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Wrapper for TradingView lightweight-charts

Project description


Streamlit wrapper for performant Tradingview's Financial: lightweight-charts

The Lightweight Charts library is the best choice to display financial data as an interactive chart on a web page without affecting loading speed and performance.


Version 0.7.12 - Added "markers" to series Version 0.7.13 - Example of watermarks

How to use:

renderLightweightCharts(charts: <List of Dicts> , key: <str>)


  • charts: <List of Dicts>

    • chart: <Dict>

    • series: <List of Dicts>

      • type: <str-enum> [ Area, Bar, Baseline, Candlestick, Histogram, Line ]

      • data: <List of Dicts> accordingly to series type

      • options: <Dict> with style options

      • priceScale: <Dict> optional

      • markers: <List of Dicts> optional

  • key: <str> when creating multiple charts in one page


Overlaid Charts

Price with Volume Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts
import streamlit_lightweight_charts.dataSamples as data

priceVolumeChartOptions = {
    "height": 400,
    "rightPriceScale": {
        "scaleMargins": {
            "top": 0.2,
            "bottom": 0.25,
        "borderVisible": False,
    "overlayPriceScales": {
        "scaleMargins": {
            "top": 0.7,
            "bottom": 0,
    "layout": {
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": '#131722'
        "textColor": '#d1d4dc',
    "grid": {
        "vertLines": {
            "color": 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0)',
        "horzLines": {
            "color": 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0.6)',

priceVolumeSeries = [
        "type": 'Area',
        "data": data.priceVolumeSeriesArea,
        "options": {
            "topColor": 'rgba(38,198,218, 0.56)',
            "bottomColor": 'rgba(38,198,218, 0.04)',
            "lineColor": 'rgba(38,198,218, 1)',
            "lineWidth": 2,
        "type": 'Histogram',
        "data": data.priceVolumeSeriesHistogram,
        "options": {
            "color": '#26a69a',
            "priceFormat": {
                "type": 'volume',
            "priceScaleId": "" # set as an overlay setting,
        "priceScale": {
            "scaleMargins": {
                "top": 0.7,
                "bottom": 0,
st.subheader("Price and Volume Series Chart")

        "chart": priceVolumeChartOptions,
        "series": priceVolumeSeries
], 'priceAndVolume')

Overlaid Areas Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts
import streamlit_lightweight_charts.dataSamples as data

overlaidAreaSeriesOptions = {
    "height": 400,
    "rightPriceScale": {
        "scaleMargins": {
            "top": 0.1,
            "bottom": 0.1,
        "mode": 2, # PriceScaleMode: 0-Normal, 1-Logarithmic, 2-Percentage, 3-IndexedTo100
        "borderColor": 'rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.4)',
    "timeScale": {
        "borderColor": 'rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.4)',
    "layout": {
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": '#100841'
        "textColor": '#ffffff',
    "grid": {
        "vertLines": {
            "color": 'rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.4)',
            "style": 1, # LineStyle: 0-Solid, 1-Dotted, 2-Dashed, 3-LargeDashed
        "horzLines": {
            "color": 'rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.4)',
            "style": 1, # LineStyle: 0-Solid, 1-Dotted, 2-Dashed, 3-LargeDashed

seriesOverlaidChart = [
        "type": 'Area',
        "data": data.seriesMultipleChartArea01,
        "options": {
            "topColor": 'rgba(255, 192, 0, 0.7)',
            "bottomColor": 'rgba(255, 192, 0, 0.3)',
            "lineColor": 'rgba(255, 192, 0, 1)',
            "lineWidth": 2,
        "markers": [
                "time": '2019-04-08',
                "position": 'aboveBar',
                "color": 'rgba(255, 192, 0, 1)',
                "shape": 'arrowDown',
                "text": 'H',
                "size": 3
                "time": '2019-05-13',
                "position": 'belowBar',
                "color": 'rgba(255, 192, 0, 1)',
                "shape": 'arrowUp',
                "text": 'L',
                "size": 3
        "type": 'Area',
        "data": data.seriesMultipleChartArea02,
        "options": {
            "topColor": 'rgba(67, 83, 254, 0.7)',
            "bottomColor": 'rgba(67, 83, 254, 0.3)',
            "lineColor": 'rgba(67, 83, 254, 1)',
            "lineWidth": 2,
        "markers": [

                "time": '2019-05-03',
                "position": 'aboveBar',
                "color": 'rgba(67, 83, 254, 1)',
                "shape": 'arrowDown',
                "text": 'PEAK',
                "size": 3
st.subheader("Overlaid Series with Markers")

        "chart": overlaidAreaSeriesOptions,
        "series": seriesOverlaidChart
], 'overlaid')

Multipane chart

Multi Pane Chart with Watermark

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts
import streamlit_lightweight_charts.dataSamples as data

chartMultipaneOptions = [
        "width": 600,
        "height": 400,
        "layout": {
            "background": {
                "type": "solid",
                "color": 'white'
            "textColor": "black"
        "grid": {
            "vertLines": {
                "color": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.5)"
            "horzLines": {
                "color": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.5)"
        "crosshair": {
            "mode": 0
        "priceScale": {
            "borderColor": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.8)"
        "timeScale": {
            "borderColor": "rgba(197, 203, 206, 0.8)",
            "barSpacing": 15
        "watermark": {
            "visible": True,
            "fontSize": 48,
            "horzAlign": 'center',
            "vertAlign": 'center',
            "color": 'rgba(171, 71, 188, 0.3)',
            "text": 'Watermark Price',
        "width": 600,
        "height": 100,
        "crosshair": {
            "mode": 0
        "layout": {
            "background": {
                "type": 'solid',
                "color": 'transparent'
            "textColor": 'black',
        "grid": {
            "vertLines": {
                "color": 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0)',
            "horzLines": {
                "color": 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0.6)',
        "timeScale": {
            "visible": False,
        "width": 600,
        "height": 200,
        "layout": {
            "background": {
                "type": "solid",
                "color": 'white'
            "textColor": "black"
        "timeScale": {
            "visible": False,

seriesCandlestickChart = [
        "type": 'Candlestick',
        "data": data.priceCandlestickMultipane,
        "options": {
            "upColor": '#26a69a',
            "downColor": '#ef5350',
            "borderVisible": False,
            "wickUpColor": '#26a69a',
            "wickDownColor": '#ef5350'

seriesAreaChart = [
        "type": 'Baseline',
        "data": data.priceBaselineMultipane,
        "options": {
            "baseValue": { "type": "price", "price": 180 },
            "topLineColor": 'rgba( 38, 166, 154, 1)',
            "topFillColor1": 'rgba( 38, 166, 154, 0.28)',
            "topFillColor2": 'rgba( 38, 166, 154, 0.05)',
            "bottomLineColor": 'rgba( 239, 83, 80, 1)',
            "bottomFillColor1": 'rgba( 239, 83, 80, 0.05)',
            "bottomFillColor2": 'rgba( 239, 83, 80, 0.28)'

seriesHistogramChart = [
        "type": 'Histogram',
        "data": data.priceVolumeMultipane,
        "options": {
            "color": '#26a69a',
            "priceFormat": {
                "type": 'volume',
            "priceScaleId": "" # set as an overlay setting,
        "priceScale": {
            "scaleMargins": {
                "top": 0,
                "bottom": 0,
            "alignLabels": False

st.subheader("Multipane Chart with Watermark")
        "chart": chartMultipaneOptions[0],
        "series": seriesCandlestickChart
        "chart": chartMultipaneOptions[1],
        "series": seriesHistogramChart
        "chart": chartMultipaneOptions[2],
        "series": seriesAreaChart
], 'multipane')

Basic charts

Line Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts

chartOptions = {
    "layout": {
        "textColor": 'black',
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": 'white'

seriesLineChart = [{
    "type": 'Line',
    "data": [
        { "time": '2018-12-22', "value": 32.51 },
        { "time": '2018-12-23', "value": 31.11 },
        { "time": '2018-12-24', "value": 27.02 },
        { "time": '2018-12-25', "value": 27.32 },
        { "time": '2018-12-26', "value": 25.17 },
        { "time": '2018-12-27', "value": 28.89 },
        { "time": '2018-12-28', "value": 25.46 },
        { "time": '2018-12-29', "value": 23.92 },
        { "time": '2018-12-30', "value": 22.68 },
        { "time": '2018-12-31', "value": 22.67 },
    "options": {}

st.subheader("Line Chart with Watermark")

        "chart": chartOptions,
        "series": seriesLineChart
], 'line')

Area Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts

chartOptions = {
    "layout": {
        "textColor": 'black',
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": 'white'

seriesAreaChart = [{
    "type": 'Area',
    "data": [
        { "time": '2018-12-22', "value": 32.51 },
        { "time": '2018-12-23', "value": 31.11 },
        { "time": '2018-12-24', "value": 27.02 },
        { "time": '2018-12-25', "value": 27.32 },
        { "time": '2018-12-26', "value": 25.17 },
        { "time": '2018-12-27', "value": 28.89 },
        { "time": '2018-12-28', "value": 25.46 },
        { "time": '2018-12-29', "value": 23.92 },
        { "time": '2018-12-30', "value": 22.68 },
        { "time": '2018-12-31', "value": 22.67 },
    "options": {}

st.subheader("Area Chart with Watermark")
renderLightweightCharts( [
        "chart": chartOptions,
        "series": seriesAreaChart,
], 'area')

Histogram Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts

chartOptions = {
    "layout": {
        "textColor": 'black',
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": 'white'

seriesHistogramChart = [{
    "type": 'Histogram',
    "data": [
        { "value": 1, "time": 1642425322 },
        { "value": 8, "time": 1642511722 },
        { "value": 10, "time": 1642598122 },
        { "value": 20, "time": 1642684522 },
        { "value": 3, "time": 1642770922, "color": 'red' },
        { "value": 43, "time": 1642857322 },
        { "value": 41, "time": 1642943722, "color": 'red' },
        { "value": 43, "time": 1643030122 },
        { "value": 56, "time": 1643116522 },
        { "value": 46, "time": 1643202922, "color": 'red' }
    "options": { "color": '#26a69a' }

st.subheader("Histogram Chart with Watermark")

        "chart": chartOptions,
        "series": seriesHistogramChart
], 'histogram')

Bar Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts

chartOptions = {
    "layout": {
        "textColor": 'black',
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": 'white'

seriesBarChart = [{
    "type": 'Bar',
    "data": [
        { "open": 10, "high": 10.63, "low": 9.49, "close": 9.55, "time": 1642427876 },
        { "open": 9.55, "high": 10.30, "low": 9.42, "close": 9.94, "time": 1642514276 },
        { "open": 9.94, "high": 10.17, "low": 9.92, "close": 9.78, "time": 1642600676 },
        { "open": 9.78, "high": 10.59, "low": 9.18, "close": 9.51, "time": 1642687076 },
        { "open": 9.51, "high": 10.46, "low": 9.10, "close": 10.17, "time": 1642773476 },
        { "open": 10.17, "high": 10.96, "low": 10.16, "close": 10.47, "time": 1642859876 },
        { "open": 10.47, "high": 11.39, "low": 10.40, "close": 10.81, "time": 1642946276 },
        { "open": 10.81, "high": 11.60, "low": 10.30, "close": 10.75, "time": 1643032676 },
        { "open": 10.75, "high": 11.60, "low": 10.49, "close": 10.93, "time": 1643119076 },
        { "open": 10.93, "high": 11.53, "low": 10.76, "close": 10.96, "time": 1643205476 }
    "options": {
        "upColor": '#26a69a',
        "downColor": '#ef5350'

st.subheader("Bar Chart with Watermark")
        "chart": chartOptions,
        "series": seriesBarChart
], 'bar')

Candlestick Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts

chartOptions = {
    "layout": {
        "textColor": 'black',
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": 'white'

seriesCandlestickChart = [{
    "type": 'Candlestick',
    "data": [
        { "open": 10, "high": 10.63, "low": 9.49, "close": 9.55, "time": 1642427876 },
        { "open": 9.55, "high": 10.30, "low": 9.42, "close": 9.94, "time": 1642514276 },
        { "open": 9.94, "high": 10.17, "low": 9.92, "close": 9.78, "time": 1642600676 },
        { "open": 9.78, "high": 10.59, "low": 9.18, "close": 9.51, "time": 1642687076 },
        { "open": 9.51, "high": 10.46, "low": 9.10, "close": 10.17, "time": 1642773476 },
        { "open": 10.17, "high": 10.96, "low": 10.16, "close": 10.47, "time": 1642859876 },
        { "open": 10.47, "high": 11.39, "low": 10.40, "close": 10.81, "time": 1642946276 },
        { "open": 10.81, "high": 11.60, "low": 10.30, "close": 10.75, "time": 1643032676 },
        { "open": 10.75, "high": 11.60, "low": 10.49, "close": 10.93, "time": 1643119076 },
        { "open": 10.93, "high": 11.53, "low": 10.76, "close": 10.96, "time": 1643205476 }
    "options": {
        "upColor": '#26a69a',
        "downColor": '#ef5350',
        "borderVisible": False,
        "wickUpColor": '#26a69a',
        "wickDownColor": '#ef5350'

st.subheader("Candlestick Chart with Watermark")

        "chart": chartOptions,
        "series": seriesCandlestickChart
], 'candlestick')

Baseline Chart

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_lightweight_charts import renderLightweightCharts

chartOptions = {
    "layout": {
        "textColor": 'black',
        "background": {
            "type": 'solid',
            "color": 'white'

seriesBaselineChart = [{
    "type": 'Baseline',
    "data": [
        { "value": 1, "time": 1642425322 },
        { "value": 8, "time": 1642511722 },
        { "value": 10, "time": 1642598122 },
        { "value": 20, "time": 1642684522 },
        { "value": 3, "time": 1642770922 },
        { "value": 43, "time": 1642857322 },
        { "value": 41, "time": 1642943722 },
        { "value": 43, "time": 1643030122 },
        { "value": 56, "time": 1643116522 },
        { "value": 46, "time": 1643202922 }
    "options": {
        "baseValue": { "type": "price", "price": 25 },
        "topLineColor": 'rgba( 38, 166, 154, 1)',
        "topFillColor1": 'rgba( 38, 166, 154, 0.28)',
        "topFillColor2": 'rgba( 38, 166, 154, 0.05)',
        "bottomLineColor": 'rgba( 239, 83, 80, 1)',
        "bottomFillColor1": 'rgba( 239, 83, 80, 0.05)',
        "bottomFillColor2": 'rgba( 239, 83, 80, 0.28)'

st.subheader("Baseline Chart with Watermark")

        "chart": chartOptions,
        "series": seriesBaselineChart
], 'baseline')

Project details

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Source Distribution

streamlit-lightweight-charts-0.7.13.tar.gz (656.6 kB view hashes)

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AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page