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Synctera API Client generated by openapi-generator

Project description


Let's build something great.

Welcome to the official reference documentation for Synctera APIs. Our APIs are the best way to automate your company's banking needs and are designed to be easy to understand and implement.

We're continuously growing this library and what you see here is just the start, but if you need something specific or have a question, contact us.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.48.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python >=3.7

Migration from other generators like python and python-legacy


  1. This generator uses spec case for all (object) property names and parameter names.
    • So if the spec has a property name like camelCase, it will use camelCase rather than camel_case
    • So you will need to update how you input and read properties to use spec case
  2. Endpoint parameters are stored in dictionaries to prevent collisions (explanation below)
    • So you will need to update how you pass data in to endpoints
  3. Endpoint responses now include the original response, the deserialized response body, and (todo)the deserialized headers
    • So you will need to update your code to use response.body to access deserialized data
  4. All validated data is instantiated in an instance that subclasses all validated Schema classes and Decimal/str/list/tuple/frozendict/NoneClass/BoolClass/bytes/io.FileIO
    • This means that you can use isinstance to check if a payload validated against a schema class
    • This means that no data will be of type None/True/False
      • ingested None will subclass NoneClass
      • ingested True will subclass BoolClass
      • ingested False will subclass BoolClass
      • So if you need to check is True/False/None, instead use instance.is_true_oapg()/.is_false_oapg()/.is_none_oapg()
  5. All validated class instances are immutable except for ones based on io.File
    • This is because if properties were changed after validation, that validation would no longer apply
    • So no changing values or property values after a class has been instantiated
  6. String + Number types with formats
    • String type data is stored as a string and if you need to access types based on its format like date, date-time, uuid, number etc then you will need to use accessor functions on the instance
    • type string + format: See .as_date_oapg, .as_datetime_oapg, .as_decimal_oapg, .as_uuid_oapg
    • type number + format: See .as_float_oapg, .as_int_oapg
    • this was done because openapi/json-schema defines constraints. string data may be type string with no format keyword in one schema, and include a format constraint in another schema
    • So if you need to access a string format based type, use as_date_oapg/as_datetime_oapg/as_decimal_oapg/as_uuid_oapg
    • So if you need to access a number format based type, use as_int_oapg/as_float_oapg
  7. Property access on AnyType(type unset) or object(dict) schemas
    • Only required keys with valid python names are properties like .someProp and have type hints
    • All optional keys may not exist, so properties are not defined for them
    • One can access optional values with dict_instance['optionalProp'] and KeyError will be raised if it does not exist
    • Use get_item_oapg if you need a way to always get a value whether or not the key exists
      • If the key does not exist, schemas.unset is returned from calling dict_instance.get_item_oapg('optionalProp')
      • All required and optional keys have type hints for this method, and @typing.overload is used
      • A type hint is also generated for additionalProperties accessed using this method
    • So you will need to update you code to use some_instance['optionalProp'] to access optional property and additionalProperty values
  8. The location of the api classes has changed
    • Api classes are located in your_package.apis.tags.some_api
    • This change was made to eliminate redundant code generation
    • Legacy generators generated the same endpoint twice if it had > 1 tag on it
    • This generator defines an endpoint in one class, then inherits that class to generate apis by tags and by paths
    • This change reduces code and allows quicker run time if you use the path apis
      • path apis are at your_package.apis.paths.some_path
    • Those apis will only load their needed models, which is less to load than all of the resources needed in a tag api
    • So you will need to update your import paths to the api classes

Why are Oapg and _oapg used in class and method names?

Classes can have arbitrarily named properties set on them Endpoints can have arbitrary operationId method names set For those reasons, I use the prefix Oapg and _oapg to greatly reduce the likelihood of collisions on protected + public classes/methods. oapg stands for OpenApi Python Generator.

Object property spec case

This was done because when payloads are ingested, they can be validated against N number of schemas. If the input signature used a different property name then that has mutated the payload. So SchemaA and SchemaB must both see the camelCase spec named variable. Also it is possible to send in two properties, named camelCase and camel_case in the same payload. That use case should be support so spec case is used.

Parameter spec case

Parameters can be included in different locations including:

  • query
  • path
  • header
  • cookie

Any of those parameters could use the same parameter names, so if every parameter was included as an endpoint parameter in a function signature, they would collide. For that reason, each of those inputs have been separated out into separate typed dictionaries:

  • query_params
  • path_params
  • header_params
  • cookie_params

So when updating your code, you will need to pass endpoint parameters in using those dictionaries.

Endpoint responses

Endpoint responses have been enriched to now include more information. Any response reom an endpoint will now include the following properties: response: urllib3.HTTPResponse body: typing.Union[Unset, Schema] headers: typing.Union[Unset, TODO] Note: response header deserialization has not yet been added

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import synctera_client


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import synctera_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import time
import synctera_client
from pprint import pprint
from synctera_client.apis.tags import ach_api
from synctera_client.model.error import Error
from synctera_client.model.outgoing_ach import OutgoingAch
from synctera_client.model.outgoing_ach_list import OutgoingAchList
from synctera_client.model.outgoing_ach_patch import OutgoingAchPatch
from synctera_client.model.outgoing_ach_request import OutgoingAchRequest
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = synctera_client.Configuration(
    host = ""

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure Bearer authorization (api_key): bearerAuth
configuration = synctera_client.Configuration(
    access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with synctera_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ach_api.ACHApi(api_client)
    outgoing_ach_request = OutgoingAchRequest(
        company_name="Asdf Finance",
        effective_date="Fri Mar 18 00:00:00 UTC 2022",
        reference_info="Tempore atque et cum.",
    ) # OutgoingAchRequest | Send ACH request
idempotency_key = "7d943c51-e4ff-4e57-9558-08cab6b963c7" # str | An idempotency key is an arbitrary unique value generated by client to detect subsequent retries of the same request. It is recommended that a UUID or a similar random identifier be used as an idempotency key. A different key must be used for each request, unless it is a retry. (optional)

        # Send an ACH
        api_response = api_instance.add_transaction_out(outgoing_ach_requestidempotency_key=idempotency_key)
    except synctera_client.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ACHApi->add_transaction_out: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ACHApi add_transaction_out post /ach Send an ACH
ACHApi get_transaction_out get /ach/{transaction_id} Get a sent ACH transaction
ACHApi list_transactions_out get /ach List sent ACH transactions
ACHApi patch_transaction_out patch /ach/{transaction_id} Update a sent ACH transaction
ACHTransactionSimulationsApi ach_return_simulation post /ach/transaction_simulations/receiving_return Simulate receiving ACH return
ACHTransactionSimulationsApi ach_transaction_simulation post /ach/transaction_simulations/receiving_transaction Simulate receiving ACH transaction
AccountsApi create_account post /accounts Create an account
AccountsApi create_account_relationship post /accounts/{account_id}/relationships Create account relationship
AccountsApi create_account_resource_product post /accounts/products Create an account product
AccountsApi create_account_template post /accounts/templates Create an account template
AccountsApi delete_account_relationship delete /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} Delete account relationship
AccountsApi delete_account_template delete /accounts/templates/{template_id} Delete account template
AccountsApi get_account get /accounts/{account_id} Get account
AccountsApi get_account_relationship get /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} Get account relationship
AccountsApi get_account_template get /accounts/templates/{template_id} Get account template
AccountsApi list_account_relationship get /accounts/{account_id}/relationships List account relationships
AccountsApi list_account_resource_products get /accounts/products List account products
AccountsApi list_account_templates get /accounts/templates List account templates
AccountsApi list_accounts get /accounts List accounts
AccountsApi patch_account patch /accounts/{account_id} Patch account
AccountsApi patch_account_product patch /accounts/products/{product_id} Patch account product
AccountsApi update_account put /accounts/{account_id} Update account
AccountsApi update_account_relationship put /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} Update account relationship
AccountsApi update_account_template put /accounts/templates/{template_id} Update account template
BusinessesApi create_business post /businesses Create a business
BusinessesApi get_business get /businesses/{business_id} Get business
BusinessesApi list_businesses get /businesses List business
BusinessesApi update_business patch /businesses/{business_id} Patch business
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_authorization post /cards/transaction_simulations/authorization Simulate authorization
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_authorization_advice post /cards/transaction_simulations/authorization/advice Simulate authorization advice
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_balance_inquiry post /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/balance_inquiry Simulate balance inquiry
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_clearing post /cards/transaction_simulations/clearing Simulate clearing or refund
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_financial post /cards/transaction_simulations/financial Simulate financial
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_financial_advice post /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/advice Simulate financial advice
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_original_credit post /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/original_credit Simulate OCT
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_reversal post /cards/transaction_simulations/reversal Simulate reversal
CardTransactionSimulationsApi simulate_withdrawal post /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/withdrawal Simulate ATM withdrawal
CardWebhookSimulationsApi simulate_card_fulfillment_event post /cards/{card_id}/webhook_simulations/fulfillment Simulate Card Fulfillment Event
CardsApi activate_card post /cards/activate Activate a card
CardsApi create_card_image post /cards/images Create Card Image
CardsApi create_gateway post /cards/gateways Create Gateway
CardsApi get_card get /cards/{card_id} Get Card
CardsApi get_card_barcode get /cards/{card_id}/barcodes Get Card Barcode
CardsApi get_card_image_data get /cards/images/{card_image_id}/data Get Card Image Data
CardsApi get_card_image_details get /cards/images/{card_image_id} Get Card Image Details
CardsApi get_card_widget_url get /cards/card_widget_url Get card widget URL
CardsApi get_client_access_token post /cards/{card_id}/client_token Get a client token
CardsApi get_client_single_use_token post /cards/single_use_token Get single-use token
CardsApi get_gateway get /cards/gateways/{gateway_id} Get Gateway
CardsApi issue_card post /cards Issue a Card
CardsApi list_card_image_details get /cards/images List Card Image Details
CardsApi list_card_products get /cards/products List Card Products
CardsApi list_cards get /cards List Cards
CardsApi list_changes get /cards/{card_id}/changes List Card Changes
CardsApi list_gateways get /cards/gateways List Gateways
CardsApi update_card patch /cards/{card_id} Update Card
CardsApi update_card_image_details patch /cards/images/{card_image_id} Update Card Image Details
CardsApi update_gateway patch /cards/gateways/{gateway_id} Update Gateway
CardsApi upload_card_image_data post /cards/images/{card_image_id}/data Upload Card Image
CashPickupsAlphaApi create_cash_pickup post /cash_pickups Create a cash pickup
CashPickupsAlphaApi get_cash_pickup get /cash_pickups/{cash_pickup_id} Get a cash pickup
CashPickupsAlphaApi list_cash_pickups get /cash_pickups List cash pickups
CashPickupsAlphaApi patch_cash_pickup patch /cash_pickups/{cash_pickup_id} Update a cash pickup
CustomersApi create_customer post /customers Create a Customer
CustomersApi create_customer_employment post /customers/{customer_id}/employment Create employment record
CustomersApi create_customer_risk_rating post /customers/{customer_id}/risk_ratings Create customer risk rating
CustomersApi get_all_customer_employment get /customers/{customer_id}/employment List customer employment records
CustomersApi get_all_customer_risk_ratings get /customers/{customer_id}/risk_ratings List customer risk ratings
CustomersApi get_customer get /customers/{customer_id} Get Customer
CustomersApi get_customer_risk_rating get /customers/{customer_id}/risk_ratings/{risk_rating_id} Get customer risk rating
CustomersApi get_party_employment get /customers/{customer_id}/employment/{employment_id} Get customer employment record
CustomersApi list_customers get /customers List Customers
CustomersApi patch_customer patch /customers/{customer_id} Patch Customer
CustomersApi prefill_customer post /customers/{customer_id}/prefill Prefill customer
CustomersApi update_customer put /customers/{customer_id} Update Customer
CustomersApi update_party_employment put /customers/{customer_id}/employment/{employment_id} Update customer employment record
DigitalWalletTokensApi create_digital_wallet_apple post /cards/{card_id}/digital_wallet_tokens/applepay Create digital wallet token provision request for Apple Pay
DigitalWalletTokensApi create_digital_wallet_google post /cards/{card_id}/digital_wallet_tokens/googlepay Create digital wallet token provision request for Google Pay
DigitalWalletTokensApi get_digital_wallet_token get /cards/digital_wallet_tokens/{digital_wallet_token_id} Get Digital Wallet Token
DigitalWalletTokensApi list_digital_wallet_tokens get /cards/digital_wallet_tokens List Digital Wallet Tokens
DigitalWalletTokensApi update_digital_wallet_token_status patch /cards/digital_wallet_tokens/{digital_wallet_token_id} Update Digital Wallet Token's life cycle status
DisclosuresApi create_disclosure post /disclosures Create disclosure record
DisclosuresApi get_disclosure get /disclosures/{disclosure_id} Get disclosure
DisclosuresApi list_disclosures get /disclosures List disclosures
DisclosuresDeprecatedApi create_disclosure1 post /customers/{customer_id}/disclosures Create a Disclosure
DisclosuresDeprecatedApi list_disclosures1 get /customers/{customer_id}/disclosures List Disclosures
DocumentsApi create_document post /documents Create a document
DocumentsApi create_document_version post /documents/{document_id}/versions Create a new document version
DocumentsApi get_document get /documents/{document_id} Get a document
DocumentsApi get_document_contents get /documents/{document_id}/contents Get contents of latest document version
DocumentsApi get_document_version get /documents/{document_id}/versions/{document_version} Get a document by version
DocumentsApi get_document_version_contents get /documents/{document_id}/versions/{document_version}/contents Get document contents by version
DocumentsApi list_documents get /documents List documents
DocumentsApi update_document patch /documents/{document_id} Update a document
ExternalAccountsApi add_external_accounts post /external_accounts Add an external account
ExternalAccountsApi add_vendor_external_accounts post /external_accounts/add_vendor_accounts Add external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid.
ExternalAccountsApi create_access_token post /external_accounts/access_tokens Create a permanent access token for an external account
ExternalAccountsApi create_verification_link_token post /external_accounts/link_tokens Create a link token to verify an external account
ExternalAccountsApi delete_external_account delete /external_accounts/{external_account_id} Delete an external account
ExternalAccountsApi get_external_account get /external_accounts/{external_account_id} Get an external account
ExternalAccountsApi get_external_account_balance get /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/balance Get an external account balance
ExternalAccountsApi get_external_account_transactions get /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/transactions List transactions of a given external account
ExternalAccountsApi list_external_accounts get /external_accounts List external accounts
ExternalAccountsApi sync_vendor_external_accounts post /external_accounts/sync_vendor_accounts Sync external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid.
ExternalAccountsApi update_external_account patch /external_accounts/{external_account_id} Patch an external account
ExternalCardsApi create_external_card_from_token post /external_cards/tokens Create External Card from token
ExternalCardsApi create_external_card_transfer post /external_cards/transfers Create External Card Transfer
ExternalCardsApi create_external_card_transfer_reversal post /external_cards/transfers/{transfer_id}/reversals Create External Card Transfer Reversal
ExternalCardsApi delete_external_card delete /external_cards/{external_card_id} Delete External Card
ExternalCardsApi get_external_card get /external_cards/{external_card_id} Get External Card
ExternalCardsApi get_external_card_transfer get /external_cards/transfers/{transfer_id} External Card Transfer
ExternalCardsApi list_external_card_transfers get /external_cards/transfers List External Card Transfers
ExternalCardsApi list_external_cards get /external_cards List External Cards
ExternalCardsApi update_external_card patch /external_cards/{external_card_id} Update External Card
ExternalCardsBetaApi authenticate3_ds post /external_cards/authenticate_3ds Authenticate 3DS
ExternalCardsBetaApi initialize3_ds post /external_cards/initialize_3ds Initialize 3DS
ExternalCardsBetaApi lookup3_ds post /external_cards/lookup_3ds Lookup 3DS
InternalAccountsApi add_internal_accounts post /internal_accounts Add internal accounts
InternalAccountsApi get_internal_accounts get /internal_accounts/{internal_account_id} Get internal account by id
InternalAccountsApi list_internal_accounts get /internal_accounts List internal accounts
InternalAccountsApi patch_internal_account patch /internal_accounts/{internal_account_id} Patch internal account
InternalTransferApi create_internal_transfer post /transactions/internal_transfer Create an internal transfer
InternalTransferApi get_internal_transfer_by_id get /transactions/internal_transfer/{id} Get an internal transfer
InternalTransferApi update_internal_transfer_by_id patch /transactions/internal_transfer/{id} Update an internal transfer
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi create_customer_verification_result post /customers/{customer_id}/verifications Create a customer verification result
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi get_verification get /customers/{customer_id}/verifications/{verification_id} Get verification result
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi list_verifications get /customers/{customer_id}/verifications List verification results
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi verify_customer post /customers/{customer_id}/verify Verify a customer's identity
KYCKYBVerificationsApi create_verification post /verifications Create a verification
KYCKYBVerificationsApi get_verification1 get /verifications/{verification_id} Get verification
KYCKYBVerificationsApi list_verifications1 get /verifications List verifications
KYCKYBVerificationsApi verify post /verifications/verify Verify a customer's identity
KYCKYBVerificationsApi verify_ad_hoc post /verifications/adhoc Check if an individual is on any watchlists
MonitoringApi create_subscription post /monitoring/subscriptions Subscribe a customer or business to monitoring
MonitoringApi delete_subscription delete /monitoring/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Delete monitoring subscription
MonitoringApi get_alert get /monitoring/alerts/{alert_id} Retrieve a monitoring alert
MonitoringApi get_subscription get /monitoring/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Retrieve monitoring subscription
MonitoringApi list_alerts get /monitoring/alerts List monitoring alerts
MonitoringApi list_subscriptions get /monitoring/subscriptions List monitoring subscriptions
MonitoringApi update_alert patch /monitoring/alerts/{alert_id} Update a monitoring alert
NotesApi create_note post /notes Create a note
NotesApi list_notes get /notes List notes
NotesApi patch_note patch /notes/{note_id} Patch Note
PaymentSchedulesApi create_payment_schedule post /payment_schedules Create a payment schedule
PaymentSchedulesApi list_payment_schedules get /payment_schedules List payment schedules
PaymentSchedulesApi list_payments get /payment_schedules/payments List payments
PaymentSchedulesApi patch_payment_schedule patch /payment_schedules/{payment_schedule_id} Update a payment schedule
PersonsApi create_person post /persons Create a person
PersonsApi create_personal_id post /persons/personal_ids Create a personal identifier (beta)
PersonsApi delete_personal_id delete /persons/personal_ids/{personal_id_id} Delete a personal identifier (beta)
PersonsApi get_person get /persons/{person_id} Get person
PersonsApi list_persons get /persons List persons
PersonsApi prefill_person post /persons/{person_id}/prefill Prefill person
PersonsApi update_person patch /persons/{person_id} Update person
PersonsApi update_personal_id patch /persons/personal_ids/{personal_id_id} Update a personal identifier (beta)
RelationshipsApi create_relationship post /relationships Create a relationship
RelationshipsApi delete_relationship delete /relationships/{relationship_id} Delete relationship
RelationshipsApi get_relationship get /relationships/{relationship_id} Get relationship
RelationshipsApi list_relationships get /relationships List relationships
RelationshipsApi update_relationship patch /relationships/{relationship_id} Update relationship
RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi create_rdc_deposit post /rdc/deposits Create a Remote Check Deposit
RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi get_rdc_deposit get /rdc/deposits/{deposit_id} Get Remote Check Deposit
RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi list_rdc_deposits get /rdc/deposits List Remote Check Deposits
SandboxWipeAlphaApi wipe_workspace post /wipe Delete data
SpendControlsBetaApi create_spend_control post /spend_controls Create Spend Control
SpendControlsBetaApi get_spend_control get /spend_controls/{spend_control_id} Get Spend Control
SpendControlsBetaApi list_spend_controls get /spend_controls List Spend Controls
SpendControlsBetaApi update_spend_control patch /spend_controls/{spend_control_id} Update Spend Control
StatementsApi get_statement get /statements/{statement_id} Get a statement
StatementsApi get_statement_transactions get /statements/{statement_id}/transactions Get a statement's transactions
StatementsApi list_statements get /statements List statements
TransactionsApi get_pending_transaction_by_id get /transactions/pending/{id} Get a pending transaction
TransactionsApi get_posted_transaction_by_id get /transactions/posted/{id} Get a posted transaction
TransactionsApi list_pending_transactions get /transactions/pending List pending transactions
TransactionsApi list_posted_transactions get /transactions/posted List posted transactions
WatchlistDeprecatedApi get_watchlist_alert get /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts/{alert_id} Retrieve watchlist monitoring alert
WatchlistDeprecatedApi get_watchlist_subscription get /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Retrieve watchlist monitoring subscription
WatchlistDeprecatedApi list_watchlist_alerts get /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts List watchlist monitoring alerts for a customer
WatchlistDeprecatedApi list_watchlist_subscriptions get /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions List watchlist monitoring subscriptions for a customer
WatchlistDeprecatedApi suppress_watchlist_entity_alert post /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/suppressions Suppress entity alert
WatchlistDeprecatedApi update_watchlist_alert put /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts/{alert_id} Update watchlist alert
WatchlistDeprecatedApi update_watchlist_subscription put /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Update watchlist monitoring subscription
WatchlistDeprecatedApi watchlist_subscribe post /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions Subscribe a customer to watchlist monitoring
WebhooksApi create_secret post /webhook_secrets Create a secret
WebhooksApi create_webhook post /webhooks Create a webhook
WebhooksApi delete_webhook delete /webhooks/{webhook_id} Delete a webhook
WebhooksApi get_event get /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events/{event_id} Get webhook event
WebhooksApi get_webhook get /webhooks/{webhook_id} Get a webhook
WebhooksApi list_events get /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events List webhook events
WebhooksApi list_webhooks get /webhooks List webhooks
WebhooksApi replace_secret put /webhook_secrets Replace an existing secret
WebhooksApi resend_event post /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events/{event_id}/resend Resend an event
WebhooksApi revoke_secret delete /webhook_secrets Revoke the secret
WebhooksApi trigger_event post /webhooks/trigger Trigger an event
WebhooksApi update_webhook put /webhooks/{webhook_id} Update a webhook
WiresAlphaApi cancel_wire patch /wires/{wire_id} Cancel an outgoing wire
WiresAlphaApi create_wire post /wires Send a wire
WiresAlphaApi get_wire get /wires/{wire_id} Get a wire by id
WiresAlphaApi list_wires get /wires List wires

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer authentication (api_key)


Notes for Large OpenAPI documents

If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in synctera_client.apis and synctera_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:

Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:

  • from synctera_client.apis.default_api import DefaultApi
  • from import Pet

Solution 1: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:

import sys
import synctera_client
from synctera_client.apis import *
from synctera_client.models import *

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

synctera_client-0.48.0.tar.gz (600.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

synctera_client-0.48.0-py3-none-any.whl (2.9 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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