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Audio Processing Platform

Project description

Welcome to the Sudio 🎵

sudio is an Open-source, easy-to-use digital audio processing library featuring both a real-time, non-real-time mix/edit platform.


Audio signal processing is a highly active research field where digital signal processing theory meets human sound perception and real-time programming requirements. It has a wide range of applications in computers, gaming, and music technology, to name a few of the largest areas. Successful applications include for example perceptual audio coding, digital music synthesizers, and music recognition software.

Real-time audio processing

For live digital audio systems with high-resolution multichannel functionalities, it is desirable to have accurate latency control and estimation over all the stages of digital audio processing chain.

The sudio is written flexible can used for high level audio processing algorithm and other system factors, which might cause the latency effects. It also can estimate the synchronization and delay of multiple channels.

Non-Realtime processing:

Sudio is a comprehensive library for mixing, editing, and recording audio content.

Audio data maintaining process:

The sudio used additional cached files to reduce dynamic memory usage and improve performance, meaning that audio data storage methods could have different execution times based on the stored files. Thanks to that, Sudo can manage various audio streams from audio files or operating systems without any size limitation.


Latest PyPI stable release (previous version)
pip install sudio
Latest development release on GitHub

Pull and install pre-release main branch (recommended):

pip install git+

Quick start

Audio playback

import sudio

su = sudio.Master()

the record with the name of baroon will be played on the stdout audio stream.

Audio slicing

Time domain
simple slicing

The following example is used to play the audio record with the name of baroon from 12 to 27.66 seconds on the stdout audio stream.

su = sudio.Master()
baroon = su.add('baroon.mp3')
su.echo(baroon[12: 27.66])
slice & merge
su = sudio.Master()
rec = su.add('baroon.mp3')

# method 1
su.echo(rec[12: 27.66, 65: 90])

# method 2
su.echo(rec[12: 27.66] + rec[65: 90])

The audio record is split into two parts, the first one 12-27.66 seconds, and the last one 65-90 seconds, then the sliced records are merged and played in the stream.

Frequency domain
LPF 100Hz
su = sudio.Master()
baroon = su.add('baroon.mp3')
su.echo(baroon[: '100'])
su = sudio.Master()
baroon = su.add('baroon.mp3')
BPF 500Hz - 1KHz
su = sudio.Master()
baroon = su.add('baroon.mp3')
Complex Slicing
su = sudio.Master()
baroon = su.add('baroon.mp3')
su.echo(baroon[5:10, :'1000', 10: 20, '1000': '5000'])

In the example above, a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 1 kHz is applied to the record from 5 to 10 seconds, then a band-pass filter is applied from 10 to 20 seconds, and finally they are merged.

Audio Streaming

Basic Streaming with Pause and Resume

This example demonstrates how to control audio playback using the sudio library, including starting, pausing, resuming, and stopping a stream.

import sudio
import time

# Initialize the audio master
su = sudio.Master()

# Add an audio file to the master
record = su.add('example.mp3')
stream =

# Enable stdout echo

# Start the audio stream
print(f"Current playback time: {stream.time} seconds")

# Pause the playback after 5 seconds
print("Paused playback")

# Resume playback after 2 seconds
print("Resumed playback")

# Stop playback after 5 more seconds
print("Stopped playback")

This script showcases basic audio control operations, allowing you to manage playback with precise timing.

Basic Streaming with Jumping to Specific Times in the Audio

This example illustrates how to start playback and jump to a specific time in an audio file.

import sudio
import time

# Initialize the audio master
su = sudio.Master()

# Add a long audio file to the master
record = su.add('long_audio.mp3')
stream =

# Enable stdout echo

# Start the audio stream
print(f"Starting playback at: {stream.time} seconds")

# Jump to 30 seconds into the audio after 5 seconds of playback
stream.time = 30
print(f"Jumped to: {stream.time} seconds")

# Continue playback for 10 more seconds
print(f"Current playback time: {stream.time} seconds")

# Stop the audio stream

This script demonstrates how to navigate within an audio file, which is useful for long audio content or when specific sections need to be accessed quickly.

Streaming with Volume Control

This example shows how to dynamically control the volume of an audio stream using a custom pipeline.

import sudio
import time
import sudio.types

# Initialize the audio master with a specific input device
su = sudio.Master(std_input_dev_id=2)

# Add an audio file to the master
record = su.add('example.mp3')
stream =

# Define a function to adjust the volume
def adjust_volume(data, args):
    return data * args['volume']

# Create a pipeline and append the volume adjustment function
pip = sudio.Pipeline()
pip.append(adjust_volume, args={'volume': 1.0})

# Start the pipeline

# Add the pipeline to the master
pipeline_id = su.add_pipeline(pip, process_type=sudio.types.PipelineProcessType.MAIN)

# Enable stdout echo

# Start the audio stream
print("Playing at normal volume")

# Adjust the volume to 50%
pip.update_args(adjust_volume, {'volume': 0.5})
print("Reduced volume to 50%")

# Restore the volume to normal
pip.update_args(adjust_volume, {'volume': 1.0})
print("Restored normal volume")

# Stop the audio stream

This example introduces a more complex setup using a custom pipeline to dynamically adjust the audio volume during playback. It's particularly useful for applications requiring real-time audio processing or user-controlled volume adjustments.

Table of contents:

Examples and Advanced Usage

Short-time Fourier transform

The Short-time Fourier transform (STFT), is a Fourier-related transform used to determine the sinusoidal frequency and phase content of local sections of a signal as it changes over time. In practice, the procedure for computing STFTs is to divide a longer time signal into shorter segments of equal length and then compute the Fourier transform separately on each shorter segment. This reveals the Fourier spectrum on each shorter segment. One then usually plots the changing spectra as a function of time, known as a spectrogram or waterfall plot, such as commonly used in Software Defined Radio (SDR) based spectrum displays.

pip install sudio
pip install kivy

Graphical STFT image

API Documentation



The Master class is the core component of the audio processing system. It manages audio input/output, signal processing, and provides a framework for advanced audio manipulation.

Key Features

  1. Flexible Device Configuration: Supports both default and custom audio input/output devices.
  2. Multiple Audio Formats: Handles various sample formats including 32-bit float, 32/24/16/8-bit integer.
  3. Windowing and Overlap: Implements customizable windowing functions with overlap-add method.
  4. Multithreaded Processing: Utilizes threading for efficient audio stream management.
  5. Pipeline System: Allows creation and management of audio processing pipelines.
  6. File I/O: Supports adding, loading, and exporting audio files.
  7. Real-time Processing: Enables real-time audio manipulation through callback functions.


The Master class is initialized with various parameters to configure the audio processing environment:

master = Master(std_input_dev_id=None, std_output_dev_id=None, data_format=SampleFormat.formatInt16, ...)
Key Parameters
  • std_input_dev_id / std_output_dev_id: Specify input/output device IDs. If None, uses system defaults.
  • data_format: Sets the audio sample format (e.g., 16-bit integer, 32-bit float).
  • nperseg: Number of samples per frame in each channel.
  • window: Specifies the windowing function (e.g., 'hann', 'hamming').
  • input_dev_callback / output_dev_callback: Custom callback functions for audio I/O.

Advanced Features

  1. Windowing: Supports various window types with automatic NOLA (Nonzero Overlap Add) constraint checking.
  2. Stream Control: Methods for muting, unmuting, and echoing audio streams.
  3. Pipeline Management: Add, set, and disable audio processing pipelines.
  4. File Management: Add, load, export, and delete audio records.
  5. Device Information: Static methods to query available audio devices and their properties.

Usage Examples

  1. Basic Initialization:

    master = Master()
  2. Custom Input Device:

    master = Master(std_input_dev_id=1, data_format=SampleFormat.formatFloat32)
  3. Adding a Pipeline:

    pipeline = Pipeline()
    master.add_pipeline(pipeline, name="my_pipeline", process_type=PipelineProcessType.MAIN)
  4. Recording Audio:

    recorded_audio = master.recorder(record_duration=10, name="my_recording")
  5. Exporting Audio:

    master.export("my_recording", "path/to/output.wav")

The Master class provides a comprehensive suite of tools for audio processing, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from simple audio playback to complex real-time audio manipulation systems.


sudio.Master.add_file(  self, filename: str, sample_format: SampleFormat = SampleFormat.formatUnknown, 
                        nchannels: int = None, sample_rate: int = None ,safe_load=True)

The add_file method used to Add an audio file to the local database. None value for the parameters means that they are automatically selected based on the properties of the audio file.

  • parameters:

    • filename: path/name of the audio file
    • sample_format: optional; sample format (refer to the SampleFormat data field).
    • nchannels: optional; number of audio channels
    • sample_rate: optional; sample rate
    • safe_load: optional; load an audio file and modify it according to the 'Master' attributes. (sample rate, sample format, number of channels, etc).
  • returns WrapGenerator object

:memo: Note: supported files format: WAV, FLAC, VORBIS, MP3

:memo: Note: The audio data maintaining process has additional cached files to reduce dynamic memory usage and improve performance, meaning that, The audio data storage methods can have different execution times based on the cached files.

sudio.Master.add(self, record, safe_load=True)

Adds a new record to the local database of the Master object.

  • record: The record to be added. Can be one of the following:

    • A Wrap or WrapGenerator object
    • A string path to an audio file (supported formats: mp3, WAV, FLAC, VORBIS)
    • A pandas Series containing record data
    • A tuple (record, name) where record is any of the above, and name is a custom name for the record
  • safe_load: bool, optional (default=True)

    • If True, audio files are loaded and modified to match the Master object's current settings
  • WrapGenerator: A wrapped version of the added record
  1. Naming: If a tuple (record, name) is provided, the second element is used as the record name. Otherwise, a name is automatically generated.

  2. Performance: The method uses cached files to optimize memory usage and performance. This may cause varying execution times depending on the state of these cached files.

  3. Compatibility: When safe_load=True, the method ensures that the added record is compatible with the current audio processing settings of the Master object.

# Adding an audio file

# Adding a wrapped record with a custom name
wrapped_record = some_wrap_generator()
master.add((wrapped_record, "my_custom_name"))

# Adding a pandas Series record
series_record = pd.Series({...})  # Record data
  • Raises ValueError if the record type is not recognized or if there's an issue with the file format.
  • Raises ImportError if the number of channels in the record is incompatible with the Master object's settings when safe_load=True.

This method provides a flexible way to add various types of audio data to your project, with options for ensuring compatibility and custom naming.


Initializes and starts the audio processing stream.


The start method activates the configured audio stream, enabling real-time audio processing based on the Master object's current settings. It should be called after all desired configurations have been made.

  • self: Returns the Master instance, allowing for method chaining.
  1. Initialization: Sets up the audio stream with the configured parameters (sample rate, format, channels, etc.).
  2. Thread Activation: Starts all processing threads, enabling concurrent audio handling.
  3. Error Handling: Raises exceptions if the stream is already started or if there are issues with stream initialization.
Usage Notes
  • Call this method only once, after all configurations are complete.
  • The audio processing runs in a separate thread after this method is called.
  • Ensure all desired pipelines and audio settings are configured before calling start.
# Basic usage
master = Master()

# Method chaining
master = Master().start()

# Start after configuration
master = Master()
  • Raises AssertionError if the audio stream is already started.
  • May raise other exceptions related to audio stream initialization, depending on the underlying audio library.

This method is crucial for activating the real-time audio processing capabilities of the Master object. Ensure all necessary configurations are done before calling start.

sudio.Master.recorder(self, record_duration: float, name: str = None)

Records audio for a specified duration and stores it as a new record in the Master object's database.

  • record_duration: float
    • The duration of the recording in seconds.
  • name: str, optional
    • A custom name for the recorded audio. If None, a timestamp-based name is generated.
  • Wrap: A wrapped version of the recorded audio data.

The recorder method captures audio input using the current settings of the Master object (sample rate, number of channels, etc.) for the specified duration. The recorded audio is automatically added to the Master's database and can be accessed later using the provided or generated name.

  1. Initialization: Sets up a temporary recording state in the Master object.
  2. Recording: Captures audio data for the specified duration.
  3. Processing: Processes the recorded data, including channel shuffling if necessary.
  4. Storage: Writes the recorded data to a cached file and updates the Master's database.
Usage Notes
  • The recording uses the current audio input settings of the Master object.
  • The method temporarily modifies the internal state of the Master object during recording.
  • Recorded audio is automatically added to the database and can be accessed or manipulated later.
# Record for 5 seconds with an auto-generated name
recorded_audio = master.recorder(5)

# Record for 10 seconds with a custom name
recorded_audio = master.recorder(10, name="my_recording")

# Use the recorded audio
  • Raises KeyError if the provided name already exists in the database.

This method provides a straightforward way to capture and store audio data within the Master object's ecosystem, making it easy to record and subsequently process or analyze audio segments.

   sudio.Master.load(self, name: str, safe_load: bool=True,
                    series: bool=False) -> Union[WrapGenerator, Record])

The load method used to load a predefined recoed from the external database (static memoty) to the local database(dynamic memory). Trying to load a record that was previously loaded, outputs a wrapped version of the named record.

  • parameters:

    • name: The name of the predefined record.
    • safe_load: if safe load is enabled this method tries to load a record in the local database, based on the master settings, like the frame rate and etc.
    • series: If enabled, attempting to load a record that has already been loaded will output the data series of the named record.
  • returns optional; Wrapped object, Record obejct.

   sudio.Master.get_record_info(self, name: str) -> Record

get extra info about the record

  • parameters:

    • name: name of the registered record on the local or external
  • returns information about saved record ['noiseLevel' 'frameRate' 'sizeInByte' 'duration' 'nchannels' 'nperseg' 'name'].

                        * target,
                        nchannels: int = None,
                        sample_rate: int = None,
                        sample_format: SampleFormat = SampleFormat.formatUnknown)

Determines whether the wrapped record/s can be synced with specified properties.

  • parameters:

    • target: target: wrapped record\s.(regular records)

    • nchannels: number of channels; if the value is None, the target will be compared to the 'self' properties.

    • sample_rate: sample rate; if the value is None, the target will be compared to the 'self' properties.

    • sample_format: if the value is None, the target will be compared to the 'self' properties.

  • returns returns only objects that need to be synchronized.

                    * targets,
                    nchannels: int=None,
                    sample_rate: int=None,
                    sample_format: SampleFormat=SampleFormat.formatUnknown,

This method used to Synchronize wrapped record/s with the specified properties.

  • parameters:

    • targets: wrapped records\s.
    • nchannels: number of channels; if the value is None, the target will be synced to the 'self' properties.
    • sample_rate: if the value is None, the target will be synced to the 'self' properties.
    • sample_format: if the value is None, the target will be synced to the 'self' properties.
    • output: can be 'wrapped'(regular records), 'series'(dict type) or 'ndarray_data'
  • returns returns synchronized objects.

sudio.Master.del_record(self, name: str, deep: bool=False)

The del_record method used to delete a record from the internal/external database.

  • parameters:

  • name str: the name of preloaded record.

  • deep bool: deep delete mode is used to remove the record and its corresponding caches from the external database.

  • returns None

sudio.Master.export(self, record: Union[str, Record, Wrap, WrapGenerator], file_path: str=SAVE_PATH)

Convert the record to the wav audio format.

  • Parameters:
    • record: name of the registered (wrapped) record, a 'Record' object or a (customized) wrapped record.
    • file_path: The name or path of the wav file. A new name for the record to be converted can be placed at the end of the address.
  • returns None

sudio.Master.get_record_names(self, local_database: bool=True) -> list

param local_database: if false then external database will be selected returns: a list of the saved records in the external or internal database


returns: number of samples per each data frame (single channel)


Returns the number of audible perspective directions or dimensions of the current wrapped record.


returns: current master sample rate

                    record: Union[str, Wrap, Record, WrapGenerator],
                    block_mode: bool=False,
                    safe_load: bool=False,
                    on_stop: callable=None,
                    loop_mode: bool=False,
                    stream_mode:StreamMode = StreamMode.optimized
                    ) -> StreamControl

'Record' playback on the mainstream.

  • Parameters:

    • record: predefined record name, (customized) wrapped record, or a 'Record' object.
    • block_mode: This can be true, in which case the current thread will be blocked as long as the stream is busy.
    • safe_load: load an audio file and modify it according to the 'Master' attributes(like the frame rate, number oof channels, etc).
    • on_stop: An optional callback is called at the end of the streaming process.
    • loop_mode: playback continuously.
    • use_cached_files: enable additional cache maintaining process.
    • stream_mode: (see StreamMode enum).
  • returns StreamControl object

:memo: Note: The recorder can only capture normal streams(Non-optimized streams)


mute the stdin stream (default)


disable mute mode of the stdin stream

sudio.Master.echo(  self, 
                    record: Union[Wrap, str, Record, WrapGenerator]=None,
                    enable: bool=None, 
                    main_output_enable: bool=False)

start to play "Record" on the operating system's default audio output.

  • Parameters:

    • record: optional, default None; It could be a predefined record name, a wrapped record, or a 'Record' object.

    • enable: optional, default None(trigger mode) determines that the standard output of the master is enable or not.

    • main_output_enable: when the 'record' is not None, controls the standard output activity of the master

  • returns self object

:memo: Note: If the 'record' argument takes the value None, the method controls the standard output activity of the master with the 'enable' argument.

:memo: Note: If the 'record' argument takes the value None, the kernel starts streaming the std input to the std output.

sudio.Master.wrap(self, record: Union[str, Record])

Create a Wrap object.

param record: preloaded record or a Record object returns: Wrap object


The audio data maintaining process has additional cached files to reduce dynamic memory usage and improve performance, meaning that, The audio data storage methods can have different execution times based on the cached files. This function used to clean additional cached files.

returns: self object

sudio.Master.add_pipeline(  self, 
                            name: str, 
                            pip: Union[Pipeline, list],
                            process_type: sudio.types.PipelineProcessType=PipelineProcessType.MAIN, 
                            channel: int=None)

Add a new process pipeline to the master object.

  • Parameters:

    • name: string; represents the new pipeline

    • pip: obj; Pipeline object/s In the multi_stream process type, this argument must be a list of the defined pipelines, with the size equal to the nchannel.

    • process_type: PipelineProcessType; MAIN, BRANCH, MULTI_STREAM The sudio kernel inject audio data to the activated pipeline[if exist] and all of the branch type pipelines then takes output from the primary one.

      :memo: Note: Use set_pipeline to activate a main branch or a multi_stream one.

      :memo: Note: A branch pipeline is used for data monitoring(GUI) purposes.

    • channel: obj; None or [0 to nchannel]; just activated in branched pipelines;

      The input data passed to a pipeline can be an numpy array with the shape of the (number of the audio channels, 2 [number of the windows per each frame], nperseg) (in mono mode (2, self._nperseg)).

:memo: Note: the pipeline used to process data and return it to the kernel with the dimensions as same as the input.

:memo: Note: Each pipeline used to process data in different threads, so the the performance will be improved.

sudio.Master.set_pipeline(self, name: str, enable: bool=True)

activate the registered pipeline on the process stream.

  • Parameters:

    • name: string; A name that represents the new pipeline
    • enable: bool; state of the primary pipeline.

:memo: Note: Only multi_stream and main branches are allowed for activation.

                        window: object = 'hann',
                        noverlap: int = None,
                        NOLA_check: bool = True)

change type of the current processing window.

  • Parameters:

    • window: string, float, tuple, ndarray, optional The type of window, to create (string) or pre designed window in numpy array format. use None to disable windowing process. Default ("hann") Hanning function.

    • noverlap: int, default None

      The noverlap defines the number of overlap between defined windows. If not given then it's value will be selected as

      SE = \frac{nperseg}{2}.

      When the length of a data set to be transformed is larger than necessary to provide the desired frequency resolution, a common practice is to subdivide it into smaller sets and window them individually.

      To mitigate the "loss" at the edges of the window, the individual sets may overlap in time.

    • NOLA_check: bool, optional Check whether the Nonzero Overlap Add (NOLA) constraint is met.(If true)



The StreamControl class used to control data flow of an audio record (live control on audio streaming).



check current stream compatibility with the Master object and return true on ready to streaming.


return true if current stream was started before.


check current stream compatibility with the Master object and start to streaming.


resume current streaming if current stream was paused.


stop current streaming if current stream is activated.


pause current streaming if current stream is activated.


enable to restart at the end of streaming.


disable audio streaming loop mode.



used to retrive elapsed time of the current streamed record.


Set the current time of streamed record.


sudio.WrapGenerator(self, master: Master, record: Union[str, pd.Series])

Generates a Wrap object, which wraps the raw record.


sudio.WrapGenerator.get_sample_format(self) -> SampleFormat

Returns sample format of the current generator.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_sample_width(self) -> int

Returns sample width of the current wrapped record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_master(self) -> Master

Returns the Master object of the current generator.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_size(self) -> int

Returns size of the currently processed record on non-volatile memory.

:memo: Note: Wrapped objects normally stored statically, so all of the calculations need additional IO read/write time, This decrese dynamic memory usage specically for big audio data.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_cache_size(self) -> int

Returns size of cached file on non-volatile memory.

:memo: Note: Wrapped objects normally stored statically, so all of the calculations need additional IO read/write time, This decrese dynamic memory usage specically for big audio data.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_nchannels(self) -> int

Returns the number of audible perspective directions or dimensions of the current wrapped record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_sample_rate(self) -> int

Returns frame rate of the current warpped record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.get_duration(self) -> float

Returns the duration of the provided audio record.

                        *other: Union[Wrap, WrapGenerator],
                        sync_sample_format: SampleFormat = None,
                        sync_nchannels: int = None,
                        sync_sample_rate: int = None,
                        safe_load: bool = True
                        ) -> Wrap

Returns a new wrapped record by joining and synchronizing all the elements of the 'other' iterable (Wrap, WrapGenerator), separated by the given separator.

  • parameters:

    • other: wrapped record\s.
    • sync_nchannels: number of channels; if the value is None, the target will be synced
    • sync_sample_format: if the value is None, the target will be synced to the master properties.
    • sync_sample_rate: sample rate; if the value is None, the target will be compared to the master properties.
    • safe_load: load an audio file and modify it according to the 'Master' attributes(like the frame rate, number oof channels, etc).
  • returns new Wrap object.

Magic methods

sudio.WrapGenerator.__getitem__(self, item) -> Wrap

Slicing : The Wrapped object can be sliced using the standard Python x[start: stop: step] syntax, where x is the wrapped object.

Slicing the time domain:

The basic slice syntax is

[i: j: k, i(2): j(2): k(2), i(n): j(n): k(n)] 

where i is the start time, j is the stop time in integer or float types and k is the step(negative number for inversing). This selects the nXm seconds with index times

i, i+1, i+2, ..., j, i(2), i(2)+1, ..., j(2), i(n), ..., j(n)
j where m = j - i (j > i).

:memo: Note: for i < j, i is the stop time and j is the start time, means that audio data read inversely.

Filtering (Slicing the frequency domain):

The basic slice syntax is

['i': 'j': 'filtering options', 'i(2)': 'j(2)': 'options(2)', ..., 'i(n)': 'j(n)': 'options(n)']

where i is the starting frequency and j is the stopping frequency with type of string in the same units as fs that fs is 2 half-cycles/sample. This activates n number of iir filters with specified frequencies and options.

For the slice syntax [x: y: options] we have:

  • x= None, y= 'j': low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of the j
  • x= 'i', y= None: high pass filter with a cutoff frequency of the i
  • x= 'i', y= 'j': bandpass filter with the critical frequencies of the i, j
  • x= 'i', y= 'j', options='scale=[Any negative number]': bandstop filter with the critical frequencies of the i, j

Filtering options:

  • ftype: optional; The type of IIR filter to design:\n
    • Butterworth : ‘butter’(default)
    • Chebyshev I : ‘cheby1’
    • Chebyshev II : ‘cheby2’
    • Cauer/elliptic: ‘ellip’
    • Bessel/Thomson: ‘bessel’
  • rs: float, optional:\n For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the minimum attenuation in the stop band. (dB)
  • rp: float, optional:\n For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the maximum ripple in the passband. (dB)
  • order: The order of the filter.(default 5)
  • scale: [float, int] optional; The attenuation or Amplification factor, that in the bandstop filter must be a negative number.

Complex slicing: The basic slice syntax is

[a: b, 'i': 'j': 'filtering options', ..., 'i(n)': 'j(n)': 'options(n)', ..., a(n): b(n), 'i': 'j': 'options', ..., 'i(n)': 'j(n)': 'options(n)'] 


[a: b, [Filter block 1)], a(2): b(2), [Filter block 2]  ... , a(n): b(n), [Filter block n]]

Where i is the starting frequency, j is the stopping frequency, a is the starting time and b is the stopping time in seconds. This activates n number of filter blocks [described in the filtering section] that each of them operates within a predetermined time range.

note: The sliced object is stored statically so calling the original wrapped returns The sliced object.


Delete the current object and its dependencies (cached files, etc.)


Returns string representation of the current object

sudio.WrapGenerator.__mul__(self, scale) -> Wrap

Returns a new Wrap object, scaling the data of the current record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.__truediv__(self, scale)

Returns a new Wrap object, dividing the data of the current record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.__pow__(self, power, modulo=None)

Returns a new Wrap object, scaling the data of the current record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.__add__(self, other:Union[Wrap, WrapGenerator, int, float])

if the 'other' parameter is a WrapGenerator or a Wrap object this method joins the current object to the other one, otherwise this method used to Return a new Wrap object, scaling the data of the current record.

sudio.WrapGenerator.__sub__(self, other: Union[float, int])

Returns a new Wrap object, subtracting the data of the current record.

                            sync_sample_format_id: int = None,
                            sync_nchannels: int = None,
                            sync_sample_rate: int = None,
                            safe_load: bool = True
                            ) -> Wrap

Synchronize the current object with the master (optional) and create a new Wrap object.

  • parameters:

    • sync_nchannels: number of channels; if the value is None, the target will be synced
    • sync_sample_format_id: if the value is None, the target will be synced to the master properties.
    • sync_sample_rate: sample rate; if the value is None, the target will be compared to the master properties.
    • safe_load: load an audio file and modify it according to the 'Master' attributes(like the frame rate, number oof channels, etc).
  • returns new Wrap object.

:memo: Note: Wrapped objects normally stored statically, so all of the calculations need additional IO read/write time, This decrese dynamic memory usage specically for big audio data.


sudio.Wrap(self, master: Master, record: pd.Series, generator: WrapGenerator)


sudio.Wrap.get_sample_format(self) -> SampleFormat

Returns sample format of the current warpped record.

sudio.Wrap.get_sample_width(self) -> int

Returns sample width.

sudio.Wrap.get_master(self) -> Master

Returns the Master object.

sudio.Wrap.get_size(self) -> int

Returns size of the currently processed record on non-volatile memory.

:memo: Note: Wrapped objects normally stored statically, so all of the calculations need additional IO read/write time, This decrese dynamic memory usage specically for big audio data.

sudio.Wrap.get_sample_rate(self) -> int

Returns frame rate of the current warpped record.

sudio.Wrap.get_nchannels(self) -> int

Returns the number of audible perspective directions or dimensions of the current wrapped record.

sudio.Wrap.get_duration(self) -> float

Returns the duration of the provided audio record.

sudio.Wrap.join(self, *other) -> Wrap

Returns a new wrapped record by joining and synchronizing all the elements of the 'other' iterable (Wrap, WrapGenerator), separated by the given separator.

sudio.Wrap.unpack(self, reset=False) -> np.ndarray

Unpack audio data from cached files to the dynamic memory.

:memo: Note: All calculations in the unpacked block are performed on the precached files (not the original audio data).

  • parameters:
    • reset: Reset the audio pointer to time 0 (Equivalent to slice '[:]').
  • Returns audio data in ndarray format with shape of (number of audio channels, block size).
master = Master()
wrapgen = master.add('file.mp3')
wrap = wrapgen()
with wrap.unpack() as data:
    wrap.set_data(data * .7)

sudio.Wrap.get_data(self) -> Union[pd.Series, numpy.ndarray]

if the current object is unpacked:

  • Returns the audio data in a ndarray format with shape of (number of audio channels, block size).


  • Returns the current record.

sudio.Wrap.is_packed(self) -> bool

Returns true if the Wrap object is packed.

sudio.Wrap.get(self, offset=None, whence=None)

Returns the audio data as a _io.BufferedRandom IO file.

sudio.Wrap.set_data(self, data: numpy.ndarray)

Set audio data for current wrapped record (object must be unpacked to the volatile memory).

Magic methods


Delete the current object and its dependencies (cached files, etc.)


Returns string representation of the current object

sudio.Wrap.__getitem__(self, item) -> self

Slicing : The Wrapped object can be sliced using the standard Python x[start: stop: step] syntax, where x is the wrapped object.

Slicing the time domain:

The basic slice syntax is

[i: j: k, i(2): j(2): k(2), i(n): j(n): k(n)] 

where i is the start time, j is the stop time in integer or float types and k is the step(negative number for inversing). This selects the nXm seconds with index times

i, i+1, i+2, ..., j, i(2), i(2)+1, ..., j(2), i(n), ..., j(n)
j where m = j - i (j > i).

:memo: Note: for i < j, i is the stop time and j is the start time, means that audio data read inversely.

Filtering (Slicing the frequency domain):

The basic slice syntax is

['i': 'j': 'filtering options', 'i(2)': 'j(2)': 'options(2)', ..., 'i(n)': 'j(n)': 'options(n)']

where i is the starting frequency and j is the stopping frequency with type of string in the same units as fs that fs is 2 half-cycles/sample. This activates n number of iir filters with specified frequencies and options.

For the slice syntax [x: y: options] we have:

  • x= None, y= 'j': low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of the j
  • x= 'i', y= None: high pass filter with a cutoff frequency of the i
  • x= 'i', y= 'j': bandpass filter with the critical frequencies of the i, j
  • x= 'i', y= 'j', options='scale=[Any negative number]': bandstop filter with the critical frequencies of the i, j

Filtering options:

  • ftype: optional; The type of IIR filter to design:\n
    • Butterworth : ‘butter’(default)
    • Chebyshev I : ‘cheby1’
    • Chebyshev II : ‘cheby2’
    • Cauer/elliptic: ‘ellip’
    • Bessel/Thomson: ‘bessel’
  • rs: float, optional:\n For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the minimum attenuation in the stop band. (dB)
  • rp: float, optional:\n For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the maximum ripple in the passband. (dB)
  • order: The order of the filter.(default 5)
  • scale: [float, int] optional; The attenuation or Amplification factor, that in the bandstop filter must be a negative number.

Complex slicing: The basic slice syntax is

[a: b, 'i': 'j': 'filtering options', ..., 'i(n)': 'j(n)': 'options(n)', ..., a(n): b(n), 'i': 'j': 'options', ..., 'i(n)': 'j(n)': 'options(n)'] 


[a: b, [Filter block 1)], a(2): b(2), [Filter block 2]  ... , a(n): b(n), [Filter block n]]

Where i is the starting frequency, j is the stopping frequency, a is the starting time and b is the stopping time in seconds. This activates n number of filter blocks [described in the filtering section] that each of them operates within a predetermined time range.

note: The sliced object is stored statically so calling the original wrapped returns The sliced object.

sudio.Wrap.__mul__(self, scale) -> Wrap

Returns current object, dividing the data of the current record.

sudio.Wrap.__truediv__(self, scale)

Returns current object, dividing the data of the current record.

sudio.Wrap.__pow__(self, power, modulo=None)

Returns a new Wrap object, scaling the data of the current record.

sudio.Wrap.__add__(self, other:Union[Wrap, WrapGenerator, int, float])

if the 'other' parameter is a WrapGenerator or a Wrap object this method joins the current object to the other one, otherwise this method used to Return a current object, scaling the data of the current record.

sudio.Wrap.__sub__(self, other: Union[float, int])

Returns current object, subtracting the data of the current record.


A pipeline is a system of pipes used to transport data, each pipe is a method that processes data and pass it to the next one.

Pipeline helps the audio processing algorithms to break the complexity into smaller blocks, and the use of threading techniques improves the overall performance of the system.

  graph LR;
      A(Input Queue)-->B(Pipe 0);
      B-->C(Pipe 1);
      D-->E(Output Queue);


  • max_size: int, optional Maximum number of callable per Pipeline object

  • io_buffer_size: int, optional Maximum size of the I/O queues.

  • on_busy: [float, str], optional Determines the behavior of the pipeline after the I/O queues are full. (busy state).

    Please use:

    • "drop" to drop old data from the output queue and allocate new space for new ones.
    • "block" to block the pipeline until the last data arrives.
    • timeout in float type to block the pipeline until the end time.

  • list_dispatch: bool, optional dispatch the input list type, to the arguments of the first pipe.



Remove all of the items from the I/O queues in block mode.


Start data injection into pipeline.

                      index: int,
                      *func: callable,
                      args: Union[list, tuple, object] = (),
                      init: Union[list, tuple, callable] = ())

Insert callable/s before index.

  • index: int

    index value.

  • func: callable

  • Pipeline callable element/s.

  • args: (tuple, list, object), optional

    the static argument/s, will be passed to the pipeline element/s.


    • multiple arguments for multiple callables

      def f0(arg0, arg1, data):
        return data
      def f1(arg, data):
        return data
      pip = sudio.Pipeline()
      pip.insert(2, f0, f1, args=(['arg0 for f0', 'arg1 for f0'], 'single arg for f1'))
    • single argument for multiple callables

      def f0(arg, data):
        return data
      def f1(arg, data):
        return data
      pip = sudio.Pipeline()
      pip.insert(2, f0, f1, args='single arg for all')
      def f0(data):
        return data
      def f1(arg, data):
        return data
      pip = sudio.Pipeline()
      pip.insert(2, f0, f1, args=(None, 'single arg for f1'))
    • single argument for single callable

      def f0(arg, data):
        return data
      pip = sudio.Pipeline()
      pip.insert(2, f0, args='single arg for f0')

  • init: (list, tuple, callable), optional

    single or multiple callables suggested for access to the pipeline's shared memory, that called after starting pipeline thread execution.

  • self object

                      *func: callable,
                      args: Union[list, tuple, object] = (),
                      init: Union[list, tuple, callable] = ())

Append callable/s to the end of the pipeline. For more detailes Please refer to the sudio.Pipeline.insert method.

sudio.Pipeline.sync(self, barrier: threading.Barrier)

Synchronize current pipeline with others using a barrier.


Disable pipeline synchronization.


used to retrive pipeline execution delay in us.

sudio.Pipeline.set_timeout(self, t: Union[float, int])

Determines the blocking timeout of the pipeline after the I/O queues are full.


used to retrive the blocking timeout of the pipeline after the I/O queues are full.

sudio.Pipeline.put(self, data)

Inject new data into the pipeline object

sudio.Pipeline.get(self, block=True, timeout=None):

Remove and return an item from the output queue.

If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default), block if necessary until an item is available. If 'timeout' is a non-negative number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the Empty exception if no item was available within that time. Otherwise ('block' is false), return an item if one is immediately available, else raise the Empty exception ('timeout' is ignored in that case).

Magic methods

sudio.Pipeline.__call__(self, data)

The __ call __ magic method used to Inject data into the current pipeline object

sudio.Pipeline.__delitem__(self, key)

Delete self[key].


Return len(self).

sudio.Pipeline.__getitem__(self, key)

Return self[key].


Open Source (OSI approved): Apache License 2.0

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