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Library for interfacing with a Substrate node

Project description

Python Substrate Interface

Build Status Latest Version Supported Python versions License


This library specializes in interfacing with a Substrate node; querying storage, composing extrinsics, SCALE encoding/decoding and providing additional convenience methods to deal with the features and metadata of the Substrate runtime.

Table of Contents


pip install substrate-interface

API reference documentation


substrate = SubstrateInterface(

After connecting certain properties like ss58_format will be determined automatically by querying the RPC node. At the moment this will work for most MetadataV14 and above runtimes like Polkadot, Kusama, Acala, Moonbeam. For older or runtimes under development the ss58_format (default 42) and other properties should be set manually.


Substrate uses a lightweight and efficient encoding and decoding program to optimize how data is sent and received over the network. The program used to serialize and deserialize data is called the SCALE codec, with SCALE being an acronym for Simple Concatenated Aggregate Little-Endian.

This library utilizes py-scale-codec for encoding and decoding SCALE, see this overview for more information how to encode data from Python.

Query storage

In Substrate, any pallet can introduce new storage items that will become part of the blockchain state. These storage items can be simple single values, or more complex storage maps.

The runtime exposes several storage functions to query those storage items and are provided in the metadata (see substrate.get_metadata_storage_function()).


result = substrate.query(

print(result.value['nonce']) #  7695
print(result.value['data']['free']) # 635278638077956496

State at a specific block hash

account_info = substrate.query(

print(account_info['nonce'].value) #  7673
print(account_info['data']['free'].value) # 637747267365404068

Type decomposition information

Some storage functions need parameters and some of those parameter types can be quite complex to compose.

To retrieve more information how to format those storage function parameters, the helper function get_param_info() is available:

storage_function = substrate.get_metadata_storage_function("Tokens", "TotalIssuance")

# [{
#   'Token': ('ACA', 'AUSD', 'DOT', 'LDOT', 'RENBTC', 'CASH', 'KAR', 'KUSD', 'KSM', 'LKSM', 'TAI', 'BNC', 'VSKSM', 'PHA', 'KINT', 'KBTC'), 
#   'DexShare': ({'Token': ('ACA', 'AUSD', 'DOT', 'LDOT', 'RENBTC', 'CASH', 'KAR', 'KUSD', 'KSM', 'LKSM', 'TAI', 'BNC', 'VSKSM', 'PHA', 'KINT', 'KBTC'), 'Erc20': '[u8; 20]', 'LiquidCrowdloan': 'u32', 'ForeignAsset': 'u16'}, {'Token': ('ACA', 'AUSD', 'DOT', 'LDOT', 'RENBTC', 'CASH', 'KAR', 'KUSD', 'KSM', 'LKSM', 'TAI', 'BNC', 'VSKSM', 'PHA', 'KINT', 'KBTC'), 'Erc20': '[u8; 20]', 'LiquidCrowdloan': 'u32', 'ForeignAsset': 'u16'}), 
#   'Erc20': '[u8; 20]', 
#   'StableAssetPoolToken': 'u32', 
#   'LiquidCrowdloan': 'u32', 
#   'ForeignAsset': 'u16'
# }]

Query a mapped storage function

Mapped storage functions can be iterated over all key/value pairs, for these type of storage functions query_map() can be used.

The result is a QueryMapResult object, which is an iterator:

# Retrieve the first 199 System.Account entries
result = substrate.query_map('System', 'Account', max_results=199)

for account, account_info in result:
    print(f"Free balance of account '{account.value}': {account_info.value['data']['free']}")

These results are transparently retrieved in batches capped by the page_size kwarg, currently the maximum page_size restricted by the RPC node is 1000

# Retrieve all System.Account entries in batches of 200 (automatically appended by `QueryMapResult` iterator)
result = substrate.query_map('System', 'Account', page_size=200, max_results=400)

for account, account_info in result:
    print(f"Free balance of account '{account.value}': {account_info.value['data']['free']}")

Querying a DoubleMap storage function:

era_stakers = substrate.query_map(

Using ScaleType objects

The result of the previous storage query example is a ScaleType object, more specific a Struct.

The nested object structure of this account_info object is as follows:

account_info = <AccountInfo(value={'nonce': <U32(value=5)>, 'consumers': <U32(value=0)>, 'providers': <U32(value=1)>, 'sufficients': <U32(value=0)>, 'data': <AccountData(value={'free': 1152921503981846391, 'reserved': 0, 'misc_frozen': 0, 'fee_frozen': 0})>})>

Every ScaleType have the following characteristics:

Shorthand lookup of nested types

Inside the AccountInfo struct there are several U32 objects that represents for example a nonce or the amount of provider, also another struct object AccountData which contains more nested types.

To access these nested structures you can access those formally using:


As a convenient shorthand you can also use:


ScaleType objects can also be automatically converted to an iterable, so if the object is for example the others in the result Struct of Staking.eraStakers can be iterated via:

for other_info in era_stakers['others']:
    print(other_info['who'], other_info['value'])


Each ScaleType holds a complete serialized version of itself in the account_info.serialize() property, so it can easily store or used to create JSON strings.

So the whole result of account_info.serialize() will be a dict containing the following:

    "nonce": 5,
    "consumers": 0,
    "providers": 1,
    "sufficients": 0,
    "data": {
        "free": 1152921503981846391,
        "reserved": 0,
        "misc_frozen": 0,
        "fee_frozen": 0

Comparing values with ScaleType objects

It is possible to compare ScaleType objects directly to Python primitives, internally the serialized value attribute is compared:

metadata_obj[1][1]['extrinsic']['version'] # '<U8(value=4)>'
metadata_obj[1][1]['extrinsic']['version'] == 4 # True

Call runtime APIs

Each Substrate node contains a runtime. The runtime contains the business logic of the chain. It defines what transactions are valid and invalid and determines how the chain's state changes in response to transactions.

A Runtime API facilitates this kind of communication between the outer node and the runtime. More information about Runtime APIs


result = substrate.runtime_call("AccountNonceApi", "account_nonce", ["5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"])
# <U32(value=2)>

List of available runtime APIs and methods

runtime_calls = substrate.get_metadata_runtime_call_functions()
#    <RuntimeCallDefinition(value={'description': 'The API to query account nonce (aka transaction index)', 'params': [{'name': 'account_id', 'type': 'AccountId'}], 'type': 'Index', 'api': 'AccountNonceApi', 'method': 'account_nonce'})>
#    ...

Get param type decomposition

A helper function to compose the parameters for this runtime API call

runtime_call = substrate.get_metadata_runtime_call_function("ContractsApi", "call")
param_info = runtime_call.get_param_info()
# ['AccountId', 'AccountId', 'u128', 'u64', (None, 'u128'), 'Bytes']

Keypair creation and signing

Keypairs are used to sign transactions and encrypt/decrypt messages. They consist of a public/private key and can be generated in several ways like by a BIP39 mnemonic:

mnemonic = Keypair.generate_mnemonic()
keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic(mnemonic)
signature = keypair.sign("Test123")
if keypair.verify("Test123", signature):

By default, a keypair is using SR25519 cryptography, alternatively ED25519 and ECDSA (for Ethereum-style addresses) can be explicitly specified:

keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic(mnemonic, crypto_type=KeypairType.ECDSA)
# '0x6741864968e8b87c6e32e19cde88A11a3Cc636E9'

Creating keypairs with soft and hard key derivation paths

mnemonic = Keypair.generate_mnemonic()
keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri(mnemonic + '//hard/soft')

By omitting the mnemonic the default development mnemonic is used:

keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri('//Alice')

Creating ECDSA keypairs with BIP44 derivation paths

mnemonic = Keypair.generate_mnemonic()
keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri(f"{mnemonic}/m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", crypto_type=KeypairType.ECDSA)

Create Keypair from PolkadotJS JSON format

with open('5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY.json', 'r') as fp:
    json_data =
    keypair = Keypair.create_from_encrypted_json(json_data, passphrase="test", ss58_format=42)

Verify generated signature with public address

Example: Substrate style addresses

keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri("//Alice", crypto_type=KeypairType.SR25519)
signature = keypair.sign('test')

keypair_public = Keypair(ss58_address='5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY', crypto_type=KeypairType.SR25519)
result = keypair_public.verify('test', signature)

Example: Ethereum style addresses

keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri("/m/44'/60/0'/0", crypto_type=KeypairType.ECDSA)
signature = keypair.sign('test')

keypair_public = Keypair(public_key='0x5e20a619338338772e97aa444e001043da96a43b', crypto_type=KeypairType.ECDSA)
result = keypair_public.verify('test', signature)

Offline signing of extrinsics

This example generates a signature payload which can be signed on another (offline) machine and later on sent to the network with the generated signature.

  1. Generate signature payload on online machine:
substrate = SubstrateInterface(

call = substrate.compose_call(
        'dest': '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY',
        'value': 2 * 10**8

era = {'period': 64, 'current': 22719}
nonce = 0

signature_payload = substrate.generate_signature_payload(call=call, era=era, nonce=nonce)
  1. Then on another (offline) machine generate the signature with given signature_payload:
keypair = Keypair.create_from_mnemonic("nature exchange gasp toy result bacon coin broccoli rule oyster believe lyrics")
signature = keypair.sign(signature_payload)
  1. Finally on the online machine send the extrinsic with generated signature:
keypair = Keypair(ss58_address="5EChUec3ZQhUvY1g52ZbfBVkqjUY9Kcr6mcEvQMbmd38shQL")

extrinsic = substrate.create_signed_extrinsic(

result = substrate.submit_extrinsic(


Creating extrinsics

In Substrate, transactions are often more broadly referred to as (signed) extrinsics. The term extrinsic is generally used to mean any information that originates outside of the runtime. An extrinsic is basically a vehicle that carries the intention to execute a function call in the runtime, along with proof of the account that wants to execute it.


call = substrate.compose_call(
        'dest': '5E9oDs9PjpsBbxXxRE9uMaZZhnBAV38n2ouLB28oecBDdeQo',
        'value': 1 * 10**12

extrinsic = substrate.create_signed_extrinsic(call=call, keypair=keypair)

    receipt = substrate.submit_extrinsic(extrinsic, wait_for_inclusion=True)
    print(f"Extrinsic '{receipt.extrinsic_hash}' sent and included in block '{receipt.block_hash}'")

except SubstrateRequestException as e:
    print("Failed to send: {}".format(e))

The wait_for_inclusion keyword argument used in the example above will block giving the result until it gets confirmation from the node that the extrinsic is succesfully included in a block. The wait_for_finalization keyword will wait until extrinsic is finalized. Note this feature is only available for websocket connections.

Extrinsic Receipts

The substrate.submit_extrinsic() example above returns an ExtrinsicReceipt object, which contains information about the on-chain execution of the extrinsic. Because the block_hash is necessary to retrieve the triggered events from storage, most information is only available when wait_for_inclusion=True or wait_for_finalization=True is used when submitting an extrinsic.


receipt = substrate.submit_extrinsic(extrinsic, wait_for_inclusion=True)
print(receipt.is_success) # False
print(receipt.weight) # 216625000
print(receipt.total_fee_amount) # 2749998966
print(receipt.error_message['name']) # 'LiquidityRestrictions'

ExtrinsicReceipt objects can also be created for all existing extrinsics on-chain:

receipt = substrate.retrieve_extrinsic_by_identifier("5233297-1")

print(receipt.is_success) # False
print( # 'Identity'
print( # 'remove_sub'
print(receipt.weight) # 359262000
print(receipt.total_fee_amount) # 2483332406
print(receipt.error_message['docs']) # [' Sender is not a sub-account.']

for event in receipt.triggered_events:
    print(f'* {event.value}')

Multisig extrinsics

Substrate has the functionality for multi-signature dispatch, allowing multiple signed origins (accounts) to coordinate and dispatch a call, derivable deterministically from the set of account IDs and the threshold number of accounts from the set that must approve it.

To initiate and finalize multisig extrinsics, the following helper functions are available:

Define the multisig account by supplying its signatories and threshold:

keypair_alice = Keypair.create_from_uri('//Alice', ss58_format=substrate.ss58_format)

multisig_account = substrate.generate_multisig_account(

Then initiate the multisig extrinsic by providing the call and a keypair of one of its signatories:

call = substrate.compose_call(
        'remark': 'Multisig test'

extrinsic = substrate.create_multisig_extrinsic(call, keypair_alice, multisig_account, era={'period': 64})
receipt = substrate.submit_extrinsic(extrinsic, wait_for_inclusion=True)

Then a second signatory approves and finalizes the call by providing the same call to another multisig extrinsic:

# Define the multisig account by supplying its signatories and threshold
keypair_charlie = Keypair.create_from_uri('//Charlie', ss58_format=substrate.ss58_format)

multisig_account = substrate.generate_multisig_account(

extrinsic = substrate.create_multisig_extrinsic(call, keypair_charlie, multisig_account, era={'period': 64})
receipt = substrate.submit_extrinsic(extrinsic, wait_for_inclusion=True)

The call will be executed when the second and final multisig extrinsic is submitted, condition and state of the multig will be checked on-chain during processing of the multisig extrinsic.

Type decomposition of call params

The structure of certain call parameters can be quite complex, then the get_param_info() function of the call function object can provide more insight how to construct those parameters:

call_function = substrate.get_metadata_call_function("XTokens", "transfer")

param_info = call_function.get_param_info()
# {
#   'currency_id': {
#       'Token': ('ACA', 'AUSD', 'DOT', 'LDOT', 'TAP', 'RENBTC', 'CASH', 'KAR', 'KUSD', 'KSM', 'LKSM', 'TAI', 'BNC', 'VSKSM', 'PHA', 'KINT', 'KBTC'), 
#       'DexShare': ({'Token': ('ACA', 'AUSD', 'DOT', 'LDOT', 'TAP', 'RENBTC', 'CASH', 'KAR', 'KUSD', 'KSM', 'LKSM', 'TAI', 'BNC', 'VSKSM', 'PHA', 'KINT', 'KBTC'), 'Erc20': '[u8; 20]', 'LiquidCrowdloan': 'u32', 'ForeignAsset': 'u16', 'StableAssetPoolToken': 'u32'}, {'Token': ('ACA', 'AUSD', 'DOT', 'LDOT', 'TAP', 'RENBTC', 'CASH', 'KAR', 'KUSD', 'KSM', 'LKSM', 'TAI', 'BNC', 'VSKSM', 'PHA', 'KINT', 'KBTC'), 'Erc20': '[u8; 20]', 'LiquidCrowdloan': 'u32', 'ForeignAsset': 'u16', 'StableAssetPoolToken': 'u32'}), 
#       'Erc20': '[u8; 20]', 
#       'StableAssetPoolToken': 'u32', 
#       'LiquidCrowdloan': 'u32', 
#       'ForeignAsset': 'u16'
#   }, 
#   'amount': 'u128', 
#   'dest': {
#       'V0': {'Null': None, 'X1': {'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, 'X2': ({'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}), 'X3': ({'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}), 'X4': ({'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parent': None, 'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 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20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}}, {'Parachain': 'u32', 'AccountId32': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'id': '[u8; 32]'}, 'AccountIndex64': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'index': 'u64'}, 'AccountKey20': {'network': {'Any': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Polkadot': None, 'Kusama': None}, 'key': '[u8; 20]'}, 'PalletInstance': 'u8', 'GeneralIndex': 'u128', 'GeneralKey': 'Bytes', 'OnlyChild': None, 'Plurality': {'id': {'Unit': None, 'Named': 'Bytes', 'Index': 'u32', 'Executive': None, 'Technical': None, 'Legislative': None, 'Judicial': None}, 'part': {'Voice': None, 'Members': {'count': 'u32'}, 'Fraction': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'AtLeastProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}, 'MoreThanProportion': {'nom': 'u32', 'denom': 'u32'}}}})}}
#    }, 
#   'dest_weight': 'u64'

Estimate of network fees

payment_info = substrate.get_payment_info(call=call, keypair=keypair)
# {'class': 'normal', 'partialFee': 2499999066, 'weight': 216625000}

Mortal extrinsics

By default, immortal extrinsics are created, which means they have an indefinite lifetime for being included in a block. However, it is recommended to use specify an expiry window, so you know after a certain amount of time if the extrinsic is not included in a block, it will be invalidated.

extrinsic = substrate.create_signed_extrinsic(call=call, keypair=keypair, era={'period': 64})

The period specifies the number of blocks the extrinsic is valid counted from current head.

ink! contract interfacing

Deploy a contract

Tested on canvas-node with the Flipper contract from the tutorial:

substrate = SubstrateInterface(

keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri('//Alice')

# Deploy contract
code = ContractCode.create_from_contract_files(
    metadata_file=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'assets', 'flipper.json'),
    wasm_file=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'assets', 'flipper.wasm'),

contract = code.deploy(
    endowment=10 ** 15,
    args={'init_value': True},

print(f'✅ Deployed @ {contract.contract_address}')

Work with an existing instance:

# Create contract instance from deterministic address
contract = ContractInstance.create_from_address(
    metadata_file=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'assets', 'flipper.json'),

Read data from a contract:

result =, 'get')
print('Current value of "get":', result.contract_result_data)

Execute a contract call

 # Do a gas estimation of the message
gas_predit_result =, 'flip')

print('Result of dry-run: ', gas_predit_result.contract_result_data)
print('Gas estimate: ', gas_predit_result.gas_required)

# Do the actual call
print('Executing contract call...')
contract_receipt = contract.exec(keypair, 'flip', args={

}, gas_limit=gas_predit_result.gas_required)

if contract_receipt.is_success:
    print(f'Events triggered in contract: {contract_receipt.contract_events}')
    print(f'Call failed: {contract_receipt.error_message}')

See complete code example for more details


It is possible to create subscriptions for certain data to get updates pushed as they happen. These subscriptions are blocking until the subscription is closed.

Storage subscriptions

When a callable is passed as kwarg subscription_handler in the query() function, there will be a subscription created for given storage query. Updates will be pushed to the callable and will block execution until a final value is returned. This value will be returned as a result of the query and finally automatically unsubscribed from further updates.

def subscription_handler(account_info_obj, update_nr, subscription_id):

    if update_nr == 0:
        print('Initial account data:', account_info_obj.value)

    if update_nr > 0:
        # Do something with the update
        print('Account data changed:', account_info_obj.value)

    # The execution will block until an arbitrary value is returned, which will be the result of the `query`
    if update_nr > 5:
        return account_info_obj

result = substrate.query("System", "Account", ["5GNJqTPyNqANBkUVMN1LPPrxXnFouWXoe2wNSmmEoLctxiZY"],


Subscribe to new block headers

def subscription_handler(obj, update_nr, subscription_id):

    print(f"New block #{obj['header']['number']} produced by {obj['author']}")

    if update_nr > 10:
        return {'message': 'Subscription will cancel when a value is returned', 'updates_processed': update_nr}

result = substrate.subscribe_block_headers(subscription_handler, include_author=True)

Cleanup and context manager

At the end of the lifecycle of a SubstrateInterface instance, calling the close() method will do all the necessary cleanup, like closing the websocket connection.

When using the context manager this will be done automatically:

with SubstrateInterface(url="wss://") as substrate:
    events = substrate.query("System", "Events")

# connection is now closed

Contact and Support

For questions, please see the Substrate StackExchange or reach out to us on our matrix chat group: Polkascan Technical.


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