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A library to develop scalable production rule systems

Project description

syntreenet is a Python library to develop production rule systems with match cost logarithmic in the size of the knowledge base (rules + facts in working memory).

It is licensed under the GPLv3 and can be found at pypi.

Note that this is intended as a showcase implementation of the underlying algorithm, only to be used in a researcher frame of mind.

Basic concepts and terminology

Production system

Here I talk about rule production systems, with the kind of functionality offered by e.g. CLIPS or Jess, i.e., the kind provided by the RETE algorithm and derivatives (among which this present work might be placed).


The terminology I will use here is probably not the most common, but I hope it is not uncommon enough to be original. I will speak of rules where others speak of productions; rules that can have any number of conditions and consecuences (consecuences rather than actions, to stress the fact that the only actions implemented are assertions), and which can contain universally quantified logical variables, scoped to the rules in which they appear.

Facts and Syntagms

I will call facts to what some people call WMEs (working memory elements).

With syntreenet, the grammar for the facts (and thus for the conditions and consecuences) has to be plugged in. The tools to define grammars offered by the library are custom, in that they do not adhere to any standard or convention, and are fairly free. Basically any grammar whose productions (facts) can be represented as trees can be plugged in (but see the next paragraph for a clarification). These grammars are provided in the form of facts and syntagms - which are defined in whatever ad-hoc manner. The only basic requirements for syntagms is that they must be able to tell whether they represent a logical variable or not, and that each must have a unique string representation.

Since a fact can always be represented as a tree, it means that it can also be represented as a set of tuples, each tuple being the path from the root to a leaf in the tree; and we can use these tuples to identify each syntactic component of the fact, and use the set to reconstruct the fact. So if the sentences that the grammar produces can be provided with 2 functions that are inverse, one that takes any fact and results in a set of tuples of syntagms, and one that takes a set of tuples of syntagms and returns the corresponding fact (or warns about the set not corresponding to any well formed fact), this grammar can be plugged in to syntreenet. This allows us to abstract away the library from grammatical concerns. “Whatever your grammar is, provide me your productions as sets of hashable tuples of syntagms; now I can use those to make hash tables of nodes”. Or, for short, “give me your paths, and I’ll use them in my hash tables”.

I want to stress this: syntreenet knows nothing about syntax. Facts are a black box with whatever internal structure that is appropriate for their universe of discourse. syntreenet never composes a fact. syntreenet only knows about ordered sets of tuples of hashable objects. It can take any (completely opaque) thing as long as it has methods get_paths and from_paths, and it tries to understand nothing about the sequences of syntagms in the paths, other than that they can contain variables, with which it plays.


A final conceptual element is that in syntreenet facts and rules are, both in the way they are represented in the network, and in the sense of their typical numbers, very similar, and so we use the term sentence to refer to both facts and rules. A knowedge base is, then, a set of sentences, to which we can add new sentences, or query for facts.

It must be noted that adding new rules after the knowledge base already contains facts is not implemented, though it would be trivial. Just query the fact set with the conditions and add the consecuences as facts with variables substituted according to the assignments in the answers. The complexity woud not be good, though, since we would have to intersect the answers to the different conditions.

Installation and usage

This is not even alpha software; this is a proof of concept, meant to showcase the proposed algorithms and data structures, and written for clarity and conciseness rather than performance or any other concern (though, of course, the algorithm itself has been devised with performance in mind).

It may be useful for research or for toy projects, but is not meant to be used in production in any way.

To install it use pip. syntreenet has no dependencies outside Python’s standard library. It is a very small package (~750loc according to SLOCCount) moderately documented in the sources, just import from it. The next section includes an example usage.

$ pip install syntreenet
$ python
>>> import syntreenet

An example usage

I will continue here with an example of using the software, to give a practical view of what is this about.


As said, the grammar is pluggable; for the example here I will use a very simple grammar, defined in syntreenet.babel.ont, which allows us to produce classifications of things: finite domain first order set theories with set inclusion forming a DAG. So for example we will be able to have a knowledge base where we say that we have a set of things, a set of animals subset of the set of things, etc.; and, if we tell the system that “my dog toby” belongs to the set of animals, and we ask it whether “my dog toby” belongs to the set of things, it should answer yes.

In this grammar, we have facts that are triples of words, and words that can be of 2 kinds: predicates and atoms. We have 2 predicates, “belongs to” and “subset of”, and any number of atoms. Each fact is composed of an atom as subject, a predicate as verb, and a second atom as object. For example, we may have as facts:

animal subset of thing.
primate subset of animal.
human subset of primate.
susan belongs to human.

To impose a finite domain set theory on this grammar, we can add rules:

X1 belongs to X2;
X2 subset of X3
X1 belongs to X3.

X1 subset of X2;
X2 subset of X3
X1 subset of X3.

(I don’t mean to be enforcing a DAG with these rules, I’m just offering a simple example).

With these rules and the previous facts, we would also have that “human subset of thing” and that “susan belongs to animal”, etc.


So, this is how we’d do it with syntreenet, using the grammar file provided in syntreenet.babel.ont (and shortening “belongs to” to isa, and “subset of” to is_):

from syntreenet.ruleset import Rule, KnowledgeBase
from syntreenet.babel.ont import Word, F, isa, is_

kb = KnowledgeBase()

X1 = Word('X1', var=True)
X2 = Word('X2', var=True)
X3 = Word('X3', var=True)

condition1 = F(X1, isa, X2)
condition2 = F(X2, is_, X3)
consecuence1 = F(X1, isa, X3)

rule1 = Rule((condition1, condition2), (consecuence1,))

condition3 = F(X1, is_, X2)
consecuence2 = F(X1, is_, X3)

rule2 = Rule((condition3, condition2), (consecuence2,))


thing = Word('thing')
animal = Word('animal')
mammal = Word('mammal')
primate = Word('primate')
human = Word('human')
susan = Word('susan')

kb.tell(F(animal, is_, thing))
kb.tell(F(mammal, is_, animal))
kb.tell(F(primate, is_, mammal))
kb.tell(F(human, is_, primate))

kb.tell(F(susan, isa, human))

kb.ask(F(susan, isa, thing))

The output of the last expression should be True.

The logs produced by running the above code are:

adding rule "X1 isa X2; X2 is X3 -> X1 isa X3"
adding rule "X1 is X2; X2 is X3 -> X1 is X3"
adding fact "animal is thing"
adding rule "X1 isa animal -> X1 isa thing"
adding rule "thing is X3 -> animal is X3"
adding rule "X1 is animal -> X1 is thing"
adding fact "mammal is animal"
adding rule "X1 isa mammal -> X1 isa animal"
adding rule "animal is X3 -> mammal is X3"
adding rule "X1 is mammal -> X1 is animal"
adding fact "mammal is thing"
adding rule "X1 isa mammal -> X1 isa thing"
adding rule "thing is X3 -> mammal is X3"
adding rule "X1 is mammal -> X1 is thing"
adding fact "primate is mammal"
adding rule "X1 isa primate -> X1 isa mammal"
adding rule "mammal is X3 -> primate is X3"
adding rule "X1 is primate -> X1 is mammal"
adding fact "primate is animal"
adding fact "primate is thing"
adding rule "X1 isa primate -> X1 isa animal"
adding rule "animal is X3 -> primate is X3"
adding rule "X1 is primate -> X1 is animal"
adding rule "X1 isa primate -> X1 isa thing"
adding rule "thing is X3 -> primate is X3"
adding rule "X1 is primate -> X1 is thing"
adding fact "human is primate"
adding rule "X1 isa human -> X1 isa primate"
adding rule "primate is X3 -> human is X3"
adding rule "X1 is human -> X1 is primate"
adding fact "human is mammal"
adding fact "human is animal"
adding fact "human is thing"
adding rule "X1 isa human -> X1 isa mammal"
adding rule "mammal is X3 -> human is X3"
adding rule "X1 is human -> X1 is mammal"
adding rule "X1 isa human -> X1 isa animal"
adding rule "animal is X3 -> human is X3"
adding rule "X1 is human -> X1 is animal"
adding rule "X1 isa human -> X1 isa thing"
adding rule "thing is X3 -> human is X3"
adding rule "X1 is human -> X1 is thing"
adding fact "susan isa human"
adding rule "human is X3 -> susan isa X3"
adding fact "susan isa primate"
adding fact "susan isa mammal"
adding fact "susan isa animal"
adding fact "susan isa thing"
adding rule "primate is X3 -> susan isa X3"
adding rule "mammal is X3 -> susan isa X3"
adding rule "animal is X3 -> susan isa X3"
adding rule "thing is X3 -> susan isa X3"

Algorithmic analysis

In his Thesis, “Production Matching for Large Learning Systems” (1995), Robert B. Doorenbos says that:

Our analysis asks under what circumstances efficient matching can be guaranteed. By “efficient” we mean the match cost should be (1) polynomial in W, the number of WMEs in working memory; (2) polynomial in C, the number of conditions per production; and (3) sublinear in P, the number of productions.

Here I claim to have a match cost logarithmic in W, linear in C, and logarithmic in P under all circumstances, so it is a stretch. I will try to justify this claim, first, in the following few paragraphs, with an abstract explanation of the structures and algorithms involved, and second, in the code, with a detailed line by (relevant) line analysis of the different code paths. Since the full library is just around 650 loc, this detailed analysis is not hard to follow. This claim is also tentatively supported by some experimental evidence, which I’ll provide further below.

A bird’s view

There are 2 tree structures involved in this algorithm: one in which each leaf represents a condition in some rule(s) (the rules tree), and one in which each leaf represents a fact (the facts tree). In both trees each node has exactly one parent and any number of children, arranged in a hash table.

The rules tree is searched every time a new rule or a new fact is added to the knowledge base, and the facts tree is searched whenever a new fact is added or whenever a query is made. All the steps in all of the searches -all choices of a branch in an (n-ary) fork- are made by consulting hash tables. This means that, theoretically, the time complexity of these operations (adding rules and facts, or querying the facts) is at worst logarithmic with respect to the number of leafs - it would be logarithmic if all leafs were provided in a single hash table.

The trick is to turn the tests that lead the descent through the branches to the leaves into consultations to hash tables; and at the same time to keep some internal structure to the hashable objects used for the tests so that we can play with logical variables within said tests.

As regards the spatial complexity, it can be better, and in this respect this is just a proof of concept: we are dealing here with many fat Python lists (which allow random access but we only access sequentially) and dictionaries. 5 million facts + rules were taking about 3 GB in my laptop, and took about 160s to process.

Specific procedures

Adding a rule to the rules tree

We process each condition sequentially. Each condition will correspond to a leaf in the rules tree, that may or may not already exist. So the rule tree is searched for the condition. If not found, from the node that is furthest from the root and corresponds to (part of) the condition, we add the missing nodes to reach the desired leaf. In the leaf we will reference the needed information to produce activations when the condition is matched by a fact, basically the rule it belogs to (so each leaf will have a set of rules, all of which have the corresponding condition).

An analysis of the code path for this can be found in the syntreenet.ruleset module, in comments marked with “AA AR”

Checking a fact in the rules tree

Whenever a new fact is added to the kb it is checked with the rules tree to see whether it entails any consecuences. We use the paths corresponding to the fact to descend through the nodes in the tree. Whenever a matched node has children that are varibles, there will be an assignment of the variables in the condition to syntagms in the fact, and the nodes will be descended - unconditinally. Unless, of course, the variable is repeated, in which case it will be constrained.

An analysis of the code path for this can be found in the syntreenet.ruleset module, in comments marked with “AA FR”

Adding a fact to the facts tree

This follows the same steps as adding a condition to the rule tree. However, whereas conditions can contain variables, facts cannot, and since variables are reflected in the structure of the tree, the facts tree is simpler, and adding a new fact also so.

An analysis of the code path for this can be found in the syntreenet.factset module, in comments marked with “AA AF”

Querying the facts tree

We query the facts tree with facts that can contain variables, similar to conditions in rules. If there are no variables, there is just one possible leaf as target, and we descend through the tree choosing each child node from a hash table, using the paths provided by the fact as keys. If there are variables, they will match all the children of the corresponding parent node, so the cost of a query will be linear wrt the number of answers it will find.

An analysis of the code path for this can be found in the syntreenet.factset module, in comments marked with “AA QF”

Adding a fact to the system

When we add a fact to the system (in the form of an activation), it is first queried from the fact set. If there is a match, the operation is aborted. Then it is checked with the rule set. For each of the conditions that match, an activation is produced and stored to be processed later. Finally, it is added to the fact set.

Adding a sentence to the system

When a rule is added to the system, it is simply added to the rules tree. When a fact is added, it is made into an activation, and processing of activations starts; and processing of the fact can result in new activations, which will be processed sequentially (this provides a linear dependence on the amount of consecuences that any given fact will have, which has a very weak dependence on the size of the kb, and a dominant one on the shape of the logic being processed.)

Processing an activation produced by a fact matching a condition

If a fact matches a condition, there will be an assignment of variables in the condition to syntagms in the fact. If the condition is the only one the rule has, its consecuences will be added as activations, with any variables in them replaced according to the assignment; all variables must be taken care of in the assignment, i.e., any variable in the consecuences must happen in the conditions. If the rule has more conditions, we create a new rule copy of it, with one condition less (the matched one), substituting the variables in the assignment in all remaining conditions and consecuences (in this case there may be remaining variables - not all conditions must contain all variables), and add it to the rule tree.

Experimental results

I have run a few very limited experiments with the benchmarking scripts in the syntreenet.scripts subpackage, which test both CLIPS and syntreenet with the animal ontology sketched above and adds a number of facts with the form “animal234 isa animal”, “mammal21 isa mammal”, etc. A few notes about these experiments:

  • I have not extracted any statistics for lack of data points; these results are not meant as evidence, but as suggestive.

  • I have just tested a very simple logic, more complex ontologies would be needed.

  • We are pitching a very optimized and tested C program against a proof of concept in 750 lines of Python. And it shows, the basal performance of CLIPS is more than an order of magnitude higher. But we are only interested here in the degradation of performance wrt the size of the kb.

  • We are also hitting here a sweet spot for CLIPS, with just 2 rules and just 2 conditions in each. Due to the different architecture, syntreenet does not share this sweet spot (it should perform the same with many more rules, since in fact in all the tests it ends up with 1000…s of rules).

  • To perform more extensive and conclusive tests I would need more hardware - and more time. Also ideally a proper implementation of the algorithm (again, time) in a more appropriate language - I am considering either Haskell or Rust for a canonical implementation (if this finally happens to be worth), I guess that Haskell would be more fun, but Rust more performant?

I have run the benchmarks adding 1_000, 5_000, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000, 500_000, and 1_000_000 facts, each of which has a mean of about 10 consecuences, and I have calculated the mean of 6 runs for each point, which is what is plotted below. Very clearly the results are not conclusive, however, a trend can be seen, where there is a steady increase in the cost of adding a new fact for CLIPS, and a leveling out of the cost for syntreenet.

img/clips.png img/syntreenet.png

Once I have more meaningful numbers I’ll post them here. My next objective in this sense is to develop a more complex grammar for syntreenet.


I will explain how to reproduce my tests assuming the system python and using sudo; if you are a Python expert and you can use some other environment you know how to do so. There is a little technical complication here, which is that syntreenet needs Python 3, but PyCLIPS, the python bindings for CLIPS that I use for the benchmark, needs Python 2. So both benchmarks need to be run in different environments. I’ll start with a Python 3 environment for syntreenet:

$ sudo pip install syntreenet
$ python -m syntreenet.scripts.benchmark_ont -n 100000

This would add 100.000 facts to the kb.

Now if you want to run the CLIPS benchmark, the package will not install in a Python 2 env, so you have to use the sources; the CLIPS benchmark is a self contained python 2 module, to be executed with PyCLIPS in the PYTHONPATH.

$ sudo pip install PyCLIPS
$ git clone
$ cd syntreenet
$ python src/scripts/ -n 100000 -b 1

Providing grammars

The elements to build grammars are basically 2 Python classes that have to be extended, syntreenet.core.Fact and syntreenet.core.Syntagm. Each syntagm must have a unique string representation, must be hashable, and must be capable of saying whether it is a variable or not. Syntagms can have any internal structure as wanted, and can be combined in any way to form facts.

So the main requirement for extensions of Syntagm is that they provide __str__, __hash__, a boolean method is_var(), and a classmethod new_var(seed), that returns a syntagm that is a variable that incorporates the seed somehow, apparent in its string representation.

Additionally, they can provide a boolean static method can_follow(path1, path2) which should tell whether the syntactic element represented by path1 can be immediately to the right of the syntactic element represented by path2 in a fact. So the paths that correspond to some grammar should carry that information about said grammar. This is anyway implied by the fact that it must be possible to reconstruct a fact from a set (unordered) of paths.

This can_follow method is optional. The default implementation always returns True. This means that we will build trees of facts and rules where there will be many leafs that do not correspond to any well formed fact or condition. There will be waste of space and cycles, but nothing will break.

Extensions of Fact must implement a get_paths() method that returns a representation of the fact as a set of tuples of syntagms, and a classmethod from_paths() inverse of the previous:

x.__class__.from_paths(x.get_paths()) == x

It must be noted that although logically a set of tuples should be enough, in practice it is much more efficient if get_paths returns the paths with an order that corresponds to the order of the corresponding syntactic elements in the (linearized) fact, from left to right. At this moment the implementation relies on that. In fact I think it is the correct thing to do: that linearization of the tree is part of the structure of the facts that can leak to syntreenet, since it is universal (or at least we can make it a requirement without loosing anything).


Copyright (c) 2019 by Enrique Pérez Arnaud <>

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syntreenet-0.1.0a9.tar.gz (21.4 kB view hashes)

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syntreenet-0.1.0a9-py3-none-any.whl (27.1 kB view hashes)

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