a session and a transaction are created. The transaction will be commited on context exit if no error are raised, rollbacked otherwise.

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute("INSERT INTO ...")
    # auto commited

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute("INSERT INTO ...")
    raise Exception()
    # rollback

The next section covers how to use transactions.

[!NOTE] You can create transactions inside transactions with no impact (only the top-most transaction will commit)

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute("INSERT INTO ...")
    with engine as tx:
        # ...

In most cases, using the engine as the context is the most straighforward method. However, in some circumstances you want to have an active session to be able to run select queries and eventually start transactions to perform modifications. This is a common use case in web applications.

with engine.session() as sess:
    todos = Task.find_all(done=False)

    with sess as tx:
        Task.create(title="my task")
        # commit

    todos = Task.find_all(done=False)
    # rollback

[!IMPORTANT] sqlorm does not assume anything regarding thread safety. However, session contexts are scoped to each thread using thread locals.
This means that using drivers which are not thread-safe (like sqlite) is not an issue as long as you are using the engine to start sessions. Doing with engine.session() and with engine: in different threads will start different sessions.

transaction() can be used to create a transaction in the currently available session context when the session context is not directly accessible:

from sqlorm import transaction

with engine.session():
    with transaction() as tx:
        Task.create(title="my task")
        # commit

To ensure that a transaction is available, use ensure_transaction(). This will ensure a session is available and create a virtual transaction (ie. which neither commit or rollback).

from sqlorm import ensure_transaction

def count_tasks():
    with ensure_transaction() as tx:
        return tx.fetchscalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks")

with engine:
    c = count_tasks() # works
    # commit

with engine.session():
    c = count_tasks() # works
    # rollback

count_tasks() # raises MissingEngineError

[!TIP] Session and Transaction objects can be created using raw DBAPI connection objects

from sqlorm import Session, Transaction
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

with Transaction(conn) as tx:
    # ...

with Session(conn) as sess:
    with sess as tx:
        # ...

Executing queries

Executing queries happens using transactions.

[!IMPORTANT] When using sqlorm, you do not interact with cursors directly. Cursors will be created for each executed statements.

Executing statements with no results

Use the transaction's execute(stmt, params) method to execute a single non-returning statement. Parameters are optional. The first argument can be a list of statements.

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute("CREATE TABLE tasks (id integer primary key, title text, done boolean)")
    tx.execute("INSERT INTO tasks (title, done) VALUES (?, ?)", ["task title", True])

The parameters format (placeholders and values passed as argument to execute()) depends on the DBAPI driver.

Use ParametrizedStmt to combine an sql statement and parameters:

from sqlorm import ParametrizedStmt

with engine as tx:
    stmt = ParametrizedStmt("INSERT INTO tasks (title, done) VALUES (?, ?)", ["task title", True])

SQL utilities to build sql statements can also be used:

from sqlorm import SQL

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute(SQL.insert("tasks", {"title": "task title", "done": True}))

Fetching from the database

Use the transaction's fetch(stmt, params) method to fetch rows from the database. The cursor will be automatically closed when all rows have been fetched. It returns a ResultSet with a few methods to handle the cursor:

  • fetch() returns the next row in the cursor
  • first() returns the first row and closes the cursor
  • all() fetches all rows, closes the cursor and returns a list
  • scalar() fetches the first row and returns the value from the first column
  • scalars() fetches the value from the first column of each rows
  • close() closes the cursor manually

The result set is iterable.
There are a few shortcut methods on the transaction:

  • fetchone() is equivalent to fetch().first()
  • ̀fetchall() is equivalent to fetch().all()
  • fetchscalar() is equivalent to fetch().scalar()
  • fetchscalars() is equivalent to fetch().scalars()
with engine as tx:
    task_row = tx.fetch("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = ?", [1]).first()
    task_row = tx.fetchone("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = ?", [1]) # same as line before

    for row in tx.fetch("SELECT * FROM tasks"):

    count = tx.fetchscalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks")
    titles = tx.fetchscalars("SELECT title FROM tasks")

The loader argument on fetch() can be used to process each rows:

with engine as tx:
    titles = tx.fetchall("SELECT title FROM tasks", loader=lambda r: r["title"])

Fetching objects

Use the model argument of fetch() to fetch rows as objects.

class Task:

with engine as tx:
    tasks = tx.fetch("SELECT * FROM tasks", model=Task)
    task1 = tx.fetchone("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = 1", model=Task)


  • The process of populating objects with data from the database is called "hydration".
  • When creating objects, __init__() will be bypassed as well as any custom __setattr__.

Learn more about sqlorm hydration process in the mapper section

You can update existing objects by passing an object instance to the obj argument. In this case, only the first row will be used to hydrate the object. The cursor is then closed.

with engine as tx:
    task = Task()
    tx.fetch("INSERT INTO tasks (title) VALUES ('task title') RETURNING *", obj=task)
    assert task.title == "task title"

Models and mappers can be used to customize how objects are mapped. Mapper instances can also be provided as models.

Composite rows

What are composite rows ?

It is common to use joins to fetch a row with its related rows at the same time. We then need to process the row to extract the composited rows. Because of the way joining works, a single composited rows can be represented as multiple returned rows. sqlorm handles this with a custom cursor iterator that will combine multiple rows and allow you to extract hierarchical data out of your results.

To do so, sqlorm relies on column aliases. Column aliases will represent the path under which these composite rows will be nested. Use a double underscore (__) to separate each path segments.


    posts.posted_at AS comments__id AS comments__author
    comments.message AS comments__message
    LEFT JOIN comments ON comments.post_id =

This query would return results like this:

id title posted_at comments__id comment__author comments__message
1 First post 2024-01-01 1 John First !
1 First post 2024-01-01 2 Paul You make grammar mistakes...
2 Second post 2024-01-02

And sqlorm will process them into the following structure:

        "id": 1,
        "title": "First post",
        "posted_at": "2024-01-01",
        "comments": [
                "id": 1,
                "author": "John",
                "message": "First !"
                "id": 2,
                "author": "Paul",
                "message": "You make grammar mistakes..."
        "id": 2,
        "title": "Second post",
        "posted_at": "2024-01-02"

Fetching composite rows

To fetch composite rows, use fetchcomposite(). It has a similar API to fetch().

with engine as tx:
    rows = tx.fetchcomposite("SELECT ... FROM posts LEFT JOIN comments ...")

Using the SQL utilities makes it easier to build these kind of queries:

with engine as tx:
    stmt =[
        SQL.Cols(["id", "title", "posted_at"], table="posts"),
        SQL.Cols(["id", "author", "message"], table="comments", prefix="comments__")
    ])).from_("posts").left_join("comments").on("comments.post_id =")

    rows = tx.fetchcomposite(stmt)

Fetching composite objects

The model argument can be used to return objects. The nested argument can be used to indicate what class to use for nested rows:

class Comment:

with engine as tx:
    stmt = "..."
    tasks = tx.fetchcomposite(stmt, model=Task, nested={"comments": Comment})

fetchhydrated() is an alias of fetchcomposite() where the model argument comes first:

with engine as tx:
    tasks = tx.fetchhydrated(Task, stmt)

SQL functions

SQL functions are python functions with only a docstring containing an SQL statement. To declare an SQL function, use the sqlfunc decorator. Unless bound to an engine using the engine argument, sql functions require a session context to be used.

from sqlorm import sqlfunc

def fetch_todos():
    "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE not done"

with engine:
    todos = fetch_todos()

The type of fetching being done can be controlled using @sqlorm.fetchSTYLE() instead:

from sqlorm import sqlfunc

def count_todos():
    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks WHERE not done"

with engine:
    nb_todos = count_todos()

The same arguments as fetch can be provided to the decorator.

If you do not expect any return from your statement, use @sqlfunc.execute.

The content of the docstring behaves similarly to f-strings:

  • code in curly braces will be evaluated and be inserted in the final statement as is
  • code in python format markers will be evaluated and inserted as parameters

The function arguments are available in the evaluation context. The SQL utility as well as datetime and uuid are also available in the evaluation context.

from sqlorm import sqlfunc

def count_since(table, created_after, date_column="created_at"):
    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table} WHERE {date_column} >= %(created_after)s"

with engine:
    tasks2024 = count_since("tasks", "2024-01-01")

To get the sql statement of a function, use the sql() method on the function itself. It takes the same arguments as the decorated function. It returns an SQLTemplate object, itself a subclass of SQL.

print(count_since.sql("tasks", "2024-01-01"))

[!TIP] You can also create "sql functions" without using sql statements as docstrings using query decorators. Your function should then return a statement to execute (possibly parameterized using ParametrizedStmt or SQL).

Available decorators are: fetchall, fetchone, fetchscalar, fetchscalars, fetchcomposite, execute

from sqlorm import fetchall, execute

def count_since(table, created_after, date_column="created_at"):
    return"COUNT(*)").from_(table).where(SQL(date_column) >= SQL.Param(created_after)) # same as previous example

def insert_task(title):
    return SQL.insert("tasks", {"title": title})

with engine:
    tasks2024 = count_since("tasks", "2024-01-01")
    insert_task("my todo")

Under the hood, @sqlfunc converts the docstring-only function to a function returning an SQLTemplate and wraps it in a query decorator


Any class can be used as a model. However, subclassing sqlorm's Model class provides a number of advantages:

  • ActiveRecord style methods to quickly fetch / save the object
  • Tracking of dirty attributes to only save attributes that have been modified
  • Auto fetching lazy attributes and relationships when accessed

[!NOTE] When using classes that do not subclass Model, Mapper.from_class() is used to generate a mapping. See Mapping any class.

Defining models

Models are classes inheriting from Model. To define which table they represent, use the table class property.

To define column mapping, define properties via annotations. The type used will be converted to an sql type. For more control over the mapping, you can use instantiate Column() objects:

from sqlorm import Model

class Task(Model):
    table = "tasks"

    id: int
    title: str = Column(type="varchar(20)") # set the column type (used in create_table())
    done = Column("completed", bool, default=False) # no annotation, column name is "completed" but property name will be "done"

Once columns are defined via annotations or Column properties, they are accessible as class and instance properties.

As class properties, they can be used as a composable piece of sql:

stmt = SQL("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE", Task.done == False)

As instance properties, they can be get or set like any other property. Lazy loading and dirty flagging is performed accordingly.

task = Task()
task.title = "title"

[!TIP] To create abstract models which are not meant to be mapped, make sure your class subclasses abc.ABC

import abc

class MyBaseModel(Model, abc.ABC):
    # ...

class MyModel(MyBaseModel):
    # ...

SQL methods on models

Create SQL methods as you would SQL functions. Use @classmethod and @staticmethod decorator when needed.

class Task(Model):
    def find_todos(cls):
        "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE NOT done"

    def toggle(self):
        "UPDATE tasks SET done = NOT done WHERE id = %( RETURNING *"

with engine:
    todos = Task.find_todos() # SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE NOT done

    task = Task.get(1)
    task.toggle() # UPDATE tasks SET done = NOT done WHERE id = 1 RETURNING *

By default, the following things happen:

  • SELECT statements use fetchhyddrated(Model, ...)
  • INSERT and UPDATE statements use execute() unless RETURNING is used in the statement, in which case it will update the object with the fetched value (using fetchhydrated(Model, ..., obj=self))
  • DELETE statements use execute()

You can change this default behavior using query decorators: fetchall, fetchone, fetchscalar, fetchscalars, execute, update.

from sqlorm import update

class Task(Model):
    @update # update the object using the fetched row
    def refresh_title(self):
        "SELECT title FROM tasks WHERE id = %("

with engine:
    task = Task(id=1)
    task.refresh_title() # SELECT title FROM tasks WHERE id = 1
    assert task.title

To prevent repeating youself a lot when writing sql statements, you can create methods using query decorators directly:

from sqlorm import Model, fetchall, update, SQL

class Task(Model):
    def find_todos(cls):
        return cls.select_from().where(done=False)

    def toggle(self):
        return SQL.update(self.table, {"done": SQL("not done")}).where("*")

[!NOTE] Using select_from() also ensures that the column list, lazy and eager loading are respected.

Querying model objects

Models can be used like any other classes with the model argument of the fetch api. However, Model also exposes easier to use ways to fetch data using without the need of explicitely passing a transaction. When called out of a transaction context, a non commited transaction will automatically be started. If bound to an engine, these class methods can also be called out of a session context.

  • query() executes the provided statement using fetchhydrated()
  • find_all() constructs a select statement based on the provided arguments and executes using query()
  • find_one() same as find_all() but only returns the first row
  • get() to find one row by primary key

The two finder methods can take as argument a where condition (sql string) or keyword arguments representing attributes to filter by.

with engine:
    todos = Task.query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE NOT done")
    todos = Task.find_all("NOT done")
    todos = Task.find_all(Task.done==False)
    todos = Task.find_all(done=False)
    task = Task.find_one("id=1")
    task = Task.get(1)

[!TIP] You can also build select statement with auto populated column list and from clause using Model.select_from().

Mapped columns can easily be used as pieces of composable sql: accessing the class attribute representing the column returns an SQL.Col object that can be used with python operators to return sql conditions:

import datetime

with engine:
    todos = Task.find_all(Task.done==False & Task.created_at<

Manipulating model objects

Manipulate model objects as you would with any python objects. The following methods help you execute DML statements:

  • save() executes insert() or update() depending on the fact that the object has a primary key or not
  • insert() executes an insert statement
  • update() executes an update statement
  • delete() deletes a delete statement
  • refresh() executes a select statement (same as get()) and updates the object attribute values
  • create() a class method to create and insert an object in one line

[!NOTE] DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements are the statement that modify data in the database (insert, update and delete mostly)

The data used to insert or update will be limited to "dirty" attributes, which means attributes that have been modified since the last DML statement. Setting an attribute will automatically flag it as dirty.

from sqlorm import is_dirty

with engine:
    task = Task.create(title="my task") # INSERT INTO tasks (title) VALUES ('my task')

    task = Task()
    task.title = "my task" # INSERT INTO tasks (title) VALUES ('my task')
    # same as task.insert()

    task = Task.get(1)
    task.title = "renamed task"
    assert is_dirty(task) == True # UPDATE tasks SET title = 'renamed task' WHERE id = 1
    # same as task.update()

    task = Task.get(2)
    task.delete() # DELETE FROM tasks WHERE id = 2

    task = Task() = 1
    task.refresh() # SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = 1

[!TIP] You can also manually flag an attribute as dirty using flag_dirty_attr(obj, attr). Dirty attributes are stored in the object's __dirty__ attribute.

If you do not wish to use dirty tracking, you can disable it in the model definition:

class MyBaseModel(Model, abc.ABC):
    class Meta:
        insert_update_dirty_only = False

[!TIP] Which engine is used when manipulating models entirely depends on the current session context. Additionnally, sqlorm do not track objects globally.
This means objects can be serialized easily and re-used in other sessions without any concept of "attaching them" etc...

As a result, you can easily move objects from one engine to another:

with engine1:
    task = Task.get(1) # SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id=1
with engine2:
    task.insert() # INSERT INTO tasks (id, ...) VALUES (1, ...)

Handling unknown columns

By default, unknown columns (ones which are not mapped), will be set as attributes on the object. Dirty attributes which are not mapped will also be saved in DML statements.

You can thus create models with no mapped columns. However, models require a primary key to function properly. One will be automatically added when non are defined (named "id").

When no columns are mapped, SELECT * is used.

class Task(Model):
    table = "tasks"

with engine:
    task = Task.find_all(done=False) # SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE done = false
    print(task.title) # works
    task.title = "renamed task" # UPDATE tasks SET title = 'renamed task' WHERE id = 1

[!TIP] ModelClass.c is a shorthand to access the mapper columns (ModelClass.__mapper__.columns). When unknown columns are allowed, you can use any attributes to get a column object to build queries.

todos = Task.find_all(Task.c.done==False)

[!WARNING] You should not disable dirty tracking when allowing unknown columns otherwise setting attributes will not result in them being used in DML statements unless they are mapped.
When dirty tracking is disabled and you are using unknown attributes, the only way sqlorm keeps track of them is through the __hydrated_attrs__ attribute.

You can disallow unknown columns

class MyBaseModel(Model, abc.ABC):
    class Meta:
        allow_unknown_columns = False

Or change the default primary key name:

class MyBaseModel(Model, abc.ABC):
    class Meta:
        auto_primary_key = "uid" # or False to disable auto creating primary key


Define relationships on models using Relationship(target_model, target_column, source_column):

from sqlorm import Relationship

class Post(Model):
    comments = Relationship("Comment", "post_id") # target model can be a string if not yet defined, default source column is the primary key

class Comment(Model):
    post = Relationship(Post, "id", "post_id", single=True) # use single=True for many-to-one relationships

with engine:
    post = Post.get(1)
    for comment in post.comments: # SELECT executed now to load comments

    comment = Comment.get(1)
    print( # SELECT executed now to load post

[!NOTE] There are no notion of backref like you may find in other ORMs. I prefer the explicit nature of declaring the relationship both ways

The list of objects when not using single=True is not a normal python list. It can be iterated over and accessed through brackets. However, it only contains 2 methods to modify the list: append and remove. These methods will set the attribute on the related object. It will not save the object.

with engine:
    post = Post.get(1)
    comment = Comment(content="hello")
    post.comments.append(comment) # set comment.post_id

By default, relationships are always lazy loaded. Eager loading is possible by setting lazy=False or using with_rels in finder methods.

class Comment(Model):
    post = Relationship("Post", "id", "post_id", single=True, lazy=False) # add lazy=False

with engine:
    c = Comment.get(1) # SELECT comments.*, as posts__id, posts.slug as posts__slug, ... FROM comments LEFT JOIN posts ON = comments.post_id # no statement executed, already loaded

    post = Post.get(1, with_rels=["comments"]) # will load comments through the composite row mechanism
    for comment in post.comments: # no statement executed, already loaded
        # ...

[!TIP] Use with_rels=False to prevent eager loading relationships

Sometimes you want to query through relationships but not load the related objects. Use with_joins similarly as with_rels but it will only add the join clauses. You can also access attributes through the relationship object to get properly table aliased columns:

comments = Comment.find_all("slug", with_joins=["post"]) # SELECT comments.* FROM comments LEFT JOIN posts ON = comments.post_id WHERE posts.slug == 'slug'
comments = Comment.query(Comment.select_from(with_joins=[]).where("slug")) # alternative

[!TIP] The join clause is customizable using join_type and join_condition

class Post(Model):
    comments = Relationship("Comment", "post_id",
        join_condition="{target_alias}.post_id = {source_alias}.id AND NOT {target_alias}.archived") # an sql template with 2 special locals: target_alias and source_alias

class Comment(Model):
    post = Relationship(Post, "id", "post_id", single=True, join_type="INNER JOIN")

[!NOTE] There are no support for many-to-many relationships for now

[!WARNING] sqlorm does not handle deleting related objects when the parent is deleted. Use cascading rules in your table definitions.

Binding models to engines

Unless bound to a specific engine, models will need a session context to execute statements. When bound to an engine, a non-commiting session is automatically created to execute statements.

To bind models to an engine, create a new base model class using Model.bind():

Model = Model.bind(engine)

class Task(Model):

tasks = Task.find_all() # works without a session context

You can also bind a model to an engine by simply setting its __engine__ class attribute.

[!NOTE] While binding engine to models is possible, it is not the preferred way to use sqlorm

Model registry

When defining models using the Model class, the model classes are registered in a model registry available under Model.__model_registry__.

Using Model.bind() will create a new registry only for the subclasses of this new base class.

You can reference models in your sql methods:

class Post(Model):
    def list_comments(self):
        "SELECT * FROM {Comment.table} WHERE {Comment.post_id} = %("

class Comment(Model):

Eager and lazy loading columns

Sometime you want to load additional data as part of the querying of objects and other times you want to delay loading additional data to when it's actually needed.

Lazy and eager loading mechanism only apply when using select_from(), find_all(), find_one() and get().

class Task(Model):
    lazy_column = Column(lazy=True)

    # create lazy groups: all columns of a group are loaded together when one is accessed
    grouped_lazy_column1 = Column(lazy="group1")
    grouped_lazy_column2 = Column(lazy="group1")

with engine:
    task = Task.get(1)
    # lazy columns are not loaded, they weren't included in the select statement
    task.lazy_column # SELECT lazy_column FROM tasks WHERE id=1
    task.grouped_lazy_column1 # SELECT grouped_lazy_column1, grouped_lazy_column2 FROM tasks WHERE id=1
    task.grouped_lazy_column2 # no select, already loaded

You can eager load lazy fields using with_lazy in query methods:

with engine:
    task = Task.get(1, with_lazy=True)
    task = Task.get(1, with_lazy=["group1"]) # only load some lazy items (column or group names)

Column types

SQL utilities

sqlorm provides the SQL class to quickly and easily compose SQL statements.

Composable pieces of parametrized SQL

An SQL object is just a piece of SQL that can be combined with other SQL objects to build a statement.

from sqlorm import SQL

# combine pieces of sql
q = SQL("SELECT * FROM table")
q = SQL("SELECT", "*", "FROM", "table")
q = SQL("SELECT *") + SQL("FROM table")

Use SQL.Param to embed parameters in your queries:

with engine as tx:
    q = SQL("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id =", SQL.Param(1))
    task = tx.fetchone(q)

[!NOTE] Parameters automatically use the apropriate paramstyle placeholder defined by the underlying DBAPI driver (default is "qmark").

Use .render() to render an SQL object to a tuple containing the sql string and its parameters:

q = SQL("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id =", SQL.Param(1))

assert str(q) == "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?"

stmt, params = q.render()
assert stmt == "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?"
assert params == [1]

Use Python operators to combine:

column = SQL("column_name")

s = column == SQL.Param("value") # column_name = ?
s = column > SQL.Param("value") # column_name > ?
s = column == SQL.Param("value") & column != SQL.Param("value2") # (column_name = ? AND column_name != ?)
s = column == SQL.Param("value") | column == SQL.Param("value2") # (column_name = ? OR column_name = ?)
s = ~column # NOT column_name
s = SQL.Param("value").in_(column) # ? IN column

Or any custom sql operators:

s = column.op("MATCH", SQL.Param("my text"))

Calling methods on SQL objects can be used to build full SQL statements in pure python using method chaining.

sql_object.keyword(*args) is the same as sql_object + SQL("KEYWORD", *args) (underscores in keyword are replaced by spaces and trimmed)

q = SQL().select("*").from_("table").where(column == SQL.Param("value")).order_by(column)
# is the same as
q = SQL("SELECT", "*", "FROM", "table", "WHERE", column == SQL.Param("value"), "ORDER BY", column)

Useful shortcuts:

  • instead of SQL().select()
  • SQL.insert_into() instead of SQL().insert_into()
  • SQL.update() instead of SQL().update()
  • SQL.delete_from() instead of SQL().delete_from()

Handling list of SQL pieces

Use SQL.List to manage lists of SQL objects. A few subclasses exists:

  • SQL.List renders a comma separated list of the rendered items
  • SQL.Tuple renders a parentheses enclosed comma separated list of the rendered items
  • SQL.And and SQL.Or renders a parentheses enclosed list separated by the boolean operator of the rendered items (this is used when combining using & and |)
q =["col1", "col2"])).from_("table") # SELECT col1, col2 FROM table

q = SQL.insert_into("table", SQL.Tuple(["col1", "col2"])).values(SQL.Tuple([SQL.Param("value1"), SQL.Param("value2")])) # INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)

l = SQL.List()
l.append("col1") # SQL.List objects are subclasses of python's list

Handling columns

SQL.Col and SQL.Cols can be used to respectively represent a column and manage a list of columns:

q =["col1", "col2"], table="alias")).from_("table AS alias") # SELECT alias.col1, alias.col2 FROM table AS alias

q =["col1", "col2"], prefix="prefix_")).from_("table") # SELECT col1 AS prefix_col1, col2 AS prefix_col2 FROM table

q =[SQL.Col("col1", prefix="prefix_"), SQL.Col("col2", alias="colalias")])).from_("table") # SELECT col1 AS prefix_col1, col2 AS colalias FROM table

columns = SQL.Cols(["col1", "col2", "col3"])
prefixed_cols = columns.prefixed("prefix_") # returns a new column list with all column prefixed
cols_with_table = columns.aliased_table("table") # returns a new column list with all column specifying the table name
s = columns["col1"] == SQL.Param("value") # access individual columns
s = columns.col2 == SQL.Param("value")

Easily generate insert and update statements

with engine as tx:
    tx.execute(SQL.insert("table", {"col1": "value1"}))
    tx.execute(SQL.update("table", {"col1": "value1"}).where("id =", SQL.Param(1)))

Call SQL functions

Use SQL.funcs.function_name() where function_name is the SQL function name to render SQL function calls. All arguments are automatically wrapped in SQL.Param unless they are already an SQL object.

q = SQL("SELECT * FROM table WHERE col =", SQL.funcs.lower("value"))
q = SQL("SELECT", SQL.funcs.count(SQL("*")), "FROM table")


Templates are the underlying mechanism of sql functions.

  • code in curly braces will be evaluated and be inserted in the final statement as is
  • code in python format markers will be evaluated and inserted as parameters
from sqlorm import SQLTemplate

tpl = SQLTemplate("SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE created_at >= %(created_at)s")
stmt, params = tpl.render({"table": "my_table", "created_at": "2024-01-01"})

Mapping any class

Under the hood, models subclassing Model and other classes used as model are mapped using a Mapper. A mapper contains all the information needed to hydrate/dehydrate an object as well as utility methods to create SQL statements to fetch/save the data.

Defining mappers

Create a mapper and map some columns:

from sqlorm.mapper import Mapper, Column

class Task:

mapper = Mapper(Task, "tasks"){
    "id": Column("id", primary_key=True),
    "title": Column("title"),
    "done": Column("completed") # in this example, the column is named "completed" but the attribute is named "done"

[!NOTE] The Column class used here is not the same as the one used in the models section.
Column used in the model definitions is a subclass of the mapper's Column with support for property accessors and dirty attributes.

By default, unknown columns will be accepted and set as attributes. This can be changed using allow_unknown_columns=False in mapper's constructor.

Mappers can be created from any classes, in which case annotations will be used:

from sqlorm import PrimaryKey

class Task:
    id: PrimaryKey[int]
    title: str
    done: bool # no column alias possible in this way (but possible when subclassing Model)

mapper = Mapper.from_class(Task)

[!TIP] Get the mapper associated to models using Mapper.from_class(ModelClass) or ModelClass.__mapper__

Hydrate objects

Use row data to populate an object.

hydrate_new() is used to create new object and hydrate it, hydrate() for existing objects.

data = {"id": 1, "title": "task", "completed": True}

task = mapper.hydrate_new(data)

task = Task()
mapper.hydrate(task, data) # hydrate an existing object

[!IMPORTANT] When hydrating objects, __init__() will be bypassed as well as any custom __setattr__.

By default, unmapped columns will be used and set as attributes. To prevent this, use allow_unknown_columns=False in the Mapper constructor or with_unknown=False in hydrate methods.

Attributes that have been hydrated are available under the object's __hydrated_attrs__ attribute.

Dehydrating objects

Extract data from an object and construct row data.

task = Task() = 1
task.title = "task"
task.done = True
data = mapper.dehydrate(task)

By default, if unknown columns are allowed, dehydration will also take into account all unknown attributes from __hydrated_attrs__. Use dehydrate(..., with_unknown=False) to prevent this.

When creating update statements, use with_primary_key=False to not include the primary key as part of the dehydration process.

Generating SQL statements

A few useful methods to generate statementes:

  • select_from() to generate a select statement with the columns and table part already filled. The column list is generated using the mapping information and falls back to "*" when no columns are provided.
  • select_by_pk() to generate a select statement with a where condition on the primary key
  • insert() to generate the insert statement for an object
  • update() to generate the update statement
  • delete() to generate the delete statement
with engine as tx:
    tasks = tx.fetchhydrated(mapper, mapper.select_from())
    todos = tx.fetchhydrated(mapper, mapper.select_from().where("not done"))

    task1 = tx.fetchhydrated(mapper, mapper.select_from().where("id = 1")).first()
    task1 = tx.fetchhydrated(mapper, mapper.select_by_pk(1)).first()
    task = Task()

    task = Task() = 1
    task.title = "task"


The mapper column list mapper.columns is an SQL.Cols object which means it can be used to generate sql conditions:

with engine as tx:
    todos = tx.fetchhydrated(mapper, mapper.select_from().where(mapper.columns.done==False))

Managing the schema

Creating tables from models

Use create_table() to create the table associated to a model or mapper.

from sqlorm import create_table

class Task:
    id: PrimaryKey[int]
    title: str
    done: bool

with engine:

Use create_all() to create all tables for models in a registry. If no registry is provided, Model.__model_registry__ is used.

from sqlorm import create_all

class Task(Model):
    id: PrimaryKey[int]
    title: str
    done: bool

with engine:

You can check if a table exists first and prevent executing create table statements for existing tables using check_missing=True.

[!TIP] If you have bound your models to an engine, pass the model registry to create_all():

Model = Model.bind(engine)

# ... define models

with engine:


sqlorm includes a simple one-way migration system. It will execute a list of sql or python files in order.

Create a migrations folder with .sql or .py files prefixed with a version number (1 or more number) followed by an underscore and a name.


Use migrate() to execute these files in order. If no errors are raised during the run, the latest version is saved in a schema_version table in the database. It will be used as starting point for the next time you run migrate() (unless use_schema_version=False is used).

from sqlorm import migrate

with engine:

[!TIP] The transactions folder is resolved relative to the working directory. Provide an alternative path as first argument to migrate().

SQL files can contain multiple statements.

In python files, use get_current_session() to create a transaction context:

from sqlorm import get_current_session

with get_current_session() as tx:

Initializing the database

Use init_db() to quickly initialize a database, either using create_all(check_missing=True) if no migrations exist or migrating the schema to the latest version.

from sqlorm import init_db

with engine:

Database specific


By default, Python's sqlite3 module does not allow a connection created in one thread to be re-used in another thread. This creates an issue with the way pooling works. Additionnaly, sqlorm's sessions being per-thread, there is a kind of guarantee that a connection object won't be used concurrently. For this reason, the default value of check_same_thread is set to false by default.

Additional parameters are available when connecting:

  • pragma: a dict of sqlite pragmas to set on connection
  • ext: a list of extension modules to load on connection
  • fine_tune: a boolean indicating to apply fine tuned pragmas for high concurrent workloads like web servers (explanations)


Some custom types are provided. You can also use a subclassed version of SQL with additional utils.

from sqlorm import Model, Text
from sqlorm.drivers.postgresql import SQL, Array, JSON, JSONB

class MyModel(Model):
    array_col = Column(type=Array(Text))
    json_col = Column(type=JSON)
    jsonb_col = Column(type=JSONB)

with engine:
    rs = MyModel.find_all(MyModel.jsonb_col.op("@>", SQL.cast({"key": "value"}, JSONB))) # SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE json_col @> ('{"key": "value"}'::jsonb)
    rs = MyModel.query(MyModel.select_from([MyModel.json_col.op("->>", "property")])) # SELECT json_col->>property FROM MyModel


sqlorm is inspired by the many great ORMs that already exists in Python and other languages.

Big shoutout to SQL Alchemy.

On a side note, I had explored a similar approach in PHP in 2010 in my classql project.

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