Easier management of subscriptions with Stripe
Project description
Stripe Subscriptions
This library is designed to make it as easy as possible for python web developers to manage Stripe Subscriptions. It allows to create Stripe Checkouts and also contains functions to ease the creation of custom checkouts
Almost all functions accept a user argument which would typically be an instant of an object created using ORM. This ensures that a user cannot access data belonging to another user. An exception will be raised if a function is called with a user who does not own the object being retrieved, updated or deleted. List functions will only return objects belonging to the user.
The sister library django_stripe
implements this logic in a django app. stripe-subscriptins
is the non-django specific code from that library put here so it can be used as the base for implementations in other frameworks and ORMs.
Getting Started:
To install:
pip install stripe-subscriptions
To get started you must have a User
object which implements the email
and stripe_customer_id
For example in Django (email
property already exists):
from django.db.contrib.auth import User
from django.db import models
class StripeUser(User):
stripe_customer_id = models.CharField(max_length=255)
If you already have a field for storing a customer id or prefer a different fieldname, you can add a property:
from django.db.contrib.auth import User
from django.db import models
class StripeUser(User):
customer_id = models.CharField(max_length=255)
def stripe_customer_id(self):
return self.customer_id
Example Usage
The easiest way to integrate with Stripe is to create a checkout. First create a product and price in the Stripe Dashboard and copy the price_id and your api keys.
import stripe
import subscriptions
from django.contrib.auth.models import User # Replace with appropriate ORM import
stripe.api_key = "sk_test_....."
price_id = "price_1JB9PtCz06et8VuzfLu1Z9bf"
user = User.objects.get(id=1) # Replace with your ORM logic for retrieving a user
if not user.stripe_customer_id:
user.save() # Or however models can be saved in ORM
session = subscriptions.create_subscription_checkout(user, price_id)
session_id = session['id']
Return the session_id to the user (such as through an API or HTML template) and insert the following Javascript to redirect to the Stripe checkout:
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
var stripePublicKey = 'pk_test...';
var sessionId = '{{ sessionId }}';
var stripe = Stripe(stripePublicKey);
stripe.redirectToCheckout({sessionId: sessionId})
To check if a user is subscribed to the product:
import stripe
import subscriptions
from django.contrib.auth.models import User # Replace with appropriate ORM import
stripe.api_key = "sk_test_....."
product_id = "prod_Jo3KY017h0SZ1x"
user = User.objects.get(id=1) # Replace with your ORM logic for retrieving a user
if not user.stripe_customer_id:
user.save() # Or however models can be saved in ORM
is_subscribed = subscriptions.is_subscribed(user, product_id=product_id)
Function Reference
Manage Customer IDs
For more information see https://stripe.com/docs/api/customers
from subscriptions import create_customer, delete_customer
def create_customer(user: UserProtocol, **kwargs) -> stripe.Customer:
Creates a new customer over the stripe API using the given user's data. The customer id is set on the user object but not saved.
The customer id must be saved to the database after this function is called.
def delete_customer(user: UserProtocol) -> stripe.Customer:
Deletes a customer from Stripe. Sets the customer id on the user object to none but this is not saved.
The customer id must be saved to the database after this function is called, e.g. by calling user.save().
An exception will be raised if the user does already not have a customer id set.
Create Stripe Checkouts
These functions create Stripe Checkouts sessions.
Use stripe.js to redirect to the given sessionId.
See here for more info: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/checkout
from subscriptions import create_checkout, create_subscription_checkout, create_setup_checkout
def create_checkout(user: UserProtocol, mode: str, line_items: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs) -> stripe.checkout.Session:
Creates a new Stripe checkout session for this user.
Recommended to call create_subscription_checkout or create_setup_checkout instead.
An exception will be raised if the user does already not have a customer id set.
def create_subscription_checkout(user: UserProtocol, price_id: str, **kwargs) -> stripe.checkout.Session:
Creates a new Stripe subscription checkout session for this user for the given price.
An exception will be raised if the user does already not have a customer id set.
def create_setup_checkout(user: UserProtocol, subscription_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> stripe.checkout.Session:
Creates a new Stripe setup checkout session for this user, allowing them to add a new payment method for future use.
An exception will be raised if the user does already not have a customer id set.
Manage subscriptions
For more info see: https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscriptions
from subscriptions import list_subscriptions, list_active_subscriptions, cancel_subscription, cancel_subscription_for_product, update_default_payment_method_all_subscriptions, modify_subscription, create_subscription
def list_subscriptions(user: Optional[UserProtocol], **kwargs) -> List[stripe.Subscription]:
List all subscriptions for a user. Filters can be applied with kwargs according to the Stripe API.
def list_active_subscriptions(user: Optional[UserProtocol], **kwargs) -> List[stripe.Subscription]:
List all active subscriptions for a user.
def cancel_subscription(user: UserProtocol, subscription_id: str) -> stripe.Subscription:
Allow a user to cancel their subscription.
If a user attempts to cancel a subscription belonging to another customer, StripeWrongCustomer will be raised.
def cancel_subscription_for_product(user: UserProtocol, product_id: str) -> bool:
Allow a user to cancel their subscription by the id of the product they are subscribed to, if such a subscription exists.
Returns True if the subscription exists for that user, otherwise False.
def update_default_payment_method_all_subscriptions(user: UserProtocol, default_payment_method: str) -> stripe.Customer:
Change the default payment method for the user and for all subscriptions belonging to that user.
def modify_subscription(user: UserProtocol, subscription_id: str,
set_as_default_payment_method: bool = False, **kwargs) -> stripe.Subscription:
Modify a user's subscription
kwargs is the parameters to modify.
If payment_method is given in kwargs and set_as_default_payment_method is true, the default payment method is changed to that payment method for all subscriptions.
Raises StripeWrongCustomer is a user tries to modify a subscription belonging to another customer.
def create_subscription(user: UserProtocol, price_id: str,
set_as_default_payment_method: bool = False, **kwargs) -> stripe.Subscription:
Create a new subscription. A payment method must already be created.
If set_as_default_payment_method is true, the given payment method will be set as the default for this customer.
kwargs is a list of parameters to provide to stripe.Subscription.create in the Stripe API.
Products & Prices
Functions for viewing products and prices and checking if a user is subscribed to them. They can be created on the Stripe dashboard.
For more info see: https://stripe.com/docs/billing/prices-guide
from subscriptions import (list_products_prices_subscribed_to, is_subscribed_and_cancelled_time, is_subscribed,
get_active_prices, get_subscription_prices, retrieve_price, get_active_products,
get_subscription_products_and_prices, retrieve_product)
def list_products_prices_subscribed_to(user: UserProtocol, **kwargs) -> List[ProductSubscription]:
Flat data for each active subscription to quickly check which products a user is subscribed to.
def is_subscribed_and_cancelled_time(user: UserProtocol, product_id: Optional[str] = None,
price_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> ProductIsSubscribed:
Return first active subscription for a specific product or price or none to quickly check if a user is subscribed.
def is_subscribed(user: UserProtocol, product_id: str = None, price_id: str = None) -> bool:
Returns a simple true or false to check if a user subscribed to the given product or price.
def get_active_prices(**kwargs) -> List[Price]:
List all active prices
kwargs is a list of filters to provide to stripe.Price.list as in the Stripe API.
def get_subscription_prices(user: Optional[UserProtocol] = None, **kwargs) -> List[PriceSubscription]:
Makes multiple requests to Stripe API to return the list of active prices with subscription data for each one for the given user.
kwargs is a list of filters to provide to stripe.Price.list as in the Stripe API.
def retrieve_price(user: Optional[UserProtocol], price_id: str) -> PriceSubscription:
Retrieve a single price with subscription info
def get_active_products(**kwargs) -> List[Product]:
Get a list of active products with subscription information for the given user.
kwargs is a list of filters to provide to stripe.Product.list as in Stripe API.
def get_subscription_products_and_prices(user: Optional[UserProtocol] = None,
price_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs) -> List[ProductDetail]:
Get a list of active products with their prices and subscription information included in the result.
kwargs is a list of filters product to stripe.Product.list.
price_kwargs is a list of filters provided to stripe.Price.list
def retrieve_product(user: Optional[UserProtocol], product_id: str,
price_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> ProductDetail:
Retrieve a single product with prices and subscription information included in the result.
price_kwargs is a list of filters provided to stripe.Price.list
Setup Intents
Setup Intents are the first step to creating a paying method which can later be used for paying for subscriptions.
For more information see: https://stripe.com/docs/api/setup_intents
from subscriptions import create_setup_intent
def create_setup_intent(user: UserProtocol, payment_method_types: List[PaymentMethodType] = None,
**kwargs) -> stripe.SetupIntent:
Create a setup intent, the first step in adding a payment method which can later be used for paying subscriptions.
price_kwargs is a list of filters provided to stripe.SetupIntent.create
Raises an exception if the user does not have a customer id
Payment Methods
For more info on Payment Methods in Stripe see: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-methods
from subscriptions import list_payment_methods, detach_payment_method, detach_all_payment_methods
def list_payment_methods(user: Optional[UserProtocol], types: List[PaymentMethodType],
**kwargs) -> Generator[stripe.PaymentMethod, None, None]:
List all payment methods for a user.
Stripe only allows to retrieve payment methods for a single type at a time.
This functions gathers payment methods from multiple types by making parallel requests to the Stripe API.
kwargs is additional filters to pass to stripe.PaymentMethod.list
def detach_payment_method(user: Optional[UserProtocol], payment_method_id: str) -> stripe.PaymentMethod:
Detach a user's payment method.
It is needed to retrieve the payment method first to check the customer id.
If a customer attempts to detach an object belonging to another customer, StripeWrongCustomer exception is raised.
def detach_all_payment_methods(user: Optional[UserProtocol], types: List[PaymentMethodType],
**kwargs) -> List[stripe.PaymentMethod]:
Detach all of a user's payment methods.
Generic Functions for Interacting with Stripe API
These functions mirror the retrieve, delete and modify methods of Stripe resources, but also check that the user owns the requested object. An exception will be raised otherwise.
from subscriptions import retrieve, delete, modify
def retrieve(user: UserProtocol, obj_cls, obj_id: str, action="retrieve") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
Retrieve an object over Stripe API for the given obj_id and obj_cls.
obj_cls could be stripe.Subscription, stripe.PaymentMethod, stripe.Invoice, etc.
If a customer attempts to retrieve an object belonging to another customer, StripeWrongCustomer exception is raised.
The action word if provided is included in StripeWrongCustomer exception if raised.
def delete(user: UserProtocol, obj_cls, obj_id: str, action: str = "delete"):
Delete an object over Stripe API with given obj_id for obj_cls.
obj_cls could be stripe.Subscription, stripe.PaymentMethod, stripe.Invoice, etc.
It is needed to retrieve the obj first to check the customer id.
If a customer attempts to delete an object belonging to another customer, StripeWrongCustomer exception is raised.
The action word if provided is included in StripeWrongCustomer exception if raised.
def modify(user: UserProtocol, obj_cls, obj_id: str, action: str = "modify",
**kwargs) -> Union[Mapping[str, Any], stripe.Subscription]:
Modify an object over Stripe API with given obj_id for obj_cls.
obj_cls could be stripe.Subscription, stripe.PaymentMethod, stripe.Invoice, etc.
It is needed to retrieve the obj first to check the customer id.
If a customer attempts to modify an object belonging to another customer, StripeWrongCustomer exception is raised.
kwargs are the parameters to be modified.
The action word if provided is included in StripeWrongCustomer exception if raised.
Creating subscriptions in a custom checkout
To create a new subscription generally requires three steps:
- Create a setup intent server-side and return the
to the client - Use stripe.js (or equivalent for the client's platform) on the client to create the payment method with the
- Create a subscription server side with the new payment method id and
to subscribe to.
import stripe
import subscriptions
from django.contrib.auth.models import User # Replace with appropriate ORM import
stripe.api_key = "sk_test_....."
price_id = "price_1JB9PtCz06et8VuzfLu1Z9bf"
user = User.objects.get(id=1) # Replace with your ORM logic for retrieving a user
if not user.stripe_customer_id:
user.save() # Or however models can be saved in ORM
setup_intent = subscriptions.create_setup_intent(user)
return setup_intent['client_secret']
Supply the client_secret
to the client either through API response or HTML template and create the payment method when the user submits their card details:
<div id="card-element"></div>
<button id="subscribe-button" type="submit">Subscribe</button>
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
var stripePublicKey = 'pk_test...';
var client_secret = '{{ client_secret }}';
var hidePostalCode = true;
var stripe = Stripe(stripePublicKey);
const elements = stripe.elements();
const card = elements.create('card', {hidePostalCode: hidePostalCode});
document.querySelector('#subscribe-button').addEventListener("click", () => {
.confirmCardSetup(client_secret, {
payment_method: {
card: cardElement,
}).then(function (result) {
var paymentMethodId = paymentMethod['id'];
// Send request to create subscription to server with payment method
For more information on using Stripe Elements to collect the card details see: https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js
Now, send the payment to the server (such as through a REST API post request) and create the subscription:
import stripe
import subscriptions
from django.contrib.auth.models import User # Replace with appropriate ORM import
stripe.api_key = "sk_test_....."
price_id = "price_1JB9PtCz06et8VuzfLu1Z9bf"
payment_method_id = "pm_1JiHZ7Cz06et8VuzwI1HftWk" # Retrieved from API
user = User.objects.get(id=1) # Replace with your ORM logic for retrieving a user
return subscriptions.create_subscription(user, price_id, default_payment_method=payment_method_id)
Running tests
The tests interact with the Stripe Test API so it is needed to provide a test key to run the tests
python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt -r requirements_tests.txt
python -m pytest tests --apikey STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY
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Details for the file stripe-subscriptions-0.5.4.tar.gz
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- Download URL: stripe-subscriptions-0.5.4.tar.gz
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Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 58f6c5da4e9125a0edc3d335ff83fb9476f1ff09b5d0ce8855192ecd48c3434c |
MD5 | 7330306959fd6ed375fc741e6340b8ff |
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