The tool uncovers patterns, trends, and correlations hidden within your production datasets.
Project description
EPAM Syngen
EPAM Syngen is an unsupervised tabular data generation tool. It is useful for generation of test data with a given table as a template. Most datatypes including floats, integers, datetime, text, categorical, binary are supported. The linked tables i.e., tables sharing a key can also be generated using the simple statistical approach. The source of data might be in CSV, Avro and Excel format and should be located locally and be in UTF-8 encoding.
The tool is based on the variational autoencoder model (VAE). The Bayesian Gaussian Mixture model is used to further detangle the latent space.
Python 3.10 or 3.11 is required to run the library. The library is tested on Linux and Windows operating systems. You can download Python from the official website and install manually, or you can install Python from your terminal. After the installation of Python, please, check whether pip is installed.
Getting started
Before the installation of the library, you have to set up the virtual environment.
You can install the library with CLI only:
pip install syngen
Otherwise, if you want to install the UI version with streamlit, run:
pip install syngen[ui]
Note: see details of the UI usage in the corresponding section
The training and inference processes are separated with two cli entry points. The training one receives paths to the original table, metadata json file or table name and used hyperparameters.
To start training with defaults parameters run:
train --source PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_CSV \
--table_name TABLE_NAME
This will train a model and save the model artifacts to disk.
To generate with defaults parameters data simply call:
infer --table_name TABLE_NAME
Please notice that the name should match the one you used in the training process.
This will create a csv file with the synthetic table in ./model_artifacts/tmp_store/TABLE_NAME/merged_infer_TABLE_NAME.csv.
Here is a quick example:
train --source ./examples/example-data/housing.csv –-table_name Housing
infer --table_name Housing
As the example you can use the dataset "Housing" in examples/example-data/housing.csv. In this example, our real-world data is "Housing" from Kaggle.
You can add flexibility to the training and inference processes using additional hyperparameters.
For training of single table call:
train --source PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_CSV \
--table_name TABLE_NAME \
--epochs INT \
--row_limit INT \
--drop_null BOOL \
--print_report BOOL \
--batch_size INT
To train one or more tables using a metadata file, you can use the following command:
train --metadata_path PATH_TO_METADATA_YAML
The parameters which you can set up for training process:
- source – required parameter for training of single table, a path to the file that you want to use as a reference
- table_name – required parameter for training of single table, an arbitrary string to name the directories
- epochs – a number of training epochs. Since the early stopping mechanism is implemented the bigger value of epochs is the better
- row_limit – a number of rows to train over. A number less than the original table length will randomly subset the specified number of rows
- drop_null – whether to drop rows with at least one missing value
- batch_size – if specified, the training is split into batches. This can save the RAM
- print_report - whether to generate accuracy and sampling reports. Please note that the sampling report is generated only if the
parameter is set. - metadata_path – a path to the metadata file containing the metadata
- column_types - might include the section categorical which contains the listed columns defined as categorical by a user
Requirements for parameters of training process:
- source - data type - string
- table_name - data type - string
- epochs - data type - integer, must be equal to or more than 1, default value is 10
- row_limit - data type - integer
- drop_null - data type - boolean, default value - False
- batch_size - data type - integer, must be equal to or more than 1, default value - 32
- print_report - data type - boolean, default value is False
- metadata_path - data type - string
- column_types - data type - dictionary with the key categorical - the list of columns (data type - string)
Inference (generation)
You can customize the inference processes by calling for one table:
infer --size INT \
--table_name STR \
--run_parallel BOOL \
--batch_size INT \
--random_seed INT \
--print_report BOOL
To generate one or more tables using a metadata file, you can use the following command:
infer --metadata_path PATH_TO_METADATA
The parameters which you can set up for generation process:
- size - the desired number of rows to generate
- table_name – required parameter for inference of single table, the name of the table, same as in training
- run_parallel – whether to use multiprocessing (feasible for tables > 5000 rows)
- batch_size – if specified, the generation is split into batches. This can save the RAM
- random_seed – if specified, generates a reproducible result
- print_report – whether to generate accuracy and sampling reports. Please note that the sampling report is generated only if the row_limit parameter is set.
- metadata_path – a path to metadata file
Requirements for parameters of generation process:
- size - data type - integer, must be equal to or more than 1, default value is 100
- table_name - data type - string
- run_parallel - data type - boolean, default value is False
- batch_size - data type - integer, must be equal to or more than 1
- random_seed - data type - integer, must be equal to or more than 0
- print_report - data type - boolean, default value is False
- metadata_path - data type - string
The metadata can contain any of the arguments above for each table. If so, the duplicated arguments from the CLI will be ignored.
Note: If you want to set the logging level, you can use the parameter log_level in the CLI call:
train --source STR --table_name STR --log_level STR
train --metadata_path STR --log_level STR
infer --size INT --table_name STR --log_level STR
infer --metadata_path STR --log_level STR
where log_level might be one of the following values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
Linked tables generation
To generate one or more tables, you might provide metadata in yaml format. By providing information about the relationships between tables via metadata, it becomes possible to manage complex relationships across any number of tables. You can also specify additional parameters needed for training and inference in the metadata file and in this case, they will be ignored in the CLI call.
Note: By using metadata file, you can also generate tables with absent relationships. In this case, the tables will be generated independently.
The yaml metadata file should match the following template:
global: # Global settings. Optional parameter. In this section you can specify training and inference settings which will be set for all tables
train_settings: # Settings for training process. Optional parameter
epochs: 10 # Number of epochs if different from the default in the command line options. Optional parameter
drop_null: False # Drop rows with NULL values. Optional parameter
row_limit: null # Number of rows to train over. A number less than the original table length will randomly subset the specified rows number. Optional parameter
batch_size: 32 # If specified, the training is split into batches. This can save the RAM. Optional parameter
print_report: False # Turn on or turn off generation of the report. Optional parameter
infer_settings: # Settings for infer process. Optional parameter
size: 100 # Size for generated data. Optional parameter
run_parallel: False # Turn on or turn off parallel training process. Optional parameter
print_report: False # Turn on or turn off generation of the report. Optional parameter
batch_size: null # If specified, the generation is split into batches. This can save the RAM. Optional parameter
random_seed: null # If specified, generates a reproducible result. Optional parameter
get_infer_metrics: False # Whether to fetch metrics for the inference process. If the parameter 'print_report' is set to True, the 'get_infer_metrics' parameter will be ignored and metrics will be fetched anyway. Optional parameter
CUSTOMER: # Table name. Required parameter
train_settings: # Settings for training process. Required parameter
source: "./files/customer.csv" # The path to the original data. Supported formats include local files in '.csv', '.avro' formats. Required parameter
epochs: 10 # Number of epochs if different from the default in the command line options. Optional parameter
drop_null: False # Drop rows with NULL values. Optional parameter
row_limit: null # Number of rows to train over. A number less than the original table length will randomly subset the specified rows number. Optional parameter
batch_size: 32 # If specified, the training is split into batches. This can save the RAM. Optional parameter
print_report: False # Turn on or turn off generation of the report. Optional parameter
categorical: # Force listed columns to have categorical type (use dictionary of values). Optional parameter
- gender
- marital_status
format: # Settings for reading and writing data in '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt', '.xls', '.xlsx' format. Optional parameter
sep: ',' # Delimiter to use. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
quotechar: '"' # The character used to denote the start and end of a quoted item. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
quoting: minimal # Control field quoting behavior per constants - ["all", "minimal", "non-numeric", "none"]. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
escapechar: '"' # One-character string used to escape other characters. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
encoding: null # A string representing the encoding to use in the output file. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
header: infer # Row number(s) to use as the column names, and the start of the data. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
skiprows: null # Line numbers to skip (0-indexed) or number of lines to skip (int) at the start of the file. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
on_bad_lines: error # Specifies what to do upon encountering a bad line (a line with too many fields) - ["error", "warn", "skip"]. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
engine: null # Parser engine to use - ["c", "python"]. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
na_values: null # Additional strings to recognize as NA/NaN. The first value of the array will be used to replace NA/NaN values. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.csv', '.psv', '.tsv', '.txt' formats
sheet_name: 0 # Name of the sheet in the Excel file. Optional parameter. Applicable for '.xls', '.xlsx' formats
infer_settings: # Settings for infer process. Optional parameter
destination: "./files/generated_data_customer.csv" # The path where the generated data will be stored. If the information about 'destination' isn't specified, by default the synthetic data will be stored locally in '.csv'. Supported formats include local files in '.csv', '.avro' formats. Optional parameter
size: 100 # Size for generated data. Optional parameter
run_parallel: False # Turn on or turn off parallel training process. Optional parameter
print_report: False # Turn on or turn off generation of the report. Optional parameter
batch_size: null # If specified, the generation is split into batches. This can save the RAM. Optional parameter
random_seed: null # If specified, generates a reproducible result. Optional parameter
get_infer_metrics: False # Whether to fetch metrics for the inference process. If the parameter 'print_report' is set to True, the 'get_infer_metrics' parameter will be ignored and metrics will be fetched anyway. Optional parameter
keys: # Keys of the table. Optional parameter
PK_CUSTOMER_ID: # Name of a key. Only one PK per table.
type: "PK" # The key type. Supported: PK - primary key, FK - foreign key, TKN - token key
columns: # Array of column names
- customer_id
UQ1: # Name of a key
type: "UQ" # One or many unique keys
- e_mail
FK1: # One or many foreign keys
type: "FK"
columns: # Array of columns in the current table
- e_mail
- alias
table: "PROFILE" # Name of the parent table
columns: # Array of columns in the parent table
- e_mail
- alias
type: "FK"
- address_id
table: "ADDRESS"
- address_id
ORDER: # Table name. Required parameter
train_settings: # Settings for training process. Required parameter
source: "./files/order.csv" # The path to the original data. Supported formats include local files in 'csv', '.avro' formats. Required parameter
epochs: 10 # Number of epochs if different from the default in the command line options. Optional parameter
drop_null: False # Drop rows with NULL values. Optional parameter
row_limit: null # Number of rows to train over. A number less than the original table length will randomly subset the specified rows number. Optional parameter
batch_size: 32 # If specified, the training is split into batches. This can save the RAM. Optional parameter
print_report: False # Turn on or turn off generation of the report. Optional parameter
categorical: # Force listed columns to have categorical type (use dictionary of values). Optional parameter
- gender
- marital_status
infer_settings: # Settings for infer process. Optional parameter
destination: "./files/generated_data_order.csv" # The path where the generated data will be stored. If the information about 'destination' isn't specified, by default the synthetic data will be stored locally in '.csv'. Supported formats include local files in 'csv', '.avro' formats. Required parameter
size: 100 # Size for generated data. Optional parameter
run_parallel: False # Turn on or turn off parallel training process. Optional parameter
print_report: False # Turn on or turn off generation of the report. Optional parameter
batch_size: null # If specified, the generation is split into batches. This can save the RAM. Optional parameter
random_seed: null # If specified, generates a reproducible result. Optional parameter
get_infer_metrics: False # Whether to fetch metrics for the inference process. If the parameter 'print_report' is set to True, the 'get_infer_metrics' parameter will be ignored and metrics will be fetched anyway. Optional parameter
format: # Settings for reading and writing data in 'csv' format. Optional parameter
sep: ',' # Delimiter to use. Optional parameter
quotechar: '"' # The character used to denote the start and end of a quoted item. Optional parameter
quoting: minimal # Control field quoting behavior per constants - ["all", "minimal", "non-numeric", "none"]. Optional parameter
escapechar: '"' # One-character string used to escape other characters. Optional parameter
encoding: null # A string representing the encoding to use in the output file. Optional parameter
header: infer # Row number(s) to use as the column names, and the start of the data. Optional parameter
skiprows: null # Line numbers to skip (0-indexed) or number of lines to skip (int) at the start of the file. Optional parameter
on_bad_lines: error # Specifies what to do upon encountering a bad line (a line with too many fields) - ["error", "warn", "skip"]. Optional parameter
engine: null # Parser engine to use - ["c", "python"]. Optional parameter
sheet_name: 0 # Name of the sheet in the Excel file. Optional parameter
keys: # Keys of the table. Optional parameter
type: "PK"
- order_id
type: "FK"
- customer_id
table: "CUSTOMER"
- customer_id
- In the section "global" you can specify training and inference settings for all tables. If the same settings are specified for a specific table, they will override the global settings
- If the information about "destination" isn't specified in "infer_settings", by default the synthetic data will be stored locally in ".csv" format
You can find the example of metadata file in examples/example-metadata/housing_metadata.yaml
By providing the necessary information through a metadata file, you can initiate training and inference processes using the following commands:
train --metadata_path=PATH_TO_YAML_METADATA_FILE
infer --metadata_path=PATH_TO_YAML_METADATA_FILE
Here is a quick example:
train --metadata_path="./examples/example-metadata/housing_metadata.yaml"
infer --metadata_path="./examples/example-metadata/housing_metadata.yaml"
If --metadata_path
is present and the metadata contains the necessary parameters, other CLI parameters will be ignored.
Docker images
The train and inference components of syngen is available as public docker image:
To run dockerized code (see parameters description in Training and Inference sections) for one table call:
docker pull tdspora/syngen
docker run --rm \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER:/src/model_artifacts tdspora/syngen \
--task=train \
--table_name=TABLE_NAME \
docker run --rm \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER:/src/model_artifacts tdspora/syngen \
--task=infer \
PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER is an absolute path to the folder where your original csv is stored.
You can add any arguments listed in the corresponding sections for infer and training processes in the CLI call.
To run dockerized code by providing the metadata file simply call:
docker pull tdspora/syngen
docker run --rm \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER:/src/model_artifacts tdspora/syngen \
--task=train \
docker run --rm \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER:/src/model_artifacts tdspora/syngen \
--task=infer \
You can add any arguments listed in the corresponding sections for infer and training processes in the CLI call, however, they will be overwritten by corresponding arguments in the metadata file.
UI web interface
You can access the streamlit UI web interface by running the following command after installing the library with the UI option:
pip install syngen[ui]
then create a python file and insert the code provided below into it:
from syngen import streamlit_app
run the python file:
You also can access the streamlit UI web interface by launching the container with the following command:
docker pull tdspora/syngen
docker run -p 8501:8501 tdspora/syngen --webui
The UI will be available at http://localhost:8501.
MLflow monitoring
environment variable to the desired MLflow tracking server, for instance:
http://localhost:5000/. You can also set the MLFLOW_ARTIFACTS_DESTINATION
environment variable to your preferred path
(including the cloud path), where the artifacts should be stored. Additionally, set the MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_NAME
environment variable to the name you prefer for the experiment.
To get the system metrics, please set the MLFLOW_ENABLE_SYSTEM_METRICS_LOGGING
environment variable to true
By default, the metrics are logged every 10 seconds, but the interval may be changed by setting the environment variable
(for more detailed description look here)
When using Docker, ensure the environmental variables are set before running the container.
The provided environmental variables allow to track the training process, and the inference process, and store the artifacts in the desired location. You can access the MLflow UI by navigating to the provided URL in your browser. If you store artifacts in remote storage, ensure that all necessary credentials are provided before using Mlflow.
docker pull tdspora/syngen:latest
docker run --rm -it \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-e MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI='http://localhost:5000' \
-v PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER:/src/model_artifacts tdspora/syngen \
docker run --rm -it \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-e MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI='http://localhost:5000' \
-v PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER:/src/model_artifacts tdspora/syngen \
Syngen Installation Guide for MacOS ARM (M1/M2) with Python 3.10 or 3.11
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
- Python 3.10 or 3.11
- Homebrew (optional but recommended for managing dependencies)
Installation Steps
Upgrade pip: Ensure you have the latest version of
.pip install --upgrade pip
Install Setuptools, Wheel, and Cython: These packages are necessary for building and installing other dependencies.
pip install setuptools wheel 'Cython<3'
Install Fastavro: Install a specific version of
to avoid build issues.pip install --no-build-isolation fastavro==1.5.1
Install Syngen: Now, you can install the Syngen package.
pip install syngen
Install TensorFlow Metal: This package leverages the GPU capabilities of M1/M2 chips for TensorFlow.
pip install tensorflow-metal
From source (development)
Download repository from GitHub by cloning or zip file. Then install it in editable mode.
pip install -e .
Additional Information
Homebrew: If you do not have Homebrew installed, you can install it by running:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Python 3.10: Ensure you have Python 3.10 installed. You can use pyenv to manage different Python versions:
brew install pyenv pyenv install 3.10.0 pyenv global 3.10.0
Python 3.11: Ensure you have Python 3.11 installed. You can use pyenv to manage different Python versions:
brew install pyenv pyenv install 3.11.0 pyenv global 3.11.0
Verifying Installation
To verify the installation, run the following command to check if Syngen is installed correctly:
python -c "import syngen; print(syngen.__version__)"
If the command prints the version of Syngen without errors, the installation was successful.
If you encounter any issues during installation, consider the following steps:
- Ensure all dependencies are up-to-date.
- Check for any compatibility issues with other installed packages.
- Consult the Syngen documentation or raise an issue on GitHub.
We welcome contributions from the community to help us improve and maintain our public GitHub repository. We appreciate any feedback, bug reports, or feature requests, and we encourage developers to submit fixes or new features using issues.
If you have found a bug or have a feature request, please submit an issue to our GitHub repository. Please provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue or a clear description of the feature request. Our team will review the issue and work with you to address any problems or discuss any potential new features.
If you would like to contribute a fix or a new feature, please submit a pull request to our GitHub repository. Please make sure your code follows our coding standards and best practices. Our team will review your pull request and work with you to ensure that it meets our standards and is ready for inclusion in our codebase.
We appreciate your contributions, and thank you for your interest in helping us maintain and improve our public GitHub repository.
Project details
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Source Distribution
Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file syngen_databricks-0.9.47.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: syngen_databricks-0.9.47.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 1.9 MB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.7
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | c995433fca20f3b710f1bcc66318d9d4e80b1b261c0cd6677a39e7acaaa4fd9b |
MD5 | 4352910917e84ac420a57ebe99e36a74 |
BLAKE2b-256 | c5841d1e224a6b8ca87185c409489effa83e5d8637bb4952df0181c6cd177dc0 |
File details
Details for the file syngen_databricks-0.9.47-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: syngen_databricks-0.9.47-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 1.9 MB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.7
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 28b3fa62f5b74235f71357f8f7d8c53944aab7aa6c229955d800a2a50a208d79 |
MD5 | d491664cfca1e95401b41951ff1dba19 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 95eefb777bfb82248b4c86f613b9ce51b7faaefc4f9f7cb1a48db670dbddce83 |