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SynapSense (Python In-Context Learning) is a Python library designed to facilitate the implementation of In-Context Learning (ICL) with Large Language Models (LLMs).

Project description

Synapsense Overview

SynapSense Python In-Context Learning for Large Language Models SynapSense is a cutting-edge Python library designed to streamline the implementation of In-Context Learning (ICL) with Large Language Models (LLMs). By combining the concept of "synapse" (neural connections) with "sense," SynapSense empowers developers to build intelligent, sense-making models that leverage contextual information for more accurate and dynamic learning. Whether you’re working with natural language processing, AI-driven applications, or advanced machine learning projects, SynapSense provides an intuitive, scalable framework for enhancing LLM performance with in-context capabilities.

Python Package

Synapsense PyPi Package


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In-Context Learning refers to the technique where a model is provided with examples within the context of its input, allowing the model to learn from these examples without the need for explicit fine-tuning. The idea is to leverage contextual examples to influence the model's output dynamically.

The synapsense library offers tools to manage and utilize these contextual examples efficiently, providing a structured way to build prompts and optimize the context provided to the LLM. synapsense is modular, allowing developers to pick and choose components based on their needs.


OpenAI In-Context Learning (ICL) Streamlit Chat

OpenAI In-Context Learning (ICL)

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This component is particularly useful in scenarios where the diversity of examples is critical, such as in adversarial settings or when working with limited data.

Here is a simple example of how to use synapsense:

import os
import openai
from openai import OpenAI
from synapsense import ContextManager, PromptBuilder, ContextOptimizer
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer

# Download NLTK stopwords corpus if not already downloaded
except LookupError:'stopwords')

# Load API key from environment variable
api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)

def create_openai_client(api_key):
    """Creates an OpenAI client instance with the given API key."""
    return openai.Client(api_key=api_key)

def create_context_manager() -> ContextManager:
    """Create a context manager instance."""
    # Assuming ContextManager is a custom class
    return ContextManager()

def create_prompt_builder(context_manager: ContextManager) -> PromptBuilder:
    """Create a prompt builder instance."""
    # Assuming PromptBuilder is a custom class
    return PromptBuilder(context_manager)

def create_context_optimizer() -> ContextOptimizer:
    """Create a context optimizer instance."""
    # Assuming ContextOptimizer is a custom class
    return ContextOptimizer()

def add_context(context_manager: ContextManager, context_type: str, examples: list[str]) -> None:
    """Add context examples to the context manager."""
    context_manager.add_context(context_type, examples)

def call_openai_api(model: str, prompt: str, max_tokens: int, temperature: float) -> str:
    """Call the OpenAI API to generate a response."""
        response =,
            {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert assistant specialized in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), In-Context Learning (ICL), and Retrieval-Based Context. Your role is to provide clear, accurate, and detailed explanations of these concepts based on recent academic research. You should assist users by clarifying the differences, applications, and benefits of these methods in large language models (LLMs). When answering, ensure to refer to the latest findings on these techniques, offering examples and insights from research papers to support your explanations."},
            {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
        return response.choices[0].message.content
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        return None

def main() -> None:
    # Create OpenAI client
    client = create_openai_client(api_key)  # Pass api_key as an argument

    # Create a ContextManager instance
    context_manager = create_context_manager()

    # Create a PromptBuilder instance with the ContextManager
    prompt_builder = create_prompt_builder(context_manager)

    # Create a ContextOptimizer instance
    context_optimizer = create_context_optimizer()

    # Add some examples for the "AI-Research" context
    context_manager.add_context("AI-Research", [
        "Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) enhances language models by integrating external information retrieval with generation capabilities.",
        "It retrieves relevant knowledge based on the user's query and then generates a response grounded in this context.",
        "The goal of RAG is to improve accuracy and relevance by incorporating external knowledge, making it ideal for tasks like question answering and knowledge grounding.",
        "Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) verbessert Sprachmodelle, indem es externe Informationsabrufe mit Generierungsfunktionen kombiniert.",
        "Es ruft relevantes Wissen basierend auf der Benutzeranfrage ab und generiert dann eine Antwort, die in diesem Kontext verankert ist.",
        "Das Ziel von RAG ist es, die Genauigkeit und Relevanz zu verbessern, indem externes Wissen einbezogen wird, was es ideal für Aufgaben wie die Beantwortung von Fragen und das Fundieren von Wissen macht.",
        "A Geração Aumentada por Recuperação (RAG) melhora os modelos de linguagem ao integrar a recuperação de informações externas com capacidades de geração.",
        "Ela recupera conhecimento relevante com base na consulta do usuário e gera uma resposta fundamentada nesse contexto.",
        "O objetivo do RAG é melhorar a precisão e a relevância, incorporando conhecimento externo, tornando-o ideal para tarefas como respostas a perguntas e fundamentação de conhecimento.",
        "In-Context Learning (ICL) allows language models to adapt to new tasks using examples provided in the input context without retraining.",
        "ICL leverages patterns from the input examples to generate predictions or responses based on the context, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks.",
        "The objective of ICL is to enable flexible learning without explicit fine-tuning, allowing models to perform well even in zero-shot or few-shot scenarios.",
        "In-Context Learning (ICL) ermöglicht es Sprachmodellen, sich anhand von im Eingabekontext bereitgestellten Beispielen an neue Aufgaben anzupassen, ohne dass ein erneutes Training erforderlich ist.",
        "ICL nutzt Muster aus den Eingabebeispielen, um Vorhersagen oder Antworten auf Basis des Kontexts zu generieren, was es für eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben geeignet macht.",
        "Das Ziel von ICL ist es, flexibles Lernen ohne explizites Feintuning zu ermöglichen und Modelle auch in Zero-Shot- oder Few-Shot-Szenarien erfolgreich zu machen.",
        "O Aprendizado no Contexto (ICL) permite que modelos de linguagem se adaptem a novas tarefas usando exemplos fornecidos no contexto de entrada, sem necessidade de retreinamento.",
        "ICL aproveita padrões dos exemplos de entrada para gerar previsões ou respostas com base no contexto, tornando-o adequado para uma ampla gama de tarefas.",
        "O objetivo do ICL é possibilitar o aprendizado flexível sem ajuste fino explícito, permitindo que os modelos tenham bom desempenho mesmo em cenários de zero-shot ou few-shot.",
        "Retrieval-Based Context involves querying an external knowledge base to retrieve relevant information that informs the model's response.",
        "This method is highly effective in ensuring accuracy, especially in tasks that require real-time or up-to-date knowledge.",
        "The primary difference from ICL is that Retrieval-Based Context dynamically accesses external data, while ICL works purely from internal examples.",
        "Der Retrieval-Based Context umfasst das Abfragen einer externen Wissensdatenbank, um relevante Informationen abzurufen, die die Antwort des Modells beeinflussen.",
        "Diese Methode ist besonders effektiv, um Genauigkeit zu gewährleisten, insbesondere bei Aufgaben, die Echtzeit- oder aktuelle Kenntnisse erfordern.",
        "Der Hauptunterschied zu ICL besteht darin, dass der Retrieval-Based Context dynamisch auf externe Daten zugreift, während ICL rein auf internen Beispielen basiert.",
        "O Contexto Baseado em Recuperação envolve a consulta a uma base de conhecimento externa para recuperar informações relevantes que informam a resposta do modelo.",
        "Esse método é altamente eficaz em garantir precisão, especialmente em tarefas que exigem conhecimento em tempo real ou atualizado.",
        "A principal diferença do ICL é que o Contexto Baseado em Recuperação acessa dinamicamente dados externos, enquanto o ICL trabalha puramente com exemplos internos."


    # Get the context examples
    context_examples = context_manager.get_context("AI-Research")

    # Evaluate the relevance of each context example
    for example in context_examples:
        # For demonstration purposes, assume a performance metric of 0.5
        context_optimizer.evaluate_relevance(example, "AI-Research", 0.5)

    # Adjust the context examples based on their relevance

    # Get the optimized context examples
    optimized_context = context_optimizer.get_optimized_context()

    # Build a prompt for the "AI-Research" context with a user input
    user_input = "Explain if In-Context Learning (ICL) with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) improves the accuracy of language models in providing relevant responses, particularly in real-time applications."
    prompt = prompt_builder.build_prompt("AI-Research", user_input)
    # Print the built prompt

    # Call OpenAI API
    model = "gpt-4o"
    max_tokens = 2048
    temperature = 0.7
    response = call_openai_api(model, prompt, max_tokens, temperature)

    # Print the model's response
    if response is not None:
        print("Model Output:")
        print("Failed to retrieve model response.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Components of synapsense

1. ContextManager

Purpose: The ContextManager is responsible for storing and managing contextual examples. These examples are crucial for guiding the LLM in generating desired outputs.

Key Features:

  • Add Context: Allows adding new examples to a specific context. For instance, if you have medical examples, you can group them under a "medical" context.
  • Remove Context: Enables removal of a context when it’s no longer needed.
  • Retrieve Context: Fetches all examples from a specific context, which can then be used to build prompts.
  • List Contexts: Provides a list of all available contexts managed by the ContextManager.

Usage: This component is essential for organizing and categorizing examples. For instance, in a chatbot application, different contexts (like medical, legal, or general conversation) can be stored and retrieved as needed.

2. PromptBuilder

Purpose: The PromptBuilder uses the examples managed by the ContextManager to construct dynamic prompts that guide the LLM’s output.

Key Features:

  • Build Prompt: This function constructs a prompt by combining examples from a specified context with the user’s input. The resulting prompt is then fed to the LLM to generate a context-aware response.

Usage: PromptBuilder is used when you need to create a structured input for the LLM. For example, in a Q&A system, you can use it to frame the user’s query in the context of relevant examples, ensuring the model produces a more accurate response.

3. ContextOptimizer (Planned)

Purpose: The ContextOptimizer is intended to optimize the selection and use of contextual examples. Over time, it would learn which examples are most effective for different types of queries and adjust the context accordingly.

Key Features (Planned):

  • Evaluate Relevance: Assess the effectiveness of different examples in improving model performance.
  • Adjust Contexts: Automatically refine the list of examples based on feedback and performance metrics.
  • Experimentation: Allows users to experiment with different contexts and measure their impact.

Usage: This component would be valuable in situations where the effectiveness of context changes over time or where fine-tuning the context is necessary to achieve the best results.

4. ExperimentTracker (Planned)

Purpose: The ExperimentTracker would monitor and evaluate the performance of different context setups. It’s designed to help users understand the impact of context on the LLM’s output.

Key Features (Planned):

  • Track Metrics: Record various performance metrics, such as accuracy or relevance, for different contexts.
  • Compare Configurations: Compare the effectiveness of different context setups.
  • Generate Reports: Provide insights and visualizations on how different contexts influence outcomes.

Usage: This component is especially useful for data scientists and developers who want to experiment with and refine their use of context in LLM applications. By tracking performance, they can make data-driven decisions on how to improve context management.

5. IntegrationAPI (Planned)

Purpose: The IntegrationAPI is meant to facilitate the integration of synapsense with other applications and frameworks, making it easier to use in production environments.

Key Features (Planned):

  • RESTful API: Provide a REST API for accessing synapsense components remotely.
  • ML Pipeline Integration: Seamlessly integrate with machine learning pipelines in frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch.
  • Deployment Support: Tools for deploying synapsense in production environments.

Usage: This component would be crucial for teams looking to deploy synapsense in large-scale applications or integrate it with existing systems, enabling more widespread adoption.

6. UserInterface (Planned)

Purpose: The UserInterface would provide a graphical interface for interacting with synapsense, making it accessible to non-technical users.

Key Features (Planned):

  • Context Management UI: A visual interface to manage contexts and examples.
  • Prompt Building Tools: Interactive tools for building and testing prompts.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Visualizations and reports on the performance of different contexts.

Usage: This component is ideal for end-users or teams who prefer a more visual approach to managing and experimenting with contexts, rather than working directly with code.

7. DataAugmentor (Optional, Planned)

Purpose: The DataAugmentor would automatically generate variations of context examples to enhance the robustness and diversity of prompts.

Key Features (Planned):

  • Textual Augmentation: Generate variants of examples using techniques like synonym replacement, paraphrasing, or back-translation.
  • NLP Integration: Leverage NLP techniques to create adversarial examples or synthetic data.
  • Diversity Enhancement: Increase the variety of examples to make the LLM more adaptable to different inputs.

Running Tests

To run tests, use:

python -m unittest discover tests


Installation and execution are simple, using Python 3.11. Just clone the repository and run the tests to verify that everything is working correctly.


Prompt for medical: A patient is experiencing symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.
Model Output: Subject: Urgent Medical Consultation Required: Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath

Dear [Doctor's Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing on behalf of a patient who has been experiencing some worrisome symptoms recently and we are seeking your immediate advice. The patient has reported persistent chest pain along with shortness of breath.

The chest pain is described as a pressure-like discomfort that is not localized to any one spot and seems to be constant. The patient also experiences shortness of breath even while at rest, which is a new development.

The patient does not have any known pre-existing heart conditions but these symptoms are causing significant concern.

Could you kindly advise on the urgency of this matter and the necessary

Next Steps

  • Expand ContextManager: Add support for persistence in a database.
  • Optimization: Create the ContextOptimizer to automatically adjust examples.
  • API Integration: Develop a RESTful API to access the components remotely.
  • Graphical Interface: Implement an interface for interactive use.

With this initial structure, you can start building on top of it, integrating more features, and optimizing it for specific use cases.


synapsense is designed to provide a structured and modular approach to managing context in applications that utilize Large Language Models. By offering tools to manage, build, optimize, and experiment with contextual examples, synapsense aims to make In-Context Learning more accessible and effective, allowing users to maximize the potential of LLMs in various use cases. The planned components, such as ContextOptimizer and ExperimentTracker, will further enhance the library’s capabilities, making it a comprehensive solution for context-aware LLM applications.

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Source Distribution

synapsense-1.0.3.tar.gz (18.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

synapsense-1.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (14.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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