Synctera API Client generated by openapi-generator
Project description
Let's build something great.
Welcome to the official reference documentation for Synctera APIs. Our APIs are the best way to automate your company's banking needs and are designed to be easy to understand and implement.
We're continuously growing this library and what you see here is just the start, but if you need something specific or have a question, contact us.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.63.0
- Package version: 0.63.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonNextgenClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import synctera_client_ng
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import synctera_client_ng
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import synctera_client_ng
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = synctera_client_ng.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization (api_key): bearerAuth
configuration = synctera_client_ng.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with synctera_client_ng.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = synctera_client_ng.ACHApi(api_client)
outgoing_ach_request = synctera_client_ng.OutgoingAchRequest() # OutgoingAchRequest | Send ACH request
idempotency_key = '7d943c51-e4ff-4e57-9558-08cab6b963c7' # str | An idempotency key is an arbitrary unique value generated by client to detect subsequent retries of the same request. It is recommended that a UUID or a similar random identifier be used as an idempotency key. A different key must be used for each request, unless it is a retry. (optional)
# Send an ACH
api_response = api_instance.add_transaction_out(outgoing_ach_request, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
print("The response of ACHApi->add_transaction_out:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ACHApi->add_transaction_out: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ACHApi | add_transaction_out | POST /ach | Send an ACH |
ACHApi | get_transaction_out | GET /ach/{transaction_id} | Get a sent ACH transaction |
ACHApi | list_transactions_out | GET /ach | List sent ACH transactions |
ACHApi | patch_transaction_out | PATCH /ach/{transaction_id} | Update a sent ACH transaction |
ACHTransactionSimulationsApi | ach_return_simulation | POST /ach/transaction_simulations/receiving_return | Simulate receiving ACH return |
ACHTransactionSimulationsApi | ach_transaction_simulation | POST /ach/transaction_simulations/receiving_transaction | Simulate receiving ACH transaction |
AccountsApi | create_account | POST /accounts | Create an account |
AccountsApi | create_account_relationship | POST /accounts/{account_id}/relationships | Create account relationship |
AccountsApi | create_account_resource_product | POST /accounts/products | Create an account product |
AccountsApi | create_account_template | POST /accounts/templates | Create an account template |
AccountsApi | delete_account_relationship | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} | Delete account relationship |
AccountsApi | delete_account_template | DELETE /accounts/templates/{template_id} | Delete account template |
AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{account_id} | Get account |
AccountsApi | get_account_relationship | GET /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} | Get account relationship |
AccountsApi | get_account_template | GET /accounts/templates/{template_id} | Get account template |
AccountsApi | list_account_relationship | GET /accounts/{account_id}/relationships | List account relationships |
AccountsApi | list_account_resource_products | GET /accounts/products | List account products |
AccountsApi | list_account_templates | GET /accounts/templates | List account templates |
AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts | List accounts |
AccountsApi | patch_account | PATCH /accounts/{account_id} | Patch account |
AccountsApi | patch_account_product | PATCH /accounts/products/{product_id} | Patch account product |
AccountsApi | update_account | PUT /accounts/{account_id} | Update account |
AccountsApi | update_account_relationship | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} | Update account relationship |
AccountsApi | update_account_template | PUT /accounts/templates/{template_id} | Update account template |
BusinessesApi | create_business | POST /businesses | Create a business |
BusinessesApi | get_business | GET /businesses/{business_id} | Get business |
BusinessesApi | list_businesses | GET /businesses | List business |
BusinessesApi | update_business | PATCH /businesses/{business_id} | Patch business |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_authorization | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/authorization | Simulate authorization |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_authorization_advice | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/authorization/advice | Simulate authorization advice |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_balance_inquiry | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/balance_inquiry | Simulate balance inquiry |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_clearing | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/clearing | Simulate clearing or refund |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_financial | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial | Simulate financial |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_financial_advice | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/advice | Simulate financial advice |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_original_credit | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/original_credit | Simulate OCT |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_reversal | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/reversal | Simulate reversal |
CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_withdrawal | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/withdrawal | Simulate ATM withdrawal |
CardWebhookSimulationsApi | simulate_card_fulfillment_event | POST /cards/{card_id}/webhook_simulations/fulfillment | Simulate Card Fulfillment Event |
CardsApi | activate_card | POST /cards/activate | Activate a card |
CardsApi | create_card_image | POST /cards/images | Create Card Image |
CardsApi | create_gateway | POST /cards/gateways | Create Gateway |
CardsApi | get_card | GET /cards/{card_id} | Get Card |
CardsApi | get_card_barcode | GET /cards/{card_id}/barcodes | Get Card Barcode |
CardsApi | get_card_image_data | GET /cards/images/{card_image_id}/data | Get Card Image Data |
CardsApi | get_card_image_details | GET /cards/images/{card_image_id} | Get Card Image Details |
CardsApi | get_card_widget_url | GET /cards/card_widget_url | Get card widget URL |
CardsApi | get_client_access_token | POST /cards/{card_id}/client_token | Get a client token |
CardsApi | get_client_single_use_token | POST /cards/single_use_token | Get single-use token |
CardsApi | get_gateway | GET /cards/gateways/{gateway_id} | Get Gateway |
CardsApi | issue_card | POST /cards | Issue a Card |
CardsApi | list_card_image_details | GET /cards/images | List Card Image Details |
CardsApi | list_card_products | GET /cards/products | List Card Products |
CardsApi | list_cards | GET /cards | List Cards |
CardsApi | list_changes | GET /cards/{card_id}/changes | List Card Changes |
CardsApi | list_gateways | GET /cards/gateways | List Gateways |
CardsApi | update_card | PATCH /cards/{card_id} | Update Card |
CardsApi | update_card_image_details | PATCH /cards/images/{card_image_id} | Update Card Image Details |
CardsApi | update_gateway | PATCH /cards/gateways/{gateway_id} | Update Gateway |
CardsApi | upload_card_image_data | POST /cards/images/{card_image_id}/data | Upload Card Image |
CashPickupsAlphaApi | create_cash_pickup | POST /cash_pickups | Create a cash pickup |
CashPickupsAlphaApi | get_cash_pickup | GET /cash_pickups/{cash_pickup_id} | Get a cash pickup |
CashPickupsAlphaApi | list_cash_pickups | GET /cash_pickups | List cash pickups |
CashPickupsAlphaApi | patch_cash_pickup | PATCH /cash_pickups/{cash_pickup_id} | Update a cash pickup |
CustomersApi | create_customer | POST /customers | Create a Customer |
CustomersApi | create_customer_employment | POST /customers/{customer_id}/employment | Create employment record |
CustomersApi | create_customer_risk_rating | POST /customers/{customer_id}/risk_ratings | Create customer risk rating |
CustomersApi | get_all_customer_employment | GET /customers/{customer_id}/employment | List customer employment records |
CustomersApi | get_all_customer_risk_ratings | GET /customers/{customer_id}/risk_ratings | List customer risk ratings |
CustomersApi | get_customer | GET /customers/{customer_id} | Get Customer |
CustomersApi | get_customer_risk_rating | GET /customers/{customer_id}/risk_ratings/{risk_rating_id} | Get customer risk rating |
CustomersApi | get_party_employment | GET /customers/{customer_id}/employment/{employment_id} | Get customer employment record |
CustomersApi | list_customers | GET /customers | List Customers |
CustomersApi | patch_customer | PATCH /customers/{customer_id} | Patch Customer |
CustomersApi | update_customer | PUT /customers/{customer_id} | Update Customer |
CustomersApi | update_party_employment | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/employment/{employment_id} | Update customer employment record |
DigitalWalletTokensApi | create_digital_wallet_apple | POST /cards/{card_id}/digital_wallet_tokens/applepay | Create digital wallet token provision request for Apple Pay |
DigitalWalletTokensApi | create_digital_wallet_google | POST /cards/{card_id}/digital_wallet_tokens/googlepay | Create digital wallet token provision request for Google Pay |
DigitalWalletTokensApi | get_digital_wallet_token | GET /cards/digital_wallet_tokens/{digital_wallet_token_id} | Get Digital Wallet Token |
DigitalWalletTokensApi | list_digital_wallet_tokens | GET /cards/digital_wallet_tokens | List Digital Wallet Tokens |
DigitalWalletTokensApi | update_digital_wallet_token_status | PATCH /cards/digital_wallet_tokens/{digital_wallet_token_id} | Update Digital Wallet Token's life cycle status |
DisclosuresApi | create_disclosure | POST /disclosures | Create disclosure record |
DisclosuresApi | get_disclosure | GET /disclosures/{disclosure_id} | Get disclosure |
DisclosuresApi | list_disclosures | GET /disclosures | List disclosures |
DisclosuresDeprecatedApi | create_disclosure1 | POST /customers/{customer_id}/disclosures | Create a Disclosure |
DisclosuresDeprecatedApi | list_disclosures1 | GET /customers/{customer_id}/disclosures | List Disclosures |
DocumentsApi | create_document | POST /documents | Create a document |
DocumentsApi | create_document_version | POST /documents/{document_id}/versions | Create a new document version |
DocumentsApi | get_document | GET /documents/{document_id} | Get a document |
DocumentsApi | get_document_contents | GET /documents/{document_id}/contents | Get contents of latest document version |
DocumentsApi | get_document_version | GET /documents/{document_id}/versions/{document_version} | Get a document by version |
DocumentsApi | get_document_version_contents | GET /documents/{document_id}/versions/{document_version}/contents | Get document contents by version |
DocumentsApi | list_documents | GET /documents | List documents |
DocumentsApi | update_document | PATCH /documents/{document_id} | Update a document |
ExternalAccountsApi | add_external_accounts | POST /external_accounts | Add an external account |
ExternalAccountsApi | add_vendor_external_accounts | POST /external_accounts/add_vendor_accounts | Add external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid. |
ExternalAccountsApi | create_access_token | POST /external_accounts/access_tokens | Create a permanent access token for an external account |
ExternalAccountsApi | create_verification_link_token | POST /external_accounts/link_tokens | Create a link token to verify an external account |
ExternalAccountsApi | delete_external_account | DELETE /external_accounts/{external_account_id} | Delete an external account |
ExternalAccountsApi | get_external_account | GET /external_accounts/{external_account_id} | Get an external account |
ExternalAccountsApi | get_external_account_balance | GET /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/balance | Get external account balances |
ExternalAccountsApi | get_external_account_transactions | GET /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/transactions | List transactions of a given external account |
ExternalAccountsApi | list_external_accounts | GET /external_accounts | List external accounts |
ExternalAccountsApi | sync_vendor_external_accounts | POST /external_accounts/sync_vendor_accounts | Sync external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid. |
ExternalAccountsApi | update_external_account | PATCH /external_accounts/{external_account_id} | Patch an external account |
ExternalCardsApi | authenticate3_ds | POST /external_cards/authenticate_3ds | Authenticate 3DS (beta) |
ExternalCardsApi | create_external_card_from_token | POST /external_cards/tokens | Create External Card from token |
ExternalCardsApi | create_external_card_transfer | POST /external_cards/transfers | Create External Card Transfer |
ExternalCardsApi | create_external_card_transfer_reversal | POST /external_cards/transfers/{transfer_id}/reversals | Create External Card Transfer Reversal |
ExternalCardsApi | delete_external_card | DELETE /external_cards/{external_card_id} | Delete External Card |
ExternalCardsApi | get_external_card | GET /external_cards/{external_card_id} | Get External Card |
ExternalCardsApi | get_external_card_transfer | GET /external_cards/transfers/{transfer_id} | Get External Card Transfer |
ExternalCardsApi | initialize3_ds | POST /external_cards/initialize_3ds | Initialize 3DS (beta) |
ExternalCardsApi | list_external_card_transfers | GET /external_cards/transfers | List External Card Transfers |
ExternalCardsApi | list_external_cards | GET /external_cards | List External Cards |
ExternalCardsApi | lookup3_ds | POST /external_cards/lookup_3ds | Lookup 3DS (beta) |
ExternalCardsApi | update_external_card | PATCH /external_cards/{external_card_id} | Update External Card |
InternalAccountsApi | add_internal_accounts | POST /internal_accounts | Add internal accounts |
InternalAccountsApi | get_internal_accounts | GET /internal_accounts/{internal_account_id} | Get internal account by id |
InternalAccountsApi | list_internal_accounts | GET /internal_accounts | List internal accounts |
InternalAccountsApi | patch_internal_account | PATCH /internal_accounts/{internal_account_id} | Patch internal account |
InternalTransferApi | create_internal_transfer | POST /transactions/internal_transfer | Create an internal transfer |
InternalTransferApi | get_internal_transfer_by_id | GET /transactions/internal_transfer/{id} | Get an internal transfer |
InternalTransferApi | update_internal_transfer_by_id | PATCH /transactions/internal_transfer/{id} | Update an internal transfer |
InternationalWiresAlphaApi | create_international_wire | POST /international_wires | Create an International Wire |
InternationalWiresAlphaApi | get_international_wire | GET /international_wires/{wire_id} | Get an international wire by id |
InternationalWiresAlphaApi | list_international_wires | GET /international_wires | List International Wires |
InternationalWiresAlphaApi | patch_international_wire | PATCH /international_wires/{wire_id} | Update an international wire to various statuses |
KYCKYBVerificationsApi | create_verification | POST /verifications | Create a verification |
KYCKYBVerificationsApi | get_verification1 | GET /verifications/{verification_id} | Get verification |
KYCKYBVerificationsApi | list_verifications1 | GET /verifications | List verifications |
KYCKYBVerificationsApi | verify | POST /verifications/verify | Verify a customer's identity |
KYCKYBVerificationsApi | verify_ad_hoc | POST /verifications/adhoc | Check if an individual is on any watchlists |
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | create_customer_verification_result | POST /customers/{customer_id}/verifications | Create a customer verification result |
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | get_verification | GET /customers/{customer_id}/verifications/{verification_id} | Get verification result |
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | list_verifications | GET /customers/{customer_id}/verifications | List verification results |
KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | verify_customer | POST /customers/{customer_id}/verify | Verify a customer's identity |
LicensesApi | create_licenses | POST /licenses | Create a license and associate it with a business |
LicensesApi | get_license | GET /licenses/{license_id} | Get license |
LicensesApi | list_licenses | GET /licenses | list licenses |
LicensesApi | patch_license | PATCH /licenses/{license_id} | Patch License |
MerchantsApi | mx_read_merchant | GET /mx/merchants/{merchant_guid} | Get merchant from MX |
MonitoringApi | create_subscription | POST /monitoring/subscriptions | Subscribe a customer or business to monitoring |
MonitoringApi | delete_subscription | DELETE /monitoring/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Delete monitoring subscription |
MonitoringApi | get_alert | GET /monitoring/alerts/{alert_id} | Retrieve a monitoring alert |
MonitoringApi | get_subscription | GET /monitoring/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Retrieve monitoring subscription |
MonitoringApi | list_alerts | GET /monitoring/alerts | List monitoring alerts |
MonitoringApi | list_subscriptions | GET /monitoring/subscriptions | List monitoring subscriptions |
MonitoringApi | update_alert | PATCH /monitoring/alerts/{alert_id} | Update a monitoring alert |
NotesApi | create_note | POST /notes | Create a note |
NotesApi | list_notes | GET /notes | List notes |
NotesApi | patch_note | PATCH /notes/{note_id} | Patch Note |
PaymentSchedulesApi | create_payment_schedule | POST /payment_schedules | Create a payment schedule |
PaymentSchedulesApi | list_payment_schedules | GET /payment_schedules | List payment schedules |
PaymentSchedulesApi | list_payments | GET /payment_schedules/payments | List payments |
PaymentSchedulesApi | patch_payment_schedule | PATCH /payment_schedules/{payment_schedule_id} | Update a payment schedule |
PersonsApi | create_person | POST /persons | Create a person |
PersonsApi | create_personal_id | POST /persons/personal_ids | Create a personal identifier (beta) |
PersonsApi | delete_personal_id | DELETE /persons/personal_ids/{personal_id_id} | Delete a personal identifier (beta) |
PersonsApi | get_person | GET /persons/{person_id} | Get person |
PersonsApi | list_persons | GET /persons | List persons |
PersonsApi | update_person | PATCH /persons/{person_id} | Update person |
PersonsApi | update_personal_id | PATCH /persons/personal_ids/{personal_id_id} | Update a personal identifier (beta) |
RelationshipsApi | create_relationship | POST /relationships | Create a relationship |
RelationshipsApi | delete_relationship | DELETE /relationships/{relationship_id} | Delete relationship |
RelationshipsApi | get_relationship | GET /relationships/{relationship_id} | Get relationship |
RelationshipsApi | list_relationships | GET /relationships | List relationships |
RelationshipsApi | update_relationship | PATCH /relationships/{relationship_id} | Update relationship |
RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi | create_rdc_deposit | POST /rdc/deposits | Create a Remote Check Deposit |
RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi | get_rdc_deposit | GET /rdc/deposits/{deposit_id} | Get Remote Check Deposit |
RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi | list_rdc_deposits | GET /rdc/deposits | List Remote Check Deposits |
SandboxWipeApi | wipe_workspace | POST /wipe | Delete data |
SpendControlsApi | create_spend_control | POST /spend_controls | Create Spend Control |
SpendControlsApi | get_spend_control | GET /spend_controls/{spend_control_id} | Get Spend Control |
SpendControlsApi | list_spend_controls | GET /spend_controls | List Spend Controls |
SpendControlsApi | update_spend_control | PATCH /spend_controls/{spend_control_id} | Update Spend Control |
StatementsApi | get_statement | GET /statements/{statement_id} | Get a statement |
StatementsApi | get_statement_transactions | GET /statements/{statement_id}/transactions | Get a statement's transactions |
StatementsApi | list_statements | GET /statements | List statements |
TransactionsApi | get_pending_transaction_by_id | GET /transactions/pending/{id} | Get a pending transaction |
TransactionsApi | get_posted_transaction_by_id | GET /transactions/posted/{id} | Get a posted transaction |
TransactionsApi | list_pending_transactions | GET /transactions/pending | List pending transactions |
TransactionsApi | list_posted_transactions | GET /transactions/posted | List posted transactions |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | get_watchlist_alert | GET /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts/{alert_id} | Retrieve watchlist monitoring alert |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | get_watchlist_subscription | GET /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Retrieve watchlist monitoring subscription |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | list_watchlist_alerts | GET /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts | List watchlist monitoring alerts for a customer |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | list_watchlist_subscriptions | GET /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions | List watchlist monitoring subscriptions for a customer |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | suppress_watchlist_entity_alert | POST /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/suppressions | Suppress entity alert |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | update_watchlist_alert | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts/{alert_id} | Update watchlist alert |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | update_watchlist_subscription | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Update watchlist monitoring subscription |
WatchlistDeprecatedApi | watchlist_subscribe | POST /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions | Subscribe a customer to watchlist monitoring |
WebhooksApi | create_secret | POST /webhook_secrets | Create a secret |
WebhooksApi | create_webhook | POST /webhooks | Create a webhook |
WebhooksApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Delete a webhook |
WebhooksApi | get_event | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events/{event_id} | Get webhook event |
WebhooksApi | get_webhook | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Get a webhook |
WebhooksApi | list_events | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events | List webhook events |
WebhooksApi | list_webhooks | GET /webhooks | List webhooks |
WebhooksApi | replace_secret | PUT /webhook_secrets | Replace an existing secret |
WebhooksApi | resend_event | POST /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events/{event_id}/resend | Resend an event |
WebhooksApi | revoke_secret | DELETE /webhook_secrets | Revoke the secret |
WebhooksApi | trigger_event | POST /webhooks/trigger | Trigger an event |
WebhooksApi | update_webhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Update a webhook |
WiresApi | cancel_wire | PATCH /wires/{wire_id} | Cancel an outgoing wire |
WiresApi | create_wire | POST /wires | Send a wire |
WiresApi | get_wire | GET /wires/{wire_id} | Get a wire by id |
WiresApi | list_wires | GET /wires | List wires |
Documentation For Models
- Account
- AccountAccessStatus
- AccountBase
- AccountChargeSecured
- AccountChargeSecuredAllOf
- AccountCreation
- AccountCreationAllOf
- AccountDepository
- AccountDepositoryAllOf
- AccountGenericResponse
- AccountIdentifiers
- AccountLineOfCredit
- AccountLineOfCreditAllOf
- AccountList
- AccountListAllOf
- AccountProduct
- AccountProductList
- AccountProductListAllOf
- AccountRelationshipType
- AccountRestrictions
- AccountRouting
- AccountSummary
- AccountSummaryBalanceCeiling
- AccountSummaryBalanceFloor
- AccountTemplate
- AccountTemplateResponse
- AccountType
- AccountVerification
- AccrualPayoutSchedule
- AchInstruction
- AchRequestHoldData
- AchReturnSimulationRequest
- AchTransactionSimulationRequest
- AddAccountsRequest
- AddAccountsRequestAccountIdentifiers
- AddAccountsRequestRoutingIdentifiers
- AddVendorAccountFailure
- AddVendorAccountsErrorReason
- AddVendorAccountsRequest
- AddVendorAccountsResponse
- AdditionalData
- AdditionalOwnerData
- Address
- Address1
- Address2
- AdhocVerificationRequest
- AdhocVerificationResponse
- AppleDigitalWalletProvisionRequest
- AppleDigitalWalletProvisionResponse
- ApplicationType
- AuthRequestModel
- Authenticate3dsRequest
- Authenticate3dsResponse
- AuthorizationAdviceModel
- Balance
- BalanceCeiling
- BalanceFloor
- BalanceInquiryRequestModel
- BalanceType
- BanStatus
- Base
- BaseAccountVerification
- BaseCard
- BaseCardAllOf
- BaseCashPickup
- BaseDisclosure
- BasePerson
- BasePerson1
- BaseStatement
- BaseStatementAllOf
- BaseTemplateFields
- BillingAddress
- BillingPeriod
- Business
- Business1
- BusinessBusinessOwnerRelationship
- BusinessList
- BusinessListAllOf
- BypassableErrors
- BypassableErrors1
- CalculationMethod
- CardAcceptorModel
- CardActivationRequest
- CardBrand
- CardChange
- CardChangeState
- CardChangesList
- CardChangesListAllOf
- CardEditRequest
- CardFormat
- CardFulfillmentStatus
- CardImageDetails
- CardImageDetailsList
- CardImageDetailsListAllOf
- CardImageMode
- CardImageRejectionReason
- CardImageStatus
- CardIssuanceRequest
- CardListResponse
- CardListResponseAllOf
- CardOptions
- CardPinStatus
- CardProduct
- CardProductAllOf
- CardProductListResponse
- CardProductListResponseAllOf
- CardProductResponse
- CardResponse
- CardStatus
- CardStatusObject
- CardStatusReasonCode
- CardStatusRequest
- CardType
- CardWidgetUrlResponse
- CashPickup
- CashPickupAllOf
- CashPickupList
- CashPickupListAllOf
- CashPickupPatchRequest
- CashPickupPostRequest
- CashPickupStatus
- ChangeChannel
- ChangeType
- ClearingModel
- ClientToken
- CorrespondentBankDetails
- CreateCardImageRequest
- CreateGatewayRequest
- CreateSecret201Response
- Customer
- CustomerAllOf
- CustomerInBody
- CustomerKycStatus
- CustomerList
- CustomerListAllOf
- CustomerServiceDetails
- CustomerType
- CustomerVerification
- CustomerVerificationResult
- CustomerVerificationResultList
- CustomerVerificationResultListAllOf
- CustomerVerifyResponse
- CustomerVerifyResponseAllOf
- DcSign
- DeleteResponse
- Deposit
- DepositAllOf
- DepositGet
- DepositList
- DepositListAllOf
- DepositPost
- DepositRequest
- Detail
- DeviceDetails
- DeviceType
- DigitalWalletTokenAddressVerification
- DigitalWalletTokenEditRequest
- DigitalWalletTokenResponse
- DigitalWalletTokenState
- DigitalWalletTokenization
- Disclosure
- Disclosure1
- DisclosureList
- DisclosureListAllOf
- DisclosureResponse
- DisclosureType
- Document
- DocumentList
- DocumentListAllOf
- DocumentType
- EmbossName
- Employment
- EmploymentList
- EmploymentListAllOf
- Encryption
- Error
- Event
- EventList
- EventListAllOf
- EventTrigger
- EventType
- EventTypeExplicit
- EventTypeWildcard
- ExtAccountCustomerType
- ExternalAccount
- ExternalAccountAccessToken
- ExternalAccountBalance
- ExternalAccountLanguage
- ExternalAccountLinkToken
- ExternalAccountTransaction
- ExternalAccountVendorData
- ExternalAccountVendorValues
- ExternalAccountsList
- ExternalAccountsListAllOf
- ExternalAccountsTransactionList
- ExternalCardListResponse
- ExternalCardListResponseAllOf
- ExternalCardRequest
- ExternalCardResponse
- ExternalCardStatus
- ExternalCardUpdateRequest
- ExternalCardVerifications
- Fee
- FinancialInstitution
- FinancialRequestModel
- FinicityAccountVerification
- Form
- FulfillmentDetails
- GatewayListResponse
- GatewayListResponseAllOf
- GatewayResponse
- GatewayStandin
- GetCardBarcode200Response
- GoogleDigitalWalletProvisionRequest
- GoogleDigitalWalletProvisionResponse
- HoldData
- InAppProvisioning
- Initialize3dsRequest
- Initialize3dsResponse
- Interest
- InternalAccount
- InternalAccountPatch
- InternalAccountPost
- InternalAccountPurpose
- InternalAccountResponse
- InternalAccountResponseAllOf
- InternalAccountType
- InternalAccountsList
- InternalAccountsListAllOf
- InternalTransfer
- InternalTransferInstruction
- InternalTransferPatch
- InternalTransferResponse
- InternalTransferResponseAllOf
- InternationalWireDetails
- InternationalWireList
- InternationalWireListAllOf
- InternationalWirePatch
- InternationalWirePost
- InternationalWireResponse
- InternationalWireStatus
- LegalAddress
- LicenseList
- LicenseListAllOf
- LicensePatch
- LicenseType
- Lookup3dsRequest
- Lookup3dsRequestBase
- Lookup3dsRequestBrowser
- Lookup3dsRequestBrowserAllOf
- Lookup3dsRequestSdk
- Lookup3dsResponse
- ManualAccountVerification
- ManualEntry
- Merchant
- MerchantResponse
- MinimumPayment
- MinimumPaymentFull
- MinimumPaymentPartial
- MinimumPaymentType
- MinimumPaymentTypeFull
- MinimumPaymentTypeRateOrAmount
- MonitoringAlert
- MonitoringAlertList
- MonitoringAlertListAllOf
- MonitoringStatus
- MonitoringSubscription
- MonitoringSubscriptionList
- MonitoringSubscriptionListAllOf
- NetworkFeeModel
- NoteCreate
- NoteList
- NoteListAllOf
- NoteResponse
- OriginalCreditRequestModel
- OriginalCreditSenderData
- OutgoingAch
- OutgoingAchList
- OutgoingAchListAllOf
- OutgoingAchPatch
- OutgoingAchRequest
- PaginatedResponse
- PatchAccount
- PatchAccountChargeSecured
- PatchAccountChargeSecuredAllOf
- PatchAccountDepository
- PatchAccountDepositoryAllOf
- PatchAccountLineOfCredit
- PatchAccountLineOfCreditAllOf
- PatchAccountProduct
- PatchAccountsRequestAccountIdentifiers
- PatchAccountsRequestRoutingIdentifiers
- PatchBusiness
- PatchBusinessBusinessOwnerRelationship
- PatchBusinessBusinessOwnerRelationshipAllOf
- PatchCustomer
- PatchDocument
- PatchExternalAccount
- PatchInterest
- PatchInternationalWireDetails
- PatchNote
- PatchPayerPayeeRelationship
- PatchPayerPayeeRelationshipAllOf
- PatchPaymentSchedule
- PatchPerson
- PatchPersonAllOf
- PatchPersonBusinessOwnerRelationship
- PatchPersonBusinessOwnerRelationshipAllOf
- PatchPersonBusinessRelationship
- PatchPersonBusinessRelationshipAllOf
- PatchPersonalId
- PatchRelationshipIn
- PayerPayeeAdditionalData
- PayerPayeeRelationship
- Payment
- PaymentDate
- PaymentErrorDetails
- PaymentInstruction
- PaymentList
- PaymentListAllOf
- PaymentSchedule
- PaymentScheduleList
- PaymentScheduleListAllOf
- PaymentScheduleStatus
- PaymentStatus
- PaymentType
- PendingTransaction
- PendingTransactionData
- PendingTransactionHistory
- PendingTransactionHistoryData
- PendingTransactions
- Person
- PersonBusinessOwnerRelationship
- PersonBusinessRelationship
- PersonList
- PersonListAllOf
- PersonalIdBase
- PersonalIdCountryCodePost
- PersonalIdCountryCodeResponse
- PersonalIdCustomerId
- PersonalIdType
- PhysicalCard
- PhysicalCardAllOf
- PhysicalCardFormat
- PhysicalCardIssuanceRequest
- PhysicalCardPlusStatus
- PhysicalCardResponse
- PhysicalCardResponseAllOf
- PhysicalCardResponseStatus
- PhysicalCardResponseStatusAllOf
- PlaidAccountVerification
- PostLicense
- PostPerson
- PostPersonAllOf
- PostPersonalId
- PostPersonalIdWCust
- PostPersonalIdsArray
- PostedTransaction
- PostedTransactionData
- PostedTransactions
- Prospect
- ProviderType
- ProvisioningControls
- PushTokenizeRequestData
- RateDetails
- RawResponse
- RecipientName
- RelatedResourceType
- RelatedResourceType1
- Relationship
- Relationship1
- RelationshipIn
- RelationshipList
- RelationshipListAllOf
- RelationshipResponse
- RelationshipResponseAllOf
- RelationshipRole
- RelationshipTypes
- RelationshipsList
- RelationshipsListAllOf
- ReplaceSecret200Response
- ReplaceSecretRequest
- ResponseHistoryItem
- ResponseLicense
- ResponsePerson
- ResponsePersonalId
- ResponsePersonalIdWCust
- ResponsePersonalIdsArray
- ReturnData
- ReversalModel
- RiskData
- RiskRating
- RiskRatingList
- RiskRatingListAllOf
- SavingsSummary
- ScheduleConfig
- SchemasBypassableErrors
- Security
- Shipping
- ShippingAddress
- ShippingAddress1
- SimulateCardFulfillment
- SingleUseTokenRequest
- SingleUseTokenResponse
- SpendControl
- SpendControlDirection
- SpendControlResponse
- SpendControlResponseAllOf
- SpendControlResponseList
- SpendControlResponseListAllOf
- SpendControlRollingWindowDays
- SpendControlRollingWindowDaysAllOf
- SpendControlSingleTransaction
- SpendControlTimeRange
- SpendControlTimeRangeType
- SpendControlUpdateRequest
- SpendingLimitWithTime
- SpendingLimits
- SpendingLimitsTransaction
- SsnSource
- Statement
- StatementAllOf
- StatementList
- StatementListAllOf
- StatementSummary
- Status
- Status1
- Status2
- TemplateFields
- TemplateFieldsChargeSecured
- TemplateFieldsChargeSecuredAllOf
- TemplateFieldsDepository
- TemplateFieldsDepositoryAllOf
- TemplateFieldsGenericResponse
- TemplateFieldsLineOfCredit
- TemplateFieldsLineOfCreditAllOf
- TemplateList
- TemplateListAllOf
- ThreeDsPolicy
- TokenList
- TokenListResponse
- Transaction
- TransactionData
- TransactionDispute
- TransactionLine
- TransactionLine1
- TransactionList
- TransactionListAllOf
- TransactionOptions
- TransferListResponse
- TransferListResponseAllOf
- TransferRequest
- TransferRequestBase
- TransferRequestPull
- TransferRequestPullAllOf
- TransferRequestPush
- TransferRequestPushAllOf
- TransferResponse
- TransferResponseBase
- TransferResponsePull
- TransferResponsePush
- TransferReversalRequest
- TransferType
- TransferTypeRequest
- TriggerEventRequest
- TxnEnhancer
- Type
- UpdateAccount
- UpdateCardImageRequest
- UpdateGatewayRequest
- UpdateTransfer
- VendorInfo
- VendorJson
- VendorXml
- Verification
- VerificationAllOf
- VerificationList
- VerificationListAllOf
- VerificationRequest
- VerificationRequestAllOf
- VerificationResult
- VerificationStatus
- VerificationType
- VerificationType1
- VerificationVendorInfo
- VerificationVendorInfoDetail
- VerificationVendorJson
- VerificationVendorXml
- VerifyResponse
- VerifyResponseAllOf
- VirtualCard
- VirtualCardAllOf
- VirtualCardIssuanceRequest
- VirtualCardPlusStatus
- VirtualCardResponse
- VirtualCardResponseAllOf
- VirtualCardResponseStatus
- WalletProviderCardOnFile
- WatchlistAlert
- WatchlistAlertList
- WatchlistAlertListAllOf
- WatchlistSubscription
- WatchlistSubscriptionList
- WatchlistSubscriptionListAllOf
- WatchlistSuppress
- Webhook
- WebhookList
- WebhookListAllOf
- WebhookRequestObject
- WidgetType
- Wire
- WireList
- WireListAllOf
- WireRequest
- WithdrawalRequestModel
Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (api_key)
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Details for the file synctera_client_ng-0.63.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: synctera_client_ng-0.63.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 328.9 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: poetry/1.6.1 CPython/3.10.12 Linux/5.15.0-1041-azure
File hashes
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SHA256 | 64e8f21b094635ae701ae6cf6fba4725ae8f5bef1c7466dc1b2d9fdf688b1666 |
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BLAKE2b-256 | 701f8d12e3c5a6b83a058538d9f847c191a7cf045864522bd5d46451da173bb4 |
File details
Details for the file synctera_client_ng-0.63.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: synctera_client_ng-0.63.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 1.0 MB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: poetry/1.6.1 CPython/3.10.12 Linux/5.15.0-1041-azure
File hashes
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SHA256 | c8fdcc505f98d0f646cc66cbfa4cef899ffe0cf456b9812fa04d4e3db788ca52 |
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